The women who work at the Lion Apparel factory in
Beattyville, Ky., work long, grueling days for minimum wage. All
day they breathe fumes from formaldehyde, a suspected carcinogen.
In the winter, they freeze; in the southern summers, they swelter
for want of air conditioning. In the past 12 years, their
employer has been cited 32 times for health and safety
     But keeping workers in sweatshop conditions helps Lion keep
prices low for its biggest customer: the U.S. Department of
     According to accounts from workers, the Lion plant and
others that make uniforms for the U.S. military fall squarely
within the legal definition of sweatshops: wages that don't meet
workers' basic needs, uncomfortable and dangerous working
conditions, and intimidation when workers try to unionize. (Lion
denies all these charges.) But you won't hear the Pentagon
complaining. unlike some other high-profile retailers, led by
Kathie Lee Gifford, the Defense Department has never signed onto
the Clinton administration's Workplace Code of Conduct. In fact,
it aggressively works to keep costs as low as possible, and
workers end up paying the price.
     The Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees
tried to organize Lion workers in 1997. The drive failed, the
union says, because of management's unyielding opposition --
including, some workers say, dark threats of plant closures.
     Uniforms for America's military are made in some of the
country's poorest communities: rural Appalachia, small towns in
the Deep South. The economic boom has had little impact here, and
workers are still dependent on a precious few employers. And
instead of trying to help them out of poverty, the government
saves money by exploiting their labor.
     Note: Lion Apparel challenged Mother Jones and demanded a
retraction of this story. Mother Jones refused, but it did make
two changes in its report.

     Mark Boal,
     "An American Sweatshop," Mother Jones, May/June 1999.
     For more information go to


     The Turkish government's campaign of repression against
ethnic Kurds has lasted since the Turkish Republic was founded in
1923. Fifteen years ago, though, the civil war escalated --
thanks to generous donations of weaponry from the United States.
     Since 1980 the United States has sold or given Turkey
weapons to the tune of $15 billion -- including Cobra
helicopters, armored personnel carriers, and F-16 fighter
bombers. American soldiers have been sent to Turkey to train
commando forces there. An estimated 75 percent of the Turkish
army's arsenal is marked "Made in the U.S.A."
     This weaponry has gone to quell the nationalist movement
among the Kurds -- at 25 million, the largest ethnic group in the
world without its own state.
     The Turkish civil war represents the single largest use of
U.S. weapons by non-U.S. forces anywhere in the world. In the
past 15 years nearly 40,000 lives have been lost -- more than in
the West Bank and in Northern Ireland combined. More than 3,000
villages have been leveled, burned, or evacuated since 1990; some
were simply destroyed from above by American-made bombers. Two
million Kurds have lost their homes.
     All this in an effort by Turkey's military government to
crack down on the Marxist-led Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK. In
a tactic borrowed from the U.S. army in Vietnam, Turkish soldiers
habitually force Kurdish civilians into serving as "village
guards."  Villagers who won't participate in the anti-PKK
struggle have been beaten, forced off their land, or worse.
     Readers of the U.S. press have seen stories about the plight
of the Iraqi Kurds -- perhaps because their oppressor, Saddam
Hussein, is an enemy of the United States. But there are four
times as many Kurds in Turkey, also suffering state repression,
and about them we hear nothing. Is that because their tormentors
are our allies, using our weapons?

     Kevin McKeirnan, "Turkey's War on the Kurds," Bulletin of
Atomic Scientists, March/April 1999.
     For more information go to


     The Kosovo conflict was repeatedly cited as the first
victory for the new world order. Liberals abandoned their usual
suspiciousness of military intervention, enchanted by the idea of
the United States as a crusader for human rights worldwide.
Republicans played along, abandoning their typical hawkishness to
argue that U.S. troops should only be used to defend U.S.
     Here's what neither side said aloud: the United States had
some very traditional economic interests in the Balkans, and
Kosovo was about mineral resources every bit as much as the Gulf
     Among the United States' primary foreign policy campaigns is
the struggle over oil fields in the Caspian region, which
includes Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan and contains
trillions of dollars worth of oil. The question on the table: how
to pipe it to U.S. consumers?
     The most direct route goes through Iran. The United States
doesn't like that option, because of its embargo against that
country. But the best alternative would ship the oil across the
Black Sea and through the narrow Bosporus straits, which could
present U.S. ally Turkey with an environmental nightmare and
billions of dollars in lost revenues.
     The obvious solution is a pipeline through the Balkans. And
the best way to ensure that the Balkan states will play ball with
Western energy interests is to bring the whole region under a
NATO protectorate.
     And that's not the only reason Kosovo could be important to
the U.S. economy.
     Most Americans think of Kosovo as a poor mountain region
with few resources. For the most part, the media didn't tell them
any different.
     In fact, Kosovo is home to the Stari Trg mining complex -- a
fully developed $5 billion deposit of lead, zinc, cadmium, gold,
and silver.  The region is also home to 17 billion tons of coal
reserves.  Kosovo's mineral reserves are perhaps the most
valuable resources not yet in the hands of Western capitalists.
The collapse of the Soviet empire put their ownership in doubt.
It will now likely be determined by NATO.
     According to top government sources, U.S. officials at the
Rambouillet peace talks deliberately presented the Serbs with an
ultimatum they couldn't accept: ensuring that NATO would have an
opportunity to begin a bombing campaign.
     The mainstream media uncritically accepted the government's
spin -- that NATO intervened in Kosovo to protect the Albanian
population's right to self-determination. To do so, they rarely
mentioned the region's enormous mineral wealth or strategic
importance -- an omission, as Sara Flounders puts it, "comparable
to describing Kuwait and the oil-rich Gulf states as barren

     Diana Johnstone, http://www.worldwidewamm.org/caspian.html
     "The Role of Caspian Sea Oil in the Balkan Conflict," Women
Against Military Madness, November 1998, and Sonoma County Peace
Press, April/May 1999;
     Sara Flounders,
     "Kosovo: It's about the Mines," Because People Matter,
May/June 1999 (reprinted from Workers World, 7/30/98); Pratap
Chatterjee, "Caspian Pipe Dreams," San Francisco Bay Guardian,
     For more on the war in Kosovo go to
     For more information on the mineral industries go to


     International news coverage has almost vanished from
America's mainstream daily newspapers.
     Well-respected regional papers that once prided themselves
on their foreign coverage are closing bureaus. The Associated
Press continues to send out stories from around the world, but
editors seldom find space to run them. Newspaper readers are
unlikely to learn much about foreign news unless there's a
bombing, a natural disaster, or a financial crisis.
     And without newspapers most Americans have little access to
foreign news.  Broadcast news shows have largely given up.  News
magazines have found that foreign news covers stifle newsstand
sales.  Americans are growing increasingly ignorant of events in
foreign countries -- at a time when the global economy is making
those events ever more relevant to their lives.
     It was not always this way.  In the 1960s --with the cold
war at its height and the Vietnam War, the high-water mark of
foreign correspondence, beginning-- international coverage
dominated the front pages.  But foreign news fell out of favor in
the 1970s, as editors turned to local news and service-oriented
features.  Today stories with exotic datelines typically appear
as one-paragraph "briefs" in a slim "world roundup" section.
     There are exceptions. The top handful of mainstream American
newspapers --the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los
Angeles Times-- continue to operate a raft of foreign bureaus.
And when it comes to international business news, there is more
information available than ever before: the Wall Street Journal
has 100 foreign correspondents; Reuters has some 1,700.
     But the readers of average and even better-than-average
regional daily newspapers won't learn much about the world beyond
the borders of the United States. When it comes to allocating
news space, for most papers, the hierarchy is clear: local news
comes first, with reports from Washington, D.C., and Hollywood
second. The rest of the world is a distant third.

     Peter Arnett, "Goodbye World," American Journalism Review,
November 1998.

     8. Planned weapons in space violate international law

     "Absolutely we're going to fight wars in space," says Gen.
Joseph Ashy, commander in chief of the U.S. Space Command.  "It's
politically sensitive, but it's going to happen."
     "Politically sensitive" may be understating the case.
Deploying weapons of mass destruction in space is specifically
barred by a 1967 United Nations treaty.
     But that treaty hasn't stopped the Pentagon from working
feverishly to install antisatellite weapons, as well as the
recently approved Star Wars ballistic missile defense system.
     The possibility of high-powered weapons in space poses a
problem: how to equip them with a long-lasting and compact source
of power. The obvious answer: nuclear reactors in space. Already,
increasing demand by NASA and the Pentagon for space-based
nuclear power has led the Department of Energy to step up its
nuclear programs and consider reopening shuttered facilities.
     Taking radioactive material on space flights, of course,
endangers pretty much the entire population of the earth. (The
recent nuclear-powered Cassini space probe, for instance, risked
exposing five billion people to radiation from 72.3 pounds of
plutonium.) Fortunately for the U.S. taxpayers, however, a 1991
U.S. law limits the government's liability for nuclear accidents:
$8.9 billion for damage within the United States and a mere $100
million for damage anywhere else in the world.
     In the process of staking its claim to the universe, the
United States runs the risk of antagonizing other countries.
Russia and China have both expressed concern about U.S. plans to
colonize space. Both have called for the U.N. Conference on
Disarmament to form a committee on the "prevention of an arms
race in outer space."  That proposal is being blocked by the
United States.

     Karl Grossman,
     "U.S. Violates World Law to Militarize Space," Earth Island
Journal, Winter/Spring, 1999; Bruce K. Gagnon,
     "Pyramids to the Heavens," Toward Freedom, Sept/Oct, 1999.
     For more information go to


     The skyline along the 100-mile strip between Baton Rouge and
New Orleans is dominated by immense petrochemical plants. Such
giants as Dow, Texaco, Dupont, and Chevron were lured to
southeast Louisiana with generous tax breaks. In return they've
brought very few jobs for local residents -- but that hasn't
stopped them from making their presence felt. The plants release
more than 23 million pounds of toxins into the air each year,
according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
     Residents of the area surrounding the strip, most of them
poor and black, blame that pollution for unusually high rates of
cancer, reproductive problems, and other ailments. They say
they're victims of environmental racism -- the targeting of
minority communities for toxic industries. Nationwide, studies
confirm that blacks are four times more likely to live near toxic
and hazardous waste sites than whites and that government fines
are much higher when companies pollute white communities than
when they pollute black ones.
     One hundred thirty-eight petrochemical companies already
have facilities along the southeast Louisiana strip, known to
residents as Cancer Alley. Another may be on its way. Japanese
company Shintech hopes to build the nation's largest polyvinyl
chloride plant on the border of Convent, a tiny town on the
Mississippi River. The plant would add another 600,000 pounds of
air pollution to the community -- already home to an IMC-Agrico
     If the company gets the go-ahead, it will likely create 165
jobs -- and receive tax breaks to the tune of $130 million in
return. And the experience of Convent and neighboring towns
suggests it will do little to improve the local economy.
     Faced with the threat of yet more toxins, residents of
Convent are saying "enough!"  Locals have already collected 1,000
signatures on a petition aimed at stopping the plant, and
hundreds have turned out to demonstrations. But they face
confirmed industry supporters in local and state government -- as
well as the company, which has plied elected officials with
campaign contributions.
     Resident Jerome Ringo, who is fighting the plant, points out
that many of the plant's potential neighbors are descended from
slaves who worked on sugarcane plantations on the proposed site.
"Much like their ancestors," he says, "these people have nowhere
else to go."

     Ron Nixon, "Toxic Gumbo," Southern Exposure, Summer/Fall
     For more information call Greenpeace's Damu Smith at (202)


     The conflict between ethnic Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo
has lasted more than three centuries -- longer by far than the
sectarian disputes in Northern Ireland and Israel/Palestine. But
NATO, led by the United States, insisted that the dispute be
settled forever in a single "peace negotiation" at Rambouillet.
The U.S. media condemned Serb leader Slobodan Milosevic for
refusing to sign the agreement presented to him there, and never
interrogated NATO's assertion that Milosevic's intransigence left
no alternative to war.
     But how many reporters covering Rambouillet actually read
the agreement proposed there?
     If they had, say scholars of international relations, they
might have wondered: does NATO really expect Serbia to accept
     The Rambouillet agreement, which NATO claimed was aimed at
protecting the ethnic Albanians' self-determination, would in
fact have turned over Kosovo to NATO. Overseers would have had
the power to set law and overrule election results; military
leaders would have had authority to run Kosovo as a dictatorship.
     It's particularly hard to imagine Milosevic -- or the leader
of any other sovereign state -- willingly agreeing to some of the
terms in Appendix B of the Rambouillet document: the assertion
that "NATO personnel shall be immune from any form of arrest,
investigation, or detention by the authorities in the FRY
[Federal Republic of Yugoslavia]" and "shall enjoy ... free and
unrestricted passage and unimpeded access throughout the FRY,
including associated airspace and territorial waters."  NATO
troops were also to be given the power to arrest and detain
anyone they pleased.
     Bear in mind, this wasn't just in Kosovo -- this was in the
whole of the former Yugoslavia, including Serbia.  As Robert
Hayden, director of the Center for Russian and East European
Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, put it, the accords
would have allowed for "the military occupation by NATO of all of
     Were the Rambouillet accords intended to set the stage for a
full-scale occupation of Yugoslavia?  Were they designed to be
unacceptable to Serbian negotiators, thereby providing a pretext
for a bombing campaign?  Was NATO's seeming insistence on total
control --by treaty or by air war-- connected to Kosovo's rich
mineral resources (see number six)?
     The answers to those questions aren't clear -- but the
mainstream media, gulled by NATO posturing and appeals to
"humanitarianism," never even asked them.

     Jason Vest,
     "The Real Rambouillet," Village Voice, May 18, 1999; Seth
Ackerman, http://www.fair.org/extra/9907/kosovo-diplomacy.html,
"Redefining Diplomacy," Extra, July/August 1999; Seth Ackerman,
"What Was the War For?" In These Times, August 8, 1999; Diana
Johnstone, http://www.covertaction.org/yugo1.htm, "Hawks and
Eagles: 'Greater NATO' flies to the Aid of 'Greater Albania,'
Covert Action Quarterly, Spring/Summer 1999; Amy Goodman,
"Democracy Now," Pacifica Radio Network, April 22, 1999.
     For more information go to

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