
>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
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Subject: Life and Libertarians – Beyond Left and Right


                                                  April 3, 2000
Life and Libertarians:
Beyond Left and Right
By Alexander Cockburn
I got an invitation to speak a couple of months ago from an outfit called
antiwar.com, which is run by a young fellow called Justin Raimundo.
"Antiwar.com is having its second annual national conference March 24 & 25, and
we'd like you to be the luncheon speaker," Raimundo wrote. "The conference will
be held at the Villa Hotel, in San Mateo (near the airport). The theme of the
conference is 'Beyond Left & Right: The New Face of the Antiwar Movement.'
We have invited a number of speakers spanning the political spectrum. Confirmed
so far: Patrick J. Buchanan, Tom Fleming (of Chronicles magazine), Justin
Raimondo (Antiwar.com), Kathy Kelly (Iraq Aid), Alan Bock (Orange County
Register), Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), representatives of the Serbian Unity
Congress, and a host of others."
Raimundo seasoned his invite with a burnt offering, in the form of flattery, always
pleasing to the nostrils:
"All of us here at Antiwar.com are big fans of your writing: we met, once, at a
meeting during the Kosovo war where you bravely took up the fight for the united
front left-right alliance against imperialist war. We can promise you a small
honorarium, a lunch, free admission to all conference events -- and a good time."
As a seasoned analyst of such communications, my eye of course fell sadly upon
the words "small honorarium"  ­ a phrase that in my case usually means
somewhere between $l50 and $350. I'd already noted that even though our task
was to transcend the tired categories of left and right, I was the only leftist
mentioned, with the possible exception of Kathy Kelly, from that splendid
organization, Voices in the Wilderness, which campaigns to lift the UN sanctions
on Iraq.
Being a libertarian Justin had boldly added the prospect of a "good time". Leftist
invitations rarely admit this possibility in formal political communications, even
in the distant days when the left supposedly had a lock on drugs and sex.
I said I'd be happy to join in such an enterprise, and in due course got some angry
e-mails from lefties who seem to feel that any contiguity with Buchanan is a
crime, even if the subject was gardening and Dutch tulipomania in the seventeenth
"Dear Alexander Cockburn:
I read with horror that you are speaking at an event (the
Anti-War.com conference) where Pat Buchannan is the keynote speaker. How
could you knowing that PB's policies are what could only be called fascist? I
generally agree with your opinion on imperialism, and supported your view of
Seattle. However speaking at an event which will amongst other things help to
give Mr. Buchanan respectability, is unconscionable. I hope you will reconsider. If
not, we will probably be able to greet each ohter, when you cross our picket line.
Dean Tuckerman
P.S. I am a member of Anti-Racist Action Bay Area."
"Dear Dean, thanks for yr note. So far as
Buchanan is concerned, I assume he was invited because he opposed the war in
Kossovo, and calls for the lifting of sanctions against Iraq. There is a lot that's
funky abt American isolationism, but frankly, I don't mind sharing a conference
schedule with someone who opposes war on Serbs and on Iraqi kids. Nor do I
think B is any more of a fascist
-- in practical terms -- than Albright and Clinton and Gore and Bradley, with the
first three literally with the blood of millions on their hands. Go find Mailer's
interview with Buchanan in Esquire a few years ago. See you on the picket lines.
Best Alex Cockburn"
I pondered what to wear, deciding finally on a t-shirt advertising the Fully
Informed Jury Association, a group upholding the powers of the jury to set aside
the law and rule as the jurors' understanding of the case and their consciences
dictate. FIJA is also anathema to lefties, who equate juries with redneck juries in
the south in the early l960s. It's useless to point out to them that northeastern 
were overturning laws and setting fugitive slaves free long before the Civil War,
or that an all-male jury supported Susan B. Anthony's right to vote, only to be
overruled by the judge. If a judge screws up, lefties don't call for the abolition of
judges. But let one jury come in with an unwelcome verdict, as with Diallo, and
you'll hear mumbles that the jury is  ­ as Michael Lind so memorably put it after
the OJ decision, "a barbaric Viking relic".
At the last minute Barbara said the Villa Hotel is relatively swanky and a T-shirt
might not cut it. I grudgingly switched to white shirt , chose the 67 convertible as
properly defiant of the auto-safety lobby and headed south from Berkeley. Barbara
was right. This was most emphatically a shirt-and-tie, skirt-and-nice-shoes. Justin
Raimundo was draped in the sort of gray pinstripe favored by London gents when
they want a holiday from blue. But all the same the folks were unmistakeably
libertarians, not Democrats or Republicans. Democrats would have been more
casual, Republicans far more assertive. From the podium I gazed out at white
faces, seeing only two black countenances, one of them unmistakeably that of yet
another liberal bete-to-hate, Lenore Fulani.
An excellent crowd! Their amiable hilarity at my sallies reminded me of
Goldsmith's lines in the Deserted Village about the pupils of the country
schoolmaster: "Full well they laughed with counterfeited glee / At all his jokes,
and many a joke had he." (How many people have read the whole of that
wonderful poem, one of the most savage denunciations of free trade ever written?)
And here now, cleaned up a bit, is what I said.
"Hello to you all.
W.H. Auden, poet, wrote a verse once about a rather mysterious character called
Gerald Hamilton who was actually the origin-- if any of you have read Christopher
Isherwood's novels-, Mr Norris Changes Trains. And he wrote a little poem which
said: "So it's you that I now raise my glass to,/ although I haven't the slightest idea
/ what in God's name you're up to,/ or why in God's name you are here".
And I feel a little bit like that looking out on your pleasant faces. I've been on the
left, you know, and I can usually come to an audience and pretty much
characterize it. I could save the FBI a tremendous amount of money. They go to
extraordinary expense bugging people, going out in the hotel parking lot, and
writing down all the license tags. I could say the three old ladies on my left there,
they're all commies, they've been commies for sixty years. The people over there
carrying a copy of The Militant, they're Trotskyists. But when the Feds come up
after this one, I don't know what I'm going to say. I'm going to throw in the towel.
People talk a lot about the need for new thinking, and the need for new ideas. But
mostly on the left, if you actually raise a new idea, it's a bit like arriving at a 
in the year 1348 with spots on your face saying, "Let me in".
I remember some years ago I was in Detroit, a town I like a lot, and an anarchist
friend of mine said there's a terrible event on the weekend called "Gunstock", and
I said, "Oh, that sounds interesting, what's that?" He said, oh, it's people against
the UN, and people who are in favor of guns. I said, "Let's go and look, let's go
and talk to them, and see what's going on". And he said, absolutely not. I said, "I
thought you were an anarchist". So I went to "Gunstock", and of course it was
filled with amiable characters. There was a definite sympathy for guns but not
oppressively so. So I wrote a column in The Nation saying actually there'd always
been the talk of new ideas and I had a new idea that was that our people should go
to gun shows. Nation readers should go to gun shows, carrying copies of The
Nation and converse with people. There was an absolute torrent of outrage. People
didn't think that was a good idea at all.
Before this event I got called by a reporter from the Examiner, and he asked what
I thought about Buchanan, and he said Buchanan had written the speech for Nixon
about going into Cambodia in 1970. Where were you, he asked. And I said, oh, I
was outside the American embassy in London-probably standing next to Bill
Clinton, who may or may not have been reporting to the FBI. He probably was. Or
the CIA.
And the Examiner reporter said, "how would you describe yourself?" And I said
"well, how about radical?" He wasn't totally happy with radical, and I said all
right, left, but then the word "left" can mean anything. There was probably a left to
the Nazi party in 1935, wanting to wipe out only half the Jews.The word left does
not mean much unless it is cashed in real currency, real positions, like being
against war on Serbia, for example. And if you're opposed to that, you really do
start looking around for allies and I have noticed you find them increasingly in
people like yourselves. People who would conventionally be regarded on the
libertarian right or people like Buchanan.
In any intervention there's a moment when the intervening power is trying to
achieve critical mass in its propaganda. The American people, generally, say at
first, 'huh, intervention, no, it doesn't sound like a very good idea.' And then you
get the usual arsenal of propaganda goes into motion. In Iraq, for example, there
was the incubator story. Human rights, of course, was really brought into currency
in the era of Jimmy Carter. The idea of the moral mission. Of course, its historical
antecedents are much, much longer, but it's my belief that with that when the
liberals began to try to regain the moral confidence that they'd lost in the wake of
Vietnam it took them from 1975 to the Carter era, in other words no time at all, to
reestablish or to begin the work of reestablishing their moral credentials. We had
the rhetoric of human rights. Jimmy Carter pronounced the rhetoric of human
rights just as he was mandating the first Argentinean torturers into the creation of
the contras. The rhetroric, and the reality. And since that time, we've seen the
gradual accretion and accumulation of confidence of the intervention in the cause
of human rights plus a fairly impressive armory of techniques and accomplices.
Can we unite on the anti-war platform? We have already, in the case of Kossovo
for example. But where would you as libertarians want to get off the leftist bus? A
leftist says "Capitalism leads to war. Capitalism needs war". But you libertarians
are pro-capitalism, so you presumably have a view of capitalism as a system not
inevitably producing or needing war. Lefties have always said capitalism has to
maximize its profits and the only way you can maximize profits in the end is by
imperial war, which was the old Lenin thesis.
Leftists say that corporations must plunder the earth. Corporations will brook no
resistance. Corporations don't care for interference with their ways, whether it's by
the Zapatistas or by insurgent groups around the world. The minute you have a
insurgent group then the capitalists, the corporations say, enough, and whistle up
the state to do their bidding. In the early days of the newsletter I coedit,
Counterpunch, we ran across a Chase Manhattan bank memo. You know,
occasionally you think, 'God, it's so tiring trying to find news, let's just like think
of what they would say and then write it and say they said it.' I've never done that,
but sometimes they say so exactly what you want them to say, you're worried that
other people will think that you made it up.
So a fellow hired by Chase Manhattan bank wrote a little memo, which had the
line, "the Zapatistas must be eliminated", simple as that. Must be eliminated. It
turned out to have been written, that memo, by a professor, a liberal professor, as I
recall, from Johns Hopkins.
So, my libertarian friends, at what point do you get off the train? You say, 'we like
corporations, the right for people to associate and form a corporation and issue
publicly held stock and maximize profits. This is part and parcel of the economic
package we favor.' Then you have to do battle with leftists, those who say
corporate greed will lead to war and waste.
Take Pentagon spending. Is the economy basically underpinned by Pentagon
spending, defense spending, and has been ever since 1938-roughly when the New
Deal failed, which it did, effectively. Then they had to turn to war spending to bail
the whole system out, and ever since then we've had Pentagon spending
underwriting everything. Keynesianism. Military Keynesianism, at that. Now
that's another bit of left analysis, I wouldn't go on to tedious length with the
various weapons of argument in our arsenal. I'm saying that one could have and
should have important debates about why we think wars start.
I was asked by Justin to give a talk here . He cunningly billed my speech as "The
psychology of liberal interventionism", thus removing it from the corporate
economic plane to the mentally nutty plane.
A while back I did an interview, actually for a terrific book which I happen to
have written myself called "The Golden Age Is In Us", and I was interviewing
Chomsky. It was for a magazine called Grand Street, and the theme we were
meant to talk about was models. And so Chomsky and I were very pleased, we
thought we were going to talk about models, you know, in the normally Vogue
magazine sense of the word. But they said, no, they wanted us to talk about
intellectual constructs. Boring. But some of what Chomsky says is interesting.
Bear with me, I'll just read a couple of things he said.
"The same is true of intellectual development and the same is true of moral life.
You're constantly making choices and decisions and judgements. Sometimes you
don't know quite what to do, but over a wide range you know what's right. And
even when you disagree with people, you find shared moral ground on which you
can work things out. That's true on every issue. Take a look at the debate over
slavery. It was largely on shared moral ground, and some of the arguments were
not so silly. You could understand the slave owner's arguments. The slave owner
says, If you own property, you treat it better than if you rent property, so I'm more
humane than you are. We can understand that argument. You have to figure out
what's wrong with it, but there is shared moral ground over a range that goes far
beyond any experience. And this can only mean, again short of angels, that it's
growing out of our nature. It means that there must be principles that are
embedded in our nature or at the core of our understanding of what a decent
human life is, what a proper form of society is and so on".
Now, he goes on, "the idea that human beings are malleable and that people don't
have an instinctive nature is a very attractive one to people who want to rule, and
to control. If you look at the modern intelligentsia over the past century or so,
they're pretty much a managerial class, a secular priesthood. They've basically
gone in two directions, one is essentially Leninist. Leninism is the ideology of a
radical intelligentsia that says we have the right to rule. Alternatively, they have
joined the decision-making sector of state capitalist society as managers in the
political economic and ideological institutions. The ideologies are very similar",
says Chomsky who went on,"I've sometimes compared Robert McNamara to
Lenin, and you have only to change a few words for them to say virtually the same
thing. That's why people can jump so quickly from being loyal communists to
celebrating America, to take the Partisan Review's famous phrase back in the early
Cold War." "All of this," Chomsky concludes, "was predicted by the anarchist,
Bakunin, probably the only prediction in the social sciences that's ever come true."
Now that is a very provocative and stimulating set of propositions .This idea of the
managerial impulse, the technocratic impulse. What I'm sure is attractive about the
idea of the left-right opposition to war is the idea of a shared moral outlook, which
of course then has to confront or perhaps gloss over temporarily economic and
political differences. And I think the shared moral outlook should extend beyond
war into other very, important areas. I might just suggest a few. To me they are
enormously important.
If you're paralleling your opposition to intervention, to the liberal humanitarian
interventionist spirit at home, what are you talking really about? You're talking
about defense of liberty. What we are seeing at the moment is the rise of the
prosecutorial state, a ferocious onslaught on substantive liberty, almost
everywhere you look. Its reached epidemic crisis and emergency proportions.
You can look across the country at one example after another of the cops, of the
prosecutorial system being out of control. Lying by cops in court is endemic.
Lying and snitching, that's the underpinnings of law enforcement. And it is
reaching, I think, a major crisis. And in this crisis constitutional protections are
going by the board.
The fourth amendment is gone. Absolutely gone. In a car you have no rights
whatsoever. They can do anything they want. The sixth amendment is gone. Now
your kids are driving down the road to San Francisco. No rights in a car, right
away. A cop sees them, thinks they're driving a V.W. with a hip hop beret on or
something like that, or a tail pipe is out, they'll stop them, it's a pretext stop.
They're got no protections. And then you've got, of course, all this driving while
black stuff, crowding in on top of that. Now you get into court, you're confronted
with cops perjuring themselves and jailhouse snitches saying you confessed all to
them in your cell. You've got people told to snitch or they'll face 20 years, you've
got the mandatory sentences, you've got the crack disproportion, a 100 times
disproportion in sentencing on powder cocaine and crack cocaine. Take every
instrumentality and abuse of the drug war, and there's something on which
everybody in this room could unite.
How many times have we heard a real debate thus far this year? On basic issues of
liberty and freedom? Not one bleat, except, I hope, from Mr. Buchanan when he
gets going. And Ralph Nader, hopefully when he gets going.
Now take the environment, and what we've seen over the last 20 years since that
great Green president Richard Nixon brought in EPA, is a steady conversion of the
militant organizing defense of nature, defense of open space, defense of things we
all like, into a collusive operation between extremely rich NGOs and the
government. Look at the big environmental organizations. Totally undemocratic,
socked in with major foundations like the Pew Foundation, like Rockefeller, like
Ford, like the MacArthur Foundation, whose processes are secretive, the politics
of manipulation, and ultimately coercive regulation which causes huge offense to
people who should be the allies of the Greens. I'm talking about small ranches, I'm
talking about small farmers who see themselves being destroyed by big
So, in area after area, these things have to be argued through in an amiable and
pleasant and energetic way.
I think the old categories are gone. I see no virtue to them. I see Bernie Sanders
listed as an Independent Socialist in the U.S. Congress. I see what Bernie Sanders
has supported, starting with the war in Kosovo. And then I see Ron Paul, on the
other hand, writing stuff against war which could have been written by Tom
Hayden in 1967. I say what is the point of fooling around with the old categories?
Bernie Sanders says he's an economic populist. What's he trying to do? He's trying
to export the nuclear waste of the northeastern states to a poor Spanish community
in Texas. And that effort was stopped by George W., figure that one out. Of course
George W. had a Democratic opponent in Texas who was making a stink about it,
so he wanted to outflank him, that's why he did it.
We live in exciting times. There's no question about it. It's been a long process. I
think I met my first libertarians back in the early 70s. I've seen these shivering of
the old categories go by the board over this period.
I don't know how much will happen this year. These are periods of action, periods
of creative effort, We've got two things to do: one is to cement our basic capacities
for alert resistance at the next specter of war, have our troops ready, our messages
ready, have our propaganda ready, have our alliances and our coalitions prepared.
And beyond that, through functions like this and the stuff that Justin's been
organizing, and hopefully something from the left, we have to reforge our ideas
and hopes, based on those simple ideas of Chomsky or the French Enlightenment
and move forward from there.
Thank you."
Hardly had I stopped before a Serb came up and said angrily that I wrecked
everything I'd said with my kindly allusion to the French Enlightenment. He spat
out the word Rousseau with the sort of indignation I imagine he attaches to the
name of Wesley Clark. I was trying to defend myself but then was sidetracked by
the effort of exchanging comradely greetings not only with Lenore Fulani but of
Ron Paul. Raimundo lived up to his promise. It was fun. And it was fun later that
afternoon to listen to Fulani give an interesting address on the decline of the anti
war left and to Raimundo talk about the 30s isolationists. Alas, the Libertarians'
presidential candidate, Harry Browne, was repetitive and a bit of a bore.
Driving back to Berkeley with $300 in cash in my pocket, I mentally toasted
antiwar.com. Alas, not many leftists will ever want to have much to do with them.

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