1. Religious Orientation, Supernatural Beliefs

As predicted in [my 1980s book] The Small Book, the federal courts now refer
to AA doctrinal literature, the steps themselves, as "Exhibit A" showing that
AA is "unequivocally religious." AA is intensely religious; what religion
would call for 90 meetings in 90 days? What's going on here? "The Big Book"
[AA's text Alcoholics Anonymous] is regarded as divinely revealed, sacred
scripture within the step-cult; all disagreements are settled by citing
passages from it. Gaetano Salomone's extensive, ongoing analysis in JRR [The
Journal of Rational Recovery] shows the purely religious identity and origins
of AA. One of his unique contributions is his comparison of the surface
structure and the deep structure (what you see and what you get) of the
12-step religious conversion program.

Families split apart based on AA membership, just as religious conflict often
disrupts family ties. At least one Methodist church has gone belly-up to
"those people who meet in the basement," who arose to conduct Sunday services
with a teddy bear affixed over the altar where the image of Christ had been.
The Church of Serenity, as they called themselves, worship using a special
Bible written for alcoholics.

[A woman] called two days after reading The New Cure, excited that she would
never return to AA, of which she said, "Now I know why I always felt
uncomfortable at the meetings. They say that the step program is not
religious, but spiritual, but they place no value on religious worship
whatsoever. They claim to respect all religions, but believe that no religion
is adequate to solve problems of alcohol or drug addiction. To me, this means
that AA believes itself to be superior to Christianity when addictive
'disease' exists within the family. They diagnosed my entire family as
codependents or enablers who must enter their plan of salvation, as if they
were sick. This was extremely disruptive, but I continued meetings and
gradually replaced church connections with the recovery fellowship. Although
they claim there is no conflict between churches and the program, in reality
it is impossible to maintain both. From AA, I learned to look at God
differently from the teachings of my church. After attending step meetings, I
was spiritually self-conscious while worshiping at my church, because my
perception of Jesus Christ in church was radically different from the Higher
Power I was, in effect, worshiping at recovery meetings. I could not express
this problem at meetings or at church, but Rational Recovery has reunited me
with my religion by showing that drinking is not a disease; it is sin, and
AVRT is the nuts and bolts of Christian repentance."

2. Irrationality, Rigidity, Anti-Intellectualism

To AA believers, AA doctrine must be correct, as it is written. No one may
speak of the incoherence of AA doctrine, and group interaction is designed to
prevent or contain skepticism. "Your best thinking got you here." "There's no
one too dumb to get this program, but many are too intelligent." "Expect a

3. A Charismatic Leader

Few would disagree that [AA co-founder] Bill W. has become a folk saint,
revered and idolized by the 12-step community. His home has become a shrine,
and his personal memorabilia have become sacred artifacts. He is regarded by
some as the reincarnation of Christ, guiding the world into the Age of
Sobriety, a millennium comparable to the Kingdom of God spoken of in the
Bible. AA lifers trace their lineage back to Bill W. through a genealogy of
sponsors, and speak with great pride to say, "Bill W. was my sponsor's
great-gransponsor." Core members of AA are referred to as "Trusted Servants,"
despite disclaimers that AA has no leaders. This image-making label endows
such individuals with enormous moral authority, for they are, in fact,
representing AA's lineage to Bill W. and ultimately to the Loving God AA
obediently serves.

4. A Hierarchical, Authoritarian Structure

While AA appears to the casual observer as a nonprofit corporation that
sponsors autonomous, community-level cell groups, it has evolved far beyond
that level of organization. Its members, shielded by anonymity and presenting
themselves as concerned addictions experts, have infiltrated federal and
state bureaucracies, where they manipulate social policies and funding
patterns affecting America's social service system. Hundreds of nonprofit
organizations exist purely for the purpose disseminating disease-treatment
propaganda and networking within communities to create political support for
the 12-step agendas described in AA doctrinal literature. Now in possession
of the American social service system, including the prisons and courts, the
professional disciplinary and licensing boards, the medicaid and social
welfare programs, and the military health care system, AA can be seen as a
powerful hierarchy of professional AA'ers employed in positions of social
responsibility. AA is a cult which has spread into a bureaucracy, which I
call a "cultocracy," for the lack of a standard word to describe this
anomaly. The funding for the AA cultocracy is not from the free-will
donations of grateful alcoholics, but taken from each taxpayer by the force
of national tax laws. The AA cultocracy enlarges AA's membership by using the
authority of social institutions to force vulnerable people into their
recovery groups, where they are indoctrinated under conditions that should
interest Amnesty International. The penalty for resisting AA participation
may be imprisonment, death from the lack of organ transplant, imprisonment as
in parole and early-release policies, loss of social welfare and health care
benefits, loss of child custody as in domestic court cases, loss of
livelihood as in impaired professional programs, and loss of employment as in
employment assistance programs.

It has been known for a long time that persons who test high on
authoritarianism relate best to the rigors of the 12-step program and are
more likely to become devoted, long-term members. The sponsor system assures
social stratification, self-debasement, and gratification of the need for
control over others. Beyond this, members achieve status and credibility
based on time since last drink, so that someone with five years of sobriety
might feel diminished in the presence of someone a decade sober. The result
is a core membership of "true believers" whose identities are at one with AA.

5. Submission of the Individual to the "Will of God"

Quitting drinking is not nearly enough to satisfy the demands of the step
program. One must accept the god of AA, the Higher Power, as one's personal
savior. Nearly all cults have God-control at the core. Jim Jones, David
Koresh, and lately the HeavensGate cult are typical of other cults that have
taken what they liked from legitimate religions and left the rest. Cults are
usually Godly fellowships interpreting the word of God in a unique fashion,
always undermining critical thought and making their members progressively
more submissive to the will of God. AA's emphasis on God-control is total, as
one AA'er pathetically demonstrated during a call to RR. He asked, "Does RR
think I can lead my life independently?" The answer was, "Yes, if that is
want you want." He said, "Since learning about RR, I pray for only one thing,
that I never get that idea in my head. If that ever happens, I'm finished."

6. Dogmatism, the Ultimate Truth

Reading AA's central document, "The Big Book," will show beyond any doubt
that AA, despite some polite disclaimers, claims to have the ultimate truth.
Anyone who has attempted to argue against AA doctrine during meetings will
quickly find out that they are wrong, that the Steps are absolutely true, and
to hold opposing beliefs is tantamount to a death sentence. [One person]
called to say, "As soon as I told the group I was reading the new RR book,
they started rejecting me like I had the plague. It was as if I had betrayed
everyone present, or carried the seeds of their destruction."

7. Separatism

No cult has succeeded in stigmatizing its members to the extent AA has. Even
the HeavensGate cult, requiring uniforms and castration, failed to gain the
support of the scientific community to support its bizarre concept of a
rescuing UFO hidden in the tail of comet Hale-Bopp. AA has hypothesized the
existence of a sacred disease, and found substantial support. Neither Ti nor
Do, the cult leaders, obtained the sanction of organized religion to support
their conceptions of salvation and heaven. When the 39 cult members died of
their own actions which were predicted by cult doctrine, they were not seen
to be victims of a hypothetical disease, but to a large extent they were seen
as victims of a dangerous cult.

It isn't much of a stretch to imagine a more highly developed and better
organized HeavensGate cult, in which a good number of M.D.'s and
psychologists had become devout members. (Heaven knows something more bizarre
than that has happened in the "addictionology" field.)

8. Exclusivity (The Only Path To Salvation)

Throughout the AA scriptures, there appears to be no direct reference to an
afterlife, but there is one higher state of being, akin to heaven or nirvana
-- serenity. Serenity is achieved by diligent step-study which leads to a
spiritual awakening, an ineffable and divinely inspired religious conversion
experience. Serenity is the state of personal salvation by faith, and is the
highest aspiration within the world of the steps. From serenity comes all
that is good, good works, good feelings, goodness itself. Serenity is simply
divine, and towers above the religious experience of traditional,
hierarchical religions. The general attitude of AA society to traditional
religion is snobbish humility, once again reflecting the pervasive, inherent
contradictions that permeate AA.

9. Self-Absorption (Primary Focus Is the Cult Itself)

AA lore is replete with injunctions to devote one's life in every way to the
cult itself. One may not take credit for abstinence or relief from despair;
the only benefactor is AA or God, and the only proper attitude is gratitude.
[The AA book] Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions sets forth Tradition One as,
"Our common welfare should come first." AA presents itself as necessary to
life itself: "...without AA we will perish." Any criticism of the Program or
of AA is regarded as heresy that endangers the lives of AA'ers everywhere,
and must be silenced by admonitions or mottos. Members dwell upon themselves
endlessly, working steps on themselves, and attending [meetings] as part of
methodical spiritual growth. Step meetings focus on philosophical minutia,
and an endless stream of new books on step-recovery, many [published by]
Hazelden, are found in bookstores for the struggling recovering alcoholics.

10. Economic Exploitation

It appears likely that AA has destroyed the economic foundations of more
families than addiction itself has. The incestuous relationship of the
recovery groups and the treatment centers, where the referral traffic
sustains the interests of each, has run up bills that no person or family can
pay. Treatment centers have materials for credit applications and mortgage
arrangements to pay for the re-admissions of chronic relapsers. If the
services were in any way effective, the cost would not be exploitive, but
treatment centers are acutely aware that only about five percent of those who
come through the turnstiles will remain abstinent for long. Repeat business
is the best business in the addiction treatment industry, but claims of
"success rates" of 60 to 70 percent are common by the treatment centers.

AA itself has set a suggested limit on how much members can give at meetings
(in 1990 it was $500 per year), but in the atmosphere of meetings this is
akin to a pledge goal. In just one of AA's many districts, the amount
actually sent to AA, not just dropped in the basket, in 1989 was $11 million.

The economic exploitation denied with, "No one makes a dime on AA." Not so.

11. Possessiveness (Go To Great Lengths to Retain Members)

Acclaimed libertarian talk-show host, Gene Burns, noted during a program on
Rational Recovery in 1990, "AA has a proprietary interest in every living
person who drinks too much." In our work since then, we have talked almost
every day to people who say, "I finally quit because the groupers seemed to
think they owned me." "They kept calling between meetings, and kept telling
me I would go crazy or die if I didn't make more meetings." "At the meetings,
they made me feel naughty for missing meetings." One man, depressed and
frightened but apparently sober, said, "I need help. They're coming for me."
Believing police or paramedics had been summoned, Lois asked, "Did you
threaten yourself or someone else?" He said, "No, they've been looking for
me. I'm at my sister's house and they just called and they're on their way
over." Lois asked, "Who are they?" He answered, "The AA people. They won't
leave me alone. They're on the porch." Lois told the caller he could send
them away, but he said, "It's no use. I can't go against them when they are
here," and hung up.

We receive many calls from people who have been securely abstinent for years,
but are now required to enter treatment programs. This occurs with
professional licensing programs, with drunk driver programs, and in child
custody cases.

It is commonplace for AA-dropouts to receive calls from AA members asking,
"Haven't seen you for a while. Are you OK?" These calls are not from concern
or friendship, but only to manipulate people back into meeting attendance.
When the dropout makes it clear that he or she will not be returning, there
is no possibility that the grouper will continue to associate or call for
other reasons.

12. Mind Control Techniques; Intimidation

While some cults jinx or curse departing members with divine or karmic
punishments, AA promises refuseniks hell on earth, either from inevitable
drinking or using, or from a malady called dry drunk. The dry drunk concept
is one of the most sinister mind-traps ever devised to retain errant cult
members. Knowing intimately how addicted people cannot imagine a satisfactory
life without the substance, and understanding well the insatiable appetite to
continue drinking or using, cult novices are told that quitting drinking or
using is useless since addicts cannot be happy, cannot cope with normal
stresses of life, or will simply self-destruct after prolonged suffering and

AA has a well-known reputation as "slogan therapy," but all cults use
repeated phrases as an indoctrination technique. Like all cults, each and
every slogan or motto of AA is an inversion of the truth or a platitude to
cover an atrocity. The meeting structure itself forbids two-way
communications, allowing for one to "share" whatever, with only marginal or
no commentary from the group. Approval and disapproval are communicated slyly
with acerbic comments from groupers, or nonverbal gestures and cues.

The fact that all newcomers suffer the same functional problem, i.e,
ambivalence with repeated reversal of intent, makes them easy prey for
seasoned old-timers who can anticipate addictive thought processes. Instead
of freeing people from addiction by telling the simple truth they all must
know, they exploit the weakness of newcomers to induct them into the cult.
Each abstinent AA'er knows very well that drinking and using is a matter of
free choice, and that self-recovery is not only possible, but commonplace.
Acting out of loyalty and guilt, they repeat the official dogma, that AA is a
lifeboat for all addicted people, and to leave the fold is tantamount to
choosing death. So zealous has the recovery group movement become, that every
single group insists, "Anything can be your Higher Power -- a teacup, a
doorknob, a stone." In their zeal, all respect for common sense and
self-determination is abandoned in favor of coercive logic approaching
absolute mind-control. "At first you come because you have to come," they
say, "but later you come because you love to come."

No cult on record has achieved such sophisticated means of mind-control that
the casual onlooker either doesn't notice or doesn't mind the coercion. This
is accomplished primarily through the following means:

A. Defining the addicted person as sick, incompetent, in denial, deserving of
radical methods and forced humility, i.e., humiliation. Observers will
perceive what is actually abuse as necessary and appropriate, as if watching
a surgeon slice a person open.

B. The confidence game. The use of legitimate authority symbols, e.g.,
doctors, psychologists, professional associations, etc., to support the use
of the 12-step program. If the state licenses them, they must know something,
and if they say it's OK, then it's OK.

C. The big lie. Massive denials of reality, such as "AA lends its name to no
outside organization," while virtually all treatment programs are run by
professional AA'ers who forcefully indoctrinate participants in the 12-step
program. The use of mass media to repeat nonsensical phrases over and over,
i.e., "addictive disease," "treatment works," "one-day-at-a-time," "recovery
is a process," "in recovery," "recovering," "in denial," "addiction
treatment," etc., to inure the public and prevent moral outrage over the
actual content of American-style addiction recovery.

D. Steptalk, that polished explanation steppers provide when questioned about
their odd beliefs and suspicious proclivities. "It isn't religious, it's
spiritual." "No one makes money on AA. We are a fellowship of concerned
people supported entirely by our own donations." "Take what you like and
leave the rest." "The 12 steps, upon which survival is said to depend, are
only suggestions."

E. Pathologizing inquiry, criticism, and dissent. The Program is divinely
inspired, and may not be criticized. Persons who object to cult doctrine are
ostracized, reprimanded, regarded as sick, diseased, in denial, in relapse,
constitutionally incapable of honesty, or simply doomed. Critics of AA are
always angry, in denial, paranoid, sick people. Skeptics and others who test
the coherency of AA doctrine are advised, "Take the cotton out of your ears
and stick it in your mouth."

13. A Closed, All-Encompassing Environment (Physical)

We hear daily from people telling about being detained in treatment centers,
deprived of all reading materials except AA doctrinal literature, deprived of
any contact with family or friends, and prohibited from using the telephone.
When the facility is not locked, subjects are threatened with direct billing
for services because insurance will not pay the front-loaded hospital bill if
the patient leaves against medical advice. Moreover, resistance to treatment
is recorded into medical records which are released in advance at the time of
admission. The record becomes evidence for later repercussions in court and
before professional boards. Family members are required to also submit to
codepedency indoctrination as a condition of payment.

Ninety meetings in ninety days, an industry standard, makes the cult an
all-encompassing environment, allowing scant time for anything but cult
participation. Although the subject may sleep and eat at home, the effect of
daily cult participation results in social disorientation to the extent that
subjects feel as if they are at meetings while in their homes. When this
bizarre, coercive arrangement is not mandated by a court, it is reinforced by
the group (its established members working in shifts, of course), which
constantly remind subjects that if they relent in meeting attendance they
will self-destruct.

14. Deceptive Recruitment Techniques (Deception; Set Up "Fronts")

The fundamental deception of AA is that it is an organization devoted to
helping people defeat addictions. AA is not about recovery, AA is about AA.
The First Tradition, which values the welfare of the group over its totally
dependent members, is a red flag that is carefully shielded from public
scrutiny. The steps themselves deceive the observer, seeming to convey an
antidote for the degeneracy of addicted people. Ominously, the steps contain
not even a hint on how an individual might cease and desist from the use of
alcohol or drugs, but only instruct the member to stop trying to quit and
shift that responsibility onto the cult and its deity-of-convenience, any
Higher Power of one's conception. This amorphous Higher Power, although
called God, is entirely unique to AA, as it is intended to metamorphose into
an Alcoholic's God that intervenes at the level of voluntary motor control.
"At times, there is no human defense against the desire to drink," they
explain, "but your Higher Power will protect you. Let go and let God."
Submission to the will of the Alcoholic's God is the benchmark of working a
good program, and is the antithesis of free-will, self-determination,
self-will, i.e., denial. Since members are a self-selected group in the
long-term grip of pleasure, continued intermittent drinking or using is the
actual group norm, even though the stated norm is complete abstinence.
Drinking bouts are then integrated as "relapses," "slips," or innocent
symptoms of the group disease. This seductive, deceptive arrangement allows
members to continue drinking, which they are impassioned to do, while
appearing to be committed to abstinence. Essentially, AA is a drug-cult which
holds various substances to be "desecrating sacraments" which are necessary
for eventual cleansing of the soul. It is clearly not an organization devoted
to teaching people any means to end substance addictions.

The "treatment intervention" is a surprise party set up to trap unsuspecting
substance abusers at vulnerable moments. An emotional ambush, orchestrated by
a professional AA'er, is planned ahead of time by inviting the subject's
significant others, including distant relatives, old friends, neighbors,
family members, present and former bosses, and anyone else who would maximize
the intended humiliation to the subject. Each is told how the subject has the
dread disease of alcoholism and is "in denial" -- penetrable only by total
embarrassment and tough love. They have rehearsals, each person dredging up
examples of the subject's poor behavior or moral transgressions. Often, a van
from the interventionist's place of employment, a nearby treatment center,
pulls up just as the meeting ends, and the subject is led sobbing to the
vehicle. We are not aware of any person who has been helped by this
intrusive, brutal practice, including those who later give rehearsed,
glassy-eyed testimonials of being gratefully intervened alcoholics.

We receive many calls from people who were deceived by addiction treatment
centers as to the nature of the services provided. Many people who have had
painful or disgusting experiences in AA ask specifically to have no further
exposure to AA, and state they will not enter the facility if that is what is
provided, some asking specifically for Rational Recovery. The admissions
personnel, always AA members, lie straightforwardly, promising no AA, and
then later explain that AA doesn't lend its name to any organization, but
that the only thing that works with addictions is the 12-step program. Some
hospitals even state that they offer Rational Recovery, and the patient later
finds that what is offered is some form of cognitive, feel-good therapy,
which they say blends with their 12-step program. (These agencies, of course,
receive standard cease and desist letters from RRS, Inc.)

The endless inversions of truth, starting with the "spiritual-not-religious"
deception, are a path of progressive self-betrayal culminating in collapse of
critical judgment and surrender to the cult, i.e., "snapping."

15. Manipulation Through Guilt

The "intervention" is a graphic example of the AA cult's use of emotional
brutality to get new recruits, but every meeting of AA is a guilt
manipulation. Most AA escapees we hear from tell of the intense guilt
generated during meetings, particularly while working the steps involving
moral inventories and making amends. One disturbing but frequent observation
is that of callers who have spent many painful years, even decades, in the
revolving door of relapse and keep-coming-back, and who have been greatly
inspired by learning about AVRT. In spite of renewed hope for secure
abstinence, and even a sense of complete recovery, they are loathe to
criticize AA in any way, or even to admit that they were misled by the step
doctrine. "As long as AA helps some people, it shouldn't be bashed. There are
different roads to recovery..." Many years ago, we recognized this aberrant
defensiveness and included it under the list of signs of recovery group
disorder, not unlike the classical nonchalance of cult members toward

16. Millennarianism (The End Is Near)

AA now has a faction which believes that Bill W. was Christ reincarnated,
that the original Jesus was an alcoholic who authored the 12-steps, that the
Last Supper was the first AA meeting, that Old Testament prophecies predict
that AA will rise as the dominant world religion during our times, and that
the Age of Sobriety, actually the prophesied Kingdom of God, will commence on
the year 2000. The book Mark as Recovery Story, by William Mellon, dovetails
AA with Christianity through linguistic feats and Biblical re-interpretation,
drawing out shocking assertions about the character of Christ and the nature
of salvation. Galilee, Mellon asserts, had a good number of 12-step groups
started by Jesus when he fled there following his mock-crucifixion. Yes, this
is bizarre and offensive, but there's no business like cult business.

17. Violence and Harassment

If by violence we include intellectual violence, all cults are violent, and
AA surpasses most of them. Denial-hazing, in which any suggestion of
self-determination is made into a symptom of the group's disease, is
figuratively an intellectual "kneecap job," in which the legs are shot out
from under newcomers with the intention of crippling them for life.
Interventions are emotionally violent, and the entire pattern of predicting
death and destruction for program-resistant members is a form of violence.
Court-mandated AA participation is inherently violent, since court orders are
backed by guns.

Here I must address the issue of character defects, the subject of much
recovery group movement discussion. The 12 steps appear to be laced with
something that makes people mean and arrogant. The more seriously people take
them, the weirder they become, in comparison to their pre-cult personalities.
They also appear more inclined to mistreat their fellow beings -- all in the
name of treatment or recovery, of course. One caller likened the AA cult
indoctrination to vampirism, in which, once-bitten, one will go on to bite

The tens of thousands of people who have called us in despair have been
mistreated by members of AA -- by fellow groupers, by sponsors, by
step-oriented counselors and therapists, and by stepping judges and
physicians. The abuses are surprisingly similar and few in type, the most
common being the insistence that AA is the only possible remedy for
addiction, leaving the subject depressed and hopeless. The use of death
threats is universal within the recovery group movement, drawing on the tone
and passages from "The Big Book" which predict death for nonbelievers and

The admonition, "If you don't (whatever) you will drink," is the foundation
of the entire recovery group movement, and it is commonly understood that if
you drink, you will end up "in jails, hospitals, and asylums." While there
may be some statistical support for this prediction, it is not on account of
anyone's failure to work the step program that one might drink. Indeed, it is
far more likely that the prediction itself is more instrumental in a drinking
outcome than not enough program compliance. The cruel irony is that when the
prediction of drinking is accepted and acted upon, it appears to all that the
drinking was the direct result of program noncompliance. Relapse is program

Chemical dependency (CD) counseling is a professional guild created by AA in
order for its members to practice stepcraft in public institutions and
agencies. Few CD counselors dreamed of becoming counselors until they joined
AA and saw the chance to work a Good Program and get paid for it, so it is
understandable that as a group they are poorly educated and do not
demonstrate the skill and poise of trained professionals. Their philosophical
orientation, at sharp odds with all of the health and helping professions,
defines their clients as fundamentally defective, lacking in sound judgment,
and riddled with character defects that add up to sociopathy. They see their
clients, whether on the street, in their offices, in prisons, or in their
homes, as not deserving the same measure of dignity and trust that would be
afforded others, and always in need of more treatment or AA meetings. They
manage dependent caseloads of files that are never closed, but at some stage
of the disease of addiction, and they spend inordinate amounts of time on
psycho-social fishing expeditions, interviewing and compiling records and
evidence "assessing" and proving hypothesized pathology. Their counseling
skills do not exceed the limitations imposed by the 12-step program itself,
so they are unable to form genuinely therapeutic relationships.

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