Hebrew Runes in Sweden
        Tue, 11 Apr 2000 19:26:12 +0200
        yair davidi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Orjan questioned:

>From: Orjan Svensson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> OK. Have a nice time, When you return if you wish to be subscribed please
>>> say so,
>>> God Bless you,
>>> Yair Davidy.
>>How are you? Why did you send the above message to me?

>>I hope you have not removed me from the mailing list,

Answer from Yair Davidy:
It was a mistake. A copy of the message was sent out (by mistake) to
everybody on the list.
You are still on the list.

Orjan also stated:

>>Lately I have done some statistical examinations of runic inscriptions.
>>I have compared relative frequency of runes with the relative frequencies
>>of corresponding Hebrew characters in the Hebrew Bible.
>>I used a Bible Codes program, and compared relative frequencies
>>of runes in the runic inscriptions with relative frequencies in ALL books in
>>the Hebrew Bible.
>>What I found was that the correlation coefficients were highest
>>for the book of Job. In other words: In significant statistical
>>respects the language of the Blekinge
>>inscriptions resembles the language of the book of Job more than
>>any other book in the Hebrew bible.
>>What conclusions can be drawn from that?
>>>From what I know Job lived in the land of UTZ, which was between
>>the land of Israel and the Euphrates river.
>>If the language of UTZ is reflected in the book of Job, then
>>my findings indicate that the origin of the Blekinge people is
>>to be found close to the land of UTZ.
>>One of the Isralite tribes who lived closest to the area of UTZ,
>>was the tribe of GAD, so my recent findings actually may indicate that
>>your indentification of the Swedes with Gad is correct.
>>Your friend,

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