UFO Abductions In Germany, Austria and Switzerland 2/2


It is even possible that the tales about Incubi and Succubi, so well known
in the Middle Ages, may have originated by these earlier forced sexual
contacts with alien beings. Originally, they were interpreted as demonic
beings. Masked as pretty young women or men, they generated lustful dreams
and then engaged in sexual intercourse with their sleeping victims: Succubi
with women, Incubi with men.

Even the German religious reformer Martin Luther believed that demons
provided human sperm, and became procreative in hopes of obtaining human or
human-like offspring.

It sounds strange, but the behavior of the Succubi and Incubi, as well as
the imaginations, dreams, and memories of their victims, resemble reports of
the modern abduction and bedroom visitor phenomenon. The stories parallel
one another in such a striking manner that it appears appropriate to state
that they may be one in the same.

Our current theories, based on the reports from abductees worldwide, shows
us that the same phenomenon is occurring today. Sperm is supposedly tapped
from men, and numerous female abductees believe they have been artificially
inseminated by strange looking alien beings. Two or three months later, the
fetus is then removed. It is indeed, a traumatic experience.

The scenario that is emerging in so many of our present-day abduction
accounts is this: years after these "terminated pregnancies" by alien
beings, many of these same women are shown their children again: and they
are described as looking like strange hybrid beings who are part human and
part alien.

This belief of the fertilization of women by heavenly or divine, as well as
demonic beings, has pervaded throughout the course of human history.

The legend of the virgin birth of Jesus of Nazareth and his conception by
the holy spirit can be viewed as the incorporation of much older ideas that
have been scattered throughout the ancient World. Many famous men of
antiquity were believed to have had "heavenly fathers." For example, God
himself went to Sarah, Abraham's wife, in order to beget a son with her.
And, according to the legends, Buddha, Krischna, Alexander the Great, and
Mohammed were also children of a similar "heavenly" union.

In the mythological imaginations of the common people, strange beings like
the Puk originated from such contacts. The description of a small naked
gnome with big eyes, a giant head and a comparatively slight body, is
certainly similar to the descriptions of the small Greys of our present-day
UFO abduction accounts. Again, if we believe the abductees, the beings may
be the result of an artificially induced combination between aliens and

During the Middle Ages women were confronted with Succubi and men were
confronted with Incubi - demons. The same thing is occurring today in the
modern UFO phenomenon.

A Male Victim

Ulrich is a 21 year-old man from Switzerland. Since he was a child he has
had numerous experiences, many of them very frightening to him. He has since
gained better insight into his experiences through regressive hypnosis.

"The event that I can reconstruct best up to now probably occurred the night
of the 10th to the 11th of May 1994. I was in my bed sleeping when suddenly
I was awakened by a strong, pulsating blue light. I creeped under my blanket
and I thought, 'No, not again. This cannot be real!' Then I had the feeling
that I was floating, and my conscious memory abruptly ended!

The next thing I remembered was laying on a table approximately 50
Centimeters high. I was in a dark room. The wall, ground and ceiling were
very smooth. Below my feet and on the right side was something like a marble
column. Suddenly, a slim, small white being got on top of me. She had big
dark eyes and no hair on her head. Even thought I felt sick, somehow she
made me feel sexually excited - I don't understand that. The whole episode
was repeated by another one, but I cannot remember her appearance. And as if
that wasn't bad enough, a third female came over to me. All I can remember
about this last female is that she had more human features. After this,
tears streamed across my face."

What Is It?

What are we confronted with here? Is it a genetic breeding program for the
evolution of a new race? If so, why would it be occurring for a millennia
now? I do not believe this "genetic breeding program" theory holds up due to
the enormous amount of time these visitations have been occurring. If this
were the case the beings would only require a few cells from our bodies.
Even hair samples would satisfy their need if this was indeed all these
beings are doing.

Isn't this precisely what we expect from extraterrestrial beings: they come
from other planets; they are somehow different (but perhaps a little bit
like ourselves); they fly in shining spaceships; and they land on our Earth
to examine us?

Centuries ago we believed in fairies - and it was fairies who appeared to
the people. At the end of the 19th Century we believed in the coming of
Jules Verne's airships - and it was exactly those types of vehicles that
were responsible for the first UFO wave in America in 1896.

Today, our high-technology civilization has taken our astronauts to the moon
and has given us genetic technology. Also consistent with our modern belief
systems, we now have ships from Zeta Reticuli, or the Andromeda galaxy whose
occupants carry out genetic experiments and manipulate the human race.

It appears to me that the UFO phenomenon adapts itself to our fantasies and
ideas. It uses our dreams, our fears, and our individual beliefs. It uses
the contradictions which dwell within each of us. Apparently, this
intelligence, which I like to term "The Other Ones," uses a kind of mimicry
or camouflage behavior. This enables these beings to operate within the
maximum range of possibilities and also allows them to conceal much of their

This alien intelligence must be far more advanced than we are - perhaps
hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years ahead of us. It seems to
have learned to intervene in reality. Or better said, unlike us, it knows
that reality as we know it, does not exist at all.

Reality, as we define it, is merely a construct of our brain - of our
perception. Whoever gains the knowledge of that fact is able to manipulate
what we call "reality." And - they can manipulate it whenever and wherever,
and however they wish.

What we consider reality, may be for "The Other Ones" nothing more than a
play-ground similar to a cyber space simulation or a virtual reality
scenario in our culture. We can only imagine what kind of rules govern this
strange "game."

"The Other Ones" can appear however they (or we) want them to. They can
appear as magicians from Magonia, as mysterious aeronauts of the 19th
century, as night goblins, as fairies, as small Greys, or beings in shining
ships from the stars.

The figures that are being observed in this phenomenon are obviously not
"The Other Ones" themselves. What we really see are only their projections.
Projections formed according to our social, cultural and religious belief
systems during the moment of their apparition. These are the shadow masks
they conceal themselves behind.

Shapeshifters, Transformers and Camouflage

Some of the abductees who - during their frightening experiences - found the
courage and the strength to ask questions about the deeper meaning of their
experience; questions for "why" these things were happening to them, usually
received the stereotypical answer: "It is our right!" If it is truly their
right, we must ask who has given them this right.

In a case that Professor David Jacobs quotes, an abductee reacted with a
very frightened response to the Greys when she shouted at them: "Your are

This is exactly what they are: transformers! They are not what they seem to
be. Their camouflage and their behavior conceals what they really are.

And who or what is hiding behind the camouflage? We may never find an answer
to that question. The explanations we offer will most likely be wrong. This
makes the study of this phenomenon all the more complicated. The deeper we
attempt to penetrate this phenomenon, the more confusing it may become.
However, one thing is certain: these events are happening and they leave
their victims with physical and psychological aftereffects. These events
occurred in the distant past and they continue to occur today.

Combined Experiences

There is another subject that is important to mention at this time. The
abduction phenomenon appears to be connected with other boundary-type
experiences involving human beings. Ina from northern Germany describes an
abduction from the year 1991. What's really unusual is that it seems to have
been a combined out of body / near death / UFO abduction experience, since
the event includes elements of all of these experiences. Ina reported to me:

"I laid in the bed. It was around 11 o'clock in the evening. My husband was
already asleep and I looked to the window. We have no curtains in the
bedroom and because of this I could see the sky very well. Suddenly, my
reality changed. It was somehow modified."

Modification of reality - what does this mean? Abductees are describing this
effect again and again. For the first time, it was recognized by the British
UFO researcher Jenny Randles and called "The Oz Factor" according to the old
English tale of the magic land of Oz.

It is possible that a real modification of the individual's environment is
made or that the consciousness of the person is extended in some way. Both
possibilities are conceivable, and both would lead to The Oz Factor. The
modification of the subject's reality begins the actual event for the

Back to Ina's experience:

"I saw a light beam in my room and I floated in it to the outside of the
house. Strangely enough, I passed through the window pane in this beautiful
bright beam of light.

I felt perfectly fine and somehow sensed a being of light on the right side
of me. I somehow saw it from the corners of my eyes. I could not recognize
the face, but I am certain that it was feminine. I was very excited and
happy and I said or thought, 'You really exist!' Oddly enough, I immediately
thought about UFOs although I only saw the beam of light and the bright
being. This being emitted an unbelievable warmth and kindness and I felt as
sheltered as never before in my life. The being answered: 'Surely, what did
you think?' She responded very natural and lovingly like a mother would
respond to her child who asked a silly question. I was pleased and felt
perfectly well."

What did Ina experience here? An out of body journey during which her soul
floated through the window? A near death experience during which she was
accompanied by a being of light into another dimension of existence?

It is exactly these types of experiences that are described by many people
who have stood at the threshold of death and returned with conscious
memories of their mysterious journey. Was it a classical UFO abduction
during which she was taken into an object hovering over her house or was it
a combination of all of these?

Ina reported further:

"I can still remember that we floated upward together in the beam of light.
We came to a big oval light which also had an aperture in the light. I saw
that I was at this aperture - when suddenly I was back in my bed again. It
is strange because everything was the same as before. My husband was asleep
and I was still laying with my face to the window. It was as if nothing had
happened. However, I am certain that it did happen. I felt and experienced
everything. I was excited - and then I fell asleep."

It is difficult to decide where precisely the boundaries are between the
so-called "classic" abduction model and experiences such as this one, which
may possibly take place in the brain or with the soul of the experiencer. It
may indeed, be a combination of an abduction, out of body and a near death
experience. It may be that these boundaries are so liquid and blurred, that
at the present level of understanding we are unable to recognize or define

It is also possible that what is occurring with abductees may be the
beginning of something much larger. It may be the beginning of a global
modification plan which will eventually include more and more people. Some
estimates from the United States indicate that approximately 20 percent of
all Americans are already describing events related to the abduction
phenomenon. From my own work with abductees I believe that a similar number
of individuals in Germany, Austria and Switzerland may also be involved. In
the past three years, more than 200 people have contacted me, all reporting
nearly identical experiences with the unbelievable. This is, however, only
the tip of the iceberg. Twenty percent is much more than a single hypothesis
can explain. "Perhaps," as Harvard psychiatrist Professor John Mack wrote,
"we are all abductees - in one manner or another."

Conclusion *

I am convinced that the alien intelligence behind the UFO phenomenon is in
the process of preparing for something very big. In all myths, and in all
religions, it says the gods promise to return. I cannot help but believe
that this is exactly what we are facing. It may not occur in my lifetime,
but it is possible that it will occur very soon after.

We should be prepared for this event, because whatever occurs, should
concern us all. All of us. That means we will share a global or even
universal event - and we still know very little about what is going to
occur. At the very least, it is time for everyone to consider the
possibilities that await us.

Since the beginning of history, people have been taken into the hands of
gods and devils, of fairies and elves and goblins. Today, it is
extraterrestrial beings. Sometimes, the witnesses only hear a thunder or see
something like a bright flash of light. Sometimes they see airships in the
clouds above them and believe the ships are from Magonia or some other
mysterious place. Sometimes they observe bizarre air ships hanging in the
sky, or they may come in contact with spaceships from Zeta Reticuli. These
material manifestations only have a secondary meaning. They are dependent on
the time in which the person lives. They are dependent upon the subject's
beliefs, knowledge, and their hopes and fears.

The basic model of contact between these elusive intelligence's and us has
been the same for millennia. We can choose to deny the reality of this
model. We can believe that the abductees were only drunk or had visions, or
that they dreamed, hallucinated, or made up fairy tales. We would also have
to believe that these people - from all over the World - have attempted to
make fools of us and they have attempted to do this for many centuries! If
you wish to believe this you may. It is your decision as to how you will
deal with this information.

No matter how you decide to deny their existence, it will not hinder "The
Others Ones." They will continue to appear among us with their array of
masks and deceptive camouflage. They will continue to abduct humans and they
will continue on their own mysterious path.

In all the millennia of human history no one has been able to analyze these
beings. We are the first ones who have begun to suspect something and who
have questioned their behavior. And - what if it is our own questioning and
our own suspicion that brought them to us in the first place? Could their
actions only be a mirror of our actions; our interaction with nature? Could
this intelligence be a frightening reflection of ourselves - reflected back
to us in the UFO phenomenon?

Although we are asking the questions and seeking the truth about "The Other
Ones" we are still, ladies and gentlemen, light-years away from the answer.


* Dr. Fiebag first published his conclusion - what he terms "The Mimicry
Hypothesis" - in 1990, in Ancient Skies, a magazine of The Ancient Astronaut

Dr. Johannes Fiebag is the author of several books about the UFO phenomenon
and the abduction phenomenon. His latest two books are titled Sternentore
[Stargates] and Das UFO-Symdrom [The UFO Syndrome]. Both books were
published in German, in 1996.


>From the Ancient Astronaut Society's 24th Anniversary World Conference

"Johannes Fiebag studied Geology, Paleontology, Physics and Geophysics at
the University of Wurzburg, earning a Ph.D. in 1988, with his thesis in a
special branch of Planetology. He has written many scientific papers in his
field, and currently is a freelance science writer, as well as being the
author of several books, not only alone, but with his brother, Peter. His
latest book, written with Torsten Sasse, is Mars - Planet de Lebens. Dr.
Fiebag is one of the most well-known researchers in the field of contacts
with extraterrestrial intelligences in the German-speaking countries of
Europe. He is also the Chief Editor of the German-Swiss-Austrian editions of
Ancient Skies and Scientific Ancient Skies."

For more information about the Ancient Astronaut Society's 1997 Conference
call (800) 231-7883



[1] I have included the following article from The Oregon Journal for
historical reference - KW


"PENDLETON, OR: JUNE 27 (AP) -- Kenneth Arnold, a veteran pilot and fire
control engineer, Thursday clung stoutly to his story that he saw nine shiny
crescent-shaped planes or pilotless missiles flying in formation at a speed
of at least 1,200 miles per hour over the Mt. Rainier region.

'It's God's truth -- I will swear it on a Bible. I saw them and I clocked
them. They traveled 48 to 50 miles in 1 minute and 42 seconds.'

(A plane traveling 48 miles in 1 minute and 42 seconds would be moving at a
speed of 1,692 miles per hour.)

Arnold said he saw the objects flying in a 'weaving formation' in a line at
10,000 feet as he piloted his own small private plane over Mineral,
Washington. He said he flew at a right angle to the line of flashing

When he landed at Pendleton, in route to Boise, Idaho, Arnold told his story
and stuck to it.

'Some of the pilots thought it over and said it was possible. Some of them
guessed that I had seen some secret guided missiles. People began asking me
if I thought they were missiles sent over the North Pole. I don't know what
they were, but I know this -- I saw them.'

Arnold, general manager and owner of the Great Western Fire Control Company,
said he first saw the objects when they flashed in the sun low over the
slopes of Mt. Rainier.

'Then I saw them, weaving and ducking in and out as they came south not more
than 500 feet over the plateau. They looked like they were rocking. I looked
for the rails but suddenly realized they didn't have any. They were
half-moon shaped, oval in front and convex in the rear. I was in a beautiful
position to watch them. I thought they might be jet planes, and I clocked
them. Then when I saw they had no tails and I realized how fast they were
going, I knew they were like nothing I had ever heard of before. There were
no bulges or cowlings; they looked like a big flat disk. They were larger
than the ordinary jet plane but slightly smaller than a DC4, if you don't
count the rear fuselage.'

Arnold said that the objects waived 'like the tail of a Chinese kite.'

'They hugged the horseback [the curvature of the terrain] between Mt.
Rainier and Mt. Adams, and the flashing they made in the sun reminded me of
the reflection of a great mirror.' "

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