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                     Who Was Carroll Quigley?

        Too often the John Birch Society interpretation of Carroll
Quigley's Tragedy and Hope and AngloAmerican Establishment is accepted
without further research, even in some left-wing circles!

        We think it is important to know that Carroll Quigley's mentor at
Jesuit Georgetown University was Jesuit Father Edmunt Walsh a Vatican
expert on Geopolitics and founder of the Georgetown's School of Foreign
Service in 1919.  In addition to founding an institution designed to
counter the Anglophile WASP Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Father
Walsh debriefed the Prussian geopolitical savant Karl Haushoffer after

        We have gathered together a number of items published by
A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220 (The Project, $30.00
year/quarterly).  In the hopes provoking a more sophisticated
interpretation of Carroll Quigley's still very important work.

                           New Source of Support
                       for Project Theory of Quigley

     We recently discovered through a SpyBase computer search for
references to Carroll Quigley a defunct magazine named ParaPolitics/USA
which contained a fascinating article by Kevin Coogan which we have quoted
below.  Ignoring the obvious "left-bias" for a moment, note the support
the article gives for the Project theory of Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and
Hope as a Georgetown Jesuit, Vatican plot.

Quoted from ParaPolitics #6, 1982:

      "It was the SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta)
-- Georgetown axis which also launched Joe McCarthy's career.  McCarthy
was directly briefed by men like Father Walsh of Georgetown University
who, with the help of the FBI, fed McCarthy his stories of "Communists"
in the State Department.

        It is not just a case of "deja vu" when today the group is
Georgetown-CSIS and it goes after such politically pathetic groups as the
Institute for Policy Studies for their "KGB connections".  In fact, the
IPS in these circles is perceived as the outer wing of an "Atlanticist"
faction in both American and British intelligence.  Such British
intelligence figures (and social democrats) as Richard Crossman have long
been attacked by SMOM types for sponsoring the social democratic parties
of Western Europe.

        It was because men like Gehlen (SMOM) hated the social democrats
of all kinds that they also hated whole sections of British Intelligence.
In effect they saw the Anglican and Catholic progressive circles as having
their stronghold in the British Labor Party and other circles.

        This is why Georgetown was the home base for Professor Carroll
Quigley whose book Tragedy and Hope "exposes" the close relations between
the British "Roundtable" group and the American Council on Foreign

        Tragedy and Hope is the bible of the Birch Society and Catholic
right.  With the rise of the Thatcher faction of the Tory party (and the
decline of Edward Heath whose ties were to much more moderate elements)
the SMOM right has run a virtual coup in England."
                         from ParaPolitics #6, 1982
            The Men Behind the Counterreformation by Kevin Coogan


     Of course, the above quote also contains many distortions due to the
left-wing obsessions of the author.  First, it fails to mention Carroll
Quigley's hatred of McCarthy.  However, Quigley's hatred was not based
upon McCarthy's anti-communism, but rather h is primitive intellectual
nature that made it impossible for him to carry-out the sophisticated
program planned by Jesuit Father Walsh in a sensible manner that would
have achieved its anti-communist goals instead of discrediting them!

     Second, Coogan tries to dismiss the Institute for Policy Studies as
politically impotent.  On the contrary, IPS, which was extremely
influential with left-liberals in the radical 60's and early 70's, was
founded with money from the estate of James Wa rburg.  Recall that the
Warburgs, in combination with the Rothshilds with whom they are
intermarried, were the founders of the Federal Reserve System and one of
the premier International Merchant Banking firms of the Queen's Empire of
the City (of London).

     Third, Coogan thinks IPS and similar circles are seen as creatures of
the "Atlanticist faction of British and American Intelligence" by the SMOM
forces.  This failure to see that the Royalist ruling class of remnant
British Imperialism (hardly just a n "Atlanticist" intelligence agency
faction) controls left-wing groups such as IPS is typical left-wing denial
of the support they receive from the most hegemonic of all ruling class
elements, the Judeo-Masonic-Anglophile/Royalist Cabal, while they focus
their ire on the chronically losing, anti-modernist Vatican/SMOM forces.

     This is probably a good time to review all the analyses of Carroll
Quigley that have appeared in the Project over the years and all the
Carroll Quigley material that is currently available from A- albionic
Research.  Current events continue to confir m that Quigley provided a
key, though not an unbiased one, to the mysteries of political reality in
the modern world.
                       Carroll Quigley Bibliography

Never Tire of Protesting by George Seldes, Rare/Out-of-print Hardcover,
248 page Hardcover $44.00

Reveals dinner meeting between Carroll Quigley's mentor, Jesuit Father
Edmund Walsh, and Joseph P. McCarthy on Page 182 in which the
anti-Communist Walsh who had also expressed anti-Semitic ideas in his
books along the lines of Catholics Coughlin and Fahey, recommend an
anti-Communist Crusade to the eager McCarthy.

Oddly enough Quigley confirms Seldes on page 931 of Tragedy and Hope:

"Until early 1950, Communism meant little to McCarthy.  He had been
elected to the Senate over the incumbent, LaFollette, in 1946, as a result
of Communist-controlled votes in the labor unions of Milwaukee.  As a
Senator he collaborated in a joint Nazi and Communist plot to injure the
United States and its army by reversing the convictions of German SS
troops for atrocities committed on American prisoners of war captured in
the Battle of the Bulge.  But, by January 1950, McCarthy was looking for
an issue to be used for his reelection in 1952.  At a dinner with three
men, two of them associates of mine (!!!), in the Colony Restaurant in
Washington DC (January 7, 1950) he asked what issue he should use.  After
several suggestions, he seized upon Communism:  "That's it," he said, "The
government is full of Communists.  We can hammer away at them."

ParaPolitics/USA #6:  Nugan Hand, Drugs, Terpil and Coogan's Men Behind
the New Counterreformation Kevin Coogan Order# 11842 1982 0045 page
Newsletter Reprint Price $15.00

        Parapolitics Reprint Reviewed in Fall 1992 Project.  Very
important information in Kevin Coogan's article regarding Carol Quigley as
a secret Jesuit Georgetown, SMOM agent and the sinister forces behind the
aspects of the "Reagan Revolution."

The Anglo-American Establishment:  From Rhodes to Cliveden by Carroll
Quigley, 1981 In Print Paperback, 354 pages, Order #699 $12.00

        Published after Quigley's death and without his consent.  Very
detailed look at the participants of the Round Table Conspiracy and the
results of their actions.

The Anglo-American Establishment (A Book Review):  The Conspiracy from
Rhodes to Cliveden by Carroll Quigley, 1982 Reprint Article, 2 pages,
Order #00781 $2.00

        Very negative review of Carroll Quigley's thesis by the Editors of
Publisher's Weekly.

The Brazzavile Twelve by Carroll Quigley, 1962 Reprint Article, Order
#00786 $4.00

        Current History, December 1962.  Analysis of West African politics.

The Creative Writer Today by Carroll Quigley, 1967 Reprint Article, Order
#00785 $4.00

        Catholic World, December 1967.  From Tragedy and Hope it can be gleaned
that Quigley felt that the anti-middle class literature was having its
planned effect!

The Evolution of Civilization by Carroll Quigley, 1961 In Print Paperback,
0441 pages, Order #00606 $15.00

        Neo-Spenglerian theory of the rise and fall of civilization.
Claims civilization springs from a successful mechanism which allows an
elite, ruling class to extract a "surplus" from the people for further
expansion.  Claims "institutionalization" eventual ly makes the mechanism
rather than the extraction of surplus into an end in itself.  For instance
Democracy itself becomes a value in itself rather than a fraud perpetrated
by the elite to gain the consent of the ruled as originally intended!

The French Community and Western Security by Carroll Quigley, 1960 Reprint
Article, 9 pages, Order #00783 $5.00

        Quigley supports anti-AngloAmerican moves of France's Anglophobic

French Tropical Africa:  Today and Tomarrow by Carroll Quigley, 1961
Reprint Article, Order #00787 $4.00

        Current History, February 1961.  Appears to be more non-support
for the AngloAmerican cabal and favor for a "Catholic" continental power.

Major Problems of Foreign Policy by Carroll Quigley, 1968 Reprint Article,
Order #00784 $4.00

        Current History, October 1968.  Not yet read...If Tragedy and Hope
is any guide may argue that the AngloAmerican cabal must not act
"unilaterally" without consulting "European partners" and much else.

Needed:  A Revolution in Thinking by Carroll Quigley, 1968 Reprint
Article, 5 pages, Order #00780 $5.00

        Carroll Quigley repudiates the Aristotelianism of the traditional
Aquinas wing of the Church in favor of Platonism and even "New Age"
concepts of life and logic.  Raises the possibility (in the minds of
conspiriologists) that the Church may be covertly mu ch less disturbed by
"New Age" trends than it often pretends.

Tragedy and Hope:  A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley,
1960 In Print Hardcover, 1100 pages, Order #00637 $25.00

        This book hit the American Right like a bombshell at the end of
the 1960's when Birchers such as Gary Allen, Cleon Skousen, and G. Edward
Griffin began to tout it and its ideas of a "Capitalist Conspiracy" above
the "Communist Conspiracy".  Oddly, the Bir chers down played the
Anglophile, British Empire, British Royal Family pro-Vatican implications
of Quigley and concentrated on his mention of the International Bankers
and their manipulation of Communism.  Quigley claimed to have had access
to CFR papers during part of his career and, thus, he was touted as an
"Insider" who defected.  A more careful study of his work and his career
revealed that he was an Irish Catholic and an insider at the Pope's
Georgetown Jesuit University where his book had been requ ired reading for
many years!  Far from breaking new ground, much of his work is simply and
up-dating and scholarization of the traditionalist Catholic conspiracy
theories of Fathers Fahey and Couglin.

Weapons Systems and Political Stability:  A History by Carroll Quigley,
1983 Rare/Out-of-Print Paperback, 1043 pages, Order #00769 $55.00

        When Carroll Quigley died he was gathering information and writing
drafts of a book designed to show that political forms were a product of
current weapons technology, ie. easy to use weapons like a hand gun lead
to democracy and individualism while diffi cult to use weapons requiring
professional expertise such as armor, swords, (modern technological
weapons) etc. lead to a tightly knit professional soldiery surrounding
despots.  His students put his notes together in this xerox form...We also
have a xero x of a fairly negative review of this book from the 1984
American Historical Review...$5.00 Note:  Does Quigley's theory project
that we are heading for ever increasing tyranny as weapons technology
increases in complexity??

Understanding the New World Order:  Preparations for Antichrist's One
World Government by Roy Livesey, 1989 In Print--Former Title:
Understanding the New Age Paperback, 0218 pages, Order #00050 $12.00

        Protestant Christian takes on the New Age and International
Bankers without swallowing the Vatican propaganda line of Couglin, Fahey,
and Quigley in these matters hook, line, and sinker.  One of the few
writers outside of the Project to see Tragedy and Ho pe as a Jesuit
Georgetown University propaganda project.

        Project (April-June 1986):  Independent Source for Project Thesis;
Reverend Denis Fahey's The Mystical Body of Christ by Lloyd Miller, 1986
Reprint Newsletter, 6 pages, Order #00778 $3.00 Irish-Catholic Rev. Denis
Fahey, CS Sp confirms Project thesis and adds support for "social
organism" theory.  Does Fahey represent the anti-British, anti-Modernism,
anti-International Banker tradition that bred Carroll Quigley?

The Project (August-September 1985):  Overview Issue by Lloyd Miller, 1985
Reprint Newsletter, 12 Pages, Order #00478 $9.00

        Review of the Project's progress.  Primacy of Geopolitics.  Secret
societies and subversion:  Underbelly of geopolitics?  3-Bloc world
foretold in 1984?  Tentative 500 year chronology of the ruling class
conspiracy:  Seizing power in insular Albion (1485- 1694), The Drive for
World Domination (1694-1815), World reign of the Crown (1815-1946),
NeoBritish Empire (1946-Present).  Capsule reviews of 12 important books.

The Project (October-December 1986):  Jesuit Georgetown
University--Vatican's Would Be Headquarters for Control of America by
Lloyd Miller, 1986 Reprint Newsletter, 18 pages, Order #00777 $6.00

        Georgetown School of Foreign Service:  Catholic alternative to the
Anglophile Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)?  Jesuit Father Edmund
Walsh:  Mentor of Joe McCarthy and Carroll Quigley!  Royal Mercy
Killing--King George V.  The Knights of Darkness:  The
Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta (SMOM).  Pope's
alternative to Masonry and Skull and Bones.  ParaPolitics/USA #6:  Nugan
Hand, Drugs, Terpil and Coogan's Men Behind the New Counterreformation by
Kevin Coogan, 1982 Reprint Newsletter, 004500 pages, Order #00779 $15.00
Reviewed in Fall 1992 Project.  Very important information regarding
Carroll Quigley as a secret Jesuit Georgetown, SMOM agent and the sinister
forces behind the Reagan revolution.

Quigley, Carroll:  Obituary--The American Historical Review October 1977
by Jules Davids, 1977 Reprint Article, 2 pages, Order #00782 $2.00

        Interesting review of Quigley's career and his central position in
undergraduate education at Georgetown University through his required
"Development of Civilization" course.  Mentions his post retirement series
of lectures entitled "Public Authority and the State in Western Tradition:
A Thousand Years of Growth 976-1976".  This lecture needs to be obtained
and scrutinized by researchers.


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