Newswatch Magazine Editorial:

There has been a dramatic rise among the general population
concerning the abuse of presidential and congressional power to
deliver America into an all-powerful world government under the
United Nations.

Many citizens are now becoming aware that a Marxist organization
founded in 1919 and incorporated in 1921 have now taken over ALL
key positions of power in the United States Federal Government.
That organization is called the Council on Foreign Relations. Former
President George Bush belonged to it and was on its Board of
Directors in 1978-79. He resigned to run for Vice-President. He was
also a member of Globalist David Rockefeller's Trilateral
Commission. He also resigned from its Board of Directors to run for
Vice-President. George Bush also was a member of Yale Universities
Skull and Bones, which is also working through infiltration into
corridors of power for world government. His son, Governor George
W. Bush, is also a Bonesman.

Current President Bill Clinton is still a member of BOTH the Council
on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Most Cabinet
members of any significance for the last 50 years have been members
of the Council on Foreign Relations. This is WHY our government -
on the federal level - continues its downward spiral toward
Socialism/Communism and Corporate Globalism WITHOUT WE,

The Constitution of the United States derives its power FROM the
consent of the governed. The Socialist/Communist that have taken
over Washington, DC, NEVER ask for nor do they want
CONSENT for their treasonous activities.

Example: W. Cleon Skousen, former Assistant to FBI Director J.
Edgar Hoover, discovered 45 objectives the Communists were
striving to achieve to overthrow America for world government.
When you understand these objectives, then you will comprehend
WHY the militia began to rise to protect the country from tyranny
[because of the Ruby Ridge, WACO, and Oklahoma City episodes],
WHY The Republic of Texas movement started for Texas to become
an independent nation, WHY Arizona has drafted legislation to
secede from the Union if Martial Law is called or the Federal
Government begins to confiscate guns in violation of the 2nd
Amendment, and WHY the Southern Party has risen to take the
South back into one political camp to preserve their Southern "Bible
Belt" heritage!

Out of the 45 objectives listed in the Congressional Record, I will
mention only a few:

11) Promote the United Nations as the only hope for mankind. If its
charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world-
government with its own independent armed forces. [Guess who
would control the armed forces? By agreement between Russia and
the U.S. Secretary of State, it would ALWAYS be a Communist -
which has held true to this moment. No wonder Senator Jesse Helms
from North Carolina went to the Security Council on January 20,
2000, and basically said back off or the U.S. will withdraw.]

12) Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist party.

13) Do away with loyalty oaths.

14) Capture one OR both political parties. President Bush was a
Republican while President Clinton is a Democrat.

15) Use technical decisions of the courts to WEAKEN basic
American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

16) Get control of schools. Use them to foster socialism and current
Communist propaganda. Get control of teacher's associations - such
as the National Educational Association [NEA].

17) Infiltrate the press and gain control of ALL major means of
communication - such as radio, TV, and motion pictures. Use these
agencies to destroy the morals of the nation.

18) Continue discrediting American, especially Southern "Bible Belt,"
culture, by degrading ALL forms of artistic expression - nude movies,
books, perverted art, etc.

19) Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them
"censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

20) BREAK DOWN cultural standards of morality by promoting
pornography in books, magazines, motion pictures, and TV.

21) Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as "healthy,
natural, normal."

22) Infiltrate the churches and replace REVEALED BIBLICAL
BIBLE and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does
not need a "religious crutch."

23) Eliminate prayer or ANY phase of religious expressions from the


25) Discredit the American founding fathers.

26) Belittle all forms of American culture and DISCOURAGE the
teaching of American history to eliminate knowledge of our God given

27) Support ALL socialist movement to give CENTRALIZED
CONTROL over any part of the culture - education, social agencies
such as housing, welfare programs, mental health clinics, the Federal
Government in Washington, DC.

28) Infiltrate and gain control of big business. Create a monopoly in
the market place for favored businesses they control.

29) Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and
easy divorce to break down society.

Now do we begin to understand WHAT has happened to our culture
in the last 50 years? No wonder the spotlight has been placed on the
corruption of our federal representatives and senators who are selling
our birthright inheritance down the socialistic path into oblivion!


David J. Smith
"To destroy arms, however, is not enough. We must create even as we
destroy - creating world-wide law and law enforcement as we outlaw
world-wide war and weapons."
-John F. Kennedy Future of the United
Nations Organizations 1961
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