>From AntiWar.Com

Conservative German Politician Lauches Fierce Attack Against NATO War
by Rainer Rupp
Saarbrücken, Germany
Special to Antiwar.com

"Serbia, the only truly multi-ethnical state left in the Balkans"

Willy Wimmer, Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE and
member of the German Bundestag (National Parliament) for the conservative
Christian Democratic Union (CDU) of former Chancellor Helmut Kohl, has never
held back with his sharp criticism of NATO's war against Yugoslavia. But his
recent statement, distributed on 3rd April in the lobby of the Bundestag has
caused a stir in German politics and was given broad attention in the national

In his statement Mr. Wimmer warned that one year after the beginning of the
NATO attack against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" the Kosovo War was
increasingly proving to have become a watershed for the future development of
the world." Referring to his recent talks in Moscow he emphasised that, after
years of having waited in vain for a fruitful dialog with Europe and the USA,
Russia had now passed a new military doctrine, "which specifically addresses
NATO and the West." (NATO is designated in the new doctrine as a potential
threat to Russia). "What makes Moscow publish its guidelines for the (first)
use of nuclear weapons now," asks Mr. Wimmer and offers the answer: "What other
reason could there have been than the war against Yugoslavia."

In Beijing too, things had changed to the worse, asMr Wimmer recalls his talks
there. In spite of all American apologies and assertions to the opposite, the
Chinese firmly believe, " that one single US-bomber flew all the way from the
United States in order to hit the Chinese embassy in Belgrade."

Despite all assertions about the "humanitarian war" by NATO-officials, Mr.
Wimmer urged Europeans to draw the right conclusions from an operation, "which
was essentially led, in order to ensure the expansion of NATO and to underpin
its credibility."

Moreover, in Mr. Wimmers' view the NATO-Operation in Kosovo seems to have "got
out of control." Referring to Western newspaper reports Mr. Wimmer emphasises
that "the Jews of Kosovo have now fled, almost without exception, to Belgrade."

He added that "it goes without saying" that the KLA "has almost completely
cleansed the remaining ethnic Serbs and Roma from Kosovo; the ethnical Turks
had to go, and the catholic Albanians report acts of violence against them.
Even Albanian intellectuals are leaving Kosovo and apparently flee to
Belgrade." From these observations the conservative representative Willy Wimmer
draws the only logical conclusion, that Belgrade remains "the only large multi-
ethnical state in the Balkans." He considers that Kosovo is "on the eve of
another civil war between rival albanian groups, which are supported by
competing drug barons. What will NATO do then? – An undignified withdrawal or
the provocation of a new war?"

He sternly warns against a new war against Serbia and ridicules NATO's grand
claims. "What is left of NATO's big mouth announcements of a year ago, that it
would cut the Yugoslav army into pieces?" he asked. "After 78 days of war and
approximately 36,000 bombing missions the Yugoslav Army left (Kosovo) with
polished tanks!" Next time, Mr. Wimmer expects, that NATO might not get away so
easily: "It is highly questionable if a future conflict in Kosovo would follow
the old pattern, or if a President Putin would again refuse the S-300 air
defence systems to the Serbs, as happened in October 1998. In the actual air
duels the most modern US technology confronted Soviet technology of the 70ies.
That might change. "

In conclusion Mr. Willy Wimmer addresses the increasing tensions between Europe
and the USA and requests Europeans to think again before they get dragged into
the next Balkan war: "Europeans should ask themselves, how they see their own
role against the background of the official American defence planning
guidelines? This Pentagon document states razor-sharp that all American efforts
must be directed against the emergence of a rival power while upholding NATO as
the substantial channel for American influence in Europe and as an instrument
for participation in European decision making."

With reference to The Hague, Mr. Wimmer, the deputy chairman of the OSCE's
parliamentary assembly does not see "much of a future" for the International
War Crimes Tribunal. Quoting a high official in the German government he said:
"the tribunal would quickly unravel once it started in earnest to pursue the
complaints that have been filed against NATO."

If you would like to contact Mr. Willy Wimmer, you may call, fax or e-mal his
office in the German Bundestag (Parliament) in Berlin;
Mr. Willy Wimmer
Platz der Republik 1,
11011 Berlin
Tel. 00 49 30 1227-75094
Fax: .........30 22746498


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