[China's getting a fine return on their investment  --MS]


US Won't Allow Taiwan Destroyer Sale
By Barry Schweid
AP Diplomatic Correspondent
Monday, April 17, 2000; 5:52 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTON –– President Clinton, backed by his senior advisers,
decided Monday against the sale of four Aegis destroyers to
Taiwan but approved sale of long-range radar designed to detect
missile launches, a senior U.S. official said.

Clinton, in California on a tour of impoverished communities,
acted on the recommendation of top advisers who met earlier in
the day at the White House, said the official, who spoke on
condition of anonymity.

The Pentagon had recommended that the administration put off
Taiwan's request to buy new weapons, including the destroyers,
submarines and anti-submarine aircraft, in order to avoid
angering China, which views Taiwan as a rebellious province.

The decision could touch off a fight with Congress, where support
for Taiwan and its growing democratic trends is strong,
especially in light of menacing gestures by Beijing toward the

Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., said the Pentagon was succumbing to
pressure from the State Department and the White House "to
sacrifice Taiwan's security in order to appease the dictators in

Helms, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said
in a statement: "There is, quite simply, no military
justification to deny Taiwan these crucial defensive items. These
denials are driven by knee-jerk appeasement on the part of the
White House and State Department."

A showdown between the White House and Congress could develop
over legislation backed by Taiwan supporters to strengthen
U.S.-Taiwanese military ties.

"The politicized handling of Taiwan's defense request – and the
utter failure of this administration to consult with Congress –
is a clear demonstration why the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act
is so urgently needed," Helms said.

Administration officials have said they would recommend a
presidential veto if Congress tries to force the sale of arms to

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., took steps last week
to push the bill to a floor vote by the end of the month.

Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., immediately imposed a "hold" on the
measure that could block Lott's efforts.

Baucus is a leader in a drive to grant China permanent trade


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