[Personally I would not volunteer for the radiographic
intrusuion.  --MS]


What is the body imaging system?

The body imaging system uses reflected x-ray energy to produce
images of objects concealed under a person’s clothing. The system
projects a very narrow beam of x-ray energy that is passed over a
person’s body. The beam does not remain stationary on any part of
the body. As a result, the system is often called a “body scan.”

What does the scan show?

Due to the low dosage of x-ray radiation, the x-rays penetrate
only a few millimeters below the skin. They do not completely
penetrate the body. The images displayed show only those features
near the body surface. This allows detection of objects that may
be concealed under clothing. The body’s internal anatomy is not
shown in the image. The only exceptions are near the skin
surface, such as in the lower legs, where bones’ forward surfaces
can be seen in the image.

Does the device allow inspectors to zoom in on specific areas of
the body?

The device contains a feature that only allows inspectors to
highlight an object hidden under clothing to determine if it is

Does Customs keep an image?

Customs only keeps an image if the body scan detects illegal
contraband, since the image may be needed for potential

Do all international air passengers get scanned?

No. During the course of their normal duties, Customs inspectors
may select an arriving international passenger for questioning
and/or a baggage examination. Customs inspectors do not use race,
gender, religion or ethnic background to select passengers. If,
during the examination, the Customs inspector develops good
reason to suspect that a passenger is carrying contraband on the
body, the passenger is offered the choice of undergoing a patdown
or a body scan. The body scan is offered as a less intrusive
alternative to the patdown, since the passenger is not physically
touched during the body scan process. The vast majority of
arriving international passengers do not undergo either a patdown
or a body scan by Customs. On average, only one out of every
2,000 international passengers will reach this level of search.

What other controls govern the use of the body scan?

Customs inspectors are barred from administering a body scan on
any passenger without the written consent of that passenger. The
passenger must sign a consent form before a body scan.
Furthermore, each use of the body scan requires approval from a
Customs supervisor. In addition, the operator of the body scan
system must be of the same sex as the passenger being examined.
Body scans are only operated in private areas or closed rooms,
out of the view of the general public. The system operator is the
only individual who has a view of the screen.

Were these systems introduced in response to the recent arrests
of suspected terrorists on the U.S./Canadian border?

No. Customs began deploying these systems at designated airports
in early 1999 to combat drug smuggling.

Where are the systems being used by U.S. Customs?

Systems are currently in place at JFK Airport, Miami
International Airport, Chicago O’Hare Airport, Atlanta Hartsfield
Airport, Houston Intercontinental Airport, and Los Angeles
International Airport. By March 2000, systems are scheduled to be
placed at Dulles International and Newark International Airports.

Why has Customs kept the deployment of these systems secret until

Customs has not kept these systems secret. In fact, Customs has
held numerous press conferences over the past year highlighting
the deployment of body scans at airports in Chicago, Los Angeles,
New York, and other locations.

Are pregnant women subjected to body scans?

As noted above, a body scan is completely voluntary. Scientific
studies and reports by independent labs confirm that the system
is safe for use on all persons, including pregnant women.
However, by policy , Customs does not allow a body scan to be
administered to a woman who knows, believes, or is unsure if she
is pregnant.

What is the dose of radiation?

Each scan of the body exposes the person being examined to a 3-5
microRem dose of x-ray radiation.

What does that mean?

Every person is continually exposed to radiation from naturally
occurring radioactive materials in the air and soil. This is
considered “background” radiation and ranges between 10 and 20
microRem per hour. Cosmic radiation from space also provides
radiation that increases with elevation. Commercial airline
passengers are typically exposed to 500 microRem per hour during
a flight at 35,000 feet above sea level. The radiation exposure
from the body imaging system is small compared to the radiation
exposure from naturally occurring background radiation.

Can the systems leak radiation? How will someone know if that is

The systems, by Federal regulation, must contain interlocks and
safety systems. Testing by independent laboratories confirmed
that the internal safety systems alleviate the danger from
potential radiation exposure. In addition, Customs is placing
dosimeters (radiation measurement devices) on each system. The
devices will be replaced and forwarded to an independent
laboratory for evaluation every four months. The systems are only
operated by Customs officers who have been trained in radiation
safety and in the proper use of the body imaging system.


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  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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