In a message dated 4/18/00 10:47:12 PM Central Daylight Time,

<< I hope she was a whole lot better than the woman practicing medicine
without a license in Canada, where that isn't illegal by the way, who killed
my 34 year old sister. >>

Clark is a quack of the highest wit-

The Bizarre Claims of Hulda Clark
Stephen Barrett, M.D.
Hulda Regehr Clark, 70, claims to cure cancer, AIDS, and many other serious
diseases. She describes herself as an "independent research scientist" with
bachelor and master's degrees from the University of Saskatchewan and a Ph.D.
degree in physiology from the University of Minnesota (1958). She also lists
a naturopathic (N.D.) degree, but the source is not identified [1]. Her
treatment is available at Century Nutrition, a clinic in Tijuana, Mexico,
where the basic fee for two weeks of "treatment" is $4,500 (plus 10% tax).
This figure does not include the cost of a motel room (approximately
$210/week); meals ($250/week); blood tests ($70 each); standard diagnostic
imaging tests ($40 to $400); dental x-rays (at least $206); "individually
tailored" supplements ($400 to $1,500 for a month supply); equipment (about
$350); tooth extractions ($80 each); and partial or full dentures ($450).

Bizarre Claims
Clark claims that all cancers and many other diseases are caused by
"parasites, toxins, and pollutants" and can be cured by killing the parasites
and ridding the body of environmental chemicals. Her book The Cure for All
Cancers states:

All cancers are alike. They are all caused by a parasite. A single parasite!
It is the human intestinal fluke. And if you kill this parasite, the cancer
stops immediately. The tissue becomes normal again. In order to get cancer,
you must have this parasite. . . .

This parasite typically lives in the intestine where it might do little harm,
causing only colitis, Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome, or perhaps
nothing at all. But if it invades a different organ, like the uterus, kidneys
or liver, it does a great deal of harm. If it establishes itself in the
liver, it causes cancer! It only establishes itself in the liver of some
people. These people have propyl alcohol in their body. All cancer patients
(100%) have both propyl alcohol and the intestinal fluke in their livers. The
solvent propyl alcohol is responsible for letting the fluke establish itself
in the liver. In order to get cancer, you must have both the parasite and
propyl alcohol in your body [1:1-2].

Clark further alleges:

The adult fluke "stays stuck to our intestine, (or liver, causing cancer, or
uterus, causing endometriosis, or thymus, causing AIDS, or kidney, causing
Hodgkin's disease)." [1:4] Or the pancreas, causing diabetes; the brain,
causing Alzheimer's disease; the prostate (causing prostatitis; or the skin
if you have Kaposi's sarcoma [1:35].
As soon as there are adults in the liver. . . . a growth factor, called
ortho-phospho-tyrosine appears. Growth factors make cells divide. Now YOUR
cells will begin to divide too! Now you have cancer. . . . Having propyl
alcohol in your body allows the fluke to develop outside of the intestine
When the fluke and all its stages have been killed, the
ortho-phospho-tyrosine is gone! Your cancer is gone [1:9].
Clearly, you must do 3 things: (1) Kill the parasite and all its stages; (2)
stop letting propyl alcohol into your body; and (3) flush out the metals and
common toxins from your body so you can get well [1:10].
It is not unusual for someone to have a dozen (or more) of the parasites I
have samples of. You can assume that you, too, have a dozen different
parasites [1:10].
Three herbs, used together, can rid you of over 100 types of parasites: black
walnut hulls, wormwood, and common cloves [1:11-12]. But the amino acids
ornithine and arginine improve this recipe [1:15].
Use of these five products will kill the cancer-causing fluke in the first
five days and the remaining parasites in another two weeks [1:19].
It takes 5 days to be cured of cancer regardless of the type you have.
Surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy can be canceled because, after Clark's
recipe cures the cancer, it cannot come back [1:introductory passage].
All metal (fillings, crowns, bridges, etc.) should be removed from the mouth,
and all teeth with root canals should be extracted, because their presence
damages the immune system [1:46-48].
To prevent recurrence, stay on a maintenance program of killing parasites and
give yourself a high-dose program at least twice a year. Also treat all
family members and household pets [1:23-26].
Clark is also using and promoting two devices. Her Syncrometer is claimed to
identify diseased organs and toxic substances by noting whether the device
makes various sounds when "test substances" are placed on a plate
[1:373-427]. The device is simply a galvanometer that measures skin
resistance to a low-voltage current that passes from the device through a
probe touched to the patient's hand. Various models for home use can either
be commercially purchased or made by the patient. Clark's "Zapper" is a
low-voltage device that supposedly kills parasites, bacteria, and viruses
with electrical energy, but does not harm human tissue. Its use is based on
Clark's notion that all living things broadcast a characteristic range of
radio frequencies and that the device can issue counter-frequencies that kill
unwanted organisms [2]. Neither device has any genuine diagnostic or
therapeutic value.

Clark's books, herbal products, and "Zapper" devices said to be built to her
specifications are marketed through many Web sites [A, B, C, D, E, F G, H,
I]. Her ideas are also advocated by the Dr. Clark Research Association, a
group founded in 1998 by David P. Amrein, a Scientologist who resides in
Switzerland. Membership, which costs $40 per year, includes a subscription to
the Dr. Clark Research Association Bulletin, which Amrein edits. The November
1999 issue states that the Bulletin has a circulation of 1,500.

In November 1999, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
announced that it had stopped an Australian company (Raylight Pty Ltd) from
advertising that its "Parasite Zapper" passes an electric current through a
person's blood and is effective against the AIDS virus, parasites, hepatitis,
herpes, obesity, and other serious conditions. The company also agreed to
provide refunds to consumers who felt they had been mislead [3].

Case Histories
Pages 119-372 contain "case histories" of 138 cancer patients, of whom 103
were "cured" and 35 who "did not carry out instructions or could not be
followed." The standard way to determine whether a treatment is effective is
to carefully record the nature of the patient's disease before treatment and
to determine the patient's condition indefinitely. Clark's reports contain
little information about the patient's history and no indication that Clark
performed any physical examinations. The only follow-up reports are for a few
patients who returned for further treatment -- usually a few weeks later.
Cancer treatment results are normally expressed in terms of cancer-free
status or survival over periods of years. Five-year survival rates are a
common measure. Clark claims she can tell that patients are cured as soon as
their ortho-phospho-tyrosine test is negative -- within days or even a few
hours after her treatment is begun. This claim is preposterous.

Thirty-eight of the 103 reports indicate that the patient had been medically
diagnosed with cancer, and most of these 38 had received standard treatment.
In 59 other cases, however, there was no indication that the patient had
undergone any medical test or treatment that would indicate the presence of a
cancer. (In 10 other cases, which Clark diagnosed as HIV infection, there was
no history suggestive of AIDS. In the rest, it was not clear whether the
patient had been medically diagnosed with cancer.)

Judging from the reports, Clark's judgments were based entirely on the
results of her own peculiar diagnostic tests. If "ortho-phospho-tyrosine" was
found in the blood, the patient had cancer. If a "protein 24 antigen" was
found in the blood, the patient had AIDS. And, anywhere from a few hours to
several weeks later, if these tests became negative, Clark considered the
patient cured. The book describes how some of the patients who had consulted
Clark for other problems were startled to hear they had cancer or AIDS.

None of the reports provides any basis for concluding that Clark's treatment
has the slightest value. The majority of the people described in the 103 case
reports did not have cancer. Of those that did, most had received standard
medical treatment or their tumors were in their early stages. In these cases,
Clark pronounced them cured but did not follow what happened after they left
her clinic -- so she could not possibly know how they did afterward. In some
cases, she counted patients as cured even though she noted that they died
within a few weeks after she treated them.

Legal Trouble for Clark.
In September 1999, Clark was arrested in San Diego, California, based on a
fugitive warrant from Indiana, where she faces charges of practicing medicine
without a license. In November, a former patient filed suit accusing her of
negligence and fraud.

The criminal case originated when Clark lived and practiced in Indiana [4,5].
In 1993, after a former patient complained to the Indiana attorney general, a
health department official visited accompanied by a deputy attorney general
visited her office and was diagnosed with AIDS and sent to a laboratory for a
blood test [6]. Clark -- apparently tipped off by the lab -- found out she
was being investigated and left Indiana a few days later. After being
returned to Indiana, she was released on $10,000 bail. Meanwhile, her
supporters -- who refer to her as a "pioneer in medicine" -- are sending
protest letters to press outlets and government officials. Further news of
the case -- from the supporters' viewpoint -- is available on the Dr. Clark
Research Association Web site.

The civil case was filed by Esther and Jose Figueroa of New York City against
Clark, the Dr. Clark Research Association, Century Nutrition, and several
associated individuals. Mrs. Figueroa, who had been medically diagnosed with
breast cancer, sought treatment in September 1998. The court papers state
that she was told:

Dust from her apartment was responsible for her breast cancer.
Returning to her apartment would place her at special risk to develop
leukemia because of her blood type.
She had asbestos, lead, and a lot of copper in her system.
The Syncrometer detected a parasite called "rabbit fluke" inside her breast.
She also had E. coli, asbestos, and salmonella due to improper food
Several teeth should be removed and "cavitations" in her lower jaw should be
scraped out.
Clark subsequently arranged for all of Mrs. Figueroa's front and molar teeth
to be removed, prescribed more than 30 dietary and herbal supplements to be
taken during a 12-week period, and badly burned her breast while
administering treatment with a "Zapper" device. During the 3-month period of
treatment, the tumor increased from 1.5 cm to 14 cm. Despite this fact, Mrs.
Figueroa was falsely told that she was getting better, that tests for "cancer
markers" were negative, and that pain she was experiencing did not reflect
persistence of her cancer.


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