When a HAARP researcher pestered the Air Force for info, he was referred to
Kirk-land AFB, NM another site deeply involved in mind-control and black
projects. (Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, p.63) Los Alamos Nat. Labs also is
involved with both mind-control & I-IAARP. Their Blackbeard Team is
connected to the Alexis Satellite, which may or may not be connected to the
ALEX system which this author has been warning about. Supposedly this is a
gamma ray re-search satellite, but this author doesn’t know

Page 178 ...

if this is the truth or a cover story. The Air Command & Staff College’s
Airpower Journal lets the "cat out of the bag" so to speak when they reveal
that weapons like HAARP will be used against civilians. The military wants
to use weapons like HAARP to disorient people’s mental facilities. Newt
Gingerich wrote the forward to an official US Air Force book entitled
Low-Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology which described how
electromagnetic weapons could be used to subjugate U.S. citizens who opposed
their government. Cpt. Paul Tyler wrote the chapter on electromagnetic and
psychotronic weapons. A paper trail does exist of the intentions to use
HAARP for mind-control by our government. For the sake of completeness, and
to provide the readers with a paper trail, I’ll quote directly from this
official Air Force book from the part written by Cpt. Tyler, ‘The potential
applications of artificial electromagnetic fields are wide-ranging and can
be used in many military or quasi-military situations... Some of these
potential uses include dealing with terrorist groups...crowd control,...and
anti-personnel techniques in tactical warfare. In all cases, the
electro-magnetic systems would be used to produce mild to severe
physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation. In
addition, the ability of individuals to function could be degraded to such a
point that they would be combat ineffective. Another advantage of
electromagnetic systems is that they provide coverage over large areas with
a single system [this is an obvious reference to HAARP] . . . . Recently,
pulsed electromagnetic fields have been reported to induce cellular
transcription related to reproduction of DNA.... Knowledge of mechanisms of
actions of Radio-Frequency Radiation (RFR) with living systems and the
assessment of pulsed RFR effects, will demonstrate the vulnerability of
humans to complex pulsed electromagnetic radiation fields... Experiments
with elec-troshock, RFR experiments and the increasing understanding of the
brain as an electrically-mediated-organ, suggest the serious probability
that impressed electromagnetic fields can be disruptive of purposeful
behavior and may be capable of directing and/or interrogating such
MIND-CONTROL capabilities. Dr. Abraham Liboff of Oakland Univ. has
demonstrated how low-energy circularly polarized electromagnetic waves can
change the brain’s ability to keep out certain ions, minerals, and
chemicals. HAARP can also be used with genetic manipulating ionized
radiation and chemicals to specifically control the mind. (See Chapter 8,
section 2 for a complete discussion of this.)


Naval Intelligence and other groups have conducted research into ELF waves
upon the human body and mind. Some of the many things that can be done to
the human body and mind with ELF waves include:

a. put a person to sleep

b. make a person tired or depressed c. create a feeling of fear in a person
d. create a zombie state

e. create a violent state

f. create a state of being sexually aggressive g. change cellular chemistry

h. change hormone levels

i. inhibit or enhance M(RNA) synthe-sis/processes

j. control the DNA transaction process

k. control biological spin and proton coupling constants in DNA, RNA & RNA

But electronic control of the brain comes in many forms. Perhaps the
controllers only want to carry out mood shifts. ELF waves which will
penetrate walls, and even go through the earth will create mood shifts
according to how many cycles per minute they are sent at. Studies have
proven that the time for ELF waves to cause a shift in mood is between 6 to
10 seconds (not a long time).

ELF waves below 6 cycles per second cause subjects to become emotionally
upset and this rate may also disrupt bodily functions. At 8.2 cycles/sec.
the person gets an elevated high such as would be accomplished by a master
of meditation. 11 to 11.3 cycles per second cause the brain to become
agitated and to begin riotous behavior. ELF waves could be

Page 179 ...

directed at a population to help incite riots. Research has been carried out
to determine how the brain’s sensory inputs are coded. It has been
determined that visual input is relayed and built into a series of changing
maps. The olfactory sense has thousands of specific codes to determine
smells, and combinations of these are triggered by an object. One clue that
gave researchers initially the idea that different individual human brains
have a common internal electronic type coding for specific thoughts is that
drugs will have such common effects on the human race--even -though one
obtains individuals from widely different genetic pools. The best research
is of course kept secret. We primarily have to report on what is released.
E.R. John in Mecha-nisms of Memory (NY: Academic Press, 1967, pp. 348-349)
announced his discovery that central neuro-electrical codes are indeed used
by the human brain. Information transfers in the brain have been shown to be
related to neuro-electrical frequency codes, and that a brain can be
manipulated by beaming those codes from an external sources. For instance,
Hippocampal neurons will have burst-firing frequencies between 100-200 Hz.
Here are some of the resonance

frequencies for manipulating these senses:

Visual centers of mind--25 Hz

Sense of touch center--9 Hz

Auditory (hearing) ctr-- 15 Hz

Motor control-- 10 Hz

Subconscious thougths--20 Hz.

If the World Order wants to cause a person to make a gesture, they use
ELF-modulated microwaves that are "KEYED" to distinctive brainwave patterns
that are called "PREPARATION SETS." If the controllers want to create an
emotion they use specific "EXCITATION POTENTIALS" by creating the correct
resonance frek which in turn creates a specific emotional state. Victims of
electronic mind-control often complain of electronic fields placed -around
their bodies. Recently, when an electrical storm blew a major metro power
grid, one victim of electronic mind-control lost the force field that had
been encircling her body. The brain is also attenuated to the earth magnetic
field. By manipulating the magnetic field around a person, the magnitude of
the beamed codes needed to elicit a change in the brain can be reduced. For
example J.I. Jacobson changed melatonin levels in subjects by manipulating
the magnetic field in conjunction with beamed "signals". See Jacobson, J.I.
"Pineal-hypothalamic tract meditation of pico Tesla magnetic fields in the
treatment of neurological disorders." FASEB Journal, 1994, 8, p. A656.
Sandyk also successfully used manipulation of the magnetic fields and
reported this in Sandyk, R. Successful treatment of mul-tiple sclerosis with
magnetic fields. International Journal of Neuroscience, 1992, pp. 237-250.
It was discovered that if an alternating magnetic field at a distance
(resonance) frequency is superimposed upon a steady-state magnetic field,
calcium and other ions within the brain can be moved with little energy.
When this was discovered, researchers began to watch to see if variations in
the -earth’s magnetic field during geomagnetic storms and in other
situations, would affect the thinking of masses of people. They discovered
that there were indeed changes to the human brain as a result of magnetic
fluctuations. Cognitive thinking and conscious -thought occurs between the
temperatures of 308º - 312º K (or 35º - 39º C) and the fundamental wave
length associated with these thoughts are approximately 10 micrometers
(which is an infrared wavelength.) Signals that blend with Background
Radiation can be manipulated to control the brain. The temperature of the
brain directly relates to how certain signals will affect it. It is believed
that structures within the thalamus are involved with modulating the
temperature sensitivity of biochemical oscillators. Heterodyne Principle
Used. This

Page 180 ...

principle is that multiple frequencies when applied to a nonlinear device
produce new frequencies which are the sums and differences of the applied
frequencies and their harmonics. In other words a local oscillator (also
called a strong sinusoidal carrier wave) can multiply a weak signal. A
microwave signal at a frequency A is mixed with a microwave local oscillator
at frequency B in a nonlinear mixer. The mixer output signal which is A
minus B is a faithful amplitude and phase reproduction of the original
microwave signal but at a low, fixed frequency so that it can be measured
simply with low-frek measuring devices. Heterodyne signals cost more to
produce but cost is no problem for the government. Multiport network
analysers, which use several simple power detectors and a computer analysis
approach provide a less expensive way to measure both the relative voltage
amplitude & the phase. Cell phone freks used. The controllers use the UHF
cellular telephone frequencies, which are installed everywhere because the
human cranium operates on the same frequencies that cellular phones operate
on. This was not by accident.

PULSED AUDIOGRAMS--Pulsed audiograms use extremely low average power
densities of electromagnetic energy acoustic amplifier driven by the rf
transmitter’s modulator, the peak power density is a critical factor which
is approx. 275 mw/rf for carrier frequencies 125 mc and 1,310 mc. Acoustic
noise is approx. 80 decibels. Another source, the electrical sine wave
analogs of each word is processed so that each time a sine wave crosses zero
reference in the negative direction, & a brief pulse of microwave energy is
triggered. These voice modulated microwaves transmit words to the brain.
Sounds are generated when pulsed microwaves are aimed at absorbers made of
carbon-impregnated polyurethane. An Acoustical Energy Wavefront (AEW) is
created by modified transducement of sound waves, which are in the
ultrasound spec-trum (USS). In other words scalar energy is being employed.
When people are asleep they are the most vulnerable. TV antenna can serve
both as transmitters and well as receivers. It can be made to oscillate a
suitable resonant frequency. By transmitting signals in the TV/FM range and
then modulating them in the ELF/ULF range, they can send signals. The Nexus
magazine of Oct.-Nov. ’96 p. 16 reported on Dr. Ross Adley’s research. Dr.
Adley did some work for the CIA on their Pandora project (an electronic
mind-control project). He recently worked at the Loma Linda Univ. Med.
School, CA. His research showed that the brain will react to EM radiation.
To get a reaction the frequency, amplitude, and dose of the microwave
radiation has to meet certain criteria. In the 1980’s, his experiments
showed that microwave carrier-waves modulated with ELF waves will modify
brain tissue. Weak EM fields will affect the binding of calcium ions to
neuronal sites. This type of information is the type of information that
pertains to the genetic mind-control covered in Chapter 8. Dr. Adley was
able to prove that a 147 MHz (megahertz) field, which at a tissue level had
an intensity of 0.8 milliwatts per square centimeters, caused an efflux or
release of calcium ions from the irradiated brain tissue. "This response
only occurred when the ELF modulation of the microwave carrier-wave had an
amplitude modulated at 6-20 hertz (Hz). The maximum stimulation of the
neurones took place at 16 Hz, but to either side of this frequency-range
parameter there was no effect." (Nexus, 10-11/’96, p. 16 citing Adey, Ross
W. "Neurophysiologic Effects of Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation"
Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, vol. 55, no. 11, Dec., ’79)
Also microwaves as they enter the brain tissue, cause thermal expansion
as -things heat up at the microscopic level, which produces strains in
tissue. The strains produce acoustic

Page 181 ...

stress waves that are conducted through the bone to the cochle-a, and the
cochlea’s stimulation by the wave gives the brain its perception of hearing
a sound just as the cochlea’s stimulation produces the normal sensation of
hearing. For microwaves to do this they must be at 1310 MHz and 2982 MHz at
the average power densities of .4 to 2 mW/cm². The peak power densities can
be 200 to 300 mW/cm2 and the pulse repetition frequency was from 200 to 400
Hz. This makes an RF auditory sound. The sound appears to the victim as
coming from within or near the back of the head. 2 criteria needed to hear
microwaves are the ability to hear above 5 kHz, and good bone conduction.

Section E. Auxiliary uses of electronics & electromagnetic waves.

El. hypnotic induction

E2. polygraphs

E3. attacks against people & objects

E4. virtual reality


In a normal resting state the alpha waves of a person are between 6 -12 per
second, and their breathing rate is about 20-40 breaths per mm. and their
heart beat about 70 to 90 per minute. External stimuli will affect these
rates. If a person fixes their attention on flashes and tones, such as what
happens at some concerts, the body functions will tend to synchronize around
the external tones and pulsing lights. It takes about ten minutes for the
human mind/body to reconfigure itself in line with the external stimuli,
then that rate of the flashing lights and tones and be lowered with a
resulting lowering of the body’s alpha wave rate, their breathing, and their
heart beat. Electronics can be an aid to hypnotizing people. If vibrations
that vibrate at the rate of six to seven cycles per second are created in a
room of people, the vibrations will induce alpha waves in the minds of the
people. The increased alpha wave activity makes the listening subjects more
susceptible to suggestion. This is similar to the effect Vibrato has on the
mind. Vibrato is a tremulous pulsating effect produced by a minute and rapid
variation in pitch either by a cappella or instrumental music. Years ago,
public performances of vibrato music was outlawed in England because so many
listeners went into altered states. A 6- to 7-cycle/sec vibration can be
mask behind other sounds. Hypnosis with headphones repeating "You do not
know this" are used simultaneously along with sonics as well as electrical
patterns that scramble the brain.


Tyson II Corporate Offices, McLean, VA furnishes polygraph operators for the
intelligence agencies, esp. Office of Security which is responsible for CIA
polygraph examinations.

E3. ATTACKS on INDIVIDUALS and objects.

A victim of electronic mind-control in VA in a letter describing her torment
writes, "I no longer have the stabbing pain in my back when I go in my back
yard, as I did in Richmond; however, the pain from some type of directed
energy weapon(s) is just as severe here as it was in Richmond. These
electrical rays coming through the airways of my home cause me all kinds of
physical pain and illnesses. They kill my house-plants; they kill my shrubs;
they kill my vegetables and flowers in my garden; and most of all, they
cause me tremendous amount of discomfort, as well as harassment. "Can you
imagine having electrical rays directed at your bottom day and night, 365
days of the year. Can you imagine what it must be like to live around
oversexed SCUM?...This technology is based on Scalar Technology and the
Schumann Resonances

Page 182 ...

or Frequencies. It is my understanding that the Schu-mann Frequencies from 0
to 30 hertz can affect every nerve, every gland, every muscle and every
emotion of a human being. In other words, a person in my neighborhood can
beam these rays into my home and control my body and I am having to suffer
from their stupid appetites..." (letter in author’s files) Oscilloscopes
have confirmed that some Direct ELF/VLF attacks have come from only a few
feet. Electromagnetic attacks sometimes hit the victims entire body, like
defibrillator paddles. Masers (microwave equivalents to a laser are used for
electromagnetic attacks that cause burns that look like "cigarette burns",
favorite target areas are genitals, face and nose. The average power density
can be at an rf such as 400_u_w/cm². Let’s quote another victim, whose
letter is also in my files. At first years ago, they began using waves that
were in the infrared spectrum that were barely discernable. The waves would
target her and then latch on. Over the years they have gotten more
sophisticated and more sadistic. She writes, "From time to time the field
broadcast from my own head was in a ‘field’ about me, but, with the added
feature of ‘harrassment’ voices also being broad-cast. These ‘harassment’
voices had taken a downright filthy tone, being blasphemous words, and
venally oriented.... Before I was hit with the full-blown sadistic torture
program I was awakened one night by a feeling of my head being raped. A
light went on in my brain and I heard voices discussing me and cruelly
laughing saying, "There, got her.".. .The first added torture (accompanied
by filty langauge, the language is all filth, obscenities, threats and
intimidation) was a genital-urinary prod, pulsing about twice per second,
and causing nearly incessant urination..., new added features ... are body
bangs and head bangs.. .The arrogance with which they announce what torture
will be next is unbelievable... .Other sleep deprivation techniques are loud
noises, and the interposing of visual phenomena. They seem to have devised a
computer imaging which taps the visual nerves--these are like bad dreams. I
have had almost no normal dreaming since this system was locked onto me.
Over the years she got to understand her harassers better. They have called
themselves "social workers" and referred to her as "the package." They have
enjoyed talking about her in front of her, and harassing her by talking to
each other in public about the things she thought about the previous night.
Finally, one more account of a victim who is constantly harassed. "I am
being tortured with synthetic telepathy of emotive and voice bytes played
over and over again in my brain to positively or negatively reinforce and
ultimately con-trol my behavior. I get the sound on my left temporal lobe
and in the right and left ear canals. I also get microwaved when I sleep and
have vibratory pulsating fields on my lower spine, genitals, stomach, brain,
feet or wherever. It is always in combination with the lower spine and
something else. This seems to create an amnesiacal deep sleep with no
feeling of pain. If I wake up suddenly (and this is the only chance I have
of finding out what they are doing to me) I sometimes feel pain when the
vibrations stop."

Other attacks/problems:

• Infra-sound attack

• magnets repelled from the cranium

• They use a "Gun" which sends an electromagnetic field which stops a car.

The Russians have been noted to have created a "wood-pecker" signal, the
American version of this is the American Buzzsaw. These signals are designed
to interface with the mind. And systems are designed to be carried in
helicopters, or to be placed on the ground. These signals are broadcast by

Page 183 ...

carriers which hop from frequency to frequency anywhere from 4 MHz to 30
MHz. With the switching of these frequencies, they are creating what is know
as a Levinson Transform, named after Norman Levinson. VLF (Very low
frequency waves) will cause bizarre behavior in people. (They use 0 to 400
Khz for mind-control operations. The signals are apparently broken up into
pieces and triangulated upon a target. Morse codes are used on some slaves
to trigger them, which is sent via a number of methods. Victims often have
the myelin sheathing of the brain disappearing, which is diagnosed as
Multiple Sclerosis. MS has increased 100 fold over the past few years.
Pre-conditioning is done by chemicals to the neuro-receptors in the brain
and spine. When moving in a car or inside a store it is harder for a victim
to be targeted. Also, as readers can imagine, signals being beamed from some
tower or satellite will be blocked by large thicknesses of concrete, lead
and -steel. In other words, there are some situations that provide limited
shelter to the victims of implant body suits and syntel.


There is a complex symbiosis between mankind and the attributes of this
planet. We are a life-form whose life is attuned to our environment. The
human body at the cellular level has its physiological rhythms which are
very attuned to the earth’s electric and magnetic fields. When cosmic
radiation cycles undergo unusual modifications, including cycle inversions,
the metabolism in crabs and the oxygen consumption cycles in carrots,
potatoes -shellfish and rats changes. The geomagnetic field helps protect us
from cosmic rays. It has been shown that solar flares influence human
behavior, and psych wards have an increase in problem behavior during solar
flares. The human body is a complex set of rhythms. Permit me to recall some
of these rhythms for the reader: Alpha rhythms, Blood Hormone rhythms, Body
temperature rhythms (which fluctuate 3º on 24 hour cycle), Cell mitosis
rhythms, Cellular DNA & RNA synthesizing rhythms, Cerebral-spinal fluid
rhythms, Circadian rhythms, Enzyme rhythms, Food utilization rhythms,
Menstrual & Sexual -rhythms, Pulse rates, Seasonal rhythms, and Urine
Electrolyte Disposal rhythms. The 60-pulse-per-second power grids (of AC)
that are spread over the earth, as well as numerous other man-made
activities are disrupting the 7-8 hertz frequency of the earth. There are
some side-effects to our tampering with the magnetic and electrical fields
of this planet, and some of these side effects may be the disruption or
change of the circadian -rhythms (as well as some of the other rhythms of
the human body and mind.) In fact, two researchers have research that shows
how human nerve cells are affected by ELF fields. (See Becker, Dr. Robert O.
Cross-Currents: The Perils of Electropollution, The Promise of
Electromedicene. LA: Jeremy Tarcher, 1990, p. 233.) It was discovered by CIT
researchers that the human brain has magnetite. Salmon, homing pigeons,
whales, and honeybees also have magnetite, a type crystalline iron, which
allows them to sense the earth’s magnetic field for finding their way
around. The CIT researchers published their finding about mag-netite in
human brains in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


For about 6 years this author has heard about liquid crystal implants. One
military magazine should its use, and one person who was in military
intelligence claims liquid crys-tals are used. Others claim that liquid
crystals were tried and failed. It has also been reported that radio
transmitting crystals, that fasten themselves to the brain have been the
object of research.

Page 184 ...



Another topic that for sure was tried by the NWO was serpentine skin. This
is a type of specialized fungus that coats the skin and is used for some of
its specialized features. Whether this concept actually flies outside of the
lab, this author doesn’t know.

• "ALIEN" implants

This author’s take on the alien phenomena is that it is the Illuminati’s
Grand Deception for introducing the AntiChrist. The aliens are materialized
demons, and manufactured "soul less" bodies. It’s not the purpose here to
put forth evidence concerning this Grand Deception, that would take another
book, if not several books. (In fact, this author started to write it in
1993, but never got finished.) But no book discussing implants &
mind-control could be complete without -touching on alien implants. There is
a great overlap between "alien abductions" and mind-control. Whitley
Strieber (UFO abductee and famous author) gave two workshops at the UFO Expo
West LA. He was very interested in finding out about the implants that Dr.
Lear and Derrell Sims had extracted and turned over to traditional medical
institutions for study. While Whitley was talking about implants and our
government’s connection to them, his own implant in his ear turned on and
the side of his face turned red like a bad sunburn. Other UFO buffs in
attendance also had their implants burn them at this point, causing great
excitement at the Wyndham Hotel that day. (This information came from the

There are an increasing number of "alien abductees" who are remembering
seeing U.S. military personnel during their so-called alien abductions. The
abductees are being taken to U.S. Military bases. (An unusual place for
aliens to work, but within the realm of possibility.) The reason that the
number of people who are connecting the government with the aliens is
increasing is a. more people are receiving mind-control programming,
therefore there are more people for which the cover stories and electroshock
fail to totally hide what has happened, b. better therapeutic methods are
helping mind-control victims recover their memories better, c. there have
been a rising number of people like this author exposing it. Karla Turner,
who was a victim of mind-control and abductions, began catching on that the
abductions were being done by our government. Vol. 2 quoted her on page 184.
When she began to publicly expose what the government was doing, the
government murdered her. (She joins a growing num-ber of people this author
has seen die pre-maturely because they were publicly exposing the truth.)
Alien abduction victims have been reporting human black-or dark helicopter
activity and black-or dark helicopter harassment since the 1970’s. (Perhaps
as the Vietnam War wound down & ended, the U.S. government had a surplus of
helicopters and delegated some to task forces that picked up mind-control
victims in remote sites.) An example from this time period of an alien
abduction also involving helicopters is the Betty Andreasson/Luca abduction.
A number of victims have remembered the helicopters coming -around the time
of their abduction. When bright lights are shined into their houses or into
their cars these victims of trauma-based mind-control are programmed to see
the helicopter’s spotlight as a UFO. (Helicopters also carry spoofer
transmitters.) Beth Collins of Oregon reports in her book Connections -
Solving our Alien Abduction Mystery. Newberg, OR: Wild Flower Press, 1966,
about how helicopters were involved with her abduction experiences. She
lives in an area that is a hot-bed for covert CIA activities. In her book,
she provides a transcript of memories of military personnel being the guilty
party in an abduction. Some victims of these abduction experiences are
implanted during their

Page 185 ...

abduction. Researcher Helmut Lammer reports that "alien" abductees Debby
Jordan and Leah Haley had implants removed from their ears. What is
significant about this, is that the bio-chip implant designed for humans
which is credited to Dr. Man, best works behind the ears. (Sources: The
Kansas City Star, 7/19/87 carried an article about how Dr. Man’s implants
work best behind the ear. On Oct., ’87, an article by Kathy Hart was run in
several papers promoting Dr. Man’s implants for protecting children. H.
Lammer reported on implants & military involvement in abductions in his
article "Preliminary Findings of Project MILAB: Evidence for military
kidnappings of alleged UFO abductees." The Unopened Files, No. 2, ’97, pp
64-67.) From this author’s interviews with "alien abductees" it was clear
that 100% of them were victims of U.S. government trauma-based mind-control
and that many of them had been taken to underground pro-gramming facilities
and made to believe they were at another planet. This is happening in
foreign countries too. However, this doesn’t mean that flying saucers craft
do not exist, they do. And according to eye-witnesses some of the
underground facilities in NM, AZ, and CO have personnel from all over
the -world, Germans, Russians, British & Americans as well as aliens working
side by side. (The American government denies this. Supposedly NORAD only
has Canadians.) Some of these witnesses come across as credible. If their
reports are true, then some implants may also have a true alien connection.
Alien abductees are actually extracting implants from their noses and their
feet. It is strange that -"alien" implants have gotten more technologically
sophisticated over the years.


Metal coil springs were standardized in size, are made of steel and are
placed in a grid pattern in a common mattress. Standards were introduced
that specify how many coils, and what tension were to be used in their
manufacture. Their shape is an open ended hyperbolic which is the best
suited to create a similar induced magnetic field. When one lays down the
springs are compressed and have between 5 to 7 coils compressed. This makes
a field of influence around the human body which is enfolded within the
field of coils, which are natural antennas to incoming electromagnetic
waves. Evidence suggests that the standardation of bed springs was a
carefully planned event designed to assist electronic mind-control.


Since 1989, Virtual Reality conferences-exhibitions have been held. On May
11-13, 1994, the largest conference-exhibition to date on virtual reality
was held at the San Jose Civic Center and the Fairmont Hotel, San Jose, CA.
Note some of the mind-control aspects of the different sessions:

Session C7--"Tactile Feedback" given by Paul Cutt. Xtensory Session C8--"The
Immersion Probe" given by Louis Rosenberg, Pres. of Immersion Corporation.

Session D2--"Biomedical Technology and Biomedical Education" given by John

Session D9--"Biocybernetics and VR" given by Dave Warner, Medical Scientist
at Loma Linda Univ. Med. Center During lunch Kenny Meyer discussed how
simulated being in a virtual world are called various names incl. synthetic
actors, situated agents, creatures and denizens. At another meal break Lt.
Col. Martin Stytz, USAF, spoke on how the military was developing Virtual
Reality to train men.

Session C17--AFIT Projects, that is Alr Force Institute of Technology at
Wright Patterson AFB given by Elizabeth Block. (Wright Patterson happens to
be a major hub for the mind-control and criminal activities of the secret

Session C19--"ARPA/ASTO" given by Lt. Col. David Neyland.

Page 186 ...

The military is not the only group interested in virtual reality. A plethora
of virtual reality companies has -sprung up, for instance Sense8 (which
selling ready-to-use virtual reality systems), the Vivid Group which creates
Mandala (which are virtual reality authoring systems), and Xtensory Inc.,
which creates virtual reality tactile feedback systems. The government also
works through labs located on American universities working with government
grant money, such as the state of the art Virtual Reality lab at the Univer.
of Illinois Circle campus, which calls its virtual reality machine "the
Cave." Virtual touch has been created. This means that with a special
machine for the person’s hand (for shape perception) & special glove (for
texture sensing) the computer users can feel the shape and texture of an
object on the screen.

Hollywood has given us movies showing the mind-control potential of virtual
reality in Lawnmower man & Brainstorm. For more information on virtual
reality the reader might try consulting:

• Aukastakalnis, Steve and Blatner, David. Silicon Mirage: The Art and
Science of Virtual Reality. Peachpit Press, 1992.

• Laurel, Brenda. The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design.
Addison-Wesley, 1990.

This author has a catalog advertizing the EMCS-X-3000-Plus Electronic Mind
Con-trol System, which was invented by Cabalistic Hermetic magician Karl
Welz. The ad states, "If your intentions are to take control of others and
to increase your own mental powers of direct action, then the
EMCS-X-3000-Plus is your system of choice!" The article has an endorsement
for the BMCS system on page 19 by a charismatic minister, "...I am a
preacher of a charismatic church. for reasons you may understand, I was
extremely skeptical initially [of the EMCS system]. However, I gave the new
tech-nology a chance to help me serve the Lord better, and I do not regret
that decision! The membership of my church has more than doubled within one
year ... Thank you very much." ---We live in some perilous times! Maranatha!

• List of other Books on this chpt’s Subject

Bamford’s The Puzzle Palace

Becker’s The Body Electric

Becker’s Cross Currents

Brodeur’s Currents of Death

Brodeur’s The Zapping of America

Burdock, Dorothy’s Such Things Are Known (victim)

Calder’s The Mind of Man

Chokroverty’s Magnetic Stimulation in Clinical Neurophysiology

Clark’s July 20, 2019

Dawes’ Advances in...Quantum Neurodynamics

Eccles, Sir John C.’s Evolution of the Complexity of the Brain with
Emergence of Consciousness

Galton’s MedTech

Green’s Beyond Biofeedback

Halacy’s Cyborg

Halperin’s Crimes of the Intell. Community

Heller’s Of Mice, Men & Molecules

Hooper’s The Three-Pound Universe

Hougan’s Secret Agenda

Hutchison’s Megabrain

Johnsons’s In the Palaces of Memory

McKinnell’s Cloning: A Biologist Reports

Mark’s The Search for the Manchurian Candidate

McRae’s Mind Wars

Pine’s The Brain Changers

Stanford Research Inst., Journal of Scientific Exploration, vol. 10, no. 1,
PP. 1-111

Regan’s Evoked Potentials

Rein, Glen’s Modulation of Neurotransmitter Function by Quantum Fields


Restak’s The Mind

Rucker’s Mind Tools

Valenstein’s Brain Control

Weinstein’s Psychiatry & the CIA: Victims of Mind Cntl The American military
establishment lumped syntel and a number of other outrageous "weapons of
torture and control" under the official heading of "non-lethal". Then the
establishment media (TV & newspapers) such as the Wall St. Journal, Aug. 2,
‘94, had an article about non-lethal weapons where they wrote about the
sticky-goo gun", which uses goo to stop people. Do you see how they create a
cover? When the public hears of non-lethal weapons they think sticky-goo
guns, not implants that are torturing and controlling people.

Herman Kahn of the Hudson Institute stated that total mind-control would be
in place by 2000 and could be "imposed under the rubic of mental hygiene."

Back to Contents
 Chapter 7

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