Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

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Dear Friends:
           Now maybe you can see finally that Waco, Ruby Ridge were not just
isolated incidents of abuse of power by the Clinton Administration.  Clinton
thinks he is the law and can do whatever he wants.  This Sunday morning I
have seen the media again bring in the Clinton's lying lawyers to hide the
truth.   Do you people still feel that Democrat's are for the people?  They
never were!  They use groups of people such as minorities and homosexuals to
further their agenda.  They are liars.  Vote them all out this November.
There should be hearings again on this matter.
           No matter what side you were on in the Elian case, the government
had no right to act like Gestapo and break down the door and put childtren
and family at gunpoint!   This was a unconstitutional raid!  I have never
heard the word unconstitutional as much as I have heard it in the Clinton
Administration.  Why?  Because Clinton thinks he is King and can do what ever
he likes.
           To those of you who believe in taking guns away from the people,
well you will see cases like this happen more and more if they do take them
away!  Yet no American should be forced to give away their guns  If we have
no guns how can we protect ourselves from the Tyranny of Democrats, Bill
Clinton & Janet Reno?   We cannot give them up!
Clinton is pushing hard for gun control so he can have full control of the
government.  You think he is bad now, wait!   What they did to Elian will
happen to us if we allow gun control!
            Also, these INS people attacked on Easter Weekend.  It shows
again their disrespect for God and religious beliefs

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