Judicial Watch to Take Government to Court Over Elian

By Bob Melvin CNS Evening Editor
23 April, 2000 (CNSNews.com) -

Saying the Clinton-Gore Administration risked Elian Gonzalez's
life in its raid in Miami early Saturday morning and asking why
the government is behaving like and backing "communist thugs,"
Judicial Watch in Washington, DC, announced that it has
petitioned the court to expedite action in the 6-year-old boat
refugee's case.

The organization said that it had petitioned the US District
Court in the District of Columbia to order the Department of
Justice "to release all records concerning the Elian Gonzalez
saga.  This became necessary when the agency typically
stonewalled and did not produce one document in response to
Freedom of Information requests."

Judicial Watch contends that the Department of Justice used
illegal practices leading up to and including the early Saturday
morning raid on the home of Elian's Miami relatives.

The organization also claims that the use of deadly force during
the raid on the home of Elian's Miami relatives early Saturday
morning posed "the real possibility of another Waco-style

Judicial Watch says it is important to discover why the
Clinton-Gore Administration would become "the law firm" for
communist dictator Fidel Castro of Cuba, whom the Judicial Watch
claims "continues to oppress and murder his own people"

Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman
promises that once he gets some answers from the administration,
further legal action is certain to follow.

"To become the advocate of this tyrant (Castro), the Clinton-Gore
Administration either is subject to blackmail, or it is in bed
with Communist Cuba.  Judicial Watch will ask the Court to
expedite its case this Monday...so the facts will come out before
this entire saga turns into a worse tragedy.

"Already the American dream has been defiled and desecrated by a
President and Attorney General who are behaving like the
Communists they claim they oppose," said Klayman.


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