April 24, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Elian, Rodney King Case, and Clinton Criminals!
> www.networkamerica.org

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

(Listen anytime to Votefraud vs Honest Elections "crash course" radio show
over the internet at www.sightings.com in the archives, April 3rd, 2000
show, Jeff Rense host, Jim Condit Jr. guest)

April 24, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Elian, Rodney King Case, and Clinton Criminals!

The “Rodney King Case” connection to the Elian case is treated at the

Thanks to Rep. Tom Delay of Louisiana on “Meet the Press,” Senator Bob
Smith in an Easter Sunday nationally televised press conference, and
newsmax.com, -- we have the following, showing the utter illegality of
what our occupation New World Government did to Elian and the Miami
Gonzales Family:

On Easter Sunday’s edition of Meet the Press, Rep. Tom Delay faced off
with one of the Clinton Administration International Criminals, Eric
Holder, considered by them a Deputy Attorney General, and pinned his
ears back. Delay forcefully made the point that this was the first time
in American history that the Executive Branch invaded a private home
WITHOUT a court order, and WITHOUT a warrant !!!

And God Bless Senator Bob Smith of New Hampshire who eloquently made the
same points, and many others, in an Easter Sunday morning Press
Conference. He was followed by a tearful and moving Marisleysis Gonzales
who beautifully represented all that is good in this fight against pure

And this from NewsMax, dated Saturday April 22, 2000

Legal Analysts Comment on Raid

NEWSMAX.COM - Andrew Napolitano, legal analyst for Fox News
and a
constitutional scholar had this exchange today on Fox with Eric
Reno's second in command at Justice:

Napolitano: Tell me, Mr. Holder, why did you not get a court order
authorizing you to go in and get the boy?

Holder: Because we didn't need a court order. INS can do this on
its own.

Napolitano: You know that a court order would have given you the
cloak of respectability to have seized the boy.

Holder: We didn't need an order.

Napolitano: Then why did you ask the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals
For such an order if you didn't need one?

Holder: [Silence]

Napolitano: The fact is, for the first time in history you have taken a
child from his residence at gunpoint to enforce your custody
position, even though you did not have an order authorizing it.

(End of quote from newsmax.com)

So, the usurpers of the Executive Branch of our American government
turned a BIG corner on Good Saturday, 2000 – they openly, violently, and
completely violated the 4th amendment to the US Constitution by raiding
a private home without a warrant and kidnapping a person – a child -- in
that home without a court order, which had been specifically denied them
by the circuit court a few days earlier (the court having noted that
Reno and the INS themselves had asked for a court order to transfer
custody of Elian to the father, Juan Miguel, from the Miami family, --
BY RENO HERSELF and the INS  five months ago – shorty after the boy was
rescued from the ocean.

Now, note well: What the Executive Branch usurpers did, was combine in
themselves the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branch – just like
any other dictatorship throughout history. (Just as this administration
has usurped the high offices it occupies by means of unverifiable
elections, counted in secret, just like all the other dictatorships in
history which use “elections” as a cover have done; -- to be clear, of
course, it is not the low-level, cocaine-nosed opportunist Clinton who
has effective working control of our computerized election system – but
the Permanent Revolution “Ruling Elite” behind him, the Fed, and the 5
Big TV Networks. This Ruling Elite also controls puppet Gore and puppet
W. Bush, as we have often stated in this e-wire, -- and if honest,
verifiable elections, with paper ballots counted by citizens in each
neighborhood, are not restored, then the Ruling Elite will pick either
Bush or Gore to install in the upcoming computer-generated election

At about 3 PM on Sunday, the Clinton/Reno/Castro Junta, which had
maintained until now that they didn’t need a court order or warrant to
snatch Elian – have floated a story that they actually DO have a court
order signed by a federal judge after all. … Sorry, Clinton Liars,
you’re 30 hours too late with this latest ploy – or else how do you
explain your failure to cite it under the intense criticism of yesterday
and today, under which pressure you simply said you didn’t need one.

Before going on, as I write this, there has now been 24 hours PLUS
passed since the Clinton Criminals grabbed Elian – without any public
appearance of Elian and the Juan Miguel. No video yet. No public
appearance yet.

In the Easter Sunday Press Conference, Marisleysius Gonzales charged
openly what was already on the Internet on Saturday --  that we are
being fed computer created photos by Thug Greg Craig with regard to the
“happy reunion” of father and son. She made the point that she had cut
Elian’s hair the day before, and that the short hair evident on Elian’s
head as he was grabbed from the house by the Clinton Criminals differs
from the longer hair shown on the photos released by Thug Greg Craig
later that day. The Drudge Report (thedrudgereport.com) carried side by
side pictures of the pre-dawn snatch and the Craig-provided photo, with
the headline “My, Elian, how your hair has grown in the last three
hours!” and the further headline above another set of pictures, “And
what nice teeth you’ve grown!” While awaiting further evidence, from my
own observation, it seems clear that the hair on the side of Elian’s
head in the pre-dawn snatch photo is very close to the head almost like
a military or burr haircut, and in the later Craig-provided photo –
Elian’s hair seems to be much more bushy on the side, although still
close crop. As far as the missing tooth goes, Elian clearly has all his
top teeth in the Craig-released photo, but the bottom teeth are not
shown, -- in a magnified version of the picture on the Drudge Website
using a normal magnifying glass up my computer screen, it seems clear
that in the pre-dawn snatch picture on the Drudge website that Elian is
missing both a top tooth and a bottom tooth – although I will reserve
final judgement pending further analysis by photo experts – INCLUDING
experts that are NOT provided by our occupation government. FOX network
is claiming for hours on Sunday that they’ve engaged a professional
photo analyst who says the Craig photos are authentic – without naming
the expert!

Further, I suspect, having been so advised by medical personnel, that
Elian is probably under heavy sedation and medication, probably being
treated by mind altering drugs – which is why his government kidnappers
and captors have not been able to produce a video or a live appearance
of Elian in the time since the grab.

Thug Craig “assures” UPI that the photos are real, because the curtains
in the background in the photos are the same ones in Juan Miguel’s
mysterious living quarters at the military base. And who’s word do we
have for the curtains? Why, Thug Craig himself. What do you want to bet
that somebody’s frantically scampering not only for similar curtains,
but also for that batman shirt that Elian is sporting in the Craig
photo. Who snapped the craig photo? They can’t give any names.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm …

Notice, as one of the Miami Gonzales relatives pointed out at the Easter
Sunday Press Conference, the Clinton/Reno junta, so “interested” in
protecting children from guns, had NO PROBLEM sending assault rifles in
against Elian, within a few feet of his face, carried by a New World
Order paratrooper wearing scary, Star Wars-like riot gear. Gun control
for YOU, Mr. & Mrs. America – but NOT for the New World Order
stormtroopers who are to be your oppressors. See the list of domestic
enemies that should be dealt with, at the end of this message.

Jack Thompson, attorney for newsmax.com, revealed on FOX Cable News
Network that the urgency for the storm trooper kidnapping by
Clinton/Reno/Craig/Castro was that Elian Gonzales – the boy himself – is
the Plaintiff in the case that is pending for resumption on May 11, 2000
– and if Elian’s captors now produce a document by Elian dropping the
court case, then the coast is clear for Castro to order the Dad to fly
back to Cuba, taking Elian with him --- and that this could happen as
early as tomorrow.

IF the scenario in the above case happens, then the pre-dawn commando
raid to snatch Elian can be seen even more clearly for what it is: a
Communist police state tactic to return 6 year old Elian Gonazles – to a
Police State.

Beware Jesse Jackson: Jesse Jackson showed up on CNN’s Late Edition as a
defender and apologist of the Clinton/Reno commando raid that snatched
Elian as well as urging aid for the failing Castro regime. Jackson wants
to get in the middle of the negotiations, and the Miami Gonzales family
should BEWARE of this slippery turncoat snake, who has become
increasingly compromised as he’s gotten older.

Beware neutralizing editorials which merge the good with the evil. Bob
Schieffer of Face the Nation and Tony Snow, Fox Sunday – took a
“everyone’s to blame” approach. Baloney. This is why Tony Snow has the
job he has, because he consciously or probably unconsciously intuitively
acts as a “safety valve” for concerned citizens blowing off steam, and
nothing more.

All polls should be questioned, of course. On mid Sunday afternoon, a
major shift is happening on FOX network. It appears that suddenly they
are letting through calls almost exclusively from “Americans” who
“fully” and “enthusiastically” support Reno and the INS. This is a
common tactic of the Big Five networks, cover the event objectively,
more or less, when its first breaking – but then orchestrate their
coverage, polls, and calls (by pre-qualifying calls) to give the
impression that public opinion is shifting to the position desired by
the Occupation Government and the Ruling Elite behind it.

Please, if anyone can get to the Marisleysius and the Gonzales Family,
please explain to them that all of these polls may be faked, and that
they should not lose heart because of polls about which we know nothing.

Notice how silent Al Gore is --- boy, his “disagreement” with
Clinton/Reno/Castro is really deeeep, and full of conviction.

Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida, has covered himself in shame. He should
have acted like Governor Fob James of Alabama who said he would use the
national guard to protect the 10 Commandments hanging in Judge Roy
Moore’s court room. Bush should have done the same, and
Clinton/Reno/Castro would have been checkmated. BUT, Jeb Bush’s inaction
and impotency is a clear indicator of what W. Bush will be as president
– not worth a whit, and implementing the same New World Order agenda,
with a more “conservative” face and plenty of meaningless lip service.

I have to deal with the thuggish attorney Greg Craig, who is very
typical of the brand of totally self-centered, totally ruthless, totally
intergrity-less, might-makes-right barbarian in a legal suit with which
I have had to deal with since challenging the Ruling Elite locally and
nationally since 1979. This type of amoral, dead-eyed, ostensibly
soul-less individual is part of one of the worst banes afflicting our
society, and a frightening phenomenon. In Cincinnati, examples of such
individuals are Judge Thomas Crush, Judge Norbert Nadel, former county
GOP head Ralph Kohnen, former GOP head Eugene Ruehlmann, and now Ohio
Secretary of State Joe Deters – among others. I’m sure you have this
type of totally sold-out enforcer in your area as well. May some of
these men come to their senses and recover their souls, the price of
which in each case exceeds the whole world, as scripture tells us. ….

Anyway, on CNN’s “Late Edition” with Wolf Blitzer – Thug Craig made
clear that HE would not allow the Miami Gonzales Family, the Press, an
independent doctor, or anyone else to go in to verify that Elian is
conscious, is not drugged, is himself. Now I wonder why that would be???

While Blitzer asked Craig and another dead-eyed Reno mouthpiece, Doris
Liesner (Sp?), whether US officials had drugged the boy, which they both
denied, the question was never asked whether Castro’s Cuban officials on
the scene administered the drugs to Elian, or whether private
cooperators administed drugs --  so that these occupation government
fronters could plausibly deny a US government involvement.

Overriding the Mayor: Miami Mayor Joe Carollo was kept in the dark
regarding the raid BY HIS OWN POLICE CHIEF, on orders of the Federal
Government. On CNN’s Late Edition, Mayor Carollo told the nation that he
asked his police chief and city manager what law they were following by
keeping him in the dark about the impending raid, involving a case where
no investigation was even pending. (!!!)  Carollo was kept in the dark
because the Reno-Craig faction didn’t trust him, as he consistently
refused to take part in their proposed terrorist operation against the
Miami Gonzales family. Carollo also reported that many of his Miami
Police on the scene were pepper gassed – because THEY had no warning.
This withholding of advance knowledge of the Reno-Craig terrorist
operation from the Mayor of the city is ANOTHER POWERFUL indication
that, as we assert, the New World Order Occupational Government is IN
PLACE already, and occupying the highest offices of our federal

Let me break new ground in this e-wire by providing the most likely key
to what was used on the Miami police chief to cause him to feel bound
and confident to defy his Mayor. In all probability, the Miami Police
chief is a member of the Masonic order, as are so many local police
chiefs across the country. I would surmise that a Mason in the
Government pulled some kind of Masonic pact on the Miami Police chief,
which would be higher to many masons than the chain of command in the
local Miami government. Carollo, a Catholic, is PROBABLY not a mason,
and therefore would be viewed as a second class citizen by Masons. All
police chiefs and everyone else should withdraw immediately from the
Masonic societies, which extract immoral oaths from their members at
every stage of the process. Also, masonic societies are Luciferian
organizations, which knowledge is kept from the vast majority of the
unsuspecting members, who feel that they are joining some kind of a
“graduate” college fraternity or Lion’s Club, despite the unsettling
dark oaths they are required to take without warning at all stages of
the Masonic initiation. For sincere truth-seekers who have been duped
into joining the Masons, see Morals and Dogma by Masonic authority
Albert Pike, and the Lost Keys to Freemasonry, by Manly P. Hall, both
available from Amazon.com. Both books state openly at several points
that the Masonic order is a Luciferian organization, which worships
Satan, not Jesus Christ. Anyway, I believe that the “Masonic” connection
will provide the key to the Reno forces co-opting the loyalty of the
Miami Police chief away from the Miami Mayor. The first step in this
investigation, if anyone is in a position to do so, is to ascertain
whether or not the Miami Police chief is a Mason.

In election danger: Mayor Joe Carollo of Miami and Sen. Bob Smith had
better demand verifiable elections next time around. Sen. Bob Smith is
one of only two Senators elected in pre-dominantly verifiable elections
– in New Hampshire; Mayor Joe Carollo of Miami, Florida has taken such a
courageous stand throughout this whole affair, that he had better demand
a verifiable count next time, or I fear he will be gone. The method will
be a sudden and overwhelming criticism from all the Miami press over
some real or created issue right before the next Mayoral election,
followed by a computer-generated result showing Carollo the loser (just
as happened to Gov. Fob James for protecting Judge Roy Moore’s court
room). Miami, Florida is a completely crooked computerized zone when it
comes to vote-counting, extensively covered by the Colliers in Votescam:
The Stealing of America. It is my belief that most elections are left
alone because most candidates are “party men.” But once an elected
official shows the courage and verve that Carollo has shown, then the
computer programmers AND local newsmedia “deal” with that person at the
next election.

Here’s the Rodney King Affair connection: Everyone will remember that
some of the Policemen who arrested Rodney King were sent to prison for
their real or alleged abuse of Rodney King, who was actively resisting
the Police (two other black men were let go in the same incident,
because they didn’t resist). Much clearer is the extreme abuse that went
on in the Elian snatching case yesterday. So much greater is the reason
in this case – which sets an unconstitutional and tyrannical precedent
--- to bring the offenders to justice.

The Constitution talks about domestic enemies. The following is a short
list of Occupation government agents or co-operators who need to be
brought to justice for the child abuse they have inflicted on Elian, and
the Constitutional rights of the Gonzales family in Miami which they
have violated.

Domestic Enemies who need to be brought to justice: Greg Craig; Bill
Clinton, Janet Reno; all the Federal agents who participated in the
commando raid against Elian; and everyone in the chain of command from
the street operatives all the way up to Clinton.

Prayers Answered: Despite the “Way of the Cross” that Elian,
Marisleysius, and the Miami Gonzales Family, and probably the Dad, Juan
Miguel, -- are undergoing, the prayers were answered in the photos and
film footage that were captured on film and got out. Let us, the
Americans who are adult and free, take this opportunity to help Elian
now, and throw off this tyrannical, evil occupational government soon.
Let’s all keep praying and steel ourselves for the battle ahead.

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

To contact us, e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000
Presidential Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World
Order Ruling Elite and restore honest elections with citizens checks and
balances, true Freedom and true Free Enterprise in America.

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the
newsmedia know -- that we will not accept the 2000 Election results unless
paper ballots with citizen checks and balances are restored to the process
at the local precinct level.

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