America: Target of International Socialism
©1997-2000 Church of God Evangelistic Association

People in America cannot seem to realize that we are the TARGET
for International Socialism/ Communism, the Illuminati's "visible"
organization of destruction to FORCE the world into a one-world-
government. They have planned since 1930 for the day when they
would "pretend" weakness economically, politically, and militarily to
put the West asleep, as if there were no more danger from them, as
IF they had realized they could never reach their goal of world

Meanwhile, their Illuminati bosses behind the scenes would continue
to have them build their military in secret for the day they would have
the superiority in all phases of the military. Why does America remain
asleep when China has threatened to blow up Los Angeles twice with
long range nuclear missiles?

How can our people not realize their threat to world peace has only
lain dormant UNTIL the voters of America could be deceived into
electing one of their own to DISARM us militarily? Russia and China
would continue to build massive numbers of conventional and nuclear
weapons - and supply the know how to build them to their
subservient states, such as North Korea, Iran, Iraq, India, Pakistan,

This mighty military buildup is for the final showdown with the United
States of America. When Mikhail Gorbachev feigned such weakness
as a leader and put up a wonderful show of vying for power in the old
Soviet Union with Boris Yeltsin, he instructed the Communist Duma
that it was only a facade and should be shown no concern by the
Party. He stated that Russia left the world of Capitalism in 1917-
1919 and would NEVER deviate from the Plan of world conquest for
Socialism as the first step in achieving world Communism.

Socialism is the essential first step to eliminate the middle class
property and business owners. This is why Communism KILLS! To
rid the earth of the undesirable class. Congress in Washington, DC, is
loaded with closet Socialist who are passing legislation to Socialize
America without our knowledge.

The ACLU was founded in part by Marxist Roger Baldwin. Every
victory by the ACLU in the courts of America are designed to
undermine America's Institutions - CHRISTIAN Institutions. They
scream about the "Separation of Church and State," yet there is NOT
one phrase that even resembles it anywhere in the Constitution or in
the writings of our founding fathers!

Thomas Jefferson, who had NOTHING to do with the writing of our
Constitution because he was in France, wrote a private letter to a
friend once and mentioned the phrase but NOT in the way it is being
thrown around today. Socialist/Communist ACLU members and the
ignorant attorneys that misuse the phrase to destroy all concept of
God are misleading the American people. The 33% Freemason
judges uphold their secret Plan to destroy Christianity off the face of
the earth.

There is a war going on for the minds of men and women and their
children. That battle is between Atheism and Christianity, between
Capitalism and Socialism, between the free enterprise system and
corporate socialism the world over. There is a siege of America and
the British peoples from Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Corporate
Socialism, Corporate Capitalism, Internationalism, the Bilderberger
billionaires, the Marxist Council on Foreign Relations, the Atlantic
Alliance, NATO, the United Nations, President Bill Clinton, British
Prime Minister Tony Blair, the Rhodes Scholars, Yale University's
Skull & Bones, the Jesuits, and on and on, to merge us into their
glorified world government of TOTAL SLAVERY.

When you can't buy or have credit without a Social Security number
that was to be absolutely private and NEVER used for identification,
you will not and are not free. The money barons control us in every
thing we hope to achieve. When the Federal Reserve System SETS
interest rates to slow down the economy, they are throwing people
out of work - keeping people from purchasing homes, automobiles,
sending their kids to college, etc. The Bankers from the time America
was settled wanted to CONTROL our money to prevent the nation
from prospering and coming out from under their control.

There is always a lull before the storm. Americans think that peace
has broken out and there are NO dangers left to threaten their
lifestyle. WHAT A DELUSION! The world is more dangerous now
than at any other time in history. There is a major problem when an
Attorney General helps plan the burning of 86 innocent people to
death without knowing them, but visits a 6 year old boy to send him
back to Communism - when his mother divorced his father two years
before he was born, and he only had occasional visits.

You can count on it - Elian is a diversion while the Clinton
Administration is doing something else to eventually enslave us!

David J. Smith

-end article-
Clinton's Presidential Decision Directive transforms our Police to UN Police!
Do these look like cops to you?
Wake up!
"To destroy arms, however, is not enough. We must create even as
we destroy - creating world-wide law and law enforcement as we
outlaw world-wide war and weapons."
-John F. Kennedy Future of the United Nations Organizations 1961
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