Conscious Evolution
Barbara Marx Hubbard

interviewed by Jerry Snider
Originally Published in Magical Blend Magazine Issue #62 October 1998

One of the architects of New Age thought, Barbara Marx Hubbard has devoted
fifty years to defining and creating a positive future. During that time she
has befriended, learned from, and mentored many of the most notable
personalities in the field.

In 1984 her name was placed in nomination at the Democratic National
Convention as candidate for Vice President. Though Geraldine Ferraro got the
nod, Hubbard's idea of an expanded role for the VP represented a new wave of
practical, political thought that promised a positive vision of the future,
without reverting to the empty sentimentality of Reagan's "It's Morning in
America." Her idea was to establish a Peace Room through which innovations,
successes, and breakthroughs would be tracked with as much sophistication as
a War Room tracks enemy threats.

 While mainstream politics may have passed on Hubbard's ground-breaking
idea, the development of the internet has created the opportunity for a
nongovernmental approach to the Peace Room, which Hubbard's Foundation for
Conscious Evolution ( is busy developing.

In her latest book, Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social
Potential (New World Library, Novato, CA), Hubbard combines her vision of
the Peace Room with a tour de force exploration of evolution's ultimate plan
for our species. Based on science and filled with practical optimism, the
book is a call to arms that promises to light a fire under the New Age
movement not seen since Marilyn Ferguson's Aquarian Conspiracy.

Could you give us some background about what led you to the role of futurist
and New Age icon?

Barbara Marx Hubbard: When the U.S. dropped the bomb on Japan in 1945, I
began a quest to look for a positive image of the future, equal to the
destructive power represented by the bomb. Through that search, I began to
become acquainted with what I consider the founders of a positive future:
Abraham Maslow, Teilhard deChardin, and Buckminster Fuller. Abraham Maslow
talks about untapped human potential that seeks creative function. Teilhard
said that the planet itself is evolving toward a higher complexity, greater
consciousness, and greater freedom. And Bucky said we have the technology
and resources to make it work for everyone.

I was then a housewife in Lakeville, Connecticut. I had five children whom I
loved dearly, but that wasn't enough. Something was turning on inside me. My
own passionate desire to evolve had awakened. And as I began to tap into the
nature of that impulse, I began to discover the cosmic connection between
the internal pattern, or code, of the individual and the evolution of the
species. And once that turned on, I experienced what I call vocational
arousal-I got excited; I got turned on. It was the beginning of a second
life in which I moved from self-reproduction to self-evolution, a step that
I later realized was part of this new evolutionary pattern.

Teilhard deChardin's view that this whole universe is evolving toward
something and that it has been from the beginning made me realize that one
ought to be able to see what it's evolving toward by looking at the past. In
the past we had these quantum jumps-from nonlife to vegetable life to animal
life to human life. Each one of these quantum jumps occurred with greater
complexity, which allowed for further integration and further subjectivity,
leading to greater consciousness and freedom.

Finally, I met Buckminster Fuller, who told me that the human mind is
designed to know the design. We know how nature works, because we are
nature. And through our deeper knowing, we can understand how to utilize our
technologies and our resources for the regeneration of this planet and the
eventual emergence of our species as a universal species. So I coined the
phrase at that time that we're entering the period of Conscious Evolution. I
see this period as the fulfillment of the human species.

One of the most fascinating observations you make is that you believe our
great religious figures were evolutionary throw-forwards, that they
represent what humanity is to become.

Barbara Marx Hubbard: That's right. They were quantum jumps in person. The
potential of our species manifested in persons such as Jesus and Buddha, but
because we weren't ready in consciousness to take that jump ourselves,
religions were formed to try and hold on to it. The result is that all the
cultures of the world are patterned with an impulse from great, advanced
souls of what's coming-not what's past, but what's yet to come. Right now,
millions of us are popping into a more universal, unitive, cosmic
consciousness naturally. All the religions led the way to this threshold,
but none of them can carry us across the threshold. The way we get across
the threshold from the creature human stage to the cocreative human stage is
through the person manifesting his or her whole nature-a nature that is at
one with the process of creation.

You say that the growing edge of this evolutionary movement is now the
"social potential movement."

Barbara Marx Hubbard: Right, the social potential movement comes up out of
our human potential. We have already seen millions and millions of people
changing from within-you know, the forty-four million "cultural creatives"
that Paul Ray has pointed out, whose value systems are changing toward
greater holism, integration, spirituality, and sustainability. Out of the
efforts of those people, who are scattered throughout society, there are now
social innovations, models, and projects that embody the emerging culture
and show us what we can be. I'm suggesting that we start identifying,
mapping, and connecting those social innovations that are breakthroughs,
until we can see a picture of a self-actualizing society. When we can see
the vision of that, we can move toward it.

In our organization, we have created a web site called CoCreation
(, and we're inviting people to enter their
life-improving projects in various fields. Then we're developing a design
team to identify breakthroughs that are already changing the system, such as
microcredit loans, innovations in health care and the environmental field.
If you start collecting the breakthroughs in a matrix that shows how they
are already connected, I believe we can help catalyze a quantum jump.

What gives me hope is that this is a fifteen-billion-year trend. We did not
make this up; rather, we were made up by it. Now, perhaps it's possible to
abort it, but as my friend Norman Cousins pointed out, it's arrogant to be
so pessimistic to think that we could actually stop the process of creation.
There is the possibility of going extinct, but we're the first species ever
to face consciously its own potential for extinction.

I think the force is with us. What is required is that we attune to it. And
the most important thing is for all the people who are attuning to it in
their own lives and in their work to be more resonant with each other,
because that creates a resonant field.

How many people will it take to create a field of consciousness that shifts
the dominant mindset of Earth?

Barbara Marx Hubbard: It's probably not a majority, but a critical mass,
enough to create a morphogenetic field. And it's important to realize that
this field has already been prepared for by all the religions and all the
ethical systems that have been developed, such as Love Your Neighbor As
Yourself, Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You. This is not a new
idea, but it's moving from the mystical into the operational.

In contrast to the fifteen-billion years of evolution, our recognition of
having a conscious role to play in the process is only fifty years old. You
point out that it is only within that span that we have seen the emergence
of the three factors that have the potential to propel us toward a universal
humanity-a new cosmology, a new crisis, and new capacities.

Barbara Marx Hubbard: That's correct. The new crisis began with a new
capacity. The explosion of the atomic bomb signaled an unprecedented power.
If we didn't evolve into a more conscious use of this power, we would

More recent is the new cosmology. When a culture has a story everyone
understands, it gives direction and meaning to that culture. Our new
cosmology of an expanding universe began in 1929 (the year I was born) with
Hubble's discovery of an expanding universe. But it was not until the
sixties that science actually discovered radiation from that first
explosion. Then, it was as if our birth narrative began to reveal itself in
that decade.

Why is the discovery of an expanding universe synonymous with our birth

Barbara Marx Hubbard: Because each of us as an individual person is a
culmination, or a fruition, of the fifteen-billion years it has taken to
create us. Our atoms, our molecules, our cells, our organs, our early brain,
middle brain, neocortex-all of that is a microcosm of the story of our
cosmic evolution. We are the universe in person. It's really a lovely image
to think that this is how the universe shows up-as a person. When you look
at your eyes in a mirror and wonder where those eyes actually came from,
remember that they came from the first pulse of light in the early seas of
Earth. You are the story. That's number one.

Number two is the fact that your motivation and your passion to create is
the story evolving through you. So this view gives us a tremendous sense of
identity as participants in the cosmic creation.

The third reason that Conscious Evolution is beginning now is that the
crises have reached the potential of global catastrophe. And remember that
these crises are being caused by our success, not our failures! The fact
that we can keep so many people alive; the fact that we understand the atom,
the gene, and the brain; the fact that we can industrialize and help people
live in comfortable homes-all of that is causing the problem. So the crisis
now is such that if we don't learn Conscious Evolution, then the very powers
that could evolve us will destroy us. And I think that's becoming pretty

But you say that's typical of the birth stage; it's true of a child in the

Barbara Marx Hubbard: Exactly. If a baby were to continue growing in the
womb, it would kill the mother and the child. Similarly, if our species
continues to grow at its present rate, we will kill ourselves and we will
damage our mother, Earth. However, if we're going to go through a quantum
change, then we can look at this entire period as a crisis of birth. And I
mean this quite literally in some respects. It's taken these billions of
years to create a planetary system with an intelligent species that is able
to coevolve with nature and to realize that we've hit a limit to growth, so
we have to understand the management of a whole planetary system. We have to
stop polluting. We have to shift to renewable resources. We have to learn to
distribute food to the whole system. We have to learn how to handle our own
waste. This is what a newborn baby has to learn. A newborn baby doesn't like
it, and neither do we. But it's a natural process. It's natural that we hit
a limit to growth. It's natural that we're getting feedback from the
environment that more of the same will destroy us. It's natural that
millions are now awakening to that feedback. And certainly in the
environmental arena, even though we're not doing enough, there is a vast
awareness now. Yet, the complexity of the system is not easy to understand.
Nobody really knows how to make a whole planetary system work. Why should
we? We never had to do that before. So, we should be compassionate with
ourselves, because we're learning as we're going, just like a newborn baby.

Nobody on Earth knows whether we're going to make it through. There are dire
predictions of breakdown, and then there are fewer people like myself who
see that there could be a graceful path through this. But it makes a huge
difference to accept the possibility that we can have a peaceful path
through this, because if you don't think it's possible, you're not going to
act on it. So I say that it's very important in this crisis that we see the
possibility of passing through it toward a future that is desirable, rather
than a future that is constricted.

How would you describe these "new capacities" you're talking about?

Barbara Marx Hubbard: I would say that the new capacities include an
emergent, more unitive consciousness that's ancient in its roots, but modern
in it's cumulative effect. More people are moving into that connected state
of consciousness than ever before. That's number one.

Number two are the emerging capacities in the health and healing area. There
are daily breakthroughs in alternative health. There are breakthroughs in
understanding the aging process. Nanotechnology promises to rebuild cells
atom-by-atom. And there's the whole biological revolution, which promises to
enable us to change our genetic code, overcome defects, and clone. What you
see in all of this is human intelligence penetrating into the process of
life design. I think we'll find that our range of new capacities-spiritual,
technological, and social-will lead to the emergence of a universal species.
And it is our generation that will give it birth. In fact, we are being
forced to birth it by the crises and capacities we have been given through
the genius of the past.

We have to use our gifts now.

Barbara Marx Hubbard: We have to use our gifts. But I do believe that if we
get through this period, we will have discovered the ability for what Eric
Chaisson calls "cosmic consciousness and species' immortality." We become
cocreators not only on this Earth, but in the solar system and eventually in
the galaxies beyond us.

One of the areas we haven't discussed, which I think is important, is how
the Women's Movement can be seen as steering us away from a procreative
society to a cocreative society.

Barbara Marx Hubbard: If I had to single out the most obvious of all the
signs of Conscious Evolution, it would be the shift from procreation and
maximum numbers of children, to what I call cocreation. We are the last
generation to be able to be fruitful and multiply up to maximum and survive.
One more doubling is ten billion people, and they expect that within forty
years. It can't happen. So the energy that women have exerted to have enough
babies to ensure the survival of the human race is already becoming
liberated. This same nurturing energy is rising in women as the desire for
self-expression, for self-evolution, for life purpose, for chosen work, for
creative expression in the world. And this creative expression is being
channeled through a new feminine archetype that I call The Feminine
Cocreator. She is someone inspired by that spiritual force to activate her
own unique creativity in such a way that she can give of that creativity to
the world, and by so doing she gives birth to her full potential self. The
way you give birth to your full potential self is by discovering your inner
calling, your vocation of destiny, and surrendering to it through creative
action. That is the path of the cocreator, and it's a relatively new path
for women.

So women right now are at a pioneering phase. It's a phase comparable to
those families that crossed the country in covered wagons: they had no help;
they had no foundation grants; they had no Social Security or health
insurance. They just had their live bodies to throw against the elements. It
took tremendous courage then, and it take tremendous courage now to be a
social pioneer. That's the generation we're in, a generation that's calling
forth the courage to pioneer a new world, rather than traversing a greater
physical world.

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