CONTACT: Marc Morano 202/543-4787



Monday, April 24, 2000

Earth Day: Chevy Chase Says Socialism Works, Cuba is a prime

Chase Says he is an "Intellectual"

Tom Arnold calls ABC's Sam Donaldson a "factory worker" who lacks

Transcript of Chevy Chase Interview at Earth Day 2000

All Exclusive Interviews - Caught on Tape
Video/Audio Copies Available

WASHINGTON, DC — In an exclusive interview at the Earth Day 2000
rally on the Mall yesterday, actor Chevy Chase berated reporter
Marc Morano of the nationally syndicated television newsmagazine
"American Investigator," for asking about the involvement of
Hollywood celebrities in the Earth Day cause. Morano conducted a
one on one interview with a very contentious Chase for American
Investigator's upcoming special debunking myths about the Amazon
Rainforest. The following is a partial excerpt from the
television interview.

Text of Selected portions excerpted below (uncorrected):

Chevy Chase & Reporter Marc Morano:

Marc Morano: "Skeptics would say that Hollywood has all this
wealth and money - CHASE: "I am not from Hollywood! I'm from
Upstate New York first of all and second of all, I don't know who
you are!" (Chase appears very agitated)

MORANO: "And I am Marc Morano with a show called American
Investigator." "But Skeptics would say Hollywood celebrities, I
mean, you worked in Hollywood, yeah?"

CHASE: "Skeptics would say…" (mocking Morano)

MORANO: "Skeptics would say…that Hollywood celebrities have a
double standard in the sense that they have achieved their wealth
and status and they are telling the rest of the world that you
can't do this or that with economic restrictions."

CHASE: "That's an inarticulate sentence, I don't know what you're
talking about, you can't do what and what? And when you say
they've achieved their wealth, how have they achieved? That's a
silly question. I don't know what you mean. What kind of skeptic
are you talking about here? A guy who is articulate or what?"

MORANO: "A guy who is articulate? I am talking about for instance

CHASE: "Give me an example."

MORANO: "Okay, I'll give you an example. Brazil, there's a
developing world country with people who are trying to get
hydroelectric dams, electricity, running water and environmental
groups and celebrities like Sting and other celebrities, the
Rainforest Foundation, are opposing development on the basis that
it will damage the rainforest and keep these people essentially
locked in poverty. That's what we're talking about here.

CHASE: Are you asking me that specific question?"

MORANO: "Yeah, I am asking you the question on that level, that

CHASE: "Actually, ah Jayni, (motioning toward his wife Jayni
Chase, also heads Friends of the Earth) do you want to answer

Jayni Chase: "Yes."

CHASE: "We'll address that question right now. The question was
in Brazil, there were Hydroelectric plants that are being made
and dams and people like Sting and other Hollywood celebrities
are preventing those things by trying to keep rainforests from
being damaged."

Jayni: "Well, think about what happens when you build a dam…
(explanation about dam's effect on environment. She recommends
solar, wind power and thermal power as amazing options over
traditional options.)

Discussion about Amazon and tropical soils Not Excerpted:

MORANO: "Let me ask a simple question. Is capitalism and
development a good way to help the developing world's poor?"

CHASE: "No, not necessarily. No, not necessarily."

MORANO: "Why not?"

CHASE: "Because sometimes socialism works."

MORANO: "Socialism works to help people out of poverty?"

CHASE: "Yeah."

MORANO: "So countries in the developing world, you would say
capitalism is not the answer to help them bring in wealth and

Jayni: "It varies."

CHASE: "I would say that's a very broad question. But I would say
if you just said is capitalism the way? I would say the is answer
is no, not necessarily."

Discussion continues. Minutes Later:

CHASE: "Now, I would also like to address your skepticism about
Hollywood people. A lot of them are air heads. They're also well
educated, college educated people with degrees, not only BA's,
but MA's. Intellectuals who read and care about these things.
You're talking to one and I don't particularly like being, you
know, set upon by a skeptic who thinks he's talking to some guy
from Hollywood who just plays tennis all day and spills water all
over the place. That isn't the way we live and that isn't the way
people who care about the environment live. So take it easy on

MORANO: "Ok, well -"

CHASE: "I'm not here - I could be in Jamaica right now, getting a
better tan than I have."

Discussion follows about previous Earth Days Not excerpted.

MORANO: "There is a perception that Hollywood has a double
standard. And that's what I was asking you about."

CHASE: "Yeah, But I don't - When you say there's a perception,
that's your perception for your little network, right?

MORANO: "Yeah."

CHASE: "So when you say there's a perception, you must say my
perception. Can you say my perception is? Can you say it?"


CHASE: "Can you say it?"

MORANO: "But that's saying any contrary reporter has to take that
position? No." CHASE: "Is that your perception?"

MORANO: "My position is to get a good interview and get some
challenging questions."

CHASE: "I am asking you a question. Is that your perception?"

MORANO: "I am not going to answer that cause I am a reporter."

CHASE: "Okay then, I am not going to answer your questions."

Jayni: "He's got to remain objective."

CHASE: "It's too easy - Buddy - it's too easy."

MORANO: " Well, that's what a reporter does is challenge."

CHASE: "No, that's not what a good reporter does, a good reporter
gets the information down and doesn't say there're a perception,
they say -"

MORANO: " Then do you want a name then of someone -"

CHASE: "Yeah."

MORANO: " Professor Phillip Stott of the University of London -"

CHASE: "James Reston."

MORANO: "Okay, what about him?"

CHASE: "He's a good reporter, remember him?"

MORANO: "Oh, you're taking about reporters? I'm saying I'll give
you a name, skeptics like Phillip Stott of the University of
London who just did a book on Tropical Rainforests."

Chase Appears to want to walk away, so Morano changes the
question and asks:

MORANO: "How does socialism help people out of poverty?

CHASE: "I don't want to get into that. I mean we got to get up to
the thing. (pause) I think it's conclusive that there have been
areas where socialism has helped to keep people at least
stabilized at a certain level. There's no middle class, there's
no opportunity. There are no first Amendment rights, there's
certainly isn't the same as this constitution. But when you just
say capitalism versus socialism, it's too simple, I think."

MORANO: "Okay free markets…?

CHASE: "I think free markets are important, but you know you can
do both and I think Cuba might prove that."


CHASE: In any cause you gotta be a skeptic. I mean, you're right,
you got to be skeptical and cynical about anything and try to
learn as much as you can about it. Which I think is why you have
been trying to do."

MORANO: "I appreciate you taking the time, I really do. Thank
you. The two shake hands.

Several Hours Later, Chase approaches Morano.

CHASE: "Incidentally, that flake Leonardo…"

MORANO: "The flake?"

CHASE: "You know he did a great job on that movie The Beach in
terms of, quite seriously, really making the crew be very aware
of the coral reefs and all that. He made it, you know it cost
millions to change things around because he cared about it."

MORANO: "Well, you know, there was a controversy surrounding the
environmental destruction."

CHASE: "You're right. You know, you're well educated, you know a
lot of stuff. It's interesting to talk to you." (Seemingly
mocking tone)

Discussion, not excerpted. Then:

CHASE: "At the risk of appearing arrogant, what I was saying
before is there really are some intellectual educated airheads,
you know and we're not all… and intentions count as much as
anything else. Some people may not know every increment of every
decision and every controversy, but the intention to make the
earth better is something that simple. It's good."

MORANO: "Well I hoped you enjoyed it. I just wanted to give you a
contrary reporter. A lot of -"

CHASE: "No it's interesting, what you're doing, yeah."

Morano gives Chase his card and tells him he is conducting many
of these interview for his upcoming Amazon Rainforest Special,
which will debunk the myths and misinformation surrounding the
Amazon. And tells him to check out the web site:

American Investigator is a nationally syndicated television

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