In a message dated 4/24/00 8:52:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> Perhaps we ought to stop trading with everybody, but IF we're going to trade
>  with other communist regimes, we shouldn't exclude Cuba simply because the
>  rabble in S.Florida tell us to. If you want to stop all international
>  OK...that's a different matter with it's own set of problems (and

Cuban music and culture are forbidden in S. Florida, by law. No public
performances by groups from Communist Cuba...I don't know if this is just
Dade county or state-wide. but is un-American as hell.

More interesting as a topic is the issue of NO foreign trade. we PROBABLY
could be self-reliant, with oil from Alaska, etc. I visited Russia after the
fall of Communism and was amazed on two levels: things were simultaneously
bad and goo. People were making peanuts ($25 a month in Rubles) but I once
had a talk with our translator...she made about $30 per month, but paid $1.25
per month for her heated apartment, a buck for a phone, etc etc. Payphones
calls in Moscow were 2 kopeks then...about 1/10th of a cent. The buses and
subways were maybe 10 kopeks. And within Russia you could fly $6000 miles
from Moscow to Siberia for $45. As a tourist I paid $210 for the same flight.
Only after opening the borders did "real world" econmic realities set in, and
severely damaged the ability of pensioners to survive (the govt never raised
pensions to match skyrocketing inflation).
The point of all this is that I have come to believe that a closed economic
system can set whatever prices it wants on the goods it produces, and the
[people will survive. But once the gates have been opened to foreign trade,
level has to meet world realities.

OK, where am I headed with this?  It follows that despite improvements in
productivity, EVENTUALLY the countries with the largest working populations
(and this means largest markets, too) will prevail. Chinas 1.5 Billion and
Indias 1.0 Billion will overrun us someday, using our foreign trade deficits
to accomplish this.

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