A conspiracy theory is a falsified version of history or current events that
redirects an audiences anger toward a scapegoated group.

The theory seeks to lay blame for a legitimate issue on a perceived common enemy.

As with any issue that a society deals with, there are legitimate concerns
that need to be addressed.

Conspiracy theories, however, do not attempt to address any legitimate concerns with 
realistic solutions.

Their sole purpose is to lay blame for the common problem.

By only laying blame for the problem, the issue becomes, in effect, a renewable source 
of fuel for the audience.

If, for example, the problem of crime is not effectively dealt with, a
conspiracy theorist will lay blame on the “liberal establishment” or, on the
other end of the political spectrum, the gun lobby.

Neither liberals nor guns really have anything to do with crime rates.

30 minutes at a local jail will cure you quick of that foolishness.

These are convenient scapegoats for conspiracy theorists to lay blame.

And without any solutions, the presenting problem is never dealt with.

Hence, the blame becomes the renewable fuel.

But blame shifting and scapegoating are part of the democratic process,
messyas it is. The issue that makes a conspiracy theory distinguishable is the
falsification of fact that leads the audience toward a conclusion that there
is a conspiracy out there that is deliberately attacking the group's belief
system, wherever that system is located on the political spectrum.
I will deal with this issue in much more detail in an upcoming essay. I
expect to be finished in February or March, 2000.
I generally recommended the following resources:
Richard Abanes, American Militias: Rebellion, Racism and Religion
Intervarsity Press, 1996

Paul T. Coughlin, Secrets, Plots & Hidden Agendas: What You Don't Know About
Conspiracy Theories
Intervarsity Press, 1999

Richard Abanes, End-Time Visions: The Road to Armageddon?
Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998

Gregory S. Camp, Selling Fear: Conspiracy Theories and End-Times Paranoia
Baker Books, 1997


We are a Nation of the Rule of Law;
however, I, for one, will not be Ruled by the Lawless.

To All Elected Officials:
  "Stop stealing my earnings that you use to give to those whom you know will vote for 

There's not a dime bit of difference between a DemoRat and a RepubRat,
they're simply two wings of the same bird of prey which pecks at your
earnings while insidiously devouring your Freedom.


Eternal Vigilance - The Price of Freedom!

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