10 days in May; a test about terrorists

  Scripps Howard News Service
  April 24, 2000

  WASHINGTON - In an unprecedented exercise next month, a
  phalanx of the U.S. government's top officials will engage
  in a massive field test of the nation's preparedness to
  respond to a terrorist attack within its borders.

  Sometime during 10 still-secret days in May, seven
  Cabinet leaders will receive a chilling, though mock, alert
  that unknown terrorists have unleashed chemical or
  biological weapons simultaneously on two cities _ Denver
  and Portsmouth, N.H.

  Attorney General Janet Reno; the secretaries of defense,
  energy, transportation, agriculture, and health and human
  services; and the head of the Environmental Protection
  Agency will have to drop whatever they are doing and
  preside over the federal government's emergency
  response to such a dreaded mass attack.

  Called "Operation TopOff" _ for "top officials" _ the field
  exercise will involve thousands of participants including
  the governors of the two states, the National Guard and
  hundreds of state and local emergency and medical
  personnel. The directors of the FBI and the Federal
  Emergency Management Agency also will play a lead role.

  A companion drill, possibly involving a pretend attack
  involving nuclear weapons, will occur in the Washington,
  D.C., area.

  Until the mock weapons of mass destruction attacks are
  announced, only a handful of organizers will know the
  nature and dimensions of the planned assault. The type of
  deadly agent used, where it is released, how many people
  are felled, who the perpetrators are _ all will remain
  unknown until the exercise is launched sometime between
  May 7 to May 29.

  "The players know very, very little," Justice Department
  spokesman Doug Johnson said.

  Colorado Gov. Bill Owens said he is completely in the
  dark. "It could be a scenario of anything from Denver's
  water supplies being poisoned to an airborne particulate
  being released," Owens said. "We are literally waiting hour
  by hour for the test."

  Mindful that real terrorists _ knowing that the
  government's attention will be focused elsewhere _ might
  view this as a fine time to stage an actual attack, the
  agencies are taking special precautions.

  "We're aware that could occur and we have taken
  appropriate measures," Johnson said.

  Among the elements to be evaluated in the mock disaster
  are the time it takes to identify the agent, ability to limit
  its spread, efforts to treat the wounded without causing
  further contamination, search for the terrorists involved,
  and coordinate the dozens of agencies involved.

  For several years, the federal government has been
  training state and local police, firefighters, hospital
  personnel and others in managing the aftermath of a
  deadly terrorist incident.

  Denver and Portsmouth were chosen as sites of the mock
  attack because they represent a range of size and
  preparation. Denver has undergone the training while
  Portsmouth has not. Officials in each city also were eager
  to participate in the May drill.

  Planning for the drill, which was ordered by Congress,
  began about a year ago. It is expected to cost no more
  than $3.5 million, the amount Capitol Hill authorized to
  cover the expenses involved.

  Federal and state officials intend to begin publicizing the
  upcoming fake attack this week so citizens will not be
  blindsided or panicked by the exercise.

  "We don't want to scare the public," FEMA spokesman
  Mark Wilson said.

     (Contact Lisa Hoffman at HoffmanL(at)shns.com or

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