Oh, really Nesse. Are You the Official Appoligist for the El Producto
Generalismo for Life InFidel Castro? Well, Sob Sister, I grew up in the
1960's and remember those air raid drills in grammer school. You know
the one's where the kids had to climb under their desks and chairs and
Kiss their Ass Goodby? Remember Ole InFidal had all those Russkie
Nuke Missles over there?
The reason you will not find those little Cuban Kids on the Park Benches,
is that they are working their little asses off as peon slaves on the
farms, or in their Communist version of the Hitler Youth Corps. In Communist
Countries Children are Property of the State, Parents Have NO Rights. I
remember, the Favor Castro did for us in the 1980's with that Flotila of
and Insane People he tried to dump on us. Not to mention the boat loads of
people with kids" he had his Naval Patrol Boats machine gun so all of them,.
too were drowned.
BTW, My Family Fought their way out if European Communism in the 1956
Hungarian Uprising hand to hand against Russian T54 Tanks. They begged
America for Air Support, which never came and they lost the revolt. They
came to
Amercia for Liberty and Freedom from Communist Oppression. What about the
Innocients butchered by the tens of thousands in Cambodia by the Pol Pot
I interviewed many who came here. And even met a few, learned doctors,
who fled the indoctorinated AK47 armed teenage Communists who murdered all
people of any education or social rank in the fields. And some of those
people saw some of our American P.O.W.'s from the Viet Nam War, who they
said worked as
"Slave Labor" and were starving slowly, moved around alot too. Some of my
Cuban American Friends escaped Cuba for the same reason - to leave for
Freedom. Or do you forget that our Freedom was paid for by the blood of the
Patriots? Bist do Verstan Ze Nessie? Smile, your on "Comrad Camera".
~ Mike ~
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