Let's see now....
-Gordan kahl
-Ruby Ridge
-Vince Foster
-Oaklahoma City
-The Clinton Adminstration
_The IRS
-The Facist Controlled News Media (AKA Brainwashing on a mass scale)
-Miami april 22,2000
and I suspect I could go on  and I suspect you too could
What do you think that this adds up to?
does it spell POLICE STATE??????

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon

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Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 12:28:23 -0700
From: schuetzen - RKBA! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SNET: (fwd) 00-17 FEDERALIST Digest

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On Fri, 28 Apr 2000 10:02:48 -0500 (CDT), The Federalist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Internet's Conservative Journal of Record

Date: 28 April 2000
Federalist #00-17.dgst

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"Tyranny is the exercise of power beyond right...when the
governor...makes not the law, but his will, the rule." --John Locke


In the news this week, the tenor of outrage over the INS raid to seize
Cuban refugee Elian Gonzalez continues to escalate -- and with good
reason. Only 48 hours before the raid last Saturday, a federal Court
of Appeals declined Janet Reno's request for a change of custody. The
INS actions exemplify the Clinton administration's now-familiar
contempt for the much-ballyhooed "rule of law."

Alan Dershowitz, that Clintonista stalwart at Harvard Law School,
protested that the administration acted "lawlessly," and "it's a
dangerous day for all Americans."

Rep. Ron Paul notes, "The rule of law and the Constitution have been
completely ignored and a police-state mentality dictated the actions
by the Administration and carried out by Janet Reno. ... Custody cases
are properly handled in a family court, with contesting sides present.
After hearing the case a judge rules with the loser having the right
to appeal."

In December, The Federalist Editorial Board took the position that
Elian should remain with his Miami family until the Florida family
courts had a chance to rule for custody in the case. (We publicly
offered to pay the transportation costs to bring his entire Cuban
family to Miami for that case.) We took this position for several
reasons, not the least of which was that we federalists uphold the
sovereignty of states to decide such legitimate matters of custody,
while the federal courts have responsibility for immigration appeals.

Our position in this case was not predicated solely on the fact that
Cuba is run by a ruthless Communist dictator, who does not acknowledge
the notion of "parental rights," but instead views all Cuban children
as "property of the state."  Several members of your Editorial Board
have worked extensively with the Russian government promoting
democratic reforms. We know that under the old Soviet system, some
parents were able to successfully rear their children apart from the
Communists' designs upon their destiny -- though we never met any
loving parents who would not have willingly broken that bond in order
to win freedom for their children.

Our position was certainly influenced by the fact that his mother had
custody of Elian and gave up her life attempting to win him freedom on
our shores. And it was heavily influenced by the fact that, from all
indications, Juan Miguel Gonzalez had (and has) little interest in the
child other than his value as a political football for Fidel Castro.

National Review's Kate O'Beirne echoes the basis for this assessment:
"A loving father, who claims to be free from Castro's control, would
have been in Florida with his son months ago. Once he finally arrived,
he would have walked across broken glass to see his son for an hour.
.. Elian's Miami relatives are losing in the court of public opinion,
but they have passed Solomon's test with flying colors."

Sister Jeanne O'Laughlin, the university president who was selected as
the neutral party to host the meeting between Elian and his
grandmothers, reversed her support for Elian's return to Cuba for much
the same reason: "What, if not for fear, could keep a person from
making a 30-minute trip to reclaim his son?" And then it would follow,
if fear, why would a loving father not want his son to remain free
with relatives in Miami?

The principle here is not genetics, but what is best for this child.
The Federalist has always advocated parental rights and
responsibilities, be those parents natural or adoptive, but in the
abject absence of responsibility, we do believe the state family
courts have a legitimate interest in considering a change of custody.

Regarding the media's coverage of this event, the talkingheads have
shown great contempt for Americans who escaped Castro's Communist
island prison. The media were critical of family pictures showing a
smiling Elian with his Miami relatives, but now are eager to promote
pictures of a smiling Elian with his biological father and his Cuban

And a final note about that federal agent whose MP-5 was pointed in
Elian's direction during the raid, Janet Reno claims, "If you look
carefully [the agent's] finger was not on the trigger and the safety
was engaged." One might infer from her comment that guns, even when
pointed at 6-year-olds, are safe in the hands of responsible users.
But we have been told by Clinton/Gore -- ad nauseum -- that America
has a "gun problem." Maybe it is, as we have argued all along, a "user
problem," ergo, primarily the culture of disenfranchised sociopathic
criminals spawned by years of liberal social policies.

Speaking of Sociocratic spawn, at the National Zoo's eighth annual
African-American family celebration, a black sixteen-year-old shot up
a group of black children. Less than an hour after that tragedy, Al
"I-Don't-Use-Tragedies-To-Promote-My-Political-Agenda" Gore announced
the shootings at a star-studded Democratic fund-raiser in New York
City: "We really have to have mandatory child safety trigger locks,"
Gore told the crowd. "Trigger locks"?  Washington, D.C., has the
strictest "gun control" laws in the nation, which apparently failed to
prevent this shooting. What difference, exactly, would child safety
locks have made? (The Village glitterati anted up $2 million for
Gore's campaign.)

"Tragedies like this aren't about gun control -- they're about a
breakdown in society," says Rep. J.C. Watts. "This culture we live in,
where kids are killing other kids, is about children who need
guidance, supervision and leadership. I hope Democrats and the vice
president will quit the gun-control rhetoric and focus on the real
problem. We need leaders who will serve as role models -- not
opportunistic politicians. Al Gore and his Democrat friends who grew
up in Washington should know the gun laws where they were raised.
Handguns have been illegal in Washington, D.C., since 1977. And
children aren't allowed to own guns anywhere.  What kind of increased
gun control could he possibly have in mind that...would have stopped
this [or any such crime] from occurring?"

Last month, Bill
"I-Don't-Use-Tragedies-To-Promote-My-Political-Agenda" Clinton called
for new gun legislation, citing an elementary school shooting by a
child who took a gun from his guardian's crack house. Crack addicts,
of course, are fine law-abiding citizens.

And on the topic of the Clinton/Gore efforts to use the courts as a
club to mandate "gun control," seven leading firearms manufacturers
have filed a counter-lawsuit against federal, state and local agencies
and officials, alleging "an illegal conspiracy in restraint of trade
and in violation of the Commerce Clause of the United States
Constitution." Tit for tat!

In other news, did you miss the 30th birthday of Earth Day 2000 amid
all the storm trooping last Saturday? If so, you probably didn't
notice that, by no coincidence, the Earth Day birthday is also V.I.
Lenin's birthday.

Open Query...

"After emerging from the Bush-Quayle deficits and recessions, should
we really risk a George W. Bush deficit and a George W. Bush
recession?" --Al "I-Invented-The-Economy" Gore.  Memo to Al: You have
already acknowledged, as a matter of record, as have the nation's
leading economists, that the current economic expansion began during
the last year of the Bush administration. But hey, in the world of
political soundbites, who cares!

The BIG lie...

"Once again, the gun lobby and its allies in the leadership of
Congress are standing in the way of real progress. We battle not just
for the safety of our families, but for the soundness of our
democracy." --Bill Clinton, who needs to read up on a little history
about the relationship between the right to bear arms and the
preservation of "democracy."

>From "The most ethical administration"...

Clinton hosted the White House "Egg Roll" on Monday.  The Chinese
People's Liberation Army sent a few arms dealers with attaches full of
cash to the highly publicized event, thinking it was a fundraiser for
Al Gore.

Regarding your IRS overpayment...

"The federal income-tax return leaves out the burden of property
taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes, state income taxes, death taxes, sin
taxes, the Gore tax on your phone bill and the billions of business
taxes hidden in the costs of goods and services we buy each day. And
Social Security taxes cost most Americans even more than the income
tax.  Government will take one-third of everything we earn this year.
Our founding fathers fled Europe to escape taxation levels lower than
this." --Americans for Tax Reform president Grover Norquist

>From the department of military history...

Old wounds....  Sunday, April 30, is the 25th anniversary of the fall
of Vietnam, marking the end of fifteen years of American military
service in southeast Asia. It is with reverence that we salute our
fellow veterans of Vietnam for performing your duty in a hostile
theater while many of your peers were burning the American flag back
home. God bless you!

>From the department of military readiness...

Bobby Kennedy Jr. joined Earth Day protesters at the Vieques Island
bombing range in Puerto Rico last week, and announced plans to sue the
U.S. Navy for endangering sea and bird life in the region. "We've got
to get the Navy out of here," he said.

As this edition is going to press, 1,000 Marines will provide cover
for hundreds of federal agents preparing to remove the Vieques
protesters. Of course, they could just implement the "Reno Plan" --
start the bombing again and watch the protesters "scatter."  Not a bad
plan, in this case!

Memo to little Bobby: The only reason that media provides you a
moment's air time is that your uncle Jack was once president.
Ironically, one reason for his appeal as a presidential candidate was
his record as a Navy "hero." Regarding how he became a hero, JFK once
said, "It was involuntary. They sank my boat."  And now, little Bobby
is trying to sink the whole Navy in pursuit of status as an
environmental "hero."

In the Supreme halls of justice...

Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on partial birth
abortion, the first major abortion case the high court has considered
in eight years. The case before the court involves a 1997 Nebraska law
banning partial birth abortions. Nebraska law defines the procedure as
"partially delivering vaginally a living unborn child before killing
the unborn child and completing the delivery." Similar laws are on the
books in 30 other states, though lower courts have blocked enforcement
of most of them.

"What is at stake...is whether the court will extend the right to
abortion outside the womb to encompass the killing of children who are
partially delivered," said James Bopp, general counsel for the
National Right to Life Committee. On the left side of the bench, Janet
Benshoof of the Center for Reproductive Law & Policy said, "The
Supreme Court will determine whether states have the right to force a
woman to sacrifice her life and health to promote an extremist
political agenda to outlaw abortion outright."

Most of our readers know this subject horrifyingly well. But if you
are among the undecided, who aren't sure that partial birth abortion
is infanticide, please read the following paragraph carefully. It is
court testimony by Brenda Pratt Shafer, a registered nurse, of her
firsthand account of a partial birth abortion committed by Dr. Martin
Haskell, the man credited with developing the "procedure."

"Dr. Haskell went in with the forceps and grabbed the baby's legs and
pulled them down into the birth canal.  Then he delivered the baby's
body and arms -- everything but the head...  The baby's little fingers
were clasping and unclasping, and his little feet were kicking.  Then
the doctor stuck the scissors in the back of his head, and the baby's
arms jerked out, like a startle reaction, like a flinch, like a baby
does when he thinks he is going to fall.  The doctor opened up the
scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening, and
sucked the baby's brains out.  Now the baby went completely limp.  I
was really completely unprepared for what I was seeing."

Bill Clinton, Al Gore at his side, has twice vetoed congressional
measures banning this barbarism.

Hearing arguments, Justice Antonin Scalia asked, "Why can't a state
have an interest in not rendering a society callous to
infanticide...and to the horror of seeing a live human creature
outside the womb dismembered?" Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, the
swing-vote in this case, added, "[Abortion and partial birth abortion]
are both rather gruesome procedures, yet one may be very similar to
the other."

Wednesday, the High Court heard arguments in the Boy Scouts of America
v. Dale case on appeal from the New Jersey Supreme Court, which
concluded last year that the BSA was a "public accommodation" subject
to that state's anti-discrimination laws and, thus, must admit
homosexual scout leaders. Judge Rehnquist noted: "At some point the
state's interest [in enforcing anti-discrimination laws] is greatly
dissipated."  This would certainly qualify as that point!

And a final note on the Supremes: The next president will likely
appoint three new judges to the High Court.

In other legal news, this month's "Court Jester" Award goes to the
Ohio federal appeals court, which ruled 2-1 that Ohio's state motto --
"With God, all things are possible" -- is unconstitutional because it
expresses "a uniquely Christian thought." Don't they open with "God
save this honorable court" and require witnesses to swear to tell the
truth, "so help me God"? Apparently two of the federal judges are paid
in some currency other than U.S. legal tender, which states: "In God
we trust."

Note to the federal bench: The 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights
says simply:  "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment
of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."  That's
"Congress" -- not "Ohio."

>From the states...

In the People's Republic of Vermont, Demo-Governor Howard Dean says he
will sign legislation granting same-sex couples the same legal rights
enjoyed by heterosexual married couples. "I think the powerful message
is that in Vermont, we tend to value people for who they are, not what
they are."  Au contraire! It seems you just recognized homosexuals for
precisely "what they are."

Robert Knight, FRC's Cultural Studies director, says, "Marriage is the
foundation for families, communities and civilizations. It is about
much more than the relationship between two people. Liberal
legislators are trying hard to ignore the Word of God, the law of
Nature, and the experience of thousands of years of human history. But
it will eventually catch up with them."

Around the world...

Still searching for a legacy that does not involve cigars, on June 4,
Bill Clinton will go to Moscow to meet with Vladimir Putin and try to
preempt any plan for a ballistic missile defense system by initiating
a "Grand Compromise" arms agreement. Former diplomat and Clinton
administration official Thomas Graham concludes, "The Clinton
administration does not want to be the first in several decades not to
have signed a significant arms control agreement with Moscow."
Fortunately, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jesse Helms
has vowed to stand in front of this one! "This administration's time
for grand treaty initiatives is at an end," Mr. Helms warned.

And last, at a fund-raiser for HILLARY! this week featuring singer
Tony Bennett, Mr. Clinton said, "The theme song of this election year
ought to be the first song Tony Bennett sang tonight, 'The Best is Yet
to Come'."  We can think of a few other Bennett tunes that might be
more appropriate, such as, "Have You Met Miss Jones?", "Change
Partners," "Forget the Woman," "Call Me Irresponsible," and the
unforgettable, "If I Ruled the World."


"The act of cowardice is all that matters; the emotion of fear is, in
itself, no sin." --C.S. Lewis  {}  "Whatever claims reverence risks
ridicule." --C.S. Lewis  {}  "Justice without strength is helpless,
strength without justice is tyrannical.... Unable to make what is just
strong, we have made what is strong just." --Blaise Pascal  {}
"Liberty of thought is the life of the soul." --Voltaire  {}
"Justice, sir, is the great interest of man on earth." --Daniel
Webster  {}  "There is no more mistaken path to happiness than
worldliness, revelry, high life." --Arthur Schopenhauer  {}  "It is
your concern when your neighbor's wall is on fire." --Horace  {}  "If
every person has the right to defend -- even by force -- his person,
his liberty, and his property, then it follows that a group of men
have the right to organize and support a common force to protect these
rights constantly." --Frederick Bastiat  {}  "When you ask God to send
you trials, you may be sure your prayer will be granted." --Léon Bloy
{}  "Though it be honest, it is never good To bring bad news."
--William Shakespeare  {}  "There is no legitimate religion apart from
truth." --John Calvin


"Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction
is stupid." (Proverbs 12:1)


"When the Soviet Empire crumbled, it appeared that even liberals
finally realized that Reagan's view of Communism was shared by
everyone who had lived under Communism. It shouldn't have taken the
destruction of the Wall to prove that; the Wall itself was sufficient
testimony. Communism is a system that has to lock people in,
threatening them with death if they try to escape from its 'utopia'."
--Joseph Sobran  ++  "Liberalism has always had a dark psychosis
whereby guilt drives evil and evil drives guilt -- a morality of
sadism which aborts innocent babies but spares murderers from
execution, which frees violent criminals but disarms law-abiding
citizens, which bombs a peaceful democratic nation on the other side
of the world but dutifully returns runaway child-slaves to the
terrorist despotism in our own backyard." --Joe Schembrie  ++  "A
great nation, to be great, is required to do great things, not small,
grubby things such as breaking down the doors of private homes and
snatching up six year olds at the point of a gun. Americans are
collectively diminished by the Holy Saturday Raid. So is our president
-- but by this time, that won't astound very many Americans."
--William Murchison  ++  "If you were looking for a way to galvanize
conservative opinion in this country...you wouldn't even dare hope
that the incumbent Democratic administration would be so stupid as to
send in machine gun-toting federal agents to snatch a six-year-old
shipwreck survivor in order to send him back to Cuba." --Tod Lindberg
++  "The Justice Department's night raid on the Miami home of Elian
Gonzalez was an unconscionable exercise of police power, made all the
worse by its exercise at the very moment a settlement was being
reached. ... This is a shameful episode in this nation's history."
--Roger Pilon  ++  "What happened Saturday is very symbolic of what
always happens when ultimate power is corrupted.  It's also what
happens when good men do nothing." --Gary Aldrich  ++  "We have the
photographic equivalent of the stained dress." --Cal Thomas  ++  "The
docility and gullibility of so many Americans is a delight for
government overlords." --Linda Bowles  ++  "The raid was ... a
denigration of the rule of law and an elevation of the rule of
terror.... The winner in all this, of course, is Fidel Castro, who
has...displayed to the world that the U.S. government behaves just
like his." --Jacob G. Hornberger  ++  "Contrary to Justice Department
claims that the Florida relatives defied the law, the highest federal
court to hear the case last Wednesday roundly rejected Attorney
General Janet Reno's arguments." --Robert Novak  ++ "How we have let
down those patriots gone before us who fought for freedom in countless
wars." --Paul M. Weyrich  ++ "It is one thing to be a coward with
one's own life, but it is entirely immoral to run in fear when it
comes to defending the constitutional rights we are sworn to uphold."
--Rep. Ron Paul  ++  "Clinton has finally convinced me of the case for
gun control to this extent: While he and Reno are in charge, no
federal agent should be allowed to carry firearms." --Don Feder


"Lost in all this is any conception that America has a role of moral
leadership to play, and that this has been an excellent opportunity to
play it. How one longs for someone -- anyone -- in our public life to
stand up and say those things that the Clintons and Renos will never
say, because they are not even capable of thinking them. That this
nation loves liberty. That we detest Communism. That we will, on every
possible occasion, strive to vex and humiliate Communist dictators and
all others who boast themselves our enemies, to frustrate their
designs, to diminish them in the eyes of their own people, to hasten
their downfall by any means our laws and ethics permit." --National


"Communism Still Looms as Evil to Miami Cubans." --New York Times
Headline  ++  "Some suggested over the weekend that it's wrong to
expect Elian Gonzalez to live in a place that tolerates no dissent or
freedom of political expression. They were talking about Miami."
--NBC's Katie Couric **Those pesky anti-Communists! ++  "Miami is a
community with very little tolerance for those who might disagree."
--ABC's John Quinones  **More pesky anti-Communists!  ++  "To be a
poor child in Cuba may in many instances be better than being a poor
child in Miami and I'm not going to condemn their lifestyle so
gratuitously." --Newsweek's Eleanor Clift  ++  "Altogether, in wages,
tips and bonuses, he [Elian's father] earns more than 10 times Cuba's
$15 average monthly salary - enough to afford to buy Elian imported
Power Ranger toys and birthday pinatas fat with Italian hard candy and
German chocolates." --Time Senior Editor Nancy Gibbs **And all on $150
a month!  ++  "[G]rown-ups near and far cooked his simple, tragic
story into a thick stew of politics, legalities, ideology and raw
emotion." --CBS talkinghead Dan Rather **Of course, CBS avoided the
story for fear it might enhance viewers and advertising revenue!


"I feel absolutely comfortable putting the future of my daughter, and
the grandchildren I hope she'll give us, in [Gore's] hands." --Mr.
Clinton **Yeah, but would Gore say that about Clinton?  {}  "In
Washington...you make a judgement and then you try to get the
information." --White House Mouth Joe Lockhart, condemning Republicans
who have been critical of the commando raid in Little Havana.
**Wouldn't that criticism be better leveled at the Sociocrats in the
White House? Lockhart went on to say, "There's a difference between
Sen. Graham and some of the Republican leaders who have come out
[against the administration]. I have no doubt that he [Graham] firmly
opposes this -- as the Senator from Florida, he has every right to do
that." **And thus, we assume, Mr. Lockhart implies that this could
only have happened in Florida?  {}  "When discussing dictators, we
will never again say, 'He's an s.o.b., but he's our s.o.b'." --Senior
State Department official Lino Gutierrez on the importance of building
democracy in Latin America. **Except in Cuba!


"Ellen DeGeneres is a comedic gem best known for her work on the
groundbreaking television series 'Ellen,' which DeGeneres created,
produced and starred. The actress made history in April 1997 when her
on-screen personification, 'Ellen Morgan,' became the first gay
leading character in television." --Kennedy Center promotion for its
upcoming "An Evening with Ellen DeGeneres."  **The Kennedy Center
promotion did not mention that DeGeneres also made history when she
became the first gay leading character to have a TV hit cancelled
shortly after she began using it as a platform to promote the
homosexual agenda.  {}  "Have a happy Easter. Have a really happy
Easter." --Rudy Giuliani, when asked to comment on his wife, Donna
Hanover's starring role in "The Vagina Monologues," a racy
off-Broadway play written by a Hillary Clinton supporter.  {} The
Southern Nevada chapter of Planned Parenthood -- AKA "Panned
Parenthood" -- is sponsoring "An Evening with Jane Fonda" May 11 at
the Four Seasons in Las Vegas. **She's back!  {} From the "Village
Academic Curriculum" File:  "I figured it was going to be a white guy
between 25 and 55 because they're the root of most evil." --University
of Iowa Vice President Ann Rhodes commenting on racist e-mails and a
recent bomb threat at the school. Subsequently, the suspect
apprehended in the case was a black female student at the university.
The university will take no action against Ms. Rhodes. "We're just not
going to talk anymore about it," said University spokesman Steve
Parrott. Fortunately she is just a high-level government employee in
an institution of higher learning and not, say, a baseball player.


"The raid on the two-bedroom house was almost  worth it if only to
watch Jesse Jackson, on Tony Snow's Sunday show,  defending an armed
pre-dawn raid by the U.S. government on a minority household." --Rich
Galen  ++  "The solution to the Elian problem is to trade Castro the
Democratic Party, Janet Reno and the liberal media for Elian. We could
go even further and trade Castro all our Northeastern and West Coast
liberals for the Cuban population. That way, everyone would be happy."
--Paul Craig Roberts  {}  "A lot of people tell me ..., 'Clinton has
really created a wonderful economy.' I say, no, he should not get the
credit. I give the credit to Monica Lewinsky, because she kept him so
busy that he was not able to mess up our economy." --Walter Williams
{}  "Wouldn't it be nice to live in the safest town in America?"
--Ignatius Piazza, founder of Front Sight, Nev., the nation's first
"gun-resort" community.  {}  "This whole controversy over whether or
not Bill Clinton should be disbarred has got me wondering what it
means when a society sets a lower standard for being president than it
does for being a lawyer!" --Bruce Tinsley's cartoon character, Mallard
Fillmore.  {}  "Being gay is being Donna Reed." --Washington Post

Night Lines: "Ling-Ling, the panda from China, died about a year ago.
Some of the public wanted to stuff and mount Ling-Ling, but the people
at the Smithsonian did not give in to pressure, and said no. They said
that if people want to see a semi-lifelike gift from China to America,
they're going to have to vote for Al Gore." --Bill Maher  {}  "On this
day in history, Alexander Graham Bell patented the first telephone. He
had invented it several years earlier but had to wait until his wife
was done using it." --Craig Kilborn  {}  From Conan O'Brien:  Everyone
is putting in their two cents about the Elian Gonzalez situation.
Journalists aren't supposed to do that. But in a brand new interview,
Nightline host Ted Koppell said that he should go back to Cuba with
his father. Not only that, Koppell offered to let them use his hair as
a raft.  ....  Today was "Take Your Daughter to Work" day or as they
call it in the White House, "Back Off Bill, She's Only 16" day. --

Leno....  Last night, in Washington, George W. Bush set a new all time
political fundraising record. He raised 21.3 million dollars at one
dinner. ... And just to rub it in to Al Gore, you know what they ate?
Spotted Owl.  ....  Did you watch the Annual White House Easter Egg
Roll? Hundreds of children rolling eggs along the lawn with spoons.
Nice to see the government is doing something for children other than
psychologically scarring them for life.  ....  Janet Reno said today,
"I have no regrets." Well, except for not wrestling professionally.
...  They are saying that Al Gore is losing his hair. I hope not.
That's the only part that moves now. .... George W. Bush was asked if
he thought Al Gore would give Bill Clinton a presidential pardon. But
said that Clinton would not seek a pardon and Bush takes Clinton at
his word. Is that ironic? The only person left in the country that
still believes Clinton and it's the Republican candidate. Even Hillary
is saying, "Hey what are you smoking?"  ....  The government said if
you are worried about being audited, you are 5 times more likely to be
murdered than you are to be audited. I feel so much better knowing
that I can be murdered instead.  .... Castro is getting mad now. He
says that if Elian doesn't come back to Cuba soon, he will lose his
job at the Nike factory.  .... The big story here in California,
officials announce this week, they plan on turning toilet water into
drinking water. They plan on calling it "Toilet to Tap."  You know
what the water department's new slogan is? "We put the #2 in H20."

Letterman.... Do I look haggard, do I look exhausted, do I look
frenzied to you? Well, I'll tell you what happened this morning.
5-o'clock this morning BANG, my front door was kicked in. Immigration
agents come in, rough me up.  ....  Elian Gonzalez in now with his
father in the Washington, D.C., area and I'm thinking what a year this
kid has had. When he gets back to Cuba he's going to be behind. He
will have missed a lot. For example, he will have missed an entire
semester of Commie brainwashing. He'll have to make that up somehow.
...  I read that President Clinton is getting a refund on his taxes.
This guy was cited for contempt of court, he was impeached, this guy
lied to the American public. WE should be getting a refund.  ....
George W. Bush met with gay Republicans.  The gay Republican. That's a
complicated person. They hate Hillary Clinton but they love what she
has done with her hair.

(**) Denotes Editor's Comment

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"But select capable men from all the people -- men who fear God,
trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain -- and appoint them as
officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens." (Exodus 18:21)

"In general the art of government consists in taking as much money as
possible from one class of citizens to give to the other." --Voltaire

"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political
prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports."
--George Washington  ++  "Our constitution was made only for a moral
and religious people." --John Adams  ++  "Resistance to tyrants is
obedience to God." --Thomas Jefferson  ++  "Patriotism means to stand
by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president...."
--Theodore Roosevelt  ++  "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no
vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." --Barry
Goldwater  ++  "The time has come to turn to God and reassert our
trust in Him..." --Ronald

The Federalist(r) All rights reserved.
The Federalist is a Town Hall Citizen Organization
2000 (c)Publius Press, Inc.

Charles Hamilton [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Houston, TX  RKBA!

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