---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 13:38:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] [BCPolitics] Informed Consent vs. Uninformed
    Consent in Medical    Care. (fwd)

IS there a conspiracy to undermine informed consent in medicine because it
will lead to informed consent on abortion which is as much a health hazard
as cigarette smoking?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 13:32:36 -0700
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "CANADA-L  Political,Social,Cultural,Economic Issues in Canada"
Subject: [BCPolitics] Informed Consent vs. Uninformed Consent in Medical
              Care. (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 13:26:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [BCPolitics] Informed Consent vs. Uninformed Consent in Medical

Dear Health Minister Rock: Could you please tell BCPOLITICS how you
responded to the allegation below that Health Canada is advising people
that there is NO connection between vaccination and health risks? I do not
subscribe to a "vaccination conspiracy theory" and I get my flu shot every
year but it is a well known fact that there are some health risks
associated with the most innocuous vaccination program.
   In addition, do you agree with the principle of INFORMED CONSENT in
medicine? I thought it was universally accepted. In other words, adult
patients should ALWAYS be told of the health risks of ANY medical
procedure which they are contemplating. Indeed I would say that
"uninformed consent" is an oxymoron.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 00:26:00 -0400
To: Fraudbusters
Subject: More fraud at Health Canada

Aside from deceit causing deaths amongst persons with
environmental sensitivities, there is another fraud Allan Rock's staff
are either directing or compliant with that should be investigated.
Like the fraud concerning sensitivities, consequences include
children being made perrmanently and seriously disabled, huge
costs to affected persons and to society, and horrific personal
consequences for the children and their families.

The second fraud concerns children caused permanent disability
by mass innoculation programs.  Prior to the 1980s, the small
number of children who were made permanently disabled as a
result of vaccinations were usually denied compensation on the
assertion that permanent disability cannot be caused by
innoculations--that it does not happen.  However, during the 1980s
Health and Welfare recognized that vaccination programs cause
very serious disability in some children and, with this
acknowledgement, there was a process to discover a practical way
of providing compensation. The people in Health and Welfare who
told me about it described it as being like expropriation.  If you
build a road for the common good, you compensate people whose
land is used, whose houses are torn down.  Likewise, vaccination
programs are said to be for the common good, and victims of
vaccination programs were to be compensated.

However, this internal (but publicly acknowledged) process
dissappeared after the 1993 election, and now the parents of
children who suffer permanent disability as a result of vaccinations
are simply told that the vaccination was not the cause of the
problem.  Considering the fact that Health Canada has already
realized that some children are caused permanent disability, this
new position involves deceit, and cannot be simply viewed as a
change in policy.  The deceit is causing deaths, and may be
considered by the courts (if it is ever investigated!!!!) to be

There are many witnesses other than myself to the fact that Health
and Welfare had such a process under way, and for the reason
expressed above, and there is documentation.

For my part, this Friday is my 50th birthday.  After twenty years of
confronting deceit and corruption in Health Canada, I am retiring
from trying, directly, to stop the federal government from knowingly
disabling and killing children in their effort to cover up previous
negligence.  The response of government to expressions of
concern on this matter has been stunningly irresponsible,
dishonest and abusive.  I am tired of being hazed by their
response, and so I will confine my future activities to writing about
how Canada is a country were the government knowingly kills
children in the  process of perpetrating a fraud designed to protect
adults from being accountable for their negligence and previous
deceit.  It is reminiscent of churchers which simply transferred
abusive priests to other parishes--where they continued to abuse--
rather than acknowledge and face ongoing abuse.

I hope someone will investigate, preferably before I am finished
writing my book, and suggest discussing the matter with those
who have left Health Canada since 1992, and perhaps with
professionals connected to the public health commuity in Ottawa-

Chris Brown

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Now the best and coolest websites come right to you based on your
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What would a complete society be like if it were to "do all for the glory of God"? (I 
Corinthians 10:31). What would Canada be like if it were a "Godly Society" functioning 
in this manner?

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