
Work on E-Mail Probe Could Cost $10 Million

By George Lardner Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, May 4, 2000; Page A04

The White House said yesterday that it will cost $8 million to
$10 million--three times more than originally estimated--to
reconstruct hundreds of thousands of missing e-mails and search
them for evidence demanded by subpoenas issued during past
investigations of the Clinton administration.

The contractor assigned to retrieve the correspondence has told
congressional investigators that the work cannot be completed
until late November, after Election Day, but White House
spokesman Jim Kennedy said, "We hope to begin searching as early
as June."

By one account, backup tapes containing both incoming and
outgoing messages from Vice President Gore's office may be given
the most immediate attention. A spokesman for the House
Government Reform Committee, Mark Corallo, said the contractor,
Enterprise Computing Solutions Inc., informed it last week that
the White House would produce 71 "priority tapes," 50 of them
from Gore's office, to test first and try to put them in a
searchable format.

Kennedy, however, disputed those numbers and said no decision has
been made "about what to search first." He said White House
lawyers would be guided by what the investigators--from the
Justice Department, congressional committees and independent
counsel Robert W. Ray--most want.

"If we put [Gore] at the top of the list, it could be called
'political.' If we put him at the bottom of the list, it could be
called 'political,' " Kennedy said. "We are [going to be] setting
priorities consistent with the needs of the investigating

Discussions with the various investigators will be held in the
next few weeks, Kennedy said. He added that the White House still
envisions not only searching tapes but turning over any relevant
evidence to investigators in a "rolling production" starting in

The White House said in March that the complicated project,
starting with retrieving e-mail from thousands of voluminous,
sometimes unlabeled backup tapes and then putting them into a
searchable system, would cost $3 million and be completed by late
September. Michael Lyle, director of the White House Office of
Administration, disclosed the new estimate at a House hearing

"It's going to cost a lot of money. It's taking a lot of time,"
Lyle volunteered near the end of his testimony. "We are working
as quickly as we can."

House committee staff members said ECS President Eric Tung Q.
Duong told them last week that there were 4,925 backup tapes with
electronic messages and other material that had not been recorded
in the permanent, archival system the White House set up several
years ago.

White House lawyers, who will testify today, have said the
computer glitches that caused the problem were first brought to
their attention in June 1998 but that they did not realize the
scope of it because of a test suggesting that relevant messages
had been turned over to investigators in paper form.

Committee Chairman Dan Burton (R-Ind.) and other GOP members
complained that the test was too limited, dealing only with White
House e-mail relating to former White House intern Monica S.
Lewinsky, and that the White House should have disclosed the
problem and sought funds to retrieve the messages at
congressional appropriations hearings in early 1999. Lyle said
this was not done because the White House wanted to devote all
available funds to resolving the Y2K crisis.

Kennedy said yesterday that the White House has $4.8 million left
over from Y2K appropriations that can now be used to start paying
for the reconstruction effort.

© 2000 The Washington Post Company

On Wed, 3 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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