
[First, the original article..........note that this is the
ultimate spin, or proof you can spin an outright lie.  Seems the
liberals of the current admin/WH have clearly brought the science
of spin to a new high as an art form...clearly THE
state-of-the-art masters at it. Sorry, I just gotta ask how
any responsible news publication can actually publish this crap?"


Gore Invented Internet?

Hey, He's Got a Case

by Lars Erik Nelson

Miffed at the latest attack on him from Vice President Gore,
George W. Bush accuses the vice president of stretching the

"He's the man who said he invented the Internet," Bush gibed,
echoing a common joke at Gore's expense.

Now let's kill the joke.

A) Gore did not claim to have invented the Internet.  In an
interview with Wolf Blitzer in March 1999, Gore said: "During my
service in the U.S.  Congress, I took the initiative in creating
the Internet."

B) This claim is perfectly true.  In March 1986, when computers
were still something found mostly in laboratories, Gore sponsored
the Supercomputer Network Study Act to link the nation's
supercomputers into a single system.

This was his vision: "Libraries, rural schools, minority
institutions and vocational education programs will have access
to the same national resources — databases, supercomputers,
accelerators — as more affluent and better-known institutions."

Three years later, after noticing that France was making strides
with its Minitel home-computer network, Gore introduced the
National High Performance Computer Technology Act.  One of its
aims was to "establish a high-capacity national research and
education computer network."

His bill directed that the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency, which had created the forerunner of the
Internet, "shall ensure that unclassified computer technology
research is readily available to American industry."

In testimony to a House committee, Gore said: "I genuinely
believe that the creation of this nationwide network ...  will
create an environment where work stations are common in homes and
even small businesses."

At the time, even computer professionals were jeering at the
notion of personal computers.  They would be a waste of money,
costly machines for balancing checkbooks or storing recipes.
Gore saw them as terminals in a future national network of

One of Gore's Republican colleagues, Sen.  Slade Gorton of
Washington, credited him at the time for introducing a bill that
would "create [note that word] a high-capacity national research
and education network to link up supercomputers and databases
around the country."

In 1991, Gore reintroduced his bill to provide funding for
development of a national computer network.  He said: "Today,
most students using computer networks are studying science and
engineering, but there are more and more applications in other
fields, too.  Economists, historians and literature majors are
all discovering the power of networking.  In the future, I think
we will see computers and networks used to teach every subject
from kindergarten through grade school."

Gore found a supporter: President George Bush, father of George
W.  He signed Gore's bill on Dec.  9, 1991, predicting that this
new technology "offers the potential to transform radically the
way in which all Americans will work, learn and communicate in
the future.  It holds the promise of changing society as much as
the other great inventions of the 20th century, including the
telephone, air travel, radio and TV."

Does this documented record justify Gore's claim that during his
service in Congress he took the initiative in creating the
Internet as we know it today?  Seems to me, he has a pretty good

But don't expect Bush, who urges Gore to "stick to the facts," to
drop his sneer.  He knows that a lie is a powerful political
weapon that can survive forever.  His own father never managed to
kill the myth that he had no idea what a supermarket checkout
computer was.

By the way, when he signed Gore's Internet bill, President Bush
took credit for it himself.  He said he had proposed it in his
1992 budget.

Original Publication Date: 05/05/2000


Now, a response from one of the readers...............

What utter nonsense.

The Supercomputer Study Act provided money to link together
SUPERCOMPUTERS (that cost tens of millions of dollars each) at
universities and government research labs.

The Internet was invented in the late 1960s.

The real reason that the Internet took off is that:

A.) Tim Berners-Lee (a research at the European Lab for Partical
Physics)  invented the World Wide Web (what you are using on

B.) Mark Andreesen (a college student) created the Mosaic
graphical web browser (which later became Netscape)

C.) SPRY (a private company) started selling Mosaic at Egghead
software stores

D.) Andreeson got money from the Jim Clark (who ran Silicon
Graphics) to start Netscape

E.) Microsoft, Sun, and many other companies jumped on the WEB
bandwagon in full force.

Gore's "vision" for the computer networks was to hook up a few
hundred multi-million super computers in government and public
university research labs.

The Internet exploded because visionaries in the market decided
that hooking up hundreds of millions of cheap PCs together could
change the world.

[The Internet was "developed" by the military as a weapons
enhancement, and THEN brought to the masses as a tool to be used
against us, i.e., profiling, monitoring, surveiling, etc.  To the
great consternation of those that saw this potential, and that
"developed" the Net in this regard, the Net clearly has a life of
it's own now, a seemingly UNCONTROLABLE life of it's own, and, IF
we don't let it go as we have our US constition, etc., it may
indeed be our salvation, i.e., a tool of and by the global masses
to at least hamper the motives of "The Evilarchy"/Global
Banksters.  --MS]

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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