~~for educational purposes only~~

Reichstag Fires on Campus
by William Anderson

A recent racial incident at Iowa State
University brought to light what has
been a scandalous trend in U.S. higher
education. For several days, a black
male dental school student received
numerous racist e-mails, and the campus
erupted in predictable rage. Students
held rallies and candlelight vigils
amid demands for more "diversity training."

Alas, the story has an "unhappy" ending.
The sender of those e-mails was not a
David Duke-loving white racist, but rather
another dental students, this one black
and female. Once again, a supposed
egregious racist attack on black
university students was a fraud. Police
arrested the perpetrator, but the
long-term disposition of the case is
in doubt.

This was not an isolated incident. In
the last few years, there have been a
number of "racial attacks" at college
campuses in which a student has alleged
an assault only to have the authorities
find out later that the whole thing was
a lie. For example, a white female
student at Guilford College, a Quaker
college in North Carolina, claimed to
have been assaulted by the ubiquitous
Angry White Males to punish her for
having a black boyfriend. Not only
were the perpetrators supposed to have
beaten her, but they also wrote racist
slogans across her chest, according to
her accusation.

While it did not take long to find
that the student's claims were lies,
that was not the end of the story. In
fact, her lies were only the beginning,
as college officials quickly instituted
the dreaded "diversity training" to
re-educate the rest of the student body,
and many people at Guilford praised the
student for "raising awareness of racism."

In other words, even though there had
been no presence of the dreaded "racism"
at Guilford, college administrators were
happy to institute what amounted to
"struggle" sessions (made famous by the
Chinese communists). The student whose
lies started the whole thing faced no
sanctions from Guilford's administration,
and no wonder: her falsehoods enabled
those administrators to proclaim a
"crisis" that needed immediate resolution.

At Emory University a few years before
the Guilford saga, a black female student
fainted after "discovering" racist
slogans written with lipstick hidden
under a small throw rug in her dormitory
room. After the required anti-racism
rallies, candlelight vigils, and
implementation of "diversity training,"
it was found out that the girl had written
the slogans herself.

Alan Kors of the University of Pennsylvania,
Paul Craig Roberts, and others have well
documented how these modern re-education
sessions operate, but suffice it to say
they are not pleasant for their main
targets: heterosexual caucasian male
students. Why administrators and their
supporters find it necessary to force
such activities upon youngsters whose
families pay big bucks to be on campus
is testament to the arrogance of the
political left. (Why parents would pay
for their children to be put through this
humiliation is proof that many middle and
upper-class Americans have come to despise
freedom itself.)

That they must often depend upon contrived
incidents is proof that much "diversity"
training is an exercise of intellectual
bankruptcy.  Such tactics, unfortunately,
are reminiscent of another very successful
fraud: the Reichstag Fire of 1933.

On January 30, 1933, Hitler became chancellor
(or prime minister) of Germany after his
National Socialist Party won 40 percent of
the national vote during the 1932 elections.
In February, 1933, his band of hoodlums
secretly permitted the burning the Reichstag
(parliament) building but blamed it on
communists and Jews.

In the wake of the Reichstag fire, the
German parliament gave the Nazis full
authority to do whatever they wanted.
Rule of law became rule of thuggery, as
the government stripped citizens of any
rights they might once have enjoyed in
that formerly civilized country,
including freedom of the press, freedom
of speech, and private property rights.
The rest is history, as Hitler later
joined forces with the communist Josef
Stalin to trigger the Second World War.

College administrators might not be able
to start another world war, but their
main sponsor, the U.S. Government,
unfortunately, does have that capability.
It is easy to target the various frauds
in the academic world for this reenactment
of the Reichstag fire, complete with
totalitarian-style "rules" to counter
these fake "upsurges" in racism, but one
must always keep in mind that the federal
government is the real engine behind this

The sorry practice of totalitarian
reeducation begins with federal agencies,
who have the same practices themselves.
Like their college counterparts, federal
employees are herded into groups in which
middle and upper-class blacks, homosexuals,
and females attack white male workers who
are blamed for every ill known to humanity,
not unlike the accusations Hitler and his
Nazi followers made against the Jews.

For example, Secretary of the Interior
Bruce Babbitt requires Interior employees
to attend sessions in which they are
instructed that any reservations they might
have against homosexual behavior are evil
and must be purged from their being. Dissent
because of religious belief is not permitted
and those who might disagree are roundly
attacked by supervisors and told in no
uncertain terms that their careers at
Interior are dead.

Of course, the federal government does
not stop just with providing examples
of how to browbeat social "undesirables"
into submission.  The Civil Rights Division
of the U.S. Department of Justice and the
Civil Rights Division of the U.S.
Department of Education are constantly
on the hunt for new Reichstag fires.

Once an "incident" is discovered, federal
agents descend upon the campus to team
up with radical students and administrators,
who quickly announce new diversity training.

Even after it is often discovered that
the incidents which triggered the ruckus
have been a sham, someone invariably
praises the perpetrators for "raising
awareness" of "the dangers of racism,"
regardless of the facts. In the same way
that Hitler "raised awareness" of the
"threat" of World Jewry after Reichstag,
the federal government constantly reminds
us of the present danger posed by the white
heterosexual male who refuses to grovel
before his tormentors.

(Perhaps had Yugoslavia instituted
diversity training for its entire society
a few years ago, the Clinton Administration
might not have found it necessary to bomb
the Serbians into submission.)

While the current rage of "diversity" at
college campuses does not seem to have
prospects of abating anytime soon, the
one thing that would stop the practice
dead in its tracks would be someone
forcing the federal government to obeying
the U.S. Constitution. Without Uncle Sam's
practice of turning colleges and
universities into Maoist re-education
centers, campus administrators would be
on their own.

Institutions of higher learning which
choose not to browbeat a large portion
of their student body into submission
would not have to worry about federal
overseers slapping sanctions upon them,
and could advertise that fact. Thus, they
could improve their competitive status
compared to colleges and universities
which choose to continue such practices.

The way to stop modern Reichstag fires
is to stop rewarding the perpetrators.
However, as long as the federal government
and its supporters continue to insist upon
blind obedience to policies that mandate
"diversity training" for the entire
population, we can expect individuals
to emulate their example.

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