-------- Forwarded message --------
 From: CASPIAN Supermarket Newsletter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Sun, 07 May 2000
 Subj: Upcoming Media Coverage of Supermarket Privacy Issue

 ==> CASPIAN's Katherine Albrecht to Appear on "Extra" TV Program

 Katherine Albrecht, the founder of CASPIAN, will be appearing on
 NBC's "Extra" television program on Tuesday, May 9th.
 (http://www.extratv.com/) to discuss privacy concerns over
 supermarket "loyalty" cards.  In addition to the interview with
 Albrecht, Extra also speaks with Robert Rivera, the California
 resident who claimed lawyers threatened to use his alcohol purchase
 records against him in court, and a DEA agent who explains how
 "helpful" supermarket records are in catching criminals.
   Extra is seen each weekday by several million viewers around the
 United States.  To see what time the program airs in your area,
 see Extra's station listings at

 ==> Albrecht to Appear on KTSA Talk Radio

 When it rains it pours! On Monday, May 8th from 1:30pm-2:00pm
 Central Time, Katherine will be interviewed by popular talk show
 host Brad Messer of KTSA radio in San Antonio, Texas.  Don't live
 in Texas?  No problem, you can catch the program through a live
 Real Audio feed from KTSA's website at http://www.ktsa.com .
 (Tip: test out the audio feed in advance; you may need to download
 some software to make it work.)

 ==> Kroger "Card Savings" Exposed as a Sham

 CASPIAN's John Vanderlippe compared Kroger sale prices before and
 after the Kroger "Plus" card was introduced in Indiana.  His
 finding?  Discounts were deeper before the card.  When you shop at
 a card store you not only sacrifice your privacy but you pay for
 the privilege of being monitored.  To read the whole story, visit
 the CASPIAN website at: http://www.nocards.org .

 ==>  Microprocessors Begin to Appear in Shopper Cards

 Furr's Supermarkets plans to issue more than 100,000
 microprocessor-equipped "smart cards" to shoppers at 10 New Mexico
 stores this summer.  Customers will collect digital coupons by
 inserting their cards into small readers on shelves, then present
 the cards to cashiers when they check out to receive discounts.
 The program creator, SoftCARD Systems Inc., says the
 microprocessors on the cards (which Furr's conveniently neglects to
 mention to shoppers) will enable supermarkets to add "more
 sophisticated rewards programs and to cross-sell with other
 merchants."  SoftCARD is currently negotiating with the 1,650-store
 Safeway chain to put microprocessors in their cards, too.  (Source:
 Smart Card News, http://www.cardtech.faulknergray.com/index.htm)

 CASPIAN - Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and
 Numbering - An information clearinghouse and resource for community
 and national action -- http://www.nocards.org

 To subscribe to this newsletter, send a message to
 <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
 Type "subscribe" in the Subject Field.


 Getting to know ALL about you

 SALON - Oct. 14, 1998

 When Robert Rivera signed up for a Vons grocery store
 card, he had no idea that detailed records of his
 shopping habits would one day be used against him.
 But that's exactly what he says happened.

 Rivera was shopping at a Los Angeles Vons store two
 years ago when he slipped on a slick of spilled yogurt,
 causing him to fall and shatter his kneecap.  Unable to
 drive, let alone work, he sued the store for damages.
 During the negotiations, says 59-year-old Rivera, a
 mediator played hardball in encouraging him to settle.
 "He came in and said, 'They want to settle because they
 have information that you buy a lot of liquor,'" he
 recalls.  As Rivera tells it, the mediator indicated
 that the store had accessed his shopping records and
 would use them against him in court.

 Rivera didn't settle the case, which is due for trial on
 Oct. 19 -- instead, he went to the local media.  And
 Vons, which now says it never peeked at the records or
 intended to use them in court, backed down from its

 Grocery store "club cards" have become commonplace in
 supermarkets across the country -- by last count, nearly
 a quarter had implemented such programs, with 40 percent
 planning to follow suit in the near future.  In the
 stores that offer them, using a card is usually the only
 way to earn discounts on groceries -- even items that
 used to be automatically marked down without coupons.

 Signing up is a tempting proposition, especially for
 those on a tight budget.  Literature for Safeway, which
 has been offering club cards for over a year, makes
 coupon cutting out to be heavy labor and guarantees
 "instant" and substantial savings, all with the
 convenience of a little plastic card swiped at the point
 of purchase.  Why, you may even save on items you didn't
 realize were on sale!  "It's never been this easy,"
 promises Safeway.

 The problem is, in order to get those easy savings,
 customers have to turn over a whole host of personal
 information.  Safeway requests a full name, home
 address, birth date and home phone number (used to
 access the account should you leave your card at home).
 In tiny little print, the application explains why:
 All purchases -- of toilet paper, bacon, medication,
 video rentals, magazines and anything else that passes
 through the scanner -- will be automatically recorded in
 a database and associated with each shopper's name and

 Safeway and other stores intend to use this information
 to track regional buying habits and to build customer
 profiles, so they can replace scattershot newspaper
 coupons with tailored mailings sent directly to card
 members.  "Say, Mrs. Johnson, we've noticed that you've
 been buying baby food lately.  You must have a baby in
 the house.  Here are some other baby-related savings you
 might enjoy."  Or the more menacing, "So, you've been
 buying large amounts of painkillers, Mr. Jones.  Would
 you like to try another, extra-strength brand?"

 Supermarkets need programs like these, claim marketing
 gurus, to compete with cheaper warehouse retailers like
 the Wal-Mart-owned Sam's Club.  "The supermarket
 industry is amazingly competitive," says Carole
 Throssell, director of media relations for the Food
 Marketing Institute.


 "Anything the store can do to attract and keep
 customers, the store is going to consider."

 Some companies are marrying the cards with other
 functions, like check cashing, intertwining bank and
 purchasing information.  Other programs link whole
 groups of retailers -- a bank in Cincinnati recently
 started a card program where purchases at a host of
 local stores are recorded into a central database.
 Customers who use the card receive discounts and earn
 points that can be spent at participating retailers.

 If it doesn't bother you that businesses should have
 such comprehensive and personal records of your habits
 and preferences, consider that Maryland-based Giant Food
 Inc. was caught earlier this year providing its
 customers' prescription purchasing information --
 medical records -- to marketers.  The grocery store
 stopped releasing the records after the public found out
 about it and complained mightily.  But companies sell or
 give away information on customers all the time (how do
 you think you get all that junk mail?)  and grocery
 store records could, and undoubtedly will, be used in
 any number of ways.

 Beth Givens, director of the San Diego-based Privacy
 Rights Clearinghouse,


 imagines these potential worst-case scenarios:
 "Insurance companies use them to look for people who
 smoke, drink alcohol, take over-the-counter medications
 that indicate serious health problems or eat unhealthy
 foods.  Employers could use them to look for people with
 unhealthy lifestyles."  They could also be subpoenaed by
 police or attorneys trying to build cases, as
 exemplified by Kenneth Starr's subpoena of bookstore
 records in the Monica Lewinsky investigation.  (A judge
 ordered the records turned over, but Lewinsky released
 them herself before the store had to comply.)

 Most supermarkets, including Safeway and Vons, insist
 that they're sensitive to privacy issues and won't sell
 or release personally identifying information to other
 companies.  But, as Givens notes, "There is no law that
 prevents this sort of stuff from happening."  And
 there's no law to stop stores from using the information
 for their own benefit in lawsuits, as allegedly happened
 in Rivera's case.

 It seems the only way to get supermarket discounts these
 days without becoming part of a tell-all database is to
 put a fake name and phone number on the club card
 application, or fill it out anonymously.  "We've had
 customers request the ability to change their name to
 'Safeway Customer,'" admits Debra Lambert, Safeway's
 corporate director of public affairs.  "We do allow

 Or, you can check in at the "No Cards" Web site


 for tips on letter-writing campaigns and card program
 sabotage (one letter writer suggests filling out a new
 card every time you go through the checkout line,
 costing the store extra bucks in plastic and
 data-management fees).  The site, started by Zelda
 Gordon and Dale Berlin, two shoppers in New Mexico, has
 TO BUY BREAD."  It was started after Gordon wrote a
 letter to the editor of a local newspaper, complaining
 about the two-tier shopping system card programs create.
 "We sort of call it a consumer movement," she says.
 "This is a way of bribing us to surrender demographic
 information, which is obviously very valuable at this

 Too bad for Robert Rivera that he didn't stumble upon
 the No Cards site before cheerfully filling out his Vons
 card application.  Rivera, who hasn't been able to
 return to his job as a motion picture security guard
 since the accident, is currently supported by his son.
 He mainly stays home in his East Los Angeles
 neighborhood, nursing his knee and wondering how he'll
 purchase decent Christmas presents for his wife.

 "My wife and I used to take vacations," he says.  "We
 used to have money and I had a good job.  But now I'm
 sitting here building a slingshot to scare away some
 cats.  I'd just say, be careful what you sign because
 they will know you from head to toe.  And they could use
 it against you."

 Jennifer Vogel is a freelance writer in Seattle and
 editor of Working Stiff.

         mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


 Service with an artificial smile:  By Robert Rossney.

 Supermarket clubs point the way to a future of
 corporate-mandated friendliness and Stepford clerks.


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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