Urgent Request For Help!

For thirty years SPOTLIGHT Intelligence Operatives have penetrated
air-tight Bilderberg security barriers to bring you reports from inside
annual meetings of planet earth's self-appointed rulers.

But this year the Bilderbergs, weary of being exposed, have
beefed-up security, purged scores of members suspected of leaking
 secrets to the SPOTLIGHT and switched meeting sites to baffle our
previously successful super-slueths.

THIS IS WHY WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you know or have contact with
ANYONE who might possibly know to where the Bilderberg's early June
meeting was switched, please contact us immediately. We've got the
Bilderbergs on the run; please help us keep these criminals sweating.
Call 202-546-5611 if you have any facts or good hints. Ask for the editor,
Mr. Chris Petherick.
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