.... far and wide!!

I urge all of you to read and, hopefully, sign the Petition.

We are a Nation of the Rule of Law;
however, I, for one, will not be Ruled by the Lawless.

To All Elected Officials:
  "Stop stealing my earnings that you use to give to those whom you know will vote for 

There's not a dime bit of difference between a DemoRat and a RepubRat,
they're simply two wings of the same bird of prey which pecks at your
earnings while insidiously devouring your Freedom.


Eternal Vigilance - The Price of Freedom!

Thanks  for having the courage and determination and love for country enough to sign a Declaration like this. The "official" Declaration, where you are now signed up, is located at :


Please point friends, relatives and neighbors there. The list of names will either become large enough to gain notice on its own, or it will be noticed by someone such as Ron Paul, Alan Keyes, Helen Chenowith or some other who understands the resolve it represents.

I pray we can turn things around short of the circumstances our founders were forced into, but I believe we draw closer to such circumstances with each passing day. In order to turn it around, we will need to have unflinching resolve, faith in the Creator (as our founders) and personally spread the word amongst our friends, relatives and neighbors. The enemies of Liberty must understand and see this.

The following web page documents the first 2000 who signed and will allow you to network with those in your own state or area who are clearly of a like mind. It is organized by state :


This effort is completely grass roots. We're not looking for notiriety or money. Just the hearts, minds, honor and commitment of everyday Americans who talk to their friends, relatives and neighbors about the issues we face, and who network, associate and prepare with those of like mind. The Declaration is intended to be presented to Congress when 10,000, again when 100,000 and then again when 1,000,000 signatures are obtained.

The Declaration points to serious conditions in this nation, and speaks of the signators committing themselves and their honor to reversing those conditions and taking those actions. It is certaintly "in the face" of those leading us towards "Global Governance" and is meant to be. If the Declaration continues to grow, I expect at some point it will attract the attention and ire of those very individuals, institutions and organizations. Their MO (method of operation) is usually to ignore, deflect, defraud, blackmail, defame and destroy anything which represents a threat. Let there be no illusion or mistake ... this may seem "quaint" and harmless ... but if it grows, it will lead to that very MO and cause each of us adversity, hardship or worse ... but our liberties and commitment to the principles which form their foundation warrants any such risk in my opinion.

In addition, here is an essay about our current crisis and how it all adds up to a mortal threat to liberty that you may be interested in reading :

The Crisis and Mortal Threat to American Liberty

The full flavor of liberty can only be tasted by those willing to experience the hardship and travail of defending it. No principle or belief system, that was not worthy of sacrificing one's all to maintain, was ever capable of producing the conviction, responsibility and moral virtue required for true liberty.

God bless you and yours,

In Liberty,

Jeff Head
Emmett, Idaho

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