The New Australian-No. 153, 8-14 May 2000

Hillary’s Amerika

By James Henry

The woman who condemned the NYPD; who stood aside while her
race-baiting anti-Semitic buddies demonised the men and women in
blue and smeared Giuliani by comparing him to Adolf Hitler; the
woman who claimed, as the instinctive collectivist that she is,
that "it takes a village to raise a child" once again revealed
her authoritarian nature and contempt for the rule of law by
jumping out of her box to support hubby’s jackbooted kidnapping
of Elian Gonzalez. The same woman who wrote: "The pretense that
children's issues are somehow above or beyond politics endures
and is reinforced by the belief that families are private,
nonpolitical units whose interests subsume those of children."
Unless, of course, the drug-running Fidel Castro says otherwise.

The woman who argued that little children should be allowed to
sue their parents rationalised an assault by a heavily armed swat
team on a defenceless American family, and all without due
process. But since when did legal trifles like the Constitution
bother a I-feel-your-pain Clinton?

That Rudy came out fighting for Elian and demanding hearings into
the latest Clinton outrage is no surprise considering Hillary is
running against him. Nevertheless, I don’t doubt Rudy’s sincerity
in this matter. He recognises, as do so many other thoughtful
Americans, the terrible violence this raid did to the rule of law
and the 4th amendment. Hillary and Bill, however, see amendments
like promises and eggs — something to be broken.

Lacking any sense of shame or respect for the truth, Hillary had
the gall to accuse Giuliani of politicising Elian’s situation,
piously declaring to adoring journalists that the case should be
dealt with in court. Quite so. But this is what Bill Clinton,
Reno and Castro are trying to prevent. It was Clinton, not Reno,
who politicised the issue by turning it into a federal case. It
was Reno, on Clinton’s instructions, who denied Elian due
process. It was Clinton and Reno (and let’s not forget Castro)
who mocked the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruling. It was
Clinton’s appointee to the head of the INS, Doris Meissner, who
instructed that a search warrant be fraudulently obtained. And
Hillary Rodham Clinton, or whatever she calls her self these
days, has the chutzpah to accuse Rudy of playing politics with

Did the fearless reporters from the New York Post or the New York
Slimes expose her hypocrisy and callousness? Of course not. They
are always too busy bootlicking and kowtowing to their political
dowager, even if it means rolling over for her goons, to notice
little things like lying, cheating and abuse by Reno’s corrupt
Justice Department.

What should cause particular concern is that the establishment
press has cheerfully turned itself into an extension of the
Clinton political machine. Christopher Hitchens, a noted
left-wing journalist, has observed with alarm the passivity of
journalists when it comes to questioning the Clinton’s, and
commented: "It is amazing that the New York press should
congratulate itself on being so fierce and unappeasable and brave
and searching when it has so far not asked [Mrs. Clinton] one
single tough question." Amazing isn’t the word. This is the same
press that refused to report the roughing up of journalists by
Hillary’s security goons during the St Patrick’s Day parade.

Perhaps now we can gain a glimmering of understanding into why
the Clinton’s fascist-like police raid on an American family was
supported by the media. Fascists, unlike communists, tend to be
hot on the appearance of law. (The Gestapo, for example, had far
less powers of harassment and arrest than Stalin’s secret
police). The fascist mentality demands the appearance of law, of
some kind of legal form. It genuinely has difficulty
distinguishing between the appearance of law and the existence of
law. To the fascist mind the law is whatever the state says it
is. Therefore, the state is the rule of law, but only in a
fascist state.

In a truly free society, which can only exist under the rule of
law, fascists, and Marxists too, feel free to subvert the law and
challenge its foundations. This, I believe, is where we are today
with the majority of mainstream journalists. America is entering
waters so dangerous that even the Founding Fathers, in all their
wisdom, would have considered their existence inconceivable.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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