[Again, I insist "The Elian Issue" has very little, IF ANYTHING,
to do with Elian himself.  Sad, BUT TRUE! At any rate, Fox's
Hannity has had Alina Fernandez Revuelta on his show a couple of
times. Other networks haven't even acknowledged her existence.


The Record - New Jersey
Wednesday, May 10, 2000

Castro's daughter joining Jersey City rally for Elian

Staff Writer

She slipped out of Cuba seven years ago, wearing dark glasses, a
disguise, and holding a Spanish passport.

But today, she will share the spotlight with Lazaro Gonzalez --
the great-uncle of Cuban refugee Elian Gonzalez -- at a rally at
Liberty State Park in Jersey City, where dozens of Cuban exiles
plan to call for democracy in Cuba.

She is Alina Fernandez Revuelta, Fidel Castro's 44-year-old
daughter and persistent critic.

Fernandez says she is in New Jersey -- home to the world's
second-largest Cuban-exile population, after Florida -- to draw
attention to the oppression in Cuba.

"It's impossible for anyone who's not Cuban to understand what
kind of controlled life awaits Elian in Cuba," said Fernandez,
who lives in Spain but often visits the New Jersey area. "It's
hard to explain a dictatorship, and especially the lack of
freedom in Cuba, to people in this country and many other
countries around the world."

Fernandez, who always refers to her father as "Fidel," said the
Cuban president has managed to thwart criticism with "deft

"He's used propaganda on his people by drumming his anti-American
rhetoric into their minds," she said. "And he's used propaganda
on people outside Cuba, too."

Rallies to show support for Elian and to call for democracy in
Cuba are being held today in more than a dozen states. On
Thursday, a federal court in Atlanta will hear legal arguments
about whether Elian, who survived a shipwreck that killed his
mother and 10 others bound for the United States, should have a
political-asylum hearing. That same day, a rally in Manhattan
will call for the repeal of the U.S. embargo against Cuba and the
return of Elian to the island.

The Liberty State Park rally, while expected to focus largely on
Elian and Cuba, is not connected with the other rallies taking
place around the country today. The local rally is being
sponsored by IDT Corp., the Newark-based telecommunications
company. IDT will launch a Web site at the noon event, aimed at
educating people worldwide about oppression, said company

"It's all about freedom," said Fernandez, who along with Lazaro
Gonzalez will be a featured speaker at the rally. "I am not
against ideology. But a communist ideology seems like a relic; I
mean, this is the 21st century."

The last time Fernandez commanded the spotlight in the region was
in 1995, when she joined in a protest against Castro, who came to
New York to mark the United Nation's 50th anniversary.

Castro has neither acknowledged nor denied biological ties to

Fernandez was conceived in a romantic fling between her
revolutionary mother, Natalia Revuelta, and Castro while he was
scheming to overthrow former dictator Fulgencio Batista. At the
time of the romance, Castro was married to the woman with whom he
had his only legitimate child, Fidel Jr., in 1949; the son lives
in Cuba.

Growing up in Cuba, Fernandez saw her father occasionally. She
often denied the rumors in her school that she was Castro's

As Fernandez began to criticize Castro publicly, she became
increasingly embarrassing to a dictator who has imprisoned
thousands of dissenters. Castro cut all ties with Fernandez in

Still, he apparently afforded Fernandez leeway denied to other

Fernandez likes to say that in Cuba, she lived in a "golden

In a 1995 interview with The Record, Fernandez said: "I was never
penalized. The reasons I was left alone are obvious, I suppose.
But people with dissenting views who associated with me, even
Cuban reporters who talked to me, were penalized."

The case of Elian Gonzalez has gripped Fernandez as strongly as
anyone else. She calls the April 22 armed federal raid to seize
Elian from the home of his Miami relatives "a sheer act of

"It's hypocritical for the leader of a country that has no laws
-- that operates on the will of one man -- to use the laws and
democracy of a country he constantly condemns for his own
political benefit," Fernandez said.

Whether Elian returns to Cuba or remains here, Fernandez said she
hopes that both the child's father and Miami relatives will play
an important role in his life.

"A child needs the love of everyone who will give it to him," she
said, adding with a sigh, "None of this would have happened if
Cuba were a free country."

Copyright © 2000 Bergen Record Corp.

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