No Gunfire Caught on Waco Tapes

The Associated Press
Wednesday, May 10, 2000; 7:22 p.m. EDT

WACO, Texas –– A final report on the simulation of the deadly
Branch Davidian siege indicates that flashes caught on a
videotape were sunlight reflecting off debris, not government
gunfire as claimed in a wrongful death lawsuit.

Vector Data Systems, the British firm that conducted the March 19
simulation at Fort Hood, submitted its conclusions this week to
U.S. District Judge Walter Smith Jr., who is presiding over the
Branch Davidian lawsuit. A preliminary report sent to Smith last
month gave similar conclusions.

By comparing the simulation to videotapes from the last day of
the siege, Vector found that the 1993 flashes were caused by
reflections off metal and glass, including a helicopter canopy
and falling and wind-blown debris.

"We were unable to identify any gunfire, either from government
forces or from Davidians, from either the (infrared tapes) or
other collateral imagery available to us," the report stated.

The report also states that no one was seen prior to the breakout
of two fires that consumed the compound on April 19, 1993. At
least 80 people died during the inferno.

"This analysis vindicates those FBI people long accused of
shooting into the compound," said Deputy FBI Director Thomas
Pickard. "The FBI's long-standing and steadfast position that no
shots were fired has now been strongly and independently

But an attorney for Branch Davidian survivors and relatives, Jim
Brannon, said he believes Vector's analysis is "fatally flawed."

"Vector was either incompetent or they willfully sabotaged the
test," he said.

The fire started several hours into an FBI operation intended to
end a 51-day siege. The government has long contended the
Davidians themselves set fire to the retreat and caused their own
deaths, whether by fire or gunshots.

Vector was hired to conduct the test by Special Counsel John
Danforth, whom Attorney General Janet Reno appointed to oversee
an independent investigation into the standoff and fire.

A spokeswoman for Danforth said he would have no comment on
Vector's report.

Danforth's appointment followed revelations that the FBI,
contradicting a position it had taken for six years, used
potentially incendiary devices on the last day of the standoff.

             © Copyright 2000 The Associated Press

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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