CNN refers to the study of the Waco FLIR video conducted by
   Vector Data Systems -- which claims that there's no gunfire
   on the 1993 FLIR -- as "an independent study." [1] The term
   "independent" implies that Vector Data does not work for the
   plaintiffs or the defendant, which is government. But in fact
   Vector Data is owned by Anteon Inc, which DOES work for the
   government, including the FBI. [2] The study is therefore
   NOT an independent study. I found that Vector Data works
   for U.S. military intelligence [3] and is even a member
   of the National Military Intelligence Association. [4]

   In short, the impression that the public is being given that
   Vector Data is an independent entity is a total sham, it's
   part of a Big Lie being perpetrated to coverup mass murder.
   To further the impression in the public's mind that Vector
   Data is independent, CNN et al call Vector Data Systems "a
   British company." [1] They may have an office in Britain, but
   as an article citing Anteon's purchase of Vector Data states:

      "Since then, Anteon has acquired Vector Data Systems of Alexandria, Va.,
      in August 1997 and Techmatics Inc. of Fairfax in May 1998." [5]

   Yes, that is the same Vector Data Systems, a subsidiary
   of Anteon Inc., being falsely portrayed as an "independent"
   and "British" company. Every address I can find for Vector
   Data is in Alexandria, VA, not Britain. Even their webpage
   domain is registered to Vector Data Systems of Alexandria,
   VA. This portrait of an objective independent organization
   being pounded into the public mind, making Vector Data's
   findings seem to be unarguably reliable, is a pathetically
   transparent sham being deployed to cover-up a mass murder.

   Find out why Vector Data's claim that the flashes that
   many experts say are gunshots are NOT solar reflections:
   Waco Gunfire Proof:


     If the axiom "power corrupts" is a reliable axiom,
    then the Official Story must be suspect on its face.
Asking the "wrong questions," challenging the Official Story

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