The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

                   Copyright 2000 Deutsche Presse-Agentur
                          Deutsche Presse-Agentur

                     May 10, 2000, Wednesday, BC Cycle
                        09:32 Central European Time

   SECTION: International News
   HEADLINE: Croatian troops to join KFOR
   DATELINE: Zagreb

   Croatian soldiers will be deployed as peacekeepers with KFOR in the
   Yugoslav province of Kosovo, Croatian Prime Minister Ivica Racan said
   in an interview on Wednesday.

   "Croatian troops soon will join NATO forces in Kosovo," Racan told the
   weekly newspaper, Globus.

   The announcement came while Racan was in Brussels negotiating with
   NATO about Croatia's joining the alliance's Partnership for Peace

   Kosovo is a province of Yugoslavia, which Croatia split from in 1991,
   shortly before the Balkans war.
   The province is now controlled by NATO troops, after their armed
   intervention against Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, because of
   his policy of ethnic cleansing against the Albanian minority. dpa im

Committee for Collecting Data on Crimes Committed against Humanity
and International Law
November 1998

FROM April 3 TO May 15, 1992

>From the military-strategic standpoint, the Kupres plateau is one of the
most important areas in the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Its altitude is
1,200 m above sea level and it covers an area of some 550 sq. km.
Geographically, it is a separate entity where Serbs have been the majority
population since time immemorial. At the end of the 19th century, they made
up 55 per cent of the population, on the eve of World War II - 55.6 per
cent. In the course of World War II, Croat fascists - the ustashi -
massacred 1 038 Serb civilians, 255 of them being children below 10. In
those days, the Kupres Serbs were massively fighting in the partisan
anti-fascist movement on the side of Western allies, i.e. in the
anti-fascist movement and anti-nazi coalition. More than 500 Kupres Serbs
lost their lives in the fighting. In spite of all their sufferings and the
crime of genocide committed by Croatian armed formations, Serbs remained the
majority population even after World War II. According to the end of the
19th century cadastral books, during the Austro- Hungarian rule, Serbs'
property included around 70 per cent of the total land in the present-day
Kupres municipality. Serbs, as the majority population, won the municipal
1990 multi-party elections.

On the eve of the war, some 50 per cent of the Kupres city population were
Serbs, 7 per cent were Muslims, and the rest were Croats. In the whole
municipality of Kupres, Serbs were in the majority.

When the war broke out in Croatia, a number of young Croats left Kupres and
joined the Croatian army, fighting in the Vukovar theatre of war. It was
then that the massive arming of Croatian inhabitants of the Kupres
municipality first started.

In 1991, the Croats of Kupres formed their military units which wore the
insignia of the Croatian Defence Council (HVO) and Croatian Armed Forces
(HOS). Members of these units were well-armed. They openly intimidated the
Serb population there. At night, Serb houses and apartments were marked by
special signs.

At the beginning of 1992, the Croats started to send their families - wives,
children and the elderly - away from Kupres and its surroundings, in the
direction of Livno and Duvno. Two last bus-loads left Kupres on March 24,
1992. The Moslems did the same, and almost all the men remaining in the city
were non- Serbs.

Alien uniformed Croats, who appeared in the streets, caused anxiety among
the Serb population, who feared that Word War II, when the Serbs from the
Kupres area had been massively and most ruthlessly murdered by the Croats,
would repeat itself.

The Croats then set up control checkpoints at roads leading to Kupres.

On 31 March 1992, Croats in uniforms, who had armed themselves in the
meantime, broke into particular enterprises in Kupres, seized them and
placed their guards around.

In the early morning of April 3, 1992, all of a sudden, from the direction
of Malovan, some 12 km away from Kupres, detonations and shots were heard.
Members of the Croatian army made incursions into Serb villages in the
Kupres area and started murdering Serb civilians there, or detaining them,
while torching their villages.

On the same day, at 6.00 a.m., from the direction of the village of Sujica,
where only Croats used to live, an attack was launched by the members of the
Croatian HOS and National Guard (ZNG) units and the members of the unit set
up by the Sujice Croats, who wore black uniforms with the U sign like the
World War II ustashi. The locals who had not managed to escape, were killed
on the spot. Thus, at Donji Malovan, some 20 Serbs were executed.

It was an ambush, launched by the Republic of Croatia army (the former
Socialist Republic of Croatia, one within the Socialist Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia), along with paramilitary formations made up by the Croatian
Democratic Community (HDZ) party army of Kupres, Tomislavgrad (Duvno) and
Livno, and the paramilitary formations of the Croat Party of Law. The attack
first started with the Croatian units' incursion in the village of Donji
Malovan, at the far south-west of the Kupres plateau. The following units
took part in this criminal, genocidal campaign: 106th Osijek brigade, 101st
Zagreb brigade, Students' "King Tomislav" unit from Zagreb, a special Yellow
Ants unit from Vukovar, a special Croatian Interior Ministry unit and the
unit of "Zrinjski."

A criminal, unprovoked attack against peaceful Serb villages was carried out
at the time when Bosnia-Herzegovina was part of the then Yugoslav state and
when the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia still existed. At that
time there was not a single soldier of the Yugoslav People's Army in the
Kupres area.

Other villages in the surroundings were attacked on the same day.

At noon on April 6, 1992, the town of Kupres was attacked by the members of
Croatian units who were joined by Kupres Croats. The assault was committed
with three Leopard heavy tanks, which were used for destroying Serb

Killing of Serbs was resumed, and, consequently, between April 3 and 7,
1992, the following Serb civilians were killed, among others, in Kupres and
its vicinity:

1. Predrag Bastic (Bastic) resident of Kupres, Devete Krajiske brigade
street bb, born on August 28, 1971, in Livno, father's name Tomislav and
mother's name Mirjana, nee Bosnic, was detained with a group of Serbs in the
cellar of Milenko Vila's house on April 5, 1992, first tortured, then lined
up against the wall and killed with fire arms. The HOS members took the
bodies of the killed up the hill above the village of Odzak, near Kupres,
and threw them into a pit. Their bodies were found 25 days later (evidence:
446/96, 194/97-5).

2. Spiro Bosnic, resident of Kupres, community of Kratelj, born on August 7,
1954, at the village of Bajramovci, Municipality of Kupres, father's name
Nedeljko and mother's name Sima, nee Zubic, slaughtered on April 6, 1992
(evidence: 34/96, 261/97-5, enclosure: photo of the corpse).

3. Ilija Vavan, born in 1950, the village of Gornji Malovan, father's name
Gojko, killed on April 7, 1992, in the vicinity of Cajusa near Gornji
Malovan, in an effort to escape from besieged Kupres (evidence: 281/97-3).

4. Vlajko Danilovic, born in 1952, at the village of Music, father's name
Jova, killed on April 6, 1992, in his house in Kupres (evidence: 281/97-3).

5. Todor Dragoljevic, alias "Tosa", resident of Kupres, the Kratelj
community, born on June 20, 1958 in the village of Music, Municipality of
Kupres, father's name Stojan, mother's name Gospava, killed after having
been tortured and massacred on April 6, 1992 (evidence: 34/96, 281/97-5,
enclosure 17 - photo of the corpse).

6. Vlado Duvnjak, resident of Kupres, born on July 20, 1945, in
Odzak,municipality of Kupres, father's name Dragomir mother's name Stana,
nee Sesum, detained with a group of Serbs in the cellar of Milenko Vila's
house on April 5, 1992, tortured and then shot dead. The members of HOS took
the bodies of the killed up the hill above the village of Odzak, near
Kupres, and threw them into a pit. The corpses of the killed civilians were
found after 25 days (evidence : 446/96, 194/97-5).

7. Vlado Dusnjak, resident of Donji Malovan, born in 1907 in Donji Malovan,
father's name Acim, killed in Donji Malovan, near Kupres, on April 3, 1992
(evidence: 373/94-1, 714/95-7).

8. Darinka Duvnjak, resident of Donji Malovan, born on March 15, 1935, in
Blagaj, father's name Dragun, killed at Donji Malovan, near Kupres, on April
3, 1992 (evidence 714/05-7).

9. Milan Duvnjak, resident of Donji Malovan, born in 1936, father's name
Vlada, killed at Donji Malovan, near Kupres, on April 3, 1992 (evidence

10. Milos Duvnjak, resident of Donji Malovan, born in 1925, father's name
Mitar, killed with his son Mitar at Donji Malovan near Kupres on April 3,
1992 (evidence 714/95-7).

11. Mitar Duvnjak, born in 1940, father's name Dane, killed at Donji
Malovan, near Kupres, on April 3, 1992 (evidence: 715/95-7). 3, 1992
(evidence 715/95-7).

12. Mitar Duvnjak, resident of Donji Malovan, born in 1965, father's name
Milos, killed with his father Mitar at Donji Malovan near Kupres on April 3,
1992 (evidence 714/95-7).

13. Svetko Duvnjak, resident of Donji Malovan, born in 1960, father's name
Simo, killed at Donji Malovan near Kupres on April 3, 1992 (evidence

14. Cvetko Duvnjak (evidence: 714/95-7).

15. Zarko Zivanic resident of Kupres, born in 1946, at Donje Vukovsko, son
of Vuka, taken with a group of detained Serb civilians from Kupres to Sujice
on April 7, 1992; when, for a moment, he left the column, Ante Cacak fired
into his legs, and Ivo Cacak into his head, thus killing him (evidence
34/96, 333/95- 11, 333/95-23, 453/96-5, 334/97-19).

16. Jovo Zubic, resident of Kupres, Marsala Tita str. 38/5, born on March
31, 1950 at Blagaj, municipality of Kupres, father's name Risto, mother's
name Jovanka, detained with a group of Serbs in the cellar of Milenko Vila's
house on April 5, 1992, where they all were tortured, and then shot dead.
Members of HOS took their dead bodies to the hill above the village of
Odzak, near Kupres, and threw them into a pit. Their corpses were found 25
days later (evidence 446/96, 194/97-5).

17. Stojan Zubic, resident of Kupres, was so beaten up during detention at
various detention camps that he died during his exchange on May 15, 1992
(evidence 453/96-5).

18. Vlastimir Jarcevic, resident of Ravno, near Kupres, born on September 6,
1956, at G. Ravno, municipality of Kupres, father's name Marko, mother's
name Dusanka, nee Sesum, arrested in Kupres on April 3, 1992, taken to the
cellar of Milenko Vila's house, detained there with a group of Serbs who
were tortured and then fired at. Their dead bodies were taken by the members
of HOS to the hill above the village of Odzak, near Kupres, and thrown into
a pit. The corpses of the dead civilians were found 25 days later (evidence
446/96, 701/96-18, 194/97-5).

19. Nedeljko Jarcevic alias "Svabo", resident of Kupres, community of
Kratelj, born on May 21, 1950, at the village of Gornje Ravno, municipality
of Kupres, father's name Trifko, mother's name Stana, nee Manojlovic, killed
on April 6, 1992 (evidence 34/96, 281/97-3, 281-97-5, enclosure 19: photo of
the corpse).

20. Vojislav Kandic, alias "Krezo", resident of Kupres, address Vojislava
Zubojevica bb, born on January 2, 1955, in Donje Malovano, father's name
Gojko, mother's name Moja, nee Erceg. On April 2, 1992, hit by sniper fire,
wounded and killed immediately at close range by a group of Croat soldiers
in fatigue uniforms, including Pero Ivic (evidence 333/95-22, 333/95-23,
492/96, 281/97/4).

21. Mirko Kandic, resident of Kupres, address 27. jula 7, born on May 1,
1950, at Donji Malovan, municipality of Kupres, father's name Dusan,
mother's name Anica, nee Duvnjak, detained with a group of Serbs in the
cellar of Milenko Vila's house on April 5, 1992, where they were subjected
to torture, and shot at afterwards. Mirko was heavily wounded. The corpses
of those killed, along with wounded Mirko Kandic and Jova Pavlovic, were
taken by members of HOS to the hill up the village of Odzak near Kupres, who
threw the wounded into the pit first, with the corpses of those killed on
top. The corpses of the killed civilians were found 25 days later (evidence
446/96, 194/07-5).

22. Niko Karajlic (Kanlic), resident of Kupres, slaughtered on April 6, 1992
(evidence 492/96).

23. Nedeljko Karan, resident of Kupres, born on August 22, 1949 in Blagaj,
municipality of Kupres, father's name Stanko, mother's Milica, nee Vavan,
detained with a group of Serbs in the cellar of Milenko Vila's house on
April 6, 1992, where they were subjected to torture, and shot dead. Members
of the HOS took the bodies of the killed to a hill above the village of
Odzak near Kupres, where they were thrown into a pit. The corpses of the
killed civilians were found 25 days later (evidence 446/96, 194/97-5).

24. Marko Kaulic, killed on May 1, 1992, at the village of Odzak,
municipality of Kupres (evidence: 373/94-2).

25. Marko Keranovic, resident of Kupres, born in 1948 at Gornji Vukovski,
hamlet of Bucevaca, father's name Boza, killed on April 6, 1992, on the
slopes of the Mala Plazenica hill, above Kupres, in an attempt to escape
from besieged Kupres (evidence 547/96-23, 547/96-24, 281/97-3).

26. Rade Knezevic, born in 1926, at the village of Semenovci, father's name
Milenko, killed on April 6, 1992, at the foothills of Mala Plazenica, in an
attempt to escape from besieged Kupres (evidence 281/97-3).

27. Lazo Kontic, resident of Kupres, community Kratelj II, born on January
3, 1960, at Gornje Ravno, municipality of Kupres, father's name Vukan,
mother's name Savica, nee Zivanic, killed after being detained on April 6,
1992. He was the only victim in uniform and was killed at the order of Zoran
Radic, called "Zeko", a Croat from Kupres. The right part of his face was
smashed after being hit with a blunt object, his right ear was cut off
(evidence: 333/95-4, 34/96, 281/97-5, enclosure 22 - photo of the corpse).

28. Milorad Kontic, alias "Ciro", resident of Kupres, community Kratelj,
born on November 16, 1958, at Gornje Ravno, municipality of Kupres, father's
name Stanko, mother's name Stana, nee Zdero, killed on April 6, 1992, his
left eye was gouged out (evidence: 34/97, 281/97-5, enclosure 15 - photo of
the corpse).

29. Lazo Lugonja, resident of Ravno, municipality of Kupres, killed in his
village (evidence: 426/96-50).

30. Stevo Lugonja, a driver from Kupres, community of Kratelj, born on
August 12, 1966, at Donje Ravno, municipality of Kupres, father's name
Bogoljub, mother's name Ljeposava, nee Vasic. Taken from his home on April
6, 1992, at the order of a man called Filipovic. a HVO commander, he had his
right eye gouged out, and was shot dead afterwards (evidence 333/95-4,
333/95-22, 333/95-23, 34/96, 281/97-5, enclosure 21 - photo of the corpse).

31. Niko Males, born in 1941 at Rilic, father's name Bozo, killed on April
7, 1992, in the forest between the Rilic Crni Vrh and the Donji Vakuf hamlet
of Kudilji (evidence: 281/97-4).

32. Djordje Manojlovic, born in 1955, the village of Gornji Vukovski,
father's name Stanko, killed on April 6, 1992, in the foothills of Mala
Plazenica at Kupres, in an attempt to escape from besieged Kupres (evidence:

33. Spasoje Maric, born in 1933 at Zanaglini, father's name Jova, killed in
the Zanaglini forest on April 9, 1992 (evidence 281/97- 3).

34. Stanko Maric, born in 1949, at the village of Ridic, killed on April 6,
1992, at the Mala Plazenica foothill at Kupres, in an attempt to escape from
besieged Kupres (evidence 281/97-4).

35. Dragan Markovic, alias called "Gaca", resident of Kupres, Marsala Tita
str., bb, born on October 5, 1969 in Kupres, father's name Milan, mother's
name Boja, nee Maric, killed on April 6, 1992 in Kupres, near his house,
downtown Kupres (evidence: 281/97-3).

36. Marko Milinovic, resident of Kupres, address Marsala Tita street 11,
born on August 17, 1959 at Donji Malovan, municipality of Kupres, father's
name Pero, mother's name Ljuba, nee Bosnjak, detained with a group of Serbs
in the cellar of Milenko Vila's house on April 5, 1992, where they were
first subjected to torture, lined up against the wall and killed with fire
arms. The bodies of the killed were taken by the HOS members to the hill
above the village of Odzak, near Kupres, and thrown into a pit. Their bodies
were found 25 days later (evidence 194/9797- 5).

37. Milan Milisic, born in 1965, father's name Milenko, killed on April 6,
1992, after an attempt to escape from besieged Kupres that night (evidence

38. Jovo Pavlovic, resident of Kupres, born on January 19, 1951, in Kupres,
father's name Vlado, mother's name Andja, detained on April 5, 1992 in the
house of Milenko Vila, in Kupres, subjected to torture and was inflicted
heavy wounds. The members of the HOS took the corpses and the wounded Jovo
Pavlovic and Mirko Kanic to the hill above the village of Odzak near Kupres,
where the wounded were thrown first, the corpses on top of them. The two
wounded succumbed to injuries. The corpses of the killed civilians were
found 25 days later (evidence 446/96, 194//97-5).

39. Trifko Pavlovic, alias "Lola", shop assistant, resident of Kupres,
community of Kratelj, born on November 10, 1957, at Donje Vukovsko,
municipality of Kupres, father's name Stanko, mother's name Ruza, killed on
April 6, 1992. Hit by a blunt object on his head, he lost the upper part of
his skull (evidence 34/96, 446/96, 281/97-5, enclosures 20 and 20A - photos
of the corpse).

40. Luka Panic, resident of Kupres, address Druge proleterske brigade
street, bb, born on July 9, 1946 at Music, municipality of Kupres, father's
name Petar, mother's name Ruza, nee Velemir, killed in Kupres on April 6,
1992, near the house of Mitar Civcic (evidence 281/97-4).

41. Borislav Rudic, born in 1934 at the village of Rilici, father's name
Ljubomir, killed on April 7, 1992 in the forest between the Rilic Crni Vrh
and the Donji Vakuf hamlet of Kudilji (evidence 281/97-3).

42. Dusan Soro, born in 1934 at Zanaglina, municipality of Kupres, father's
name Djuro, killed on April 7, 1992 in the forest between the Rilic Crni Vrh
and the Donji Vakuf hamlet of Kudilji (evidence: 281/97-3).

43. Dusan Soro, born in 1934, at Zanaglini, municipality of Kupres, father's
name Djordje, killed on April 10, 1992 at the Zanaglinska forest (evidence:

44. Andja Spremo, born in 1935, father's name Ilija, killed in April 1992 at
her house in Kupres, and set on fire together with her house (evidence:

45. Branislav Spremo, born in 1950, father's name Mirko, massacred in April
1992, in front of his house (evidence 281/97-4).

46. Milorad Spremo, born in 1936, father's name Branko, killed on April 9,
1992, at the Zanaglina forest (evidence:281/97-3).

47. Slavica Spremo, born in 1920, father's name Jovo, killed in April 1992
at her house in Kupres, and set on fire together with the house (evidence

48. Simo Spremo, born in 1930 at Begovo Selo, municipality of Kupres,
father's name Nedeljko, mother's name Nedja, nee Popovic, killed by Croat
soldiers on April 7, 1992, when withdrawing from Kupres. He was first
molested when beatten with solid objects, and was killed after he received a
blow with a club in his scull (evidence 426/96-50, 281/97-5, enclosures 23
and 23A - photo of the corpse).

49. Strailo Spremo, born in 1909, father's name Stjepan, killed on April 9,
in Zanaglina forest (evidence 281/97-3).

50. Drago Celebic, resident of Kupres, community of Kratelj, born on
September 5, 1966, at Gornje Ravno, municipality of Kupres, father's name
Petar, mother's name Savica, nee Nikic, was taken with Stevo Lugonja from
the house of Spremo Petar, executed upon the order of one "Filipovic" in the
street, in front of the house of Omer Huseinbegovic, on April 6, 1992
(evidence 333/95-4, 333/95-22, 333/95-23, 34/96, 281/97-5, enclosure 18 -
photo of the corpse).

51. Momcilo Sesum, resident of Kupres, born on March 13, 1937, at Zamaglina,
Municipality of Kupres, father's name Milos, mother's name Milica, nee
Rudic, detained with a group of Serbs in the cellar of Milenko Vila's house
on April 5, 1992, where they were first subjected to torture, and later
lined up against a wall and killed by a fire-arm. The bodies of the killed
were driven by the members of the HOS to a hill above the village of Odzak,
near Kupres, where they were thrown into a pit and found only 25 days later
(evidence 446/96, 194/97-5).

52. Nenad Skobic, born in 1954 at the village of Botun, father's name Petar,
killed on April 7, 1992, at Cajusa, near the village of Gornji Malovan, in
an attempt to escape from besieged Kupres (evidence: 281/97-4).

53. Stojan Skobic, born in 1957, at the village of Botun, father's name
Petar, killed on April 7, 1992, at Cajusa near Gornji Malovan, in an attempt
to escape besieged Kupres (evidence: 281/97-4).

54. Dragan Sormaz, resident of Kupres, address 27. street, no. 7, born on
August 15, 1952, at Rilic, municipality of Kupres, father's name Jova,
mother's name Ana, detained with a group of Serbs in the cellar of Milenko
Vila's house, and subjected to torture. The next day, they were all lined up
against a wall and fired at, Dragan was inflicted a heavy wound and
succumbed, as testifyed by witness 446/96. The bodies of the killed were
taken by the members of HOS to the hill above the village of Odzak near
Kupres, and thrown into a pit. The corpses of the killed were found 25 days
later (evidence 446/96, 194/97-5).

55. NN., a Serb resident of Kupres, massacred in April 1992 in Kupres, by
Croats, who first broke his fingers and then crushed his skull with a mace.


As soon as the Croatian army entered Kupres, arrests of Serb civlians
followed. The arrested Serbs were detained in the premises of the "Kvalitet"
enterprise in Kupres, altogether over 100 of them.

They had to go on foot from this enterprise to Sujice, 20 km away from
Kupres, then on to Duvno, and afterwards they were taken to Split.

On the way between Duvno (Tomislavgrad), Split and Zadar, a number of
detained Serbs were taken away from the column and we do not know anything
about their whereabouts. All the efforts to find them to date have proved in
vain. They are known as the "Kupres Group" (witness 547/96-23 and other
witnesses, evidence 281-97-3).

They were, among others:

1. Slavko Dragoljevic, teacher from the village of Music, Municipality of
Kupres, born on September 13, 1946, at Ravno, municipality of Kupres,
father's name Stojan (evidence 547/96-23).

2. Dusan Duvnjak, alias "Duka", resident of Kupres.

3. Miko (Marko) Duvnjak, resident of Kupres, born on May 17, 1947, in
Pribelja, Municipality of Glamoc, father's name Milos.

4. Nikola Duvnjak, resident of the village of Malovan, born in 1957, at
Donji Malovan, father's name Sava.

5. Pajo Kanlic, resident of Kupres.

6. Spasoje Kanlic, born on May 30, 1957, at Donji Malovan, Municipality of
Kupres, father's name Jova.

7. Ratko Lugonja, resident of Ravno, Municipality of Kupres, born on
November 11, 1962 at Ravno, father's name Bogoljub.

8. Djordje Maric, alias "Bugo", resident of Kupres, born in 1932, at Donji
Malovan, Municipality of Kupres, father's name Rade.

9. Jovo Maric, alias "Joco", resident of the village of Zanaglin,
Municipality of Kupres, born in 1943, father's name Ostoja.

10. Dragan Masic, resident of Begovo Selo, Municipality of Kupres, born on
November 1, 1960, father's name Milivoje.

11. Marko Masic, resident of Begovo Selo, Municipality of Kupres, born on
January 2, 1951, at Begovo Selo, father's name Manojlo.

12. Milivoje Masic, resident of Kupres, born on May 5, 1954, at Begovo Selo,
Municipality of Kupres, father's name Milo.

13. Ratko (Radovan) Masic, resident of Kupres, born in 1953 (or 1954),
father's name Manojlo.

14. Ljupko - Ljubo Milic, resident of Kupres, born on July 20, 1941, at
Kupres, father's name Nikola, mother's name Todora, nee Maric, arrested in
Kupres on April 5, 1992 (evidence 547/96-29).

15. Ratko Milic, resident of Kupres, born on June 12, 1938 at Brda,
Municipality of Kupres, father's name Nikola, mother's name Todora, nee
Maric, arrested in Kupres on April 5, 1992 (evidence 547/96-29).

16. Milos Milisevic, resident of Kupres.

17. Dusan Milisic, resident of Novo Selo, Municipality of Kupres, born on
March 7, 1959, at Novo Selo, father's name Stevan.

18. Dusan Nikic, resident of the village of Kudri, Municipality of Kupres,
born on May 31, 1951, at Vukovsko, Municipality of Kupres, father's name

19. Mirko Cipcic, resident of the village of Ravno, Municipality of Kupres.

According to the testimony of one of the witnesses who survived the golgotha
he was subjected to, five persons from the above list (the "Kupres" group)
were brutally liquidated during their transportation from "Lora" to Duvno or
Eminovo selo. Witness 334-97-19 testifies:

"...On the way to Duvno, somewhere around Drnis, the truck stopped close to
a big pit dug there, there was a bulldozer close to the pit and some men
with motor saws in their hands. The Croatian soldiers who drove us there,
took 8 or 9 arrested Serbs from the truck and I saw when they took them to
the pit and killed them there. Among others, these were Ratko Milic and his
brother Ljubo, Dusan Nikic, Slavko Dragoljevic, a person who was deaf and
dumb, whose family name was Civcic, but I don't know his first name; as to
others, I don't remember their names. I don't know any other data about the
above-mentioned, but I am certain that some 8 or 9 were killed on the


Testimonies on what happened in Kupres and its surroundings at the beginning
of April 1992, on detention and killing of Serbs, on torture committed on
those who were lucky enough to have survived:

3.1. Witness 34/96 testifies:

... I was at home when Croatian soldiers entered Kupres on April 6, 1992.
They entered in tanks, and began to collect us. There were 14 of us at
first. On this occasion, the only person killed was one in military uniform.
It was Lazo Kontic, who was slaughtered; Zoran Radic, alias "Zeko", took
part in his killing. He was the responsable in command and he ordered the
slaughter of Kontic. I heard it and I saw it with my eyes.

Upon gathering us, they ordered us to stand in front of the tank, as a
shield. Thus, we were moving on the sides and in front, as if protecting the
tank. Among those who gave instructions as to the movement of the tank and
gave orders, were Zoran Turulija, Boro Zrno and Jure Zrno while Filipovic
was in command of the "Yellow Ants."

As I was moving beside the tank, I saw them kill some citizens of Kupres,
all of them civilians: Spiro Bosnic, Pavlovic alias "Lola", Todor
Dragoljevic, Nedeljko Jarcevic and Ciro Kontic.

When we reached the house of Petar Spremo from Kupres, a HVO soldier was
killed. Stevo Lugonja and Dragan Celebic were in the house. They were taken
out of the house, and Filipovic ordered their immediate execution. When the
soldiers executed them, I was standing some 5 meters away. The two were
civilians, they had no weapons.

>From there, we were taken and detained in the textile factory machine-room
in Kupres, where we found several citizens from Kupres. There were a total
of 74 of us there.

At midnight, wounded MM, from Kupres, was brought by Pero Dumancic and we
heard that a tractor arrived carrying nine killed bodies.

The next morning, we were taken, on foot, to Sujice. There, Zarko Zivanic
was shot dead by Ante Cicak and Ivo Cicak, Ante firing at his legs and Ivo
at his head...

3.2. Witness 442/96, from Kupres, living as refugee in Belgrade now,

...I lived in Kupres, where I was born and had a job.

At the beginning of March 1992, HDZ organized evacuation of Croatian
population from Kupres; on April 3, 1992, the Croatian army attacked the
village of Donji Malovan from the direction of Livno, some 15 km away from
Kupres, and occupied it in an hour or two, with all its inhabitants starting
to flee towards Glamoc.

Three days later, the Croatian army entered Kupres and started cleansing it.
I was stopped at the Kupres road by members of HOS, who asked to see my ID,
frisked me and took my papers away. Some ten of us were then detained in the
cellar of Milenko Vila's house. Three guards kept watch over us with their
rifles at point blank. At 1.40 p.m., a member of HOS, who was addressed by
the name of Franjo and had a sniper rifle in his hand, entered the cellar,
asked the guards if everything was all right, and all four of them started
firing at us after that. I was hit in the left shoulder and my right hand,
and fell down. With no rounds left, the guards and Franjo went away.

Soon after that, a "doctor" came into the cellar and told us to stand. Only
I and J.P. rose. Others lay, wounded or dead.

I witnessed then their killing on the spot of Momcilo Sesum, 60, resident of
Kupres, Vlado Duvnjask, around 55, and Nedeljko Karan, around 50.

Those wounded were injured mostly in the stomach, chest and legs area: Mirko
Kanlic, 45, Predrag Bastic, 21-22, Dragan Sormaz, around 45, Vlastimir
Jarcevic, around 40, and Jovo Zubic, around 45.

The "doctor" pretended he wanted to offer help, and left after thirty
minutes. The wounded moaned in pain, and I brought them water, as I was the
only one able to move. An hour or two later, Predrag Bastic died, and Dragan
Sormaz followed.

In the meantime, Mirko Kanlic asked me to help him commit suicide. It was
almost night when Mirko broke the china mug, took a piece of it, and cut his
veins, dying soon afterwards.

We were taken then to the textile factory. Jovo Pavlovic attempted to
escape, but was shot dead by a member of HOS. We were driven then to the
factory compound, where there were detained some 80 Serbs.

Jovo Zubic and Vlastimir Jarcevic who were alive when we were taken into the
textiles factory compound, were found dead a month later, together with the
remaining seven who were detained with me.

In the afternoon of April 7, the Yugoslav People's Army units entered the
city. Two days later, I was transferred to Belgrade for treatment.

3.3. Witness 234/95-6, who took part in the liberation of Kupres in April
1992, testifies:

When Kupres was liberated, in the village of Zloselo a two-year old baby was
nailed to a lamp-post with a big nail showing on his forehead.

3.4. Witness 547/96-40 testifies:

At the beginning of 1992, in Kupres and in particular villages, Croatian
soldiers wearing the HVO and HOS insignia were seen. They frequented cafes
and other places, causing anxiety among the Serbs. Croatian soldiers started
to dig trenches at some sites in Kupres, which also caused concern and fear
among the Serbs. Threats were made by Croats who had joined Croatian army
units, who claimed that all the Kupres Serbs would be expelled or killed. On
a daily basis, Croatian soldiers made increasing threats when, at the
beginning of April, they started attacking some Serb villages and occupying
them. Thus, on April 3, 1992, they occupied the village of Gornji Malovan
and the surrounding villages, arresting Serb villagers and taking them in
the direction of Duvno.

Croatian soldiers started arresting citizens of Kupres on April 6, 1992,
moving around the town in war machinery, tanks and armoured vehicles. On
that day, some of us, along with my sister-in-law, Mirjana, were in the
house of a neighbour, M.S., and, when Croatian soldiers passed by, we locked
up the entrance door and tried to place some furniture there in an attempt
to make it impossible for them to open the door. However, at a given moment,
the house was broken into with the barrel of the cannon, the Croatian
soldiers entered and ordered us to put our hands up. We were ordered to
leave the room and to take off upper parts of our clothes although it was
very cold and snowing. We were taken to a stream nearby, ordered to lie down
in its cold water, they cursed our Serb and chetnik mothers, claiming that
we would all be killed and that there was no life for us, Serbs, in Kupres.

It was around 3.00. p.m. and, once we were all soaked and wet, we were
ordered to rise and to put our hands up and, from that moment until 8 p.m.,
we had to hold them up in the air. We were forced afterwards to transport
their ammunition - grenades from the truck into the nearby tank. There was a
priest, Z.P., among us, and Croatian soldiers forced him and Lj.B. to pass
through Kupres shouting: "Surrender, people, nothing will happen to you,
this is me, your parish priest Z.P. talking to you." Croatian soldiers hit
the priest and Lj.B. with butts of their rifles, forcing them to shout

The witnesses 333/95-4, 334/97-19, 333/95-11, 714/95-7, 547/96-39,
547/96-29, 382/96-4, 715/95-6 and 420/95, also testify about the horrifying
events in Kupres and its environs in 1992, the occupation of the city in
April 1992 by Croat military and paramilitary formations in an unprovoked
criminal attack against peaceful Serb villages, about massive killings,
harassment, detention and torturing of Serb civilians:

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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