-----Original Message-----
From: NewsHawk Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, 12 May 2000 03:42
Subject: Los Alamos Burns To Ashes In Fire Set By Gov't

Los Alamos Burns To Ashes In Fire Set By Gov't

Los Alamos, New Mexico, and nearby White Rock are literally burning to
the ground.

The towns, comprised of over of 18,000 people, are primarily populated
by those who work at Los Alamos National Laboratory, are going
up in flames as of his writing. The laboratory itself has also been
scorched and is likely to suffer severe, extensive damage from the fire.

Now here's the "interesting" part. This fire was actually set by the
government: according to news reports from the area, it was ignited as a
"controlled" burn by the National Forest Service last week.

Now just a minute. Tinderbox drought conditions in this region of the
country had ALREADY been responsible for a number of severe blazes in
New Mexico and neighboring Arizona in the past couple of weeks. And
these Einsteins go out and set a supposedly "CONTROLLED" fire, only
miles from a national laboratory with nuclear and other massively
toxic materials all over the place! Does something seem just a LITTLE
bit wrong with this picture? It sure as hell does to me. Here in the
coastal mountains of northern California, for example, a good deal less
flammable than the semi-desert area around Los Alamos by ANY
measure, a controlled burn would NEVER be torched off in such prevailing
drought conditions.

Was the forest service perhaps manipulated into setting off this blaze
by some unseen agency, for the very purpose of incinerating this entire
area to ruble and ashes, INCLUDING the laboratory?

And, there's another related angle to consider.

In August of 1995, wildfires of unprecedented ferocity consumed
thousands of acres of pine woods and brush on Long Island--in close
proximity to Brookhaven National Laboratories. Although rumors held that
the fire was started by either a careless hiker or by an arsonist,
information  brought out by independent investigators on Long Island
revealed a VERY different story.

Information brought out by these investigators and made public in our
report: "Montauk Air Force Station: Active or Not?" showed that the
PRIMARY blaze in this area, known as the Westhampton Pine Barrens, was
set off by malfunctioning top-secret particle accelerator/particle beam
systems equipment, located near Brookhaven National Laboratories
UNDERGROUND in the surrounding pine woods. Although various theories to
complicated to go into here do exist as to WHY the ultra-classified
equipment went haywire, there is little doubt that this IS in fact what
happened. Secondary blazes WERE in fact set by covert operatives to
provide a "smokescreen" as to the real causes of the original fire.

It seems at LEAST a possibility that something similar has occurred at
Los Alamos, especially when one factors in the extremely peculiar--or is
that stupid?--action taken by the Forest Service in igniting a
"controlled" burn during the exceptionally dry conditions which have
been prevalent in this near-desert region. I would say there is a strong
likelihood the National Forest Service was prompted to set this blaze
near los Alamos National Labs to cover up SOMETHING perhaps, as at Brook
haven National Labs in 1995, to cover up a fire started by
malfunctioning particle accelerator/particle beam equipment.

NewsHawk® Inc.

+ + + + + + + +
WIRE:05/11/2000 06:23:00 ET
Los Alamos burns, thousands flee

LOS ALAMOS, N.M. (AP) _ A firestorm swept
through the abandoned streets of Los Alamos today, burning at least 100
homes while frustrated firefighters ran short of water and were forced
to retreat.

At least 18,000 people were evacuated from Los Alamos, including 7,000
in suburban White Rock this morning, where many evacuees had once sought

"We weren't ready down here. We were the refugee center for our
friends," Kirk Christensen said as he and his wife loaded their camper
and headed into a sea of cars crawling down the highway. They were
headed for a friend's house in Santa Fe, to camp in the yard.

No injuries have been reported, but President Clinton declared New
Mexico a major disaster area.

At the storied Los Alamos National Laboratory, for the first time shut
down by fire, flames singed a research building but it did not ignite.
Explosives and radioactive material were protected in fireproof
facilities, lab officials said.

"We can assure the country and New Mexico that our nuclear materials are
safe," said Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, a former New Mexico

The fire was set by the National Park Service a week ago to clear brush,
but it quickly flared out of control, racing through stands of ponderosa
pine as it grew to more than 4,500 acres. Winds gusted to 50 mph
Wednesday and forecasters said they could increase today to 60 mph.

Los Alamos, 70 miles north of Albuquerque, is essentially a company town
for the federal lab. It sprang up in the 1940s as the base of operations
for the Manhattan Project, which built the atomic bomb. There are still
military barracks and military-style housing in Los Alamos, along with
relatively upscale, newer developments.

Neighborhood by neighborhood, the town burned Wednesday.

House after house filled with fire, glowed like jack-o-lanterns, then
exploded in pulsing orange flames. Just after sundown, flames marched to
a tree-covered ridge overlooking downtown, lighting the night sky.

Residents of the community built on nuclear research starting fleeing as
winds rose in the afternoon, hurling flames into tinder-dry, tree-filled
residential areas. Police, sheriff's and fire department officials went
door to door among Los Alamos' 6,000 households, telling people to get out.

"This is the first time I felt fear," said Jaret McDonald, a 28-year-old
resident who has been evacuated from his home because of fires three
times before. "When you're against Mother Nature, you can't contain it.
You'll lose every time."

As evacuees fled to shelters, hotels and motels outside Los Alamos,
firefighter Sam Schroeder stood outside one flaming home on Sycamore Street.

"This is bizarre _ this house won't be touched," she said, pointing to
the house next door. "This one will go all the way to the ground."

The fire was too dangerous to battle head-on, firefighters said. They
pulled back as flames advanced. Firefighters even had to move their
command post.

"This fire's got a mind of its own," county spokesman Bill Lehman said.
Firefighters were reluctant to back off, Lehman said, but "there was
just nothing we could do, because of the wind."

"We are in a retreat situation," he said late Wednesday.

Water-dropping helicopters and airplanes dropping pink fire retardant
bombarded the blaze, hoping to narrow its westward and northward thrust.

About one-third of the 10,000 residents in western Espanola, in a valley
10 miles below Los Alamos, were advised to evacuate voluntarily,
Espanola Mayor Richard Lucero said.

The Los Alamos laboratory declared a general emergency at 11 p.m.
Wednesday, saying there were grass and brush fires at three of its
research facilities. Its weapons-engineering tritium facility at
Technical Area 16 was swept by fire, but the masonry building was left
intact, lab officials said.

Public Service Company of New Mexico has shut off natural gas service to
the lab, which was closed for the fourth straight day today, along with
public schools and county offices.

James Lee Witt, Federal Emergency Management Agency director, planned to
tour Los Alamos today, along with Richardson and New Mexico's U.S.
senators, Jeff Bingaman and Pete Domenici.

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