Washington Times-May 12, 2000

Hillary's surrogate for telling tall tales

By Wesley Pruden

     A lot of rubes and hayseeds, smarting for years at the
sneering dismissal by New Yorkers of everywhere else, can't
believe their fortune: New York is finally getting the Senate
race it deserves.

     In this corner, here's the guy as hard as a railroad spike,
the man who usually opens his speeches with impersonations of a
godfather ("youse guys better listen up"), the district attorney
who seizes property without waiting for due process from those
who are merely suspected of evil doing. And now the mayor who
kicked blasphemous artists off the public teat may be done in —
he has already been brought close to public tears — by the
suffering wife who yearns to talk dirty on stage in adolescent

     And over here, in the other corner, here's the wife from
Whitewater, everyone's nominee for Shrew of the Year, a lady so
tough that her husband, trying to take a little stress out of his
life, boasts that he's settled for sleeping with his dog — and
likes it. But she can't enjoy Rudy Giuliani's griefs and troubles
for worrying about district-attorney troubles that may lie ahead
for her.

     In fact, the big question hanging over the Senate race in
New York is whether the Giuliani marriage will fall apart before
Hillary Rodham Clinton is indicted for crooked dealing in Little
Rock. Who can blame her for not wanting to return to Arkansas? By
Labor Day her photograph on a wanted poster could be plastered in
every post office between Memphis and Texarkana. If she's
elected, and given the perversity of New Yorkers all things are
possible, the delicious irony of New York's senator going to jail
for bilking the hayseeds in Dogpatch would make the day of
hayseeds everywhere. The Arkansas Supreme Court, now considering
whether to disbar the president for lying to a federal court,
might want to wait to consider his-and-her disbarments.

     Hillary has been acting lately as if she barely remembers
the man she's married to (turnabout is only fair, a wife might
say), and daring anyone to remember where she came from or what
she left behind. New Yorkers who can't get enough of her could
take assurance yesterday that the famous Clinton sales pitch of
'92 — "buy one, get one free" — is still in force.

     Tact, insofar as the word applies to the Clintons, suggests
that Hillary should be careful about saying anything about anyone
else's marriage, for obvious reasons. But cautions against
telling outrageous whoppers clearly don't apply to the president,
who writes new definitions of chutzpah every day. Hillary has to
take her Schadenfreude — the German word for enjoying the
misfortune of others —vicariously.

     The Adulterer-in-Chief, who says he's looking forward to
living with his mother-in-law in Little Rock, dropped in on a
softball interviewer at National Public Radio yesterday with his
very own recipe for making a marriage a happy one. He took
careful aim at the mayor. The White House, the president said
with no hint of shame or mortification, can be spousal
serendipity for a presidential pair.

     "Oh, I think it's been good for ours, because I got to live
above the store," he said, trying not to sound wistful for the
dear, departed days when nobody in Little Rock seemed to care
very much about whatever the state troopers fetched to the
Governor's Mansion when Hillary was asleep or out of town. "We
actually probably had more time together than we did previously."

     Naturally he didn't mention the troubles the Giulianis are
having, the legal separation the mayor announced yesterday, and
the pointed remarks the missus made on Wednesday about a Gennifer
Flowers in His Honor's past. He knew he didn't have to. He
reflected on lazy Sunday afternoons whiled away on the Truman
Balcony, and reading and talking by the swimming pool. No other
couple has his-and-her depositions to read aloud to each other;
most families have only a pastor, priest or rabbi to call when
the going gets tough, but the Clintons have his-and-her batteries
of expensive criminal lawyers. Life is beautiful when love,
respect and fidelity are in the air.

     "I mean, you can get busy and drift apart, I guess, in any
circumstances," the president said. "But for us, we worked hard
before we got here, and we had a lot of things to do, and we've
probably had more time together in our time here than at any
point in our marriage."

     The mayor, despite going 3 for 3 this week with a
separation, bad news from his doctor and a girlfriend exposed to
daylight, nevertheless tried to dampen speculation that he's
about to quit: "I very much would like the opportunity to carry
on my public service, yes. Rumors of my demise are greatly

     The rest of us can only hope so. We've earned this fight. We
bought our tickets early. New York deserves it, and by gum so do

Wesley Pruden is editor in chief of The Times.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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