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Click Here: <A HREF="aol://5863:126/">How the CIA
Spied on Princess Diana</A>
Subject: How the CIA Spied on Princess Diana
From: Alex Constantine <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">alexx12@mediaone.
Date: Sun, May 14, 2000 1:53 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

London Evening Standard
How the CIA spied on Diana

America's three intelligence agencies spied on Princess Diana for years
and learned some of her most intimate secrets, it has been claimed.
Details of the monitoring operation - contained in a l,056-page dossier
- are still classified as top secret a year after her death, according
to reports in the U.S. yesterday.
Much of the material was gathered as part of the security surrounding
Diana on her numerous visits across the Atlantic.
A spokesman for the National Security Agency admitted the existence of
the files.
'The documents are currently and properly classified top-secret,' he
said from the organisation's headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland.
Sources say the top-secret classification was to keep the lid on how the
U.S. spy agencies gathered the data.
The NSA was aided in the shadowy operation by the CIA and the Defence
Intelligence Agency, which is run by the Pentagon, according to reports
in the New York Daily News and Star magazine.
All three agencies are believed to have tracked Diana's every movement
and conversations on her frequent visits to America and sometimes
elsewhere, both before and after her marriage to Prince Charles had
The secret checking on her personal life is believed to have gone on
until her death in Paris.
Insiders say much of the material in the dossier came from eavesdropping
on private telephone conversations between the Princess and her most
trusted friend - Lucia Flecha de Lima, the wife of the Brazilian
ambassador in Washington.
Diana is said to have poured her heart out to Madame de Lima about her
relationships with Pakistani doctor Hasnat Khan, Dodi Fayed and others.
The CIA is believed to have turned over reports to the British
intelligence community.
Yesterday, the CIA would not comment on the dossier, while the Defence
Intelligence Agency said it only deals in military matters - 'and she
was obviously not military,' said a spokesman.
The NSA, whose experts specialise in phone taps and intercepting faxes
and emails, said it had nearly 300 pages of top-secret information on
Diana that it had either originated or now controlled. This led to the
disclo-sure that the CIA and DIA had more than 700 other classified
Sources say it was not just her romances that the agencies kept watch on
- virtually every aspect of her troubled life was monitored.
Even phone conversations about her plans for Prince William and Prince
Harry were listened to and then reported back to London.
'The British and American intelligence services are joined at the hip,'
a source told Star magazine. 'They share just about everything.'
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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