Missing it -
Did LM sink the ship at their libel trial?
by Jared Israel (5-13-00)

Reprinted from www.emperors-clothes.com

"The truth is like a ship; it demands integrity of cohesion. Lose a board and
sink the ship." Anonymous, 20th century, US.

As you probably know, six weeks ago ITN, the British news station, won its
libel suit against LM, the magazine. LM was ordered to pay ITN and reporters
Penny Marshall and Ian Williams 450,000 pounds (about a million dollars, US).
This spelled bankruptcy for LM.

But it wasn't only LM that took a beating. Because of a crucial mistake by the
LM people as well as their lawyer, Gavin Millar, and their chief witness,
Thomas Deichmann, the truth about the Serbian people took quite a beating as

Punished for exposing a lie

LM's sin was that it printed an article by Thomas Deichmann called "The Picture
that Fooled the World." In it Deichmann argued that photos of a supposed
Bosnian death camp were a hoax. The pictures were based on film shot by an ITN
crew led by an ambitious young reporter, Penny Marshall. Deichmann pointed out
that a barbed wire fence, which in the ITN photos seems to surround a group of
refugees, actually was around the ITN people doing the filming.
The photos produced an anti-Serb hysteria, worldwide. Presidential candidate
Clinton called for bombing the Bosnian Serbs.

Emperors clothes has produced a film called JUDGMENT. This film proves
Deichmann was right.

But if Deichmann was right, how did LM lose the libel case?

The fault lies in the stars

Recently Emperors-clothes translated an article by Thomas Deichmann about the
trial. The article is posted below. In it, Deichmann takes a fatalistic view:

"The verdict did not come as a surprise to the LM team. Publisher Mick Hume
commented: 'We had to prove the unprovable.'"

According to Deichmann, the key moment in the trial was at the end, when Judge
Morland gave his summation, quoted here with comments by Deichmann:
'"The decision is yours. But isn't it clear, after examining the unedited
pictures and the bundle of photographs from Mr. Deichmann, that before the
Civil War the area surrounding the garage…and the electrical transformer was
fenced in? This fence was made up of tall metal posts on the top of which was
fastened barbed wire and below ordinary wire mesh. It had a gate to the east
bound street. Ian Williams, Penny Marshall, and her camera crew openly
contradict themselves if they say they did not realize they were surrounded by
the old barbed wire fence........' Judge Morland then said: 'But does this
matter at all to the case ?' He reminded the members of the jury what this
Libel case was about. The central question which the jury had to decide on was:
In the eyes of the court did LM lie when it said that the ITN reporters
deliberately published a misleading photo ?" (Judge Morland's remarks have been
translated back to English from Deichmann's German text and may be slightly
inaccurate due to the triple translation.)

Deichmann argues that this summation forced LM to prove ITN intended to lie.
How, Deichmann argues, can anyone prove intent? That, says Deichmann, is why LM

Up until now all of LM's supporters, including me, have agreed. We have blamed
British libel laws and an unfair Judge. This explanation has been a comfort
because it finds the fault in external forces. It portrays Deichmann and the LM
people as abused heroes.

The only problem with the explanation is it is wrong.

Flaws in the ointment

Yes, the British libel laws are bizarre. And yes, as I said in Tears of the
Mighty, the LM verdict was "a grim miscarriage of justice."

But this was a jury trial.

So first of all, the Judge's remarks came at the end of a jury trial.

Wasn't everything pretty much over by then? Mustn't the Jury members have
already formed their opinions?

Second of all, the Judge's remarks were not simply pro-ITN. He said:
"Ian Williams, Penny Marshall, and her camera crew openly contradict themselves
if they say they did not realize they were surrounded by the old barbed wire

Wasn't this tantamount to accusing the ITN people of lying? If at the end of
the trial the jury members had no strong feelings, couldn't the Judge's
summation have prejudiced them against ITN? And if ITN had lost the case,
mightn't its defenders have argued that the Judge's summation caused their

Juries are won over by arguments. Or more precisely, they are won over by what
they perceive to be the most convincing story.

Was there something wrong with the way LM presented its arguments?
The trial was emotionally charged because of the issues. The British government
had been at war with the Serbs, an old ally, for more than a year, counting the
occupation of Kosovo which is in fact a continuation of bombing by different
means. The mass media has been slandering the Serbs for ten years. The trial
involved strong issues: death camps, atrocities, media lies.

You can't win if you don't fight

I think that in this climate, the Judge's summation had relatively little

The Judge was talking about charges against LM. But in fact it was not LM that
was on trial.

This is clear from Deichmann's own account:

"ITN lawyer Tom Shields stressed, during the trial, that the miserable
condition of Trnopolje was noteworthy. The plaintiffs brought also as a
witness, a Muslim Physician whom the guards forced to care for the camp's
inhabitants in the Summer of 1992. At the time he was also interviewed by Penny
Marshall and secretly gave her a camera with poorly lighted photographs on a
undeveloped film. The photos showed spotlighted Bosnian Muslims who had been
beaten and mishandled by the Serb guards. The Physician described on the
witness stand the rape and assault of defenseless civilians. I never disputed
these facts. His testimony was without question the most moving of the entire
trial. Despite this, my impression was that this only influenced the Jury
enough to score a few moral points for ITN. LM attorney Millar declined a cross
examination and later asked me if I wished to speak with the Physician. I
answered no."

LM walks away from the fight

In the above remarkable statement, Deichmann accepts everything the physician
has said as gospel truth. Who is this "physcian"? Deichmann doesn't tell us.
Does he know? Did anyone from the LM side challenge the physician's
credentials? Apparently not.

Why does Deichmann accept the notion that there were "miserable conditions at
Trnopolje"? Deichmann knows no more about Trnopolje than I do - we have looked
at the same video footage. Aside from the miserable fact of being refugees, I
saw zero evidence that the people at Trnopolje were miserable.

Why does Deichmann accept that "the photos [supposedly passed secretly to Penny
Marshall] showed Bosnian Muslims who had been beaten and mishandled." How could
he possibly know when and where the "poorly lighted photographs" were actually
taken? Couldn't the people in those photos have been actors? Or Serbs or other
Yugoslavs, photographed elsewhere? Who knows? Didn't this trial take place
because LM challenged the authenticity of the old ITN photos? Why should LM not
contest the authenticity of new photos?

Deichmann says, "The physician described on the witness stand the rape and
assault of defenseless civilians." He writes as if this man's statements were
obviously true. Why? Deichmann says the man's testimony was "the most moving."

Why in heaven's name did the LM people refuse to cross examine the physician?
I think they did not challenge the doctor's testimony because caught up in
great events they had developed a distorted view. They thought the purpose of
the doctor's testimony was:

"to awaken a specific impression. This impression was that I wished for Serbs,
who were guilty of such evil acts, to be somehow left unpunished."
Trying to defend himself, Deichmann bends over backwards to say he "supported
none of the parties in the Bosnian Civil War."

In fact ITN's real target was not LM and Deichmann. The real target was the
Serbian people.

By failing to counter the doctor's attack on the Serbs, LM and Deichmann
appeared to support it.

So ITN achieved its main objective without opposition. They were able to
portray the Serbs as Nazi's. What jury favors Nazis? What jury is going to get
mad at people (e.g., ITN) who use unethical means to expose a Nazi death camp?

By refusing to attack the doctor's credibility, the LM/Deichmann team
guaranteed that the jury would sympathize with ITN. When the Judge noted that
the ITN people had contradicted themselves and added "But what does it matter,
really?" he was not talking about legal technicalities. The subtext of the
Judge's remarks was: if indeed Trnopoloje was such a terrible place, then ITN
had not "published a misleading photo." If Trnopoloje was a terrible place the
photo was in essence telling the truth regardless of who was behind barbed

The Judge was telling the jurors: vote your conscience. Vote against the Serbs
and the Serb apologists.

If they had challenged the physician, LM might have lost. But they lost anyway,
so what did they have to lose? Why didn't they stand up and expose these racist

Moreover, if LM had challenged the physician's lies, they might have won.
Consider these possible arguments:

If the doctor was right that Muslims were beaten mercilessly at Trnopolje, why
would the authorities have allowed Marshall and friends to film the place?

Having allowed ITN to film, wouldn't the authorities have insisted on strictly
controlled interviews?

Having let ITN people talk to anyone they wished, wouldn't the authorities have
had armed guards visible at all times to silence the "inmates" (that is, the

Deichmann says the court allowed LM to use the uncut film that ITN shot at
Trnopolje. This was almost identical to the footage shot by a Serbian film crew
that day, footage used to make the Emperors Clothes video, JUDGMENT. As anyone
who has seen JUDGMENT will testify, the Bosnian Muslim refugees at Trnopolje
wandered about quite freely. They gave casually disdainful answers when asked
if they were being mistreated - as if the idea were ridiculous. But beaten men,
men threatened with reprisal, give sullen answers. They begrudge their lies.
The answers these men gave, as documented in JUDGMENT and, we assume, in the
almost identical uncut ITN footage, completely contradicts the physician's

If the horrors the doctor described were true, why did Marshall and Company
have to invent false pictures?

Similarly, if in fact someone smuggled pictures to Marshall and if those photos
showed the Serbian guards beating people at Trnopolje, why did Marshall keep
this outrage a secret for eight years?

JUDGMENT shows the Muslim refugees roaming about freely. Why, if they were
abused, didn't they just pack up and leave?

Doesn't all this render the physician's testimony absurd? If LM had made these
arguments mightn't they have stirred the jury to think?

LM could have said: "ITN, Penny Marshall, Ian Williams - you gave false
testimony about Trnopolje in 1992 and now you produce a new witness who
supposedly spoke to you at Trnopolje in 1992 but then remained silent for eight
years, and now you come forward with pictures that you supposedly had in 1992
but you never showed anyone. And we are supposed to believe this?" Instead,
Deichmann says: "I never disputed these facts."

If LM and Deichmann had challenged the physician's anti-Serb smear job, they
might not have won the case but they would have had a chance, and in any event
they would have upheld the truth. By letting the physician present his story
unopposed, they guaranteed that they and the truth would lose.

Perhaps Deichmann sensed this, for he says, a bit defensively:

"My impression was that this [the doctor's unopposed testimony] only influenced
the Jury enough to score a few moral points for ITN."

A few moral points? Such as that the Serbs are mass murderers? A few more such
moral points and the jury might have lynched LM, and Deichmann too.

Here's Deichmann's article: JI
Libel for False Television Pictures
© by Thomas Deichmann

Translated by www.emperors-clothes.com

On March 14th 2000 the "High Court" in London found the Chief editor of the
British magazine LM (previously Living Marxism ) along with its publisher
Helene Guldberg and her publishing house Informinc guilty after eleven days of
court room proceedings in a stressful libel case. They were sentenced to pay
fines of 75,000 pounds sterling to the British news channel Independent
Television News (ITN) and 150,000 pounds to two of its reporters, Penny
Marshall and Ian Williams. The defendants were also ordered to pay the
plaintiffs' legal fees - an additional 300,000 pounds. The total fine is
calculated as more than one million US dollars. After the reading of the
verdict Mike Hume and [publisher] Helene Guldberg said they would have to
declare bankruptcy.

Another immediately implemented part of the punishment had the effect of
shutting down most of LA's Website ( www.informinc.co.uk ) the same day. A few
hours after the conclusion of the legal battle LM received a letter from ITN
asking when payment of the fine could be expected.

Censor for Rent

A tragic chapter in modern media history was brought to an end by this case. It
may just usher in a new Era. London, the "Mecca of the Libel Suit", was used
for the first time by a mighty media corporation as a type of censor to knock
an unloved and weaker opponent out of the running. The arrogant behaviour of
ITN, represented during the hearing by Chief Editor Richard Tait, Penny
Marshall and Ian Williams, is a harsh blow to every journalist. It is also a
warning to investigative reporters whose job it is to go against the mainstream
and to help bring difficult truths to daylight.

The publication of my article "The Picture that fooled the World" in the
February 1997 edition of LM was the catalyst which began the saga. This article
had already been printed in highly regarded European publications and been
copied many times over. In it I showed in great detail that the famous ITN-
pictures of an emaciated Bosnian Muslim behind a barbed wire fence taken at the
Bosnian Serb camp of Trnopolje in August 1992 was a fake.

ITN and its reporters received much-desired prizes for this story. Since 1992,
they have been continually praised for the high quality of their work. The trip
to the High Court was also an attempt to bolster ITN's reputation which had
come under attack by a growing number of critics in the last few years. ITN
also suffered from a shrinking audience.

ITN's victory left a foul aftertaste - so openly did the media giant attempt to
manipulate the process. Immediately after the verdict, ITN set its PR-apparatus
in motion in order to newly publicize the story. Statements by both reporters
and the news channel tried to leave the uninformed viewer with the impression
that the Judge found that the LM-Article of February 1997 was incorrect. The
situation is actually reversed of what ITN tried to convey.
ITN Reporter behind barbed wire

In my 1997 article, I showed, in great detail, first that there was no barbed
wire fence surrounding Trnopolje and the Muslims filmed there. Second, that the
barbed wire on the (in)famous ITN pictures belonged to an old Train station
beside the so-called camp grounds. Third, that the British reporters stood
inside this property surrounded by barbed wire and from inside there filmed the
(in)famous pictures. Third, that nowhere else in Trnopolje did any barbed wire
exist. And fourth, that the conclusions made by politicians and the media
worldwide, that Trnopolje was a concentration camp similar to Auschwitz or
Bergen-Belsen was based on a hoax.

The first three aspects of the case were proved during the hearing on the libel
suit. In particular, the original uncut ITN film was helpful. This was the same
film I used in my analysis in Autumn 1996. The fourth point, that Trnopolje was
not a concentration camp, was not contested in the hearing. None of the
witnesses argued that Trnopolje was a concentration camp. Judge Morland gave
his summary the day before the end of the case and stressed to the jury that
the reporters were surrounded by a barbed wire fence in August 1992 :
".....The decision is yours. But isn't it clear, after examining thee unedited
pictures and the bundle of photographs from Herr Deichmann, that before the
Civil War the area surrounding the garage...and the electrical transformer was
fenced in? This fence was made up of tall metal posts on the top of which was
fastened barbed wire and below ordinary wire mesh. It had a gate to the east
bound street. Ian Williams, Penny Marshall, and her camera crew openly
contradict themselves if they say they did not realize they were surrounded by
the old barbed wire fence........"

Unquestionable hindsight

Judge Morland then said: "But does this matter at all to the case ?" He
reminded the members of the jury what this Libel case was about. The central
question which the jury had to decide on was: In the eyes of the court did LM
lie when it said that the ITN reporters deliberately published a misleading
photo ?

The case therefore did not rest on whether the photos were misleading; instead
it concerned whether the reporters publicized the photos with intent to
deceive. At the beginning of his summation the Judge stated his agreement with
my investigative reporting. However, he then defined the situation of the
violation in an exceptional way:

"...Worthy Jurors, you may think that it is necessary in a democratic society
that Journalists are fearless investigators of injustice. You will especially
note how exceptionally important it is that Reporters are faithful to the truth
and fairness. It is proper that a Journalist should say so when he discovers
another Journalist has been sloppy, unfair, and irresponsible.

"But you should not think that the case which stands before you revolves around
whether Penny Marshall or Ian Williams were sloppy, unfair, or irresponsible.
The key question in this case is, did the defendants prove that Penny Marshall
and Ian Williams deliberately - and I stress the word ‘deliberately' - create
irresponsible television pictures..."

Nick Hyham, media director of the BBC, recapitulated the explanation of the
Judge in a news commentary on the day of the verdict in the following manner:
".....The Judge said, LM described the events correctly, but that didn't matter
in the issue...."

The verdict ignored the underhanded tricks ITN and both reporters availed
themselves of in their libel suit against LM. It strengthened the repressive
English libel laws that are considered so frightening inside media circles. It
established the libelous connotation of my article, an accompanying leader by
Mick Hume, and a LM press release circulated in January 1997. LM is said to
have claimed that ITN and its reporters deliberately and with full knowledge
lied to the world. Actually, I am of the opinion that the reporters must have
known exactly what they were doing at the time. However, this was not the
thrust of my article.

ITN put itself on center stage of the suit because the ITN lawyers, Biddle &
Co., knew that in this manner they could not lose the libel suit. The fact that
in English libel law the burden of proof lies with the accused (further
indication of the absurdity of this law) meant that LM had to prove the bad
intentions of the ITN reporters in order for the court to decide in LM's
favour. The verdict did not come as a surprise to the LM team. Publisher Mick
Hume commented:

"...We had to prove the unprovable....."

Missing Memories

Despite all this Gavin Millar, LM's attorney, worked to convince the jury of
the correctness of my article. He also exerted himself to establish that the
two ITN reporters must have know that at the time they took the (in)famous
pictures that they were on the small property surrounded by barbed wire.
No one, with the exception of Penny Marshall's cameraman, could answer the
question just how Ian Williams was able to go from the fenced-in property to
the open field just to the west of it; even though it is plain to see on the
ITN video tapes. Williams, as the first witness in the case, answered he simply
ran around the corner. He also could not remember when confronted with the ITN
pictures which clearly showed how impossible his written description was of the
barbed wire fence and the length of the west side of the area. At the end of
his testimony, on the fourth day of the court room proceedings he stated that
it was a "lie" that the reporters were surrounded by barbed wire.

During the testimony of the next witness, only a few hours later, Judge Morland
intervened and gave his opinion that after viewing the ITN tapes many times, he
was convinced that the reporters were indeed surrounded by barbed wire. He
advised the ITN lawyer not to waste any more time on the matter. On the next
day, Ian William's sound man offered a new version of the story, that William's
team had come through the fence somewhere further south of the open field,
possibly through a hole in the fence, which somehow never showed up on the ITN

Penny Marshall also had memory lapses specifically regarding the fenced in
property, even though it was uncontested that she entered through a hole in the
fence from the south side. She could neither remember that she was surrounded
by barbed wire nor could she remember how she exited the fenced in property.
Gavin Millar, LM's attorney, was prevented from posing the question to the ITN
reporters whether it had ever crossed their minds at the time (August 1992)
that the (in)famous pictures of the emaciated Muslim taken behind barbed wire
could trigger comparisons with the Holocaust. He also was forbidden to ask if
they realized that their images represented a major scoop given the widely
disseminated speculative reports of possible "Concentration Camps" and "Death
Camps" in the North. Millar succeeded numerous times entangling the ITN
employees in misstatements - but he was unable to prove ITN's deliberate

Disappearing Videotapes and Defense Witnesses

One of factor was that the most important video tape was lost by the ITN
archives. This tape showed Penny Marshall surrounded by the barbed wire fence.
Only a short sequence of this tape could be seen in the courtroom having been
taken from a news program in August 1992. The complete uncut tape remains lost.
It would surely be able to show how Penny Marshall moved around the fenced in
property and how she commented on the situation. The first time the subject of
the disappearing videotape came up an uproar ran through the courtroom

The video tape of a Bosnian-Serbian cameraman in Military uniform, which was
shot on the same day as Penny Marshall Trnopolje filmed could not make up for
the loss of the ITN tape. However, it did show that Penny Marshall interviewed
two other men before she waved her hand at the emaciated man with the exposed
upper body and called out a friendly greeting. This directly contradicted her
presentation in the ITN news show and in later interviews.

One of the men in blue overalls interviewed introduced himself as Mehmet. He
repeatedly stressed when questioned by the British reporter, that the Trnopolje
Camp was not a prison but a refugee center and he felt safe there.

At the beginning of the process the ITN lawyer was able to invoke the English
censorship law, to the effect that all further witnesses for the defense were
shut out of the case. The most prominent was John Simpson, BBC World Affairs
Editor, one of the most highly regarded reporters in the world. Former War
Crimes expert and publicist Philip Knightley, author of the book "The First
Casualty," was also denied the opportunity to take the witness stand. In
addition, the London Queen's Counsel Steven Kay was also shut out from
testifying. For good measure, the scope of my own testimony was severely

Smear Campaign

Just before it was published in the Spring of 1997, LM's publisher issued a
press release announcing my article. As ITN's chief editor Richard Tait
admitted on the witness stand, nobody at ITN had even read the article at that
point. Nevertheless, they instituted legal action on the spot to get all copies
of that issue of LM destroyed.

Then, in addition to the charge of libel, ITN tried sue LM for "malice." They
used the malice suit as a vehicle for attacking my article, calling it
insulting and false, saying it had been written for the sole purpose of
spreading pro-Serbian propaganda. As proof, they provided a list of LM articles
on the Balkan crisis. Included was an excerpt from my interview with Austrian
novelist, Peter Handke in the Spring of 1996.

The malice suit allowed the spreading of vicious lies and gossip. For instance,
I was a paid agent of the Serbs; I was married to one and so on. This despite
oft-repeated protestations that I had no such connections to the Serbs and
supported none of the parties in the Bosnian Civil War. Ed Vulliamy, the
Guardian reporter who accompanied Penny Marshall's crew to the North Bosnian
camp in August 1992, contributed by writing hysterical defamations.

The malice charge was thrown out by Judge Morland. ITN's lawyer Shields didn't
object because it was obviously indefensible. It is clear this charge was only
added to the libel suit in order to foster the smear campaign.

Historical Revisionism

ITN lawyer Tom Shields stressed, during the trial, that the miserable condition
of Trnopolje was noteworthy. The plaintiffs brought also as a witness a Muslim
Physician who the guards forced to care for the camp's inhabitants in the
Summer of 1992. At the time he was also interviewed by Penney Marshall and
secretly gave her a camera with poorly lighted photographs on a undeveloped
film. The photos showed spotlighted Bosnian Muslims who had been beaten and
mishandled by the Serb guards. The Physician described on the witness stand the
rape and assault of defenseless civilians. I never disputed these facts. His
testimony was without question the most moving of the entire trial. Despite
this, my impression was that this only influenced the Jury enough to score a
few moral points for ITN. LM attorney Millar declined a cross examination and
later asked me if I wished to speak with the Physician. I answered no.

The witness testimony of the Physician and remarks and questions of Tom Shields
all pointed in the same direction: to awaken a specific impression. This
impression was that I wished for Serbs, who were guilty of such evil acts, to
be somehow left unpunished."

In a similar manner this attitude was brought home to me in the past few years
by Journalists with a mission to Save-The-World from Baddies. These journalists
had left behind their professional discipline in every one of their Balkan
articles which were filled with their eccentric moralizing. If not filled with
their blend of moral fever, then the articles consisted of a demented world
full of genocide and mass graves. LM publisher Mick Hume during his testimony
that he welcomed the publication of my article in LM, because it questioned the
misuse of the Holocaust for political ends. By equating the Bosnian Civil War
with the Holocaust the history of the 20th century was finally rewritten.

Refugee Center or Prison

The ITN lawyer exerted himself to question my description of the Trnopolje camp
as a refugee center in which many Muslims sought safety from the bloody Civil
War going on around them. During my testimony it became clear that Tom Shield,
despite his hectoring me with morally laden catch phrases, didn't have the
slightest idea what had happened during the Bosnian Civil . Trnopolje was
surely a frightening place, but it was also surely not a Prison and most surely
not a concentration camp.

Some of those who were there at the time in August 1992 revise their own
analysis of the events the further the Bosnian War recedes into the past
without presenting any new interpretations or facts. For example, ITN at the
time the film was made reported that the group of Bosnian Muslim men on the
other side of the barbed wire were not free to leave the camp which was
surrounded by heavily armed guards. I never verified this report. More
importantly I was able to verify that these men had arrived from another camp,
shortly before the British reporters arrived, and were waiting to register for
a place to sleep. This explanation of the situation was confirmed through
interviews with these men on the ITN tapes and the statements of independent

In her Television report of August 6, 1992 Penny Marshal said herself that
these men had come from another camp and had been brought to Trnopolje. That
refugees could leave the camp at any time they so desired was stated in my
article as well as confirmed from many other sources.

I also accurately described in my article that in the area of the Trnopolje
camp there were other fences (low wire mesh fences that enclosed small
properties, a low metal fence which surrounded the school building). These
fences were also documented in a sketch which accompanied the LM article. A
lonely barbed wire fence also stood next to the old Train Station with the old

Sword of Damocles

The barbed wire parcel in the ITN film in which the reporters found themselves
became the critical detail for people to have proof that concentration camps
existed in Bosnia. The single positive outcome of the courtroom proceedings at
the High Court in London was that it was finally proved beyond a shadow of a
doubt that neither the camp nor the filmed Muslims were surrounded by barbed
wire. Rather, it was the journalists who were surrounded by barbed wire as my
article had shown. On the other hand, the verdict spells the end of LM and now
hangs like a sword of Damocles over every English journalist. LM, a sassy,
opinionated magazine with intelligent if contrary reporting was brought to
ruin. One can hope that other media organizations and journalists will not
follow the ITN example. Instead, we hope they follow the example of
publications like LM and its creators. One can also hope that reaction to the
case strengthens the reform of or perhaps even the abolition England's libel

These laws will never stand the test of the European Human Rights Commission in
the European Unification process. One time an American Court refused to support
a English Court's libel judgement because it ran so contrary to the libertarian
tenor of the American Constitution. Richard Tait, Penny Marshall, and Ian
William should be ashamed of their manipulation and direction of the entire
process. TD

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Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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