I was recently looking at the Colin A. Ross Institute
web site,


Apparently, Ross' new book _Building The Manchurian Candidate:
Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists_
is complete and under review at a publisher.  According to the
web page


the publication date was uncertain as of 10-8-99.

Ross has done some commendable work in exposing mind control
abuses, especially regarding dissociative disorders, and his
CKLN interviews are a must-read.

It is saddening, though, to read toward the end of the
"manchurian" page above.  Perhaps it only seems to me like he
is trying to placate torturers.  (Maybe to keep his institute
from suffering retribution?)

On his False Memory Syndrome Page


it is suggested that the real goal is to improve the quality of life
of victims.  But when he is talking about literal torture and "real
victims," I think the notion of JUSTICE should at least make an

I hope the review process mentioned above does not end up
"sanitizing" the book and removing vital information...

Allen L. Barker
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