"We are concerned about our future. We are concerned about our human life."
-- Global Peace Walk 2000 http://www.globalpeacenow.org

Today again I spoke to Reverend Yamato on the phone from New Mexico
about the Global Peace Walk plans concerning what he feels is a Global
Emergency Situation resulting from the fire that has ravaged the Los Alamos
area including outlying areas of the Nuclear Weapons Lab reportedly
aerosolizing in the smoke decades of radioactive contamination from areas
surrounding the Lab, smoke now settling as potentially very dangerous ash
over several States so far and moving eastward. (details/evidence on this
point below)

Yamato has asked me to sound a Global Emergency Alert on this matter to
on supporters everywhere to take media publicity actions to get the facts
known to ameliorate potential present dangers, to prevent any future
such dangerous nuclear radioactivity threat situations, and to focus the
current national and global public attention on this tragedy towards
increasing public support and activism for the global abolition of
nuclear weapons.

Please forward this post to your lists.

Tomorrow, Sunday, May 14th, Mother's Day (originally called Mothers Day for
Peace) Reverend Yamato (zen buddhist monk and initiator of the Global Peace
Walk project) will be conducting a global peace prayer and healing ceremony
at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Hall in Angelfire near Eagle's Nest, New
Mexico, caravaning there from Kit Carson Park in Taos, New Mexico, after
gathering at 9AM.

In the afternoon, the Global Peace Walkers and support kitchen bus and
shuttle vehicles will be going to the Los Alamos area, in spite of reported
dangers mentioned above and evidenced below, to offer their help in any way
possible to the community ravaged by fire and, if needed, in firefighting
efforts.  Please keep them in your prayers.  Depending on how long their
help may be of value there, the walk's next schedule of May 29th ceremony
the Oklahoma City National (bombing victims') Memorial may be postponed.

This Mother's Day ceremony is in solidarity with the prayer gathering being
held this weekend near the Nevada Nuclear Test Site in support of Western
Shoshone Spiritual Leader Corbin Harney and efforts to abolish nuclear
power, testing and weapons globally, stop uranium mining and waste
contaminations especially such as the proposed Yucca Mountain, NV,
nuclear waste repository http://www.shundahai.org

Yamato specifically asked for all those dedicated to the cause of Nuclear
Abolition 2000 to write letters with their messages about the dangers of
nuclear weapons and their production's contamination of the land, and send
these letters of support to their local media and to the Global Peace Walk
to distribute to New Mexico and the national/international media on site in
Los Alamos to address the need for Abolition 2000.

Closing the weapons lab after this fire would be another idea.

Such letters/messages may be emailed (asap) to
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for forwarding to the walk, and/or signed
copies (on letterhead if available) faxed to 561-658-2735.

He feels strongly that this situation at Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Lab now
has the national and international media attention which should be utilized
quickly by the Abolition 2000 network to inspire public support for ending
the danger of nuclear weapons.  He feels that it is not just a
that the Global Peace Walk is now in a position to help facilitate this by
being on site in Los Alamos starting tomorrow afternoon for, if necessary,
an extended period of time.  If you have not already, you may join the
Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons (in response to
whose call for such cross-country peace walk this year Reverend Yamato is
conducting Global Peace Walk 2000) at http://www.abolition2000.org

An easy way to email your letters to your local or Statewide media all in
one email send, is via the Media Guide at http://congress.nw.dc.us/wnd
same for government leaders indexed at that site by your zip code)

Excerpts of recent emails received discussing the radioactivity danger in
the smoke from the Los Alamos fire (don't expect to see this in your media
unless they are pressured by you since from history we know that the US and
DOE will try to keep this kind of information from the public as long as
possible to "avoid panic" -- and outrage)

Remember, one microgram of plutonium can be lethal if inhaled.

I leave it to your best judgement and hope the fears are overblown but
"better to be safe than sorry", etc.

One thing I do feel fairly sure about from past history of US/DOE on
reporting nuclear accidents/dangers, if there is a radioactivity danger in
the smoke it will be kept as secret as possible on orders from on high to
prevent public panic and outrage.  Details will only filter gently into the
media over many years in the future.  If you feel the info below is worth
investigating, I suggest we need to get media folks to look into it and
can be done to ameliorate potential problems (eg, wearing dust filters when
in the smoke to prevent breathing ash, treat ash as hazardous waste just in
case, etc.)

-----------------begin forwarded related posts/evidence------

From: "Gary Vesperman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "David Crockett Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 5:58 PM
Subject: Get out of the Los Alamos smoke plume!

>> Tell your walkers to go indoors or get out from under the

>> Los Alamos smoke plume! It's radioactive!


>> See http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a391ba0417204.htm

[Gary Vesperman, in Las Vegas NV, regularly follows nuclear issues
the Low Energy Nuclear Transmutation advanced technologies to neutralize
radioactive wastes and related Emerging Energy (ZPE, etc.) technologies to
replace nuclear and fossil fuel power.  His extensive summary on this info
that he submitted as public comments last month on DOE Strategic Plan are
among others on these topics archive for public review at
http://www.egroups.com/group/strategic-plan ]

Another, very long, important compilations of posts by Gary on the Los
Alamos fire situation, with a map and satellite photo, I am not including
due to length but you can see it at

From: "Stephen Dunifer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: NM Fire = Nuclear Emergency Alert, Global Peace Walk

>> Check out these two web sites.  The first one is a DOE site that details

>> some of the contamination present.  The second site is a local citizens

>> monitoring group.


>> www.em.doe.gov/bemr96/lanl.html


>> www.lasg.org


>> Stephen Dunifer  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>> [Free Radio Berkeley (CA)]

>> www.freeradio.org


From: "Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, May 13, 2000 6:59 AM
I got the photo of Bush and Yamato which I used in our page at
http://globalcircle.net/mm.htm . More on the Peace Walk
http://globalcircle.net/peace1.htm and the fire
http://globalcircle.net/losalamosfire.htm . I live right under that cloud.
 I see the Peace Walk is doubling back to this area because of the fire,
but I can't find any verification of radioactive cloud, though our fire
page has several major media questioning the monitoring of above ground

--paul, webmaster

From: "Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Los Alamos
Date: Saturday, May 13, 2000 12:53 PM

Peace Walk will meet at Kit Carson Park in Taos at 9:00 am tomorrow Sunday
May 14, to go to Angelfire for their ceremony at the Vietnam Veterans
Memorial. We get that from Mike and Rev. Yamato in Taos when we talked to
them on the phone this morning. Then they plan to come down here to the
Espanola area to volunteer help for evacuees etc. and revise their OK City
schedule as a result.

I think we all know better than to believe anybody in government that says
there's no radiation danger. Lie and coverup is SOP for "national security"
(read: saving agency costs and discrediting opposition), from 3-mile Island
to every nuclear plant in the country. We do not have verified radiation
readings so we are not claiming proof. We just know. After all, they lied
to the Navajo uranium miners all those years, and all the lab workers
exposed to Beryllium etc. for decades.  We have more of this now on our
fire page at http://globalcircle.net/losalamosfire.htm .  There's a great
deal of source information linked there now, and people can make up their
own minds. But "national security" always demands that those officials
stonewall and coverup.

We've seen everybody who could get his face on TV go on Channel 4 in
Albuquerque and claim the air monitors show nothing but "background"
levels. They go on and on about no loss of life, and the outpouring of help
from around New Mexico. Too many flaws in that to even count them. Reports
tell us the original monitors burned up around the lab before getting any
readings from them. What they've installed afterward won't tell us what was
in the smoke to start with. And who exactly is reading those monitors? Not
me or you. Why weren't monitors put out in the 700 places where depleted
uranium was exploded for decades? Or where all the outdoor storage of
contaminants could burn? I could go on and on. And who is monitoring for
all the other toxic materials?

My real concern now is for the work crews that have to go in hot and do
all kinds of stuff up there because it's their job. Whatever it is, they'll
take the brunt of it. What will they die of 2 or 20 years from now?

Barb and I are taking the position that the Lab should be decomissioned,
boarded up, fenced, abandoned, and guarded for the next 100 years, minimum.

And none of it's functions should be transferred elsewhere. Everybody who
worked and lived there should be compensated and taken care of for life.
The whole mountain should be a memorial to the people who suffered, and the
animals killed without a thought.  Besides, it's sitting on an active fault

One microgram of plutonium is lethal. The lab has 2.7 metric TONS. And the
Manhattan Project was over 50 years ago.

It all started here. It has to stop here.  The world is watching.


>> -----Original Message-----






>> Date: Friday, May 12, 2000 10:46 AM

>> Subject: [downwinders] Radioactivity at Los Alamos fire, will

>> own up to doses to public?


>> Thanks for the update Scott.                                May 12, 2000


>> Our Radalert nuclear radiation monitor pegged out to it's maximum

>> following the RFETS prescribed burn a month ago, and finally settled

>> about a week afterward. It has picked up and has steadily climbed higher

>> in the past 2 days here in Denver, Colorado again to 12,105 cpm total

>> count, and still climbing.


>> Unfortunately, our local authorities and DOE people can't seem to pick

>> anything. Maybe it's due to their monitors being calibrated to the Rocky

>> Flats local high background, so it doesn't pick up anything of note as

>> "it's all background" here. You have to wonder how much the people in

>> New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Colorado are being exposed to in

>> that massive plume.  Will we ever know - officially that is?


>> We're trying to minimize going outside as much as possible to avoid it.

>> The satellite photos of the huge plume from the Los Alamos fire shown in

>> daily papers shows most of the main plume headed east, with some

>> headed NE. There may be some portion coming all the way up to Denver,

>> following the mountain range up to us. Question is, Just how much crap

>> in that huge plume from the 50 years of immediate fallout to the

>> environs that has been settled into soils, taken up into the burning

>> vegetation, etc.? Any citizens with monitors should be logging daily

>> readings for comparisons.


>> I hope this disaster teaches DOE and the U.S. Forest Service to stop

>> prescribed burning near any of the DOE facilities. It probably won't.

>> we can hope.


>> Yours,


>> Paula Elofson-Gardine

>> Executive Director

>> Environmental Information Network



>> In a message dated 5/12/00 9:02:31 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


>> << Subj:     radioactivity at Los Alamos fire

>> Date:  5/12/00 9:02:31 AM Mountain Daylight Time

>> From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott D Portzline)

>> Sender:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>> Reply-to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott D Portzline)

>> To:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (nukenet)


>> Radioactive materials, including plutonium, uranium and DU, might be

>> dispersed into the atmosphere at Los Alamos due to 50 years of ground

>> contanimation. So far, reports from the media indicate that there is no

>> increased radioactivity. Their focus is on the nuclear weapons materials

>> "safely" stored in fire resistant buildings.


>> But, a man 40 miles away in Sante Fe is recording radioactivity levels

>> times greater than the safe level. He is not in the wind path.


>> The report came from Richard Hoagland on Coast to Coast radio last


>> http://www.em.doe.gov/bemr96/lanl.html >>

From: "Chris Shine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "David Crockett Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 4:37 PM
Subject: NM Fire = Nuclear Emergency Alert, Global Peace Walk

>> I heard about this NM disaster from Richard C. Hoagland on Art Bell's

>> last night! What a melt-down and it's being blacked out for the most

>> even though people as far away as Santa Fe are taking geigercounter

>> readings of 30-40 millirems! There's plutonium and depleted uranium in

>> those smoke plumes!


>>  A while back I sought the media support team that works on shooting the

>> Global Peace Walks, got busy and have since lost that link. I would like

>> collaborate in shaping a piece with these people-can you put me in touch

>> again?


>>  Thank's for your ceaseless vigilance...


>> vaya con gaia,


>> Chris Shine

>> Imaging Director

>> Michele Shine Media

>> San Francisco, USA



----------------end forwarded posts---------------

David Crockett Williams   661-822-3309 [phone]
Chartered Life Underwriter
Bachelor of Science, Chemistry

Co-coordinator, Global Peace Walk 2000
Updates/Voicemail 415-267-1877

Initiator, Global Emergency Alert Response

dba General Agency Services  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

D C Williams for President, Leonard Peltier for VP

Science & Technology in Society & Public Policy List

The Vision of Paradise on Earth, DCWilliams

Nuclear Disarmament & Economic Conversion Act

Easy way to Email Media and Government

"An Agenda for Peace", one Global Peace Walk support letter

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