Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

CONGRESS ACTION: April 30, 2000


CRIMINALS' BEST FRIENDS: Just when you thought the left couldn't impose their
political agenda on another aspect of our society, along comes the so-called
"Million Mom March" on Washington, on Mother's Day, to demand more gun
control laws. "Whaaa," whine today's thoroughly modern yet totally
incompetent baby-boom parents, "We can't teach our children right from wrong
[might harm their tender 'self-esteem', you know], we can't take care of our
children, so politicians have to do it for us." Baby-boomer parents, to whom
self-actualization is the primary objective, to whom family obligations run a
distant last, have in general failed miserably at the task of teaching their
children right from wrong, failed miserably at instilling character and
values in their children, and have, in general, succeeded only in raising a
generation of incredibly spoiled brats. With predictable results including,
sadly, children who think that giving in to their impulses at the drop of a
hat is a virtue; who think that disobedience to adult and social authority is
not only acceptable but commendable behavior. And why shouldn't they think
that way? Haven't they been taught from infancy by their incompetent
baby-boomer parents that self-expression is good, that controlling one's
emotions is bad, and that tailoring their behavior to acceptable social
conventions is just so stiflingly.ordinary?

Haven't modern children grown up in a society in which the killing by
abortion of unborn human beings, whenever it is convenient to do so, is a
Constitutional right? Any culture that accepts the death by abortion of over
a million of the most innocent among us every year is teaching its children
that human life is cheap. We are foolish if we think that such a practice can
go on for thirty years and not have a profound and devastating effect on our
culture. Perhaps our modern media-savvy children have heard of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology psychology professor who thinks that
mothers who kill their newborn babies aren't necessarily doing anything
wrong, because ".an organism possesses a serious right to life only if it
possesses the concept of a self as a continuing subject of experiences and
other mental states, and believes that it is itself such a continuing
entity." Or perhaps they heard about Princeton University's appointment -- to
its Center for Human Values, no less -- of a professor who also advocates
infanticide. So why should today's modern child, the product of our character
and values-deficient culture, feel any qualms about stealing a gun and
shooting up his school and his classmates when the mood moves him to do so?

Baby-boomer parents are suddenly shocked, shocked at the Frankenstein
monsters they have created. Some of these kids are actually taking everything
our culture has taught them seriously (imagine that!), resulting in a few
high-profile school shootings. The wonder is not that there have been a few
school shootings over the past few years, the wonder is that there haven't
been far more, given the moral relativism with which most of today's kids
have been indoctrinated. Yes, a few kids have gotten guns (usually illegally)
and have gone on shooting sprees at their schools, leaving other children
dead. Tragic, and it has to be stopped. From that impulse -- allegedly --
sprang the "Million Mom March", the brainchild of one Donna Dees-Thomases. On
her "Million Mom March" website (which -- big surprise -- awards to Bill
Clinton the "Mom's Apple Pie Award" for bringing "sanity to this nation's lax
gun policy") Thomases bills herself as "Just One of a Million". And the media
is perpetuating the lie that she is just "a mother who'd never been
politically active." (Tom Brokaw, NBC News). But Thomases was an Assistant
Press Secretary to two past democrat U.S. Senators, and is a large
contributor to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign. She is also the
sister-in-law of Susan Thomases, who just happens to be a close friend of,
and very close political adviser to, Hillary Clinton. One almost feels sorry
for the parents attending this "Million Mom March" in the naïve belief that
they are "doing something" for the safety of their children, perhaps not even
realizing that they are just being used as unwitting dupes in another slick
and underhanded Clinton political operation aimed at deceiving the public and
implementing its gun ban agenda.

This is the "solution" to youth violence dreamt up by the left-wing
extremists in our culture. Shall we start teaching our children right from
wrong? Shall we start instilling character and values and self control in our
children? Shall we start treating all human life -- including unborn human
life -- as precious? Shall we dare to suggest to those self-absorbed
baby-boomer parents that, just perhaps, they should spend a little less
energy on their careers and a little more time with their children? Because
despite the popular catch-phrase, it does not take a village to raise a
child, what it takes are devoted -- and morally grounded -- parents. Shall we
suggest that a perfect opportunity to start devoting that extra time and
attention to their children might be on the national holiday devoted to
mothers, Mothers Day? But what will hundreds or thousands (to be billed in
the media as "millions") of concerned parents be doing on Mothers Day?
Spending a little extra time with their kids? Forget it! That sounds too much
like that dreaded concept -- personal responsibility. That sounds too much
like self-reliant people seeing a problem (that they themselves have had a
large hand in creating) and deciding themselves to fix it. No, these people
will be trooping down to Washington, to demand that Congress, through the
passage of laws, do what they themselves have failed to do. They, the
helpless waifs that they perceive themselves to be, are demanding that
government "do something" to fix the problem of violent and amoral children.
As though a few more laws enacted by pandering congressmen, heaped on top of
the already huge pile of existing gun control laws, will suddenly teach their
children appropriate values, behavior, and self-control; as though a few more
laws will teach irresponsible parents to behave responsibly. Contrary to the
lies from the media, this administration, and other left-wing extremists, the
only people made safer by gun control laws are criminals.

Never in our history have guns been less readily available or more strictly
regulated. In past generations, children often owned guns as a matter of
routine, but they never turned those guns on their classmates, because they
were taught from an early age the moral concepts of right and wrong, their
parents instilled character and values in them, and they were not subjected
to the moral relativism that is drowning our society today. They were taught
personal responsibility for wrongful acts, and if they did wrong they were
punished, with little concern about their precious self-esteem. They did not
hear their leaders excuse lying or babble about no controlling legal
authority. In the past the justice system dispensed justice, it did not
excuse criminality because of "root causes", and criminals received just
punishment for their crimes. Today even convicted murderers are often
lionized, they are honored speakers at college commencement ceremonies (via
videotape from death row), and demonstrators demand their freedom. In the
past, anti-social and pathological behavior was not tolerated as an
"alternate lifestyle choice" or celebrated for its "diversity". A generation
ago, children were taught that controlling their emotions was a virtue; today
they are taught to display their emotions, and it's a short step from
displaying whatever emotions they feel, to acting on those emotions.

So this weekend we will be treated to another display of emotionalism at the
"Million Mom March". But those marchers can demand all the new laws they
want. And the Congress can ignore the Constitution and the rights of law
abiding people and enact any laws it sees fit, in the vain hope that more
laws will solve a problem that no legislation can address. Indeed, more laws
will have precisely the opposite effect, since research clearly shows that
gun control laws actually increase violent crime, by shifting the balance of
power in favor of criminals, and disarming their victims. Gun control laws,
and the people who advocate those laws, really are the criminals' best
friends. No legislature can enact respect for the Rule of Law, or respect for
human life. And no legislature can instill moral values in our children. That
is the job of parents. Particularly, it might be suggested, the job of those
parents who will be trooping to our nation's capitol and whining for more
laws, rather than spending time with their children on Mothers Day.

In addition to friends of criminals and friends of the Clintons, there will
be another group of people marching on Mothers Day -- although don't expect
them to get anything but vilifying negative coverage from the media, if they
get any coverage at all. That other group is called "Second Amendment
Sisters", and they came about when a group of women decided that they had had
enough of the lies from the anti-freedom crowd. Their mission statement says,
"The Second Amendment is again under attack, this time from a group designed
to garner sympathy from the public, and especially from the media. They have
the backing of powerful anti-Second Amendment forces, such as Handgun Control
Inc., who are determined to take the right to self-defense out of the hands
of American families. Our mission is to counter the 'Million Moms' with a
strong showing of our own, to provide information and education to the
public, and to keep our Constitution and Bill of Rights from being torn down
any further." (emphasis added)

Couldn't it also be said that the Second Amendment Sisters would be better
off spending the time on Mothers Day with their children as well, as was said
about the "Million Mom Marchers"? Absolutely. And if extremist left-wing
anti-Second Amendment activists weren't trying to steal more of our freedom,
at home with their families is no doubt where the Second Amendment Sisters
would be. It could also be pointed out that the Second Amendment Sisters is a
group composed of people far different from the self-absorbed baby-boomer
parents in the "Million Mom March", and that the people represented by the
Second Amendment Sisters no doubt already spend much of their time teaching
character and values to their children. But most important is the difference
in motivation between the two groups. The "Million Mom March" is a further
attempt to expand the power of government, and an affirmative attempt to
further eviscerate our Constitution and our Liberty. The Second Amendment
Sisters are reacting to that assault. As the Founders of this nation
understood, the defense of Liberty often requires sacrifice, and in that
noble cause they pledged the sacrifice of ".our lives, our fortunes and our
sacred honor." The organizers of the "Million Mom March" propose no sacrifice
of their own. What they propose to sacrifice are our lives, our safety, our
wellbeing.and our Liberty. The Second Amendment Sisters, on the other hand,
are sacrificing their time in defense of our Liberty.

GORE ENTITLEMENT: It's no wonder that Al Gore has suddenly found religion
when it comes to campaign finance reform. Just like Bill and Hillary Clinton,
Al thinks that taxpayer property is his to use to help get himself elected.
Both the Washington Post and the Washington Times have reported significant
and substantial assistance being provided to the Gore campaign by numerous
taxpayer-paid White House aides, including campaign travel arrangements made
by the White House Travel Office. Poor Bill, Hillary, and Al, they were just
born into the wrong century. Feudal monarchies would have been a form of
government much more to their liking, but trying to recreate one here is an

YANKEE IMPERIALISM ON DISPLAY: The political theater of protests against the
IMF/World Bank/global trade has become boringly predictable. Silent, however,
are the alleged beneficiaries of all this moral preening, the desperately
poor Third World workers who are thrilled to get jobs in what American
elitists, living in the relative lap of luxury in the U.S., call "sweat
shops". Working for $10 a week (in an economy in which an entire family can
eat well on $5 a week -- a detail usually ignored by the moral preeners)
certainly beats starvation. But better, according to Yankee imperialist
demonstrators, that they should lose those jobs and starve, so as not to
offend the tender sensibilities of American moral preeners. What arrogance!
Whatever happened to respecting the traditions of others, and not imposing
Western capitalist values on other cultures, about which the left always
prattles? Only when it suits their agenda, apparently.



Second Amendment Sisters: http://www.sas-aim.org/index.htm

Million Mom March: http://www.millionmommarch.com/

Federal Election Commission: http://www.fec.gov/

(Search: "Campaign Finance Reports and Data"; then "Search Campaign Finance
Data"; then "Individual Search"; then enter the name "Thomases, Donna" on the
search form); or search

All individual contributions to Hillary Rodham Clinton:

Mr. Kim Weissman

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