-----Original Message-----
Subject: :Parvanov Takes (is Given?) Power. So What?

>by Blagovesta Doncheva (5-15-00)
>First our cast of characters (alas, mostly villains):
>The Union of Democratic (Demonic?) Forces or UDF. The UDF was formed by the
>Bulgarian Communist Party Political Bureau, headed by Lukanov. In 1989 the
>Communists had more than a million members. The leadership was in a hurry
>turn themselves into good capitalists and needed an 'opposition', that is a
>controlled opposition, to frighten their members into submitting to the new
>(capitalist) line.
>At first the UDF was composed of officers of the Secret Police, sons and
>daughters of powerful members of the BSP and a host of Communist officials
>at various levels. It was not an authentic grassroots organization.
>It was created in December, 1989, after which the manipulated dreamers for
>freedom and rights (like me, alas!) rushed to join and give it substance.
>When I realized what I had gotten myself into, my first thought was to
>rename the UDF 'Union of Secret Police'.
>The Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP).
>This party is what remained of the Bulgarian Communist Party after its rib
>was removed to form the UDF. The BSP is without clear ideology. They say
>they are leftist but the leadership and many members are bankers, owners of
>export-import firms, etc. They are ridiculous. The BSP has about 200,000
>members. At its last Congress, the BSP (remarkably) declared itself
>Many are leaving.
>Ivan Kostov, Bulgarian Premier and
>head of the UDF. An ardent Globalisation groupie and NATOist; very much
>guy' for both Uncle Sam and the European Union (EU) Social-Democrats. Would
>sell mama without hesitation but the price must be right. Or at least
>reasonable, for he is a man of principle.
>Georgi Sedefchov Parvanov. A Leader of the BSP; a former and newly elected
>Secretary of the BSP; a newly-converted NATOist; an MP; he is called
>"Sedefcho' by some BSP members. (This diminutive suggests lack of
>readiness to bend for the powerful.)
>Has he ever had an opinion of his own? Perish the thought. Or, if one had
>the bad luck of falling into his skull, he shed it fast. One can never be
>too cautious. A small man, gray, most convenient for the Globalisation and
>NATO boys.
>Ms. Tatjana Doncheva, lawyer, MP, member of the BSP leadership; anti-NATO
>1999, passionately pro-NATO in 2000. She told the dumbfounded BSP members
>the town of Shumen in January that loyalty to the party means loyalty to
>NATO. I have been told by friends from the town of Gabrovo that during the
>local elections she did her best to make sure the independent candidate,
>officially supported by the BSP, lost to the UDF candidate. The independent
>candidate won despite this help because he had sense enough to organize an
>independent team of experts and ignore Tatjana Doncheva.
>Roumen Ovcharov, member of the BSP Supreme Council, MP. Ovcharov ran as the
>BSP candidate for a Mayor of Sofia.
>Or perhaps I should say 'pretended to run.' Because in fact the BSP and UDF
>privately agreed that the Mayor of Sofia would be Stefan Sofianski from the
>UDF. Mr Ovcharov's election campaign was thus purely symbolic, like a
>drawing or statue of a campaign. He used this pantomime to declaim the
>new pro-NATO position, saying on the TV show 'Seven Days' that only NATO
>membership can protect the sovereignty of Bulgaria.
>US Ambassador Richard Miles, Sofia, Bulgaria. Miles is the former
>to Afghanistan and Belgrade. In other words, trouble follows him like a
>faithful dog.
>Bulgarian Civil Airlines, BGA 'Balkan' Recently privatized. The pilots
>expect that Zeevi Group, the new owner, will liquidate 'Balkan' after the
>end of the tourist season. We think the same.
>Now for the Play. It is a tragic-comedy: Theater of the Grimly Absurd.
>Parvanov Takes (Is Given?) Power.
>So what?
>Georgi Sedefchov Parvanov, the former and newly elected Secretary of the
>Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) is marching boldly to power under a halo of
>approval and promises of support from kind Uncle Sam and the Euro
>social-democrats. That approval and support has been earned after two
>of dining regularly with the US Ambassador in Sofia, Richard Miles, plus a
>five minutes visit with Schroeder The Great - time enough for Parvanov to
>pledge loyalty to NATO and 'euro-atlantic values'.
>The Bulgarian media have for some time noted with relish the dinner talks
>between Amb. Miles and Mr. Parvanov. According to them Miles has given
>Parvanov a firm promise of much money and the promise that Parvanbov will
>be allowed to come to power.
>According to the newspapers, this delicious reward only requires that
>Parvanov fill Bulgarian political space with passionate statements such as:
>'My party and I have reassessed our position and we love NATO!' and so on.
>(These newspaper rumors have produced no angry letters of denial from the
>And since Parvanov and Company have been praising NATO for some months,
>power shall surely follow.
>On May 1st our group of protestors against the USA/NATO war on Yugoslavia
>went to the BSP May Day rally together with some young people from 'Che
>Guevara', the revolutionary youth group. We chanted slogans against NATO
>and the BSP NATOites. The disciplined elderly BSP members pushed and hit us
>violently, but they are not to blame, poor things; they have been taught
>45 years to identify the Party with its leaders, to accept questionable
>decisions and shout 'Hurray!' ('Theirs not to reason why. Theirs but to do
>and die!' - Tennyson, 'The Charge of the Light Brigade.' Suitable for the
>occaision, no?)
>I wonder why these enraged old women and men who attacked everybody who
>dared hold Parvanov guilty for betraying the very basis of his party - I
>wonder why they don't ask themselves: what will in fact happen if Parvanov
>and Company relax their well fed bodies in Kostov and Company's luxurious
>chairs? Will anything change?
>1/ Will "structural reform" continue under the controlling hands of the
>International Monetary Fund and World Band?
>What is in fact the meaning of "structural reforms"? Why has nobody taken
>the risk of clearly explaining what the IMF/WB are demanding?
>Doesn't structural reform mean the cruelest elimination of all forms of
>social protection, actually existing and potential?
>Doesn't it mean the annihilation of Bulgarian industry through liquidation,
>privatisation, etc.?
>The case of the Bulgarian airline, BGA "Balkan" is a clear demonstration of
>this extermination scheme. BGA 'Balkan' was sold for next to nothing to
>Zeevi Group, the Israeli corporation, which started closing lines and
>offices abroad, selling planes, firing hostesses and pilots, turning plane
>sheds into warehouses, and so on. Pilots' salaries were set humiliatingly
>low compared with their colleagues abroad. And the pilots were the first to
>raise the alarm, trying to draw public attention to the fact that Zeevi
>Group is liquidating our 50 year old national airline. They went on strike
>and began talking. The most important of their demands was to nullify the
>deal itself - the privatization. Here for the first time a privitization
>been attacked! (But lest foreign investors are disturbed as they wallow in
>their luxuries, take note: The pilots' protest was successfully smothered.)
>Let's continue with 'Structural Reform'.
>Doesn't it mean the total wrecking of Bulgarian agriculture?
>Won't it hit the Bulgarian natural environment, rivers, forests, until-
>now-protected reserves, with deadly pollution?
>In the not so long run, doesn't it mean the extermination of the Bulgarian
>people and state, of Bulgaria itself?
>Since 1989 Bulgarian governments have not ceased saluting those emissaries
>of Corporate Globalization, the IMF and World Bank; in return they've
>excitedly received various sums of money, all of which managed to
>nobody knows where. Will something change if Parvanov and Co. take power?
>2/ "Entering Europe". This is the second important issue, a mantra repeated
>for 10 years and more, filling the media and political space to the brim.
>(Entering Europe? Where has Bulgaria been for the past 13 plus centuries?)
>Again one waits in vain for some journalist (or newspaper) to take the risk
>of listing the negative consequences of "Entering Europe."
>And just what are those "European Values" about which you preach to us,
>Messrs. Politicians? Messrs. Journalists?
>Is the vicious breaking of all international laws a European value? Is
>killing a European country a European value? Is butchering a child a day
>during the 78 day bombing of Yugoslavia considered European? Has the
>ecological genocide in the Balkans, produced by this bombing, added to
>"European values"?
>Is there some "value" I'm missing?
>As for the negative consequences of "Entering Europe," here are two:
>First negative consequence: the closing of the Bulgarian Nuclear Station
>"Kozlodui". The European Union demands we close it - and turn Bulgaria from
>a country that exports energy to a country that imports energy, either from
>the Nuclear Station under construction in Turkey or from European countries
>with surplus energy production, such as Germany or France.
>Question: What percent of the Bulgarian population, staying by chance
>will be able to afford this imported energy?
>Second negative consequence: the removal of customs tariffs on European
>and meat products. It has already been decided that these products will
>tax free like a river into Bulgaria starting July 1, 2000.
>Question: Will Bulgarian farmers manage to overcome competition from the
>tariff-free import of European milk and meat products, supported as they
>by the various European governments? We must lower the shield so that they
>may more easily insert the sword.
>General Question: Don't these two 'reforms' smell of hypocrisy? Ahh,
>hypocrisy is that so-mysterious European value.
>What is the position of Parvanov and Co on the destruction of Bulgarian
>farming and energy production?
>The same as the position of Kostov and Co. Why then replace Kostov with
>3/ 'European-Atlantic Values'. For the uninitiated: that is code for -
>To be honest, the UDF is a step ahead here. They organised a pro-NATO
>meeting during the bombing of our neighbour; they fed their European
>"Podkova"(Horseshoe), a story concocted in Bulgaria but marketed as an
>Official Yugoslav Government Plan to force Albanians out of Kosovo; this
>hoax was used to manipulate European and US public opinion during the
>bombing. Kostov's government is overflowing with passionate NATOites (e.g.,
>the Minister of Defense.)
>What about their brother Party, the BSP?
>In April and May 1999 Tatjana Doncheva from the BSP made us cry from the
>emotional stories she told in Parliament of her visit to wartime
>Yugoslavia... In March 2000 the same lady tells the dumbfounded local BSP
>members in Shumen that loyalty to the party means loyalty to NATO.
>In April and May of last year there were BSP meetings and protests against
>NATO aggression in Yugoslavia. This year the same people are for linking
>party and country to "Euro-Atlantic Values."
>Should one laugh or cry?
>It's a wonder the BSP members aren't schizophrenic. Some are leaving the
>party; others think they should stay and try to replace the leaders and
>'fight from inside' to set things straight . (They have been setting things
>straight for 10 years now...poor souls.)
>The crushing result of the BSP's endorsement of NATO is: there is no
>organized opposition in Bulgaria. The BSP left the pilots to fight all
>alone. The BSP hasn't said a word in support of other protests going on in
>Bulgaria. It hasn't moved a finger to unite people and lead their attempts
>to fight the hydra of Globalization. Even now the BSP behaves like a ruling
>Neither Parvanov nor any other member of his Loyal Company show the least
>discomfort from this unprincipled behaviour.
>For what is principle, actually?
>Can one buy a palace, race around Europe and the world at the expense of a
>rapidly dying population or provide a suitably sweet life for deserving
>relatives with principle?
>Parvanov and friends do not eat grass. They are reasonable to gaze
>at the right hand of Uncle M. from his big Embassy in central Sofia - and
>the slightly smaller (but nearby) hand of Schroeder. Honey may not flow
>those hands but surely it will trickle, though not into the mouths of those
>sad persons who flailed us at the May Day meeting, those who, for lack of
>thinking, are cheated, again and again....
>Parvanov takes (is given?) power.
>So what?
>Blagovesta Doncheva
>Sofia, Bulgaria
>The Balkans
>Further reading...
>For other articles by Blagovesta Doncheva, go to Articles by Author at
>http://emperors-clothes.com/artbyauth.html, click on "D".

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