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Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 15:14:31 +0200
From: Hebron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: News from Hebron: War and Cowardice

News from Hebron
The Hebron Press Office
May 15, 2000

All Out War

Arabs throughout the palestinian authority regions have declared
war on Israel. In Jenin an Israeli officer was wounded by enemy
gunfire. According to latest reports, a gun-battle is raging in
the Ramallah area, at the Yosh Junction. At least one Israeli
soldier was critically wounded and others are reported to have
been injured. According to eyewitness accounts, the Arab
attackers include 'palestinian police.'

In Gazza, near the Israeli community Netzarim, hundreds of Arabs
are rioting and throwing rocks at Israeli security forces,
closing the road outside the community. Other areas attacked
include Kevel Rachel (Rachel's Tomb) in Bethlehem.

In Hebron Arabs attacked Israeli security forces with rocks,
firebombs and burning tires. Over 30 firebombs have been hurled
so far at Israeli soldiers near the Tarpat Junction, bordering
Israeli controlled Hebron and the area abandoned to Arafat.
Hundreds of rocks cover the road and four burning tires were
rolled towards the soldiers. The Israeli forces shot
rubber-coated bullets at the attackers.

The excuse given for the attacks throughout Judea, Samaria and
Gazza is "Nakba Day" - or catastrophe day, marking the Israeli
declaration of independence. The Arabs declared a general strike
and sounded a siren at 10:00 this morning, saluting all those
killed fighting Israel.

A Hebron spokesman issued the following statement: The Israeli
response to the Arab declaration of war can only be described as
humiliating cowardice. This morning the Israel government decided
to abandon three Arab cities, bordering East Jerusalem, to
Arafat, including Abu Dis and Azaria. This "gesture of good will"
is supposedly in response to reports that Arafat's 'police' have
captured and jailed Hamas terrorist Muhammad Def, reponsible for
the deaths of dozens of Israelis. Def, considered to be the most
dangerous terrorist still free, has roamed the streets of Gazza
as a free man, in spite of the outstanding warrants against him.
Israel television reported last night that Def was apprehended a
few days ago. This morning Arab sources denied the reports,
saying that one of Def's deputies was arrested.

The Israeli cabinet, voting 15 to 6, approved Barak's cowardly
surrender to the Arafat-Clinton demands that he transfer total
military control of Abu Dis to the palestinian authority
immediately. Voting against the plan were Ministers Rabbi Yitzhak
Levi, Natan Sharansky, and the 4 Shas ministers.  Minister
Yitzhak Levi of the NRP (Mafdal) informed the cabinet of this
party's withdrawal from the coalition. Levi suspended all of his
ministerial activities and is expected to officially resign next
week, following a meeting and formal decision by the NRP's
Central Committee.

Abu Dis sitting on Jerusalem's border, overlooks Temple Mount,
Judaism's holiest site. Abandonment of Abu Dis to Arafat is the
beginning of an Arab hangman's noose around the Holy City.

It may very well be that next year Israelis will mark Nakba Day -
the Day of Catastrophe, together with the Arabs. The Arabs will
mark the declaration of Israeli Independence and Israelis will
mark the beginning of the surrender of Jerusalem to Arafat.

The current administration, with Ehud Barak at the helm, will
undoubtedly be remembered in history as the most cowardly
leadership in the annals of the Jewish people. The abandonment
and division of Jerusalem on the very day that Israeli forces are
being shot at by enemy forces is pathetic, inexcusable, and

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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