---May 4, 2000---


 The agricultural biotechnology industry's situation is desperate
 and deteriorating. To be sure, genetically engineered (GE) food
 is still selling briskly on grocery shelves in the U.S. but
 probably only because GE products are not labeled, so consumers
 have no idea what they're buying.

 At present, an estimated 2/3rds of all products for sale in U.S.
 grocery stores contain genetically engineered (GE) crops, none of
 which are labeled as such.[1] However, polls show that U.S.
 consumers overwhelmingly want GE foods labeled. In a TIME
 magazine poll in January, 1999, 81 percent of respondents said
 genetically engineered foods should be labeled.[2] A month
 earlier, a poll of U.S. consumers by the Swiss drug firm Novartis
 had found that more than 90% of the public wants labeling.[3] The
 NEW YORK TIMES reported late last year that a "biotech industry
 poll" showed that 93% of Americans want genetically engineered
 foods labeled.[4] Legislation requiring labels on GE foods was
 introduced into Congress last November by a bi-partisan group of
 20 legislators.[5]

 For five years the GE food industry has been saying GE foods
 couldn't be labeled because it would require segregating GE from
 non-GE crops -- a practical impossibility, they said. However, in
 December, 1999, Monsanto announced that it had developed a new
 strain of rapeseed (a crop used to make canola cooking oil) that
 might raise the levels of vitamin A in humans.[6] How could
 consumers identify (and pay a premium price for) such a product
 if it weren't labeled? Obviously labeling will become possible --
 indeed, essential -- when it serves the interests of the biotech

 Many food suppliers seem to have figured out for themselves how
 to segregate GE crops from non-GE. According to the NEW YORK
 TIMES, Kellogg's, Kraft Foods, McDonald's, Nestle USA, and Quaker
 Oats all sell gene-altered foods in the U.S. but not overseas.[7]
 Gerber and H.J. Heinz announced some time ago that they have
 managed to exclude genetically modified crops from their baby

 For its part, the U.S. government has steadfastly maintained that
 labeling of GE foods is not necessary -- and might even be
 misleading -- because traditional crops and GE crops are
 "substantially equivalent." For example, the government has
 maintained that Monsanto's "New Leaf" potato -- which has been
 genetically engineered to incorporate a pesticide into every cell
 in the potato, to kill potato beetles -- is substantially
 equivalent to normal potatoes, even though the New Leaf potato
 is, itself, required to be registered as a pesticide with U.S.
 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (See REHW #622.)

 Now the government's position has become untenable. In February
 of this year, the government signed the international BioSafety
 Protocol, a treaty with 130 other nations, in which all
 signatories agree that genetically modified crops are
 significantly different from traditional crops. Thus with the
 swipe of a pen, the U.S. government has now formally acknowledged
 that GE crops are not "substantially equivalent" to traditional

 Meanwhile, a groundswell of consumer protest reached a crescendo
 last year in England and Europe, then spread to Japan and the
 U.S. where it has severely eroded investor confidence in the
 industry. Major U.S. firms that had invested heavily in the
 technology are now being forced to pull back. As we reported
 earlier (REHW #685), Monsanto, Novartis, and AstraZeneca all
 announced in early January that they are turning away from -- or
 abandoning entirely -- the concept of "life sciences" -- a
 business model that combines pharmaceuticals and agricultural
 products. The NEW YORK TIMES reported in January that American
 Home Products -- a pharmaceutical giant -- "has been looking for
 a way to unload its agricultural operations." At that time the
 TIMES also said, "Analysts have speculated that Monsanto will
 eventually shed its entire agricultural operation."[8] In late
 February, DuPont announced that it was returning to its
 traditional industrial chemical business to generate profits. The
 WALL STREET JOURNAL said February 23, "But the big plans DuPont
 announced for its pharmaceuticals and biotech divisions fizzled
 as consolidation changed the landscape, and investor enthusiasm
 cooled in the face of controversy over genetically engineered

 Investors are not the only ones turning away from genetically
 engineered foods. The WALL STREET JOURNAL announced in late April
 that "fast-food chains such as McDonald's Corp. are quietly
 telling their french-fry suppliers to stop using" Monsanto's
 pesticidal New Leaf potato. "Virtually all the [fast food] chains
 have told us they prefer to take nongenetically modified
 potatoes," said a spokesperson for the J.M. Simplot Company of
 Boise, Idaho, a major potato supplier.[10] The JOURNAL also
 reported that Procter and Gamble, maker of Pringles potato chips,
 is phasing out Monsanto's pesticidal potato. And Frito-Lay --
 which markets Lay's and Ruffles brands of potato chips -- has
 reportedly asked its farmers not to plant Monsanto's GE potatoes.
 A spokesperson for Burger King told the WALL STREET JOURNAL that
 it is already using only traditional potato varieties. A
 spokesperson for Hardees, the restaurant chain, told the WALL
 STREET JOURNAL that Hardees is presently using Monsanto's
 pesticidal potato but is considering whether to abandon it.

 Earlier this year, Frito Lay also told its corn farmers to
 abandon genetically-modified varieties of corn for use in
 Doritos, Tostitos, and Fritos.[7]

 According to the NEW YORK TIMES, U.S. farmers have sustained a
 serious financial blow because they adopted genetically
 engineered crops so rapidly. In 1996, the U.S. sold $3 billion
 worth of corn and soybeans to Europe. Last year, those exports
 had shrunk to $1 billion -- a $2 billion loss. The seed sellers
 like Monsanto and DuPont got their money from the farmers, so it
 is the farmers who have taken the hit, not the ag biotech firms.

 The WALL STREET JOURNAL reported April 28 that, "American
 farmers, worried by the controversy, are retreating from the
 genetically modified seed they raced to embrace in the 1990s...
 government and industry surveys show that U.S. farmers plan to
 grow millions fewer acres of genetically modified corn, soybeans
 and cotton than they did last year."[10]

 The ag biotech firms dispute this assessment. They say demand for
 genetically modified crops has never been better. Less than a
 year ago Robert Shapiro, the chief executive officer of Monsanto,
 said bravely, "This is the single most successful introduction of
 technology in the history of agriculture, including the
 plow."[12] This year a spokesperson for Monsanto says, "We're
 seeing a very stable market. There's no major step backward; it's
 now a matter of how much we'll grow." [11] But Gary Goldberg,
 president of the American Corn Growers Association, told the NEW
 YORK TIMES recently that he believes that genetically modified
 (GM) corn plantings will be down about 16% this year, compared to
 last. He indicated that the ag biotech firms are resorting to
 deception to maintain sales: "The [ag biotech] companies are
 deceiving farmers into thinking their neighbors are planting
 G.M.," he told the NEW YORK TIMES.[11]

 In coming days, genetically engineered (GE) food is likely to get
 more attention from the public. Last month the National Academy
 of Sciences issued a report confirming what critics have been
 saying about GE crops: they have the potential to produce
 unexpected allergens and toxicants in food, and the potential to
 create far-reaching environmental effects, including harm to
 beneficial insects, the creation of super-weeds, and possibly
 adverse effects on soil organisms. The Academy said there was no
 firm evidence that GE foods on the market now have harmful
 effects on humans or the environment, but the Academy also
 indicated that testing procedures to date have been woefully
 deficient.[13] Indeed, the present regulatory system is
 voluntary, not mandatory, so it is possible that the government
 may not even know about all of the genetically engineered foods
 being sold in the U.S. today.

 The Academy pointed out that roughly 40 GE food products have, so
 far, been approved for sale in the U.S. but approvals have also
 been given for an additional 6,700 field trials of genetically
 modified plants.[13,pg.35] And a NEW YORK TIMES story May 3 about
 super-fast-growing GE salmon noted that "a menagerie of other
 genetically modified animals is in the works.... Borrowing genes
 from various creatures and implanting them in others, scientists
 are creating fast-growing trout and catfish, oysters that can
 withstand viruses and an 'enviropig,' whose feces are less
 harmful to the environment because they contain less
 phosphorus."[14] The TIMES went on to say that, "...[C]ritics and
 even some Clinton administration officials say genetically
 engineered creatures are threatening to slip through a net of
 federal regulations that has surprisingly large holes.... United
 States regulators interviewed could not point to any federal laws
 specifically governing the use or release of genetically
 engineered animals."

 The Clinton/Gore administration announced last week that it will
 "strengthen" the regulatory system for genetically engineered
 foods but said the new regulations will definitely not require GE
 products to carry a label, despite overwhelming public demand for
 labels. Thus the government's latest regulatory initiative makes
 one thing crystal clear: what the Clinton/Gore administration and
 the biotech companies fear most is an informed public.

 It will take years before anyone knows what the new regulations
 entail, or how effective they prove to be. By that time, there
 may have been hundreds of genetically modified plants and animals
 introduced into the environment with little or no regulatory
 oversight. The public is legitimately concerned about this.

 In response to these legitimate concerns, the biotech
 corporations have begun to spend tens of millions of dollars on a
 public relations campaign because "the public has the right to
 know more about the benefits of biotechnology." Details next


 [1] Carey Goldberg, "1,500 March in Boston to Protest Biotech
 Food," NEW YORK TIMES March 27, 2000, pg. A14.

 [2] Marian Burros, "Eating Well; Different Genes, Same Old
 Label," NEW YORK TIMES September 8, 1999, pg. F5.

 [3] Marian Burros, "Eating Well; Chefs Join Effort to Label
 Engineered Food," NEW YORK TIMES December 9, 1998, pg. F14.

 [4] Marian Burros, "U.S. Plans Long-term Studies on Safety of
 Genetically Altered Foods," NEW YORK TIMES July 14, 1999, pg.

 [5] David Barboza, "Biotech Companies Take On Critics of
 Gene-Altered Food," NEW YORK TIMES November 12, 1999, pg. A1.

 [6] Bloomberg News, "New Crop is Said to Aid Nutrition," NEW
 YORK TIMES December 10, 1999, pg. C20.

 [7] "Eating Well; What Labels Don't Tell You (Yet)," NEW YORK
 TIMES February 9, 2000, pg. F5.

 [8] David J. Morrow, "Rise and Fall of 'Life Sciences';
 Drugmakers Scramble to Unload Agricultural Units," NEW YORK
 TIMES January 20, 2000, pg. C1.

 [9] Susan Warren, "DuPont Returns to More-Reliable Chemical
 Business -- Plans for Biotech, Drug Divisions Fizzle as Mergers
 Change Landscape," WALL STREET JOURNAL February 23, 1000, pg.

 [10] Scott Kilman, "McDonald's, Other fast-Food Chains Pull
 Monsanto's Bio-Engineered Potato," WALL STREET JOURNAL April 28,
 2000, pg. B4.

 [11] David Barboza, "In the Heartland, Genetic Promises," NEW
 YORK TIMES March 17, 2000, pg. C1.

 [12] David Barboza, "Monsanto Faces Growing Skepticism On Two
 Fronts," NEW YORK TIMES August 5, 1999, pg. C1.

 [13] National Research Council, GENETICALLY MODIFIED
 National Academy Press, 2000). ISBN 0309069300. Pre-publication
 copy available at http://www.nap.edu/html/gmpp/.

 [14] Carol Kaesuk Yoon, "Altered Salmon Leading Way to Dinner
 Plates, But Rules Lag," NEW YORK TIMES May 1, 2000, pg. A1.

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 .           RACHEL'S ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH WEEKLY #695           .
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 .                  BIOTECH IN TROUBLE--PART 1                   .
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