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From: American Patriot Friends Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: \ American Patriot Friends Network\\ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Fwd: DMN/Waco video analyzed Sect lawyer disputes that flashes sunlight]
Date: Thursday, May 11, 2000 5:43 AM

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: DMN/Waco video analyzed Sect lawyer disputes that flashes sunlight
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 04:02:17 EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Waco video analyzed
Sect lawyer disputes that flashes sunlight



By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News

Flashes recorded on an FBI infrared video at the end of the Branch Davidian
siege came not from government or Davidian gunfire, but from sunlight
reflecting off glass, metal and water, and the movement of tanks and
windblown debris, court-appointed infrared experts state.

The detailed, 65-page final report by Vector Data Research was released
Wednesday to both sides in a federal wrongful death lawsuit arising from the
1993 standoff. The report mirrored an oral briefing made public late last
month by U.S. District Judge Walter Smith, the Waco federal judge who
appointed the British firm at the recommendation of Waco special counsel John
C. Danforth to try to help resolve the gunfire issue.

The report indicated that Vector's analysts employed frame-by-frame analysis
and computer imagery enhancement programs as well as detailed comparisons of
known thermal signatures of gunfire and sunlight-generated flashes to
identify the causes of 57 separate flashes on the infrared recording made by
the FBI at Waco on April 19, 1993.

Vector's four-month inquiry also employed detailed comparative studies of
still photos and other imagery taken by both the FBI and outsiders on April
19 to support the conclusion that none of the flashes came from gunfire, the
report stated.

"From the information available to VDS (UK), we have concluded that the 57
thermal events, including the alleged sighting of a person, are all caused by
passive specular solar reflection, active thermal reflection or movement of
debris," the report stated. The study also concluded that no people were
visible anywhere on the infrared recording until several minutes after the
Davidian compound caught fire.

More than 80 sect members died in the blaze. Justice Department lawyers have
argued that the government bears no responsibility because the fire was
deliberately set by sect members. But lawyers for surviving Davidians and the
families of those who died have alleged in their wrongful death lawsuit that
government actions caused or contributed heavily to the tragedy.

Government officials and lawyers hailed Vector's final report Wednesday,
saying they hope its thoroughness will quiet any lingering public doubts
about whether federal agents opened fire on the embattled sect on the final
day of the 1993 standoff.

"I'm sure there will be people who continue to question this, but my hope is
the fact that this is a truly independent study and a very thorough study
will put the majority of people at ease that there was no gunfire by the
FBI," said U.S. Attorney Mike Bradford of Beaumont, one of the lead lawyers
for the government's trial team.

"It confirms totally the position of the FBI that there were no personnel on
the ground and that the flashes were not from gunfire," he said.

One federal official predicted that Vector's report "should drive a stake
through the heart of the nuttier theories surrounding this case. This report
shows that we might have shot our reputations, but we damn sure didn't shoot
any Davidians."

But the lead plaintiff's lawyer in the wrongful death suit said the report
appears flawed and contradictory.

"I can pick the thing apart in 30 minutes," said Mike Caddell, a Houston
lawyer representing the families of sect members who died in the April 19
fire. "It is impressive in its presentation. They clearly spent a lot of time
on it. But having said that, there are some clear disconnects in what they've
done - obvious instances in their own report where their conclusions are not
supported by their own data, their own analysis."

In some instances, Mr. Caddell said, the Vector report lists only about half
of the flashes that appear within rapid sequence on the infrared. And
throughout the report, the experts fail to detail the maximum duration of
known gunfire recorded in the infrared test, he said.

One infrared expert spotted several "clear" instances of people being
visible, and those are not addressed in the Vector report, he said.

Mr. Caddell and other lawyers for the plaintiffs will grill two of Vector's
analysts in two days of depositions scheduled for later this month and will
question a third in early June. He said a major area of inquiry will be his
concern that Vector "had already made their minds up" about the cause of the
infrared flashes before they supervised a court-ordered infrared field test
at Fort Hood in mid-March.

Judge Smith told both sides last month during a pretrial hearing that he
would not consider Vector's report "conclusive evidence," adding that their
opinion "may be controverted, and you have the right to do that."

U.S. Attorney Bradford said he expects that Vector's exhaustive analysis will
offer strong evidence for the government's defense in the upcoming wrongful
death trial, now scheduled to begin June 19.

While Mr. Caddell's infrared experts reported 36 instances that they believed
were government or Davidian gunfire or the detonation of government
"flash-bang" distraction grenades, Vector analysts identified an additional
20 "thermal events" on the April 19 infrared tape.

Vector's report noted that two flashes similar to those alleged to be gunfire
came from "what is believed to be a smooth metal plate" photographed on the
ground near the compound before April 19.

It added that at least one flash alleged to be Davidian gunfire "occurs on 23
differently timed occasions. These 23 flashes span some 26 minutes in time
and occur only when the sensor is in the same position with regard to the sun
and to the roof in question."

The report added that there was a "clear correlation between debris on the
roof and the thermal flashes" that appeared in those 23 instances, and each
was "consistent with a passive solar reflection" and lacked the "directional
properties associated with gunfire."

"Of significance, our analysis indicates that the flashes are not emanating
from the windows as alleged in some instances, rather from debris strewn on
the roof," the report stated.

None of the flashes alleged by experts for the sect to be government gunfire
or other government-generated explosions matched the six "essential criteria"
for thermal signatures of gunfire on forward-looking-infrared or FLIR video
recordings, the report stated.

Of those 18 alleged instances of gunfire, only one had both the required size
and tone, the report stated. Five others approached the required size or
tone, but none had the shape, duration, shadow or other associated features
of gunfire, the report stated.

Five flashes that appeared to come from the compound windows and which were
identified by some infrared analysts as Davidian gunfire were caused by
sunlight reflecting off ground debris near the tower, the report stated.

Another eight flashes that appeared in the rear courtyard of the compound,
some of which were alleged to be government gunfire, were caused by sunlight
reflecting off debris knocked from the compound by FBI tanks, the Vector
report stated.

The report noted that none of those eight flashes appeared "prior to the
demolition" of the rear of the building by one of the FBI's combat
engineering vehicles.

Vector analysts noted that ground conditions and temperatures in that
courtyard area would make "government agents alleged to be firing weapons
from these particularly exposed positions - identifiable on the FLIR tape as
the flashes occur. No personnel are seen in this courtyard, either on the
FLIR tapes or the color (still) photographs."

In some instances where flashes appeared in close proximity to the combat
engineering vehicles, Vector analysts concluded that they were caused either
by sunlight reflecting off debris that had collected on the vehicles or from
their engine heat reflecting off ground debris.

Vector analysts also dismissed allegations by some infrared analysts that a
hatch could be seen opening on one of the government tanks at 12:08, just
before a prolonged series of flashes.

They found, however, that the tank had just pulled away from the rear of the
building and was covered in debris that was "blowing in the wind (to) ...
give the appearance of a hatch opening." The report added that a still photo
of the same tank showed the "debris still in place over the forward deck" of
the vehicle!

NOW is the time to speak out about the massacre of Waco!
Upcoming trials, appeal hearings, and the investigation make this
more IMPORTANT than ever before!
April 24th The Supreme Court started hearing
the Davidian Prisoners Appeal's!!
You are URGED to <A HREF="http://www.wizardsofaz.com/waco/petition.html">downl
oad and print out a petition</A>
demanding President Clinton pardon the prisoners!
"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men."
Abraham Lincoln
My Waco website:
<A HREF="http://www.wizardsofaz.com/waco/picturethis.html">Please take a
moment to picture this...</A>
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Remember Waco!


From: Jack Alpan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wake up Americans. Waco was a test to see how dumbed down are the masses
of Americans. Our political government wants to find out how apathetic
are Americans. Our political government is testing Hitler's famous saying,
"The bigger the lie, the more the masses will believe it." After the Wacco
Massacre of innocent men, women and children on April 19, 1993, 99% of
the American citizens I interviewed believed the political government's
lies about the "Branch Davidians" and that they "got what they deserved."

Please do all you can to enlighten your fellow dumbed down
citizens/subjects by getting them to visit these and other sites on the
Net exposing the political government's lies, cover-ups and murder of
our fellow Americans.

If we don't protest this VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS -
then YOU may be next.


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