"Doctors and medical scientists soon will be able to watch the human brain
"thinking". With the aid of a device no bigger than a pinhead, they will be
able to see exactly where and how electrical signals are traveling around
the brain. ..."We are aiming to build up an image of where the current is
flowing,"says Dr. Steven Swithenby, director of the Biomagnetism group at
Open University... ...Squid is the acronym for superconducting quantum
interference device, and it measures magnetic flux or field extremely
accurately at ultra-low levels, such as the level reached when a group of
neurons in the brain is triggered. The device is made of a ring of
superconducting material, usually niobium metal, a few millimetres wide,
with a slice of insulator, a few atoms thick, sanwiched into the loop. when
an electric current is applied to this superconductor, the flowing current
generates a magnetic field around the wire loop. Inside the superconducting
loop this magnetic field is extremely sensitive to any changes in magnetism.
If a change in magnetic field is detected, the current flow in the Squid
changes to re-adjust the field strength to counter the external force. ...

But there is still the problem of interpreting the information. "We can look
at what is going on in the head, but it takes a lot of mathematics to
unscramble the whole mess so that we can make a sensible image," Dr.
Swithenby says. ...The magnetic field generated by the brain in response to
an external stimulus, and measured by the Squid, is about 100 millions times
weaker than the Earth's magnetic field, and a million times weaker than the
magnetic fields around overhead power cables. ...A less expensive and more
practical approach, used at the Open University, is to couple the Squid to
another device known as a gradiometer. In effect the gradiometer is a
matched pair of (non-superconducting) magnetometers placed between the Squid
and the patient's head. One of the pair measures the external magnetic field
outside the brain, the other measured the total field, including the
contribution from the brain, and the difference between the two is measured
by the Squid....The so-called high -temperature superconductors-metal oxides
that can work at temperatures of up to 100 degrees above absolute zero- are
the next stage in the development of workable machines. ..."In three or four
years' time, who knows what Squids will be made of?" Squids are not new:
they were first postulated by the theoretical physicist Anthony Leggett at
the University of Illinois in the early Eighties."

Author's note. These articles give examples of how thoughts could be
detected remotely. It is not impossible, especially with the will to develop
this technology before the Soviets do, for example.

Hanley, John M.D.(1985,June17).Aviation Week.Pg. 156.

"...It has never been necessary to stick something into pilots, or anybody
else for the purpose of obtaining brainwave signals. It was pointed out 50
years ago by B.H.C. Matthews that non-invasive scalp electrodes provide the
necessary sensing, and that is the method most in use around the world
today. As for sticking something onto pilots, the evolution of sensors has a
branch of non-adhesive, contact electrodes, highly stable examples of which
were developed in our Space Biology Laboratory almost 20 years ago under
NASA contracts, and put to practical use in a variety of environments, both
space and terrestrial. The continued evolution of the electrode has
inevitably traversed the path from nonadhesive and contact to remote,
non-contact sensing. Fourteen years ago, Adey and Silver, of the University
of California at Los Angeles and Aerospace Corp., respectively, at that
time, proposed cryomagnetic sensing of the EEG. Magnetoencephalograms were
obtained by Cohen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology one year
later. Moreover, sophisticated machine recognition of EEG correlates of
states of awareness from the subleties of pilot reclination to sleep in the
space environment have been achieved within the last two decades. Clearly,
dogmatic assertions that present technology has remained at the stick-on
or -in electrode and gross delta wave era belong with scriptural championing
of slingshots as state-of-the-art weaponry.

No author. (1989, July 5). Magnetic Fields of the Brain. PR

"The human brain is alive with pulsating magnetic fields. ...The brain's
nerve cells, called neurons, are triggered by small electrical currents.
This has been known for decades and doctors routinely record the intensity
and patterns of these electrical brain waves. ...Today, highly sensitive
detectors can spot even these faint magnetic fields and [physicist Samuel]
Williamson a member of the American Physical Society, and his colleagues are
busy mapping the brain's magnetic activity. Every brain function, from
imagining a pay raise to lifting a forefinger, uses the neurons of a
specific location. Detecting magnetic fields can pinpoint these geographical
areas. In one instance, Williamson discovered which part of the brain
generated a magnetic field when a subject moved a forefinger. Moving the
thumb produced fields from a slightly different spot. "Our sensory and motor
systems are tied to highly specific brain areas," says Williamson. "in one
experiment we passed a brushover the tip-center and base of a person's
finger. We found that this produced magnetic fields from three distinct
areas of the brain." Magnetic research of the brain is of great interest to
surgeons, doctors, and psychologists. With this tool specific brain
locations are being linked to specific body activities. In the area of
psychology, monitoring the brain's magnetic activity is helping determine
the nature of imagination and thought processes. ...this feature is from the
American Institute of Physics' Science Report."

No author.(1996,Oct.8).Pictoral Proof of Brain Damage Caused by Cocaine and
Alcohol Seen in New Quantitative EEG Studies:BEAM Study Provides New Light
on Brain Disorders. PR Newswire.

"Measurements of "brain waves" using state-of -the-art quantitative
electroencephalography (QEEG) -- or brain electrical activity mapping (BEAM)
demonstrate that both cocaine and alcohol abuse/dependence significantly
worsen such pre-existing brain abnormalities as attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), major depression, mental distress, anxiety
disorder, and paranoid schizophrenia, according to medical research by Eric
R. Braverman, MD. and Kenneth Blum, Ph.D. both affiliated with the PATH
Foundation, a not-for-profit scientific foundation of Princeton, New Jersey.
...since they[QEEG and BEAM] are relatively easily, quick and potentially
inexpensive to administer...Unlike other brain imaging techniques, it can be
administered in a doctor's office. ...Other work by Drs. Braverman and Blum,
as well as by other researchers, suggests that a mentally ill
population--including teens and adults--have strongly disturbed brain waves
even prior to their substance abuse. This study again documents that the
mentally ill population have brain electrical and chemical imbalances.
...BEAM is a brain stress test using light, sound, cognition, and electrical
stimulation to generate dramatic pictures of total brain health..


High-temperature Superconductors
(HTSC) contains the theory and basis for the technology used for remotely
detecting brainwaves from a distance. Currently the military is developing
it for remote sensing. While this may not be the classified mind reading
technology used today, the point is to see that the level of technology is
possible and the scientific theory behind mind reading can be figured out,
even if it is classified. Please note that the Jonathan Tennenbaum article
mentions HTSC and it's use for mind control weapons. Here is a list of
articles on HTSC with brief comments.

Hewish, Mark.(1992,June 1). High-temperature Superconductors. International
Defense Review. Vol.25. No.6; Pg. 624.

"The United States government Office Of Technology Assessment believes that
electronic components using high-temperature superconductors(HTSCs) will be
available by the mid-1990s. ...DARPA(the US Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency) has awarded several contracts for work on HTSCs.
E-Systems'Melpar Division leads a team--including several universities and
specialist companies such as Superconductor Technologies and Conductus--that
has a $9.7 million contract from the agency to demonstrate a feasible
approach to defense applications of HTSCs by 1994. ...HTSCs first made their
appearance in 1986, when two researchers at the IBM laboratories in
Zurich--who won a Nobel prize for their work...Radio-frequency energy
encounters some resistance even in a superconductor, but this is negligible
at frequencies below 1 GHz. ...Most radars of military interest operate at
frequencies below 120GHz... ...Superconductors additionally exhibit the
Meissner effect. A magnetic field will not penetrate a superconductor cooled
to below its transition temperature. This effect is exploited in
electromagnetic rail guns, and superconductors are also almost perfect
materials for magnetic and electromagnetic shielding. SQUIDs(superconducting
quantum interference devices) have military applications in magnetometers
used to detect submarines and mines. SQUIDs can detect the most tenuous
magnetic fields, even those generated by brain cells. They exploit the
properties of a Josephson junction, which is constructed from two
superconductors separated by a non-superconducting layer. Lockheed has built
an HTSC SQUID... ...The phenomenon of superconductivity was discovered in
1911, but the first high-temperature superconductors(HTSCs) did not become
available until 75 years later.

Rose, Stephen.(1994, Dec.1). Off Line: The Life of Brain. Guardian(London).

"...Helsinki is the site for Europe's most powerful neuromagnetic measuring
system. ...In 1929, the Swiss amateur physiologist Hans Berger taped a set
of recoding electrodes to a person's scalp and found he could record
continuous bursts of electricity pulsing through the brain. ...As every
O-level student knows, where there is an electric current, there is a
magnetic field at right angles to it. So too in the brain - except that
because the currents are tiny, so are the magnetic fields, around one
millionth billionth of a Tesla. ...Then you can measure the oscillating
millisecond fluxes of the brain in real time. Furthermore, unlike the EEG,
granted enough mathematical sophistication and computing power, you get a
good idea of the location of the electromagnetic source in the brain. In
Helsinki the neuromag is linked to an online recording system that enables
an experimenter sitting outside the sealed room to scan the records of the
122 channels arrayed across the inmate's head, I was strongly reminded of
that ancient philosopher's dream, a 'cerebroscope' that would enable a
person to observe their own thoughts. Magnetoencephalography is the nearest
neuroscience has yet got to such an instrument...."

Editor's note. The above article in bold describes as briefly as can be
done, the probable scientific basis for reading thoughts remotely. It is
scientifically possible. The major details almost certainly are classified.

No author.(1990, Sept.17).Professor Guy Deutshcer Joins Xsirius
Superconductivity Inc.PR Newswire. Lexis-Nexis.

"Xsirius Superconductivity Inc. ...,a Scottsdale firm engaged in
commercializing high-temperature superconductors, announced recently that
Dr. Guy Deutscher has agreed to serve as a key consultant for the company in
its international effort to bring high-temperature superconductors to the
marketplace. Deuthscher is one of the key innovators of the important
superconducting device--the "SQUID" or Superconducting Quantum Interference
Device" and holds a patent for this device. SQUIDS are used to detect
extremely weak magnetic fields and are potentially useful in such
applications as submarine detection and in measuring subtle electromagnetic
signals from the brain. Deutscher has been professor of physics at Tel Aviv
University since 1973. ..and has since established a reputation as a
world-renowned authority in the field of superconductivity."

Editor's note; The following article states that remote sensing technology
can be fixed in satellites. It is not impossible to develop a method for
remotely reading brainwaves. The level of technology is here today.

No author.(1990,July12).Federal Germany Develops Superconductive Antenna For
Space and Medical Use. Xinhua General Overseas News Service. Lexis-Nexis.

"...has successfully developed a superconductive antenna for space and
medical use. The antenna, made of high-temperature superconductor, can be
fixed in satellites to receive the electromagnetic wave emitted by earth so
that researcher can exactly determine the humidity in soil and the content
of water vapour. The antenna can also be installed in medial instruments to
help doctors determine the faint signals from brain and heart."

Brown, Malcolm.(1989,June6).Hopes for Superconductivity Begin to Fade.New
York Times.Section C.P. 1.

"...[American Superconductor Corp.]The company was founded two years ago in
collaboration with scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
to create high-temperature superconducting wire. ...Conductus Inc. of
Sunnyvale, Calif., which draws expertise from scientists at Stanford
University and the University of California at Berkeley..."

Editor's note. The above article also shows how universities, the military
and private business are working closely on military technology.

No author.(1997,June16).Superconductive Magnetic Shield: Hitachi Group.
Comline Daily News Electronics. Lexis Nexis.

"Japan Science Foundation(JSF) has certified that Hitachi Chemical Co. and
Hitachi Cable,Ltd. have successfully developed "manufacturing technology for
bismuth-lineage superconductive magnetic shields." JSF, which consigned the
project to the two companies, claims the shields are much smaller and
consume considerably less energy than existing types. One superconductive
shield, developed by Hitachi chemical, will be used for measuring weak
biological magnetic fields.... ...According to JSF sources, the former
shield can dampen external magnetism by more than five digits and the later
to a level close to that of geomagnetism.

Editors note. The scientists are stating that the technology is possible and
many other articles below indicate the interest and level of technology
today. Mind Control technology is a growing area of research and victims
claims of remote reading of thoughts is possible, especially since this book
only lists unclassified sources.


Military and Government Research
Here is a list of articles on what the military and government are
researching and how they are developing this technology. There is research
into detecting and using every body signal including brainwaves, for example
for pilots to fly using their thoughts and for soldiers and remote
battlefield medicine. Victims claims are not farfetched. It becomes clear
that the technology can be tied to victim's allegations.

Marsh, Alton K.(1979, Jan.29). USAF Studies Arming Weapons Vocally. Aviation
Week. Pg. 239.

"...Thus far the research has resulted in the ability to predict the
perception and recognition of letters. ...The area of evoked brain response
development and applications holds promise as a method of automatically
compensating for pilot fatigue. It can also assure the pilot will not make
errors during the flight, by taking the pilot's brain waves through
unobtrusive sponge sensors in the flight helmet. Evoked response refers to
"driving" the brain, forcing it to emit brain waves at regular intervals,
either through use of light flashes in the eyes or laboratory-generated
clicks in the ears. It is research that has come into its own only in the
last two years. By measuring the amplitude of the brain waves generated,
fatigue of the pilot can be recognized. By increasing the brightness of the
instrumental panel lights, the amplitude of the brain waves can be returned
to their normal height, thus compensating for fatigue.

To get the "evoked response" from the pilot's brain, the instrument panel
lights could be made to flash so fast that the pilot would not be aware of
the flashes. Researchers think the brain can "register" up to 145 flickers
per second, Lt. Col Robert D. O'Donnell, an experimental psychologist, said.
It also could be used to prevent errors, since scientists have discovered
that responses occurring after the wave could be "locked out"
electronically, preventing a pilot from making an error, O'Donnell said.
...The follow-on system aims a small amount of near-infrared light into the
subject's eye, causing a spot of light to be reflected off the cornea. The
spot is picked up by a remote oculometer and fed to a computer, which
calculates the angle between the center of the eye pupil and the spot.
...Later, after the remote oculometer has been combined with more advanced
simulation capabilities, work will be directed toward a helmet-mounted
oculometer to track eye movement.

Uhlig, Robert.(1997?). The End of Death: "Soul Catcher" Computer Chip
Due.Electronic Telegraph(England)(From CNI News).

"A computer chip implanted behind the eye that could record a person's every
lifetime thought and sensation is to be developed by British scientists.
..Dr. Chris Winter, of British Telecom's(BT) artificial life team. Dr.
Winter's team of eight scientists at BT's Martlesham Heath Laboratories near
Ipswich calls the chip the 'Soul Catcher.'BT's official futurologist, has
measured the flow of impulses from the optical nerve and nerves in the skin,
tongue, ear, and nose...."For example, police would be able to use it to
relive an attack, rape, or murder from the victim's viewpoint to help catch
the criminal." Editor's note. Delores Hejazi claimed to have experienced
this. See CAHRA website under Intelligence tools.

No author.(1985,Sept.)Advanced Technology Report.Defense & Foreign

"...In California, it is rumored, a University-sponsored experiment has
found that brain waves emitted by patient volunteers in a mental hospital
have successfully controlled the switching of electric trains, making them
go and stop at will. ...Sources said it even has a name by which it is known
around DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency): a "psychotronics."

Gourley, Scott et al.(1995, August1).Saving Lives While Saving Money:
Military Medicine Moves From MASH to Start Trek. International Defense

"...The US Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest Laboratory(PNL), in
collaboration with the Madigan Army Medical Center, is developing an
Advanced Imaging System(AIMS) that uses ultrasound to locate and monitor
internal injuries. ...Over the next three years, PNL and Madigan will
develop a portable field prototype consisting of an imaging array, with 1024
transducers, measuring 5x5cm; ...If initial work on AIMS is successful, it
could be followed by two further phases. The first of these, lasting two
years, would replace the earlier transducer array with a conformal gel
blanket have an area of some 2500cm. a subset of the array, placed around a
body cavity, would be sequentially scanned to generate a larger and more
detailed image. ...a possible further phase, lasting three years, would
involve developing an "imaging bed" with an area of 1000cm. This would
contain an array of high-resolution ultrasonic transducers and perform
additional functions, such as magnetic-resonance imaging, and ... ...PNL
says that is may even be possible, by this stage, to monitor the patient's
brain by using advanced electromagnetic sensors."

Bucholtz,Chris.(1995, May3).Thought Control A Step Nearer.Flight

"Scientist at the Aeronautical Systems Centre (ASC) at the US Air Force's
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, are studying the use of brain-actuated control
techniques as a means of controlling aircraft. ...In the past, the problem
with thought-control techniques has been discerning the faint
electromagnetic brain signals which accompany voluntary thought from the
flurry of "background noise" in the brain caused by everyday activity. In
the ASC experiments, pilots in a simulator face two fluorescent lights,
which pulse at 13.25 Hz. This causes nerve cells in the subject's visual
cortex to fire at the same frequency. Electrodes on their heads detect the
resulting brain-wave patterns, feeding them to an amplifier and a filter.
The filter picks out the 13.25.Hz waves and measures their power. A bar
scale displays a measurement of these waves, which allows the subjects to
learn how to vary the intensity of their brain responses. On the simulator,
heightened intensities cause it to bank to the right; depressed intensities
cause it to bank to the left. ..."They say it's like learning to walk..."
Project physicist John Schnurer adds..."

Scott, William.(1994,Aug.15).No title.Aviation Week and Space Technology.

"...For more than 30 years, the U.S. military services have been intrigued
with the concept of linking human brains with computers or other hardware. A
retired colonel confirmed that the Army conducted experiments in the 1960s
aimed at controlling air defense missiles with brainwaves. More recent
research attempted to improve the combat performance of U.S. special forces,
which rely on critical timing and zero-margin teamwork. ...An industry
scientist said that the Army's Research Institute worked on a variety of
"neurotechnologies" in the mid-1980s, ostensibly abandoning the
program--although there are indications to the contrary. Since these
activities were classified, military officers will not comment on the
success or failure of such programs. In any event, more than 2,000 "white
world" technical papers and research reports describe aspects of
neurophysiological work in the U.S., Europe and the former Soviet Union.
Only recently, however, has there been a concerted effort to harness
research results and convert them to concrete applications. ...

M Barry Sterman...A 30 year veteran of neurophysiology research, Sterman is
a professor at the University of California-Los Angeles School of
Medicine...Sterman's focus is on "neuroregulation," a term that highlights
the neurological response to cognitive demands {of B-2 pilots]... ..A
pioneer in this effort is Advanced Neurotechnologies, Inc.(ANI) of Colorado
Springs, Colo. Its founder, Richard Patton, combined a personal computer,
sensors, commercial electronics, a Motorola 56000 digital signal processor
and proprietary software routines to create what he calls the "BrainLink"
system. Sensors attached to a headband--or adhered directly on the client's
scalp--detect brainwaves that approximate a traditional
electroencephalogram(EEG).Signals are amplified and converted from analog to
a digital format, then fed to a Motorola digital signal processor. The DSP
performs a high-resolution fast-Fourier transform, converting the
time-domain brainwave signals to the frequency domain. ...teaches a client
to control the display and tones, which correlate to desired brainwave
patterns associated with specific mental states."

No author.(1996,March 12).ARPA Battlefield Care Project to Shake Up
Medicine. Armed Forces Newswire Service.

"DOD's Advanced Research Projects Agency(ARPA) has quietly ignited the most
radical series of technological changes to hit the practice of medicine
since the invention of X-rays. ARPA's medical-technology stable includes an
array of high-fidelity virtual-reality medical training and diagnostic
simulators; satellite-aided tele-diagnostics for soldiers, now being used
for Bosnia operations; tiny embedded diagnostic sensors; telerobots that let
remote MASH surgeons operate on badly wounded soldiers; miniature intensive
care units that automatically monitor soldiers; and infusively treat
soldiers being helicoptered from front lines to MASH units; and high-speed
networks that can automatically fuse data from giant databases around the
world. The most crucial component of future combat care, said Richard
Satava, ARPA's biomedicine program manager, is the personal status
monitor(PSM), a continuously worn monitor that he would like to see woven
into the soldier's clothing. The PSM would monitor a wide range of vital
signs and also host external communication, GPS and other functions. Tied
into the PSM might be clothing with "sensate liners," that would detect
projectile exit wounds and infer the organs damaged by defining the pathway
from entry to exit wounds. Today's edition of Technology Transfer Week
reports Satava is particularly excited about a dime-sized PSM sensor,
originally developed to fit on bumblebees for radio tracking, that is woven
into clothes, and mounts a tiny radio and vital signs sensor.

No author.(1995,June1)The Power of Thought.Daily Mail(London).Pg.40.

"...special electrodes being developed by researchers at the Wadsworth
Centre in Albany USA. They attached electrodes to the scalps of volunteers
and asked them to move a cursor towards a target on a video screen by
thought. Tiny electromagnetic brain signals were amplified by a computer
deciding when and how to move the cursor.

No author.(1995,Mar.25).Short Takes;American Topics.International Herald
Tribune (France).Lexis-Nexis.

"...The brain emits electrical signals of only a millionth of a volts or so.
But studies financed by the National Institutes of Health show that these
signals can be amplified enough so that by conscious effort, the subject can
move a cursor on a computer screen.

Stork, David G.(1996?).Hal's Legacy 2001's Computer as Dream and Reality.MIT
Press. Pg.164.

"Raymond Kurzwell. ...There are already precursors of such a project. For
example, a few years ago Carver Mead's company, Synaptics, created an
artificial retina chip that is, essentially, a silicon copy of the neural
organization of the human retina and its visual-processing, as the human
brain does."

Smith, Cyril W. & Best, Simon.(1989). Electromagnetic Man. Pg. 236.

"A team at York University's Physics Department, for example, has built and
tested a 'Faraday magnetometer' under contract to GCHQ, to pick up very weak
magnetic fields, possibly for use in remote eavesdropping(The times, 1988)."



Chapter Five

Here are a few articles which describe the Korean brainwashing of the 1950s.
It clearly demonstrates the necessary political will to support a massive
effort to control man before the Russians do, including projects to solve
the mysteries of the brain for political and military purposes. The Korean
brainwashing scare seems to be the event that triggered the race for the
brain code.

No author. (1977, Aug.2). Mind-Control Studies Had Origins in Trial.New York

In the summer of 1977, it may be difficult for Americans to comprehend the
frame of mind of the men who nearly 30 years earlier started the Central
Intelligence Agency's effort to manipulate human behavior. As some of the
former high-ranking CIA men recall now, they had looked into the vacant eyes
of Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty at his treason trial in Budapest in 1949 and
had been horrified. They had been convinced that his confession had been
wrung from him while he was either under the influence of some mysterious,
mind-bending drug or that he was standing before the dock in a post-hypnotic
trance. The sight touched off memories of earlier "show trials" in the
Soviet Union. The CIA leaders were certain the Communists had embarked on a
campaign to control men's minds and they were determined to find a defense,
setting out in earnest the next year-1950-with Project Bluebird...

Slesin, Louis.(19?)."Zapped? Radiation at Greenham Common Peace Camp" The
Nation. Editorial Pg. 313.

Louis Slesin editor of the publication Microwave News stated: "In The Search
for the Manchurian Candidate, published in 1979, John Marks relates that in
response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the CIA told him that it
had a roomful of files on electromagnetic and related techniques to alter
behavior and stimulate the brain. The agency refused to release the papers,
and they remain classified."

Subcommittee on Health and Scientific research of the Committee on Human
Resources United States Senate, September 20 and 21, 1977.

Gottlieb, Sidney, Md.. former CIA agent. Pg.169.

"In the judgment of the CIA, there was tangible evidence that both the
Soviets and the Red Chinese might be using techniques of altering human
behavior which were not understood by the USA and which would have
implications of national survival in the context of national survival in the
context of national security concerns at that time. It was felt to be
mandatory and of the utmost urgency for our intelligence organization to
establish what was possible in this field on a high priority basis."

Pg. 202. "Dr. Gottlieb. ...As I remember it, there was a current interest,
running interest, all the time in what affects people's standing in the
field of radio energy have, and it could easily have been that somewhere in
many projects, someone was trying to see if you could hypnotize somebody
easier if he was standing in a radio beam. ...I would remind you that the
problem of radio waves and what it does to people is [an] extremely current
interest in connection with events in an important embassy overseas now.
There is great concern about that."



Chapter Six

The history of science, the military, corporations and government
involvement from the 1940s up to today. Classified military research was
used to fight the cold war. It can be seen how mind control technology could
be developed out of the public eye and with the support of top officials.
Teams of elite scientists were used to tackle military problems. The
Cybernetics Group, Brain Research Institute, the Institute for Defense
Analysis and their JASON Group and also their Golden Fleece Group are a few
examples given below. Prominent scientists were given military funding
generated by the race to surpass the Russians.

By looking at the nature of the scientific military organizations which
sponsor Manhattan Projects, the origins of mind control research can be
found. This is the point of this lengthy but very interesting information.
Atomic bomb research and mind control research do follow a similiar pattern.
The same corporations, military offices, scientist's names and leading
officials are repeatedly found in several different sources listed below.
Radiation and mind control experiments occurred in the cold war era within
the same bureaucracy.

McDougall, Walter.(1985)The Heavens and the Earth. Basic Books.

"...the AAF, however, turned to is new advisory body, the RAND Corporation,
for an independent opinion on the prospect and value of an earth satellite.
...the USAF also assigned RAND the task of "continuing studies of the
potential military utility of earth satellites-including work on the use of
such devices for cold war politico-psychological advantage for
communications and for purposes of observation." ...In March 1954 Eisenhower
summoned the Office of Defense Mobilization's Science Advisory Committee and
apprised its members of the growing danger faced by the United States....It
was imperative that the best minds in the country attend to the
technological problem of preventing another Pearl Harbor. The result was the
Technological Capabilities Panel(TCP) Report, or "Killian report," ...Its
authors included James F. Killian, later president of Bell Labs,...Edwin H.
Land, inventor of the Polaroid camera ...and over forty scientists and
engineers. Reporting to the NSC in a "full-dress" secret session, The
Killian panel presented ... ...Eisenhower had commissioned another
top-secret strategic review. Entrusted to H. Rowan Gaither, Jr., of the Ford
Foundation, who fell ill, it was completed under Robert C. Sprague a veteran
consultant from the Killian panel) and such luminaries as William C. Foster,
John J. McCloy, Frank Stanton of CBS, and Jerome Wiesner. They reported ...a
crash program on R & D for defensive systems, a national fallout shelter
program costing upward of $25 billion,... ...Spy satellites proved
successful beyond the most sanguine expectations of laymen(what Edwin Land
and the technicians expected is unknown). ...During the same weeks the
Kennedy transition team eagerly polled scientist, academic, and military and
civilian strategists for their views on the shape of things to come ...
...By New Year's 1961,two U.S. spy satellite programs verged on brilliant
success. Thanks to the energetic advocacy of Richard M. Bissell, Jr., of the
CIA,... ...The International Telecommunications Convention of 1973, which
possesses treaty status, regulated the use of comsats and radio frequencies.
...By 1963 the government supplied 88 percent of the entire Caltech budget,
66 percent of MIT's 59 and 56 percent of the

University of Chicago's and Princeton's and a 25 percent chunk of Harvard's
and Stanford's.

Buderi, Robert.(1996). The Invention that Changed the World: How a Small
Group of Radar Pioneers Won the Second World War and Launched a
Technological Revolution.Simon and Schuster. Pg. 470.

"...For starters, with some two thirds of national defense contract R&D
dollars going to sixty-eight corporations, and an astonishing 40 percent to
only ten companies,... ...Roosevelt died before [Vannevar]Bush completed the
Document ...Science-The Endless Frontier on to Harry Truman. It was a land
mark document that formed a focal point in a lengthy congressional debate
over the best method for distributing federal research funds and ensuring
the scientific, technical, and economic prosperity of the Nation. ...The
stalemate continued until a compromise was reached in early 1950.
...Capitalizing on their five-year head start, the armed services, led by
the Office of Naval Research, became the main supporters of academic
research and NSF's strength was diluted further by the emergence of the
Atomic Energy Commission and NASA as additional funding sources."

Brown, Anthony Cave.(1982).Wild Bill Donovan. The Last Hero. Times Books.
Pg. 802.

"...In 1948 Donovan was to find out for himself how weak the CIA had become.
That year the secretary of defense, James Forestal, invited him to serve on
a small secret committee consisting of Dr. Vannevar Bush, Admiral Sidney
Souers, and General Alfred M. Gruenther, to study the problems of defense
against unconventional attack against the United states , including
clandestine attack employing biological weapons, ..The subject was divided
into seven subjects for investigation: ...4. Certain special applications of
psychological warfare(i.e., thought control or special mode, as it was

Becker, Robert O. & Selden, Gary.(). Body Electric. "The establishment's
attitude toward EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) health effects are based on
the work of Herman Schwan. Schwan was a professor in Germany during most of
the Nazi era, who was admitted to the U.S. in 1947 and accepted a job at the
University of Pennsylvania doing most of his research for the DOD(Department
of Defense)." Editor's note. Many scientists such as Dr. Schwan may have had
a "need to know" security clearance. This is important to keep in mind
because there are many examples of scientists working on parts of classified
projects without knowing the whole picture.

Kaplan, Fred.(1983). Wizards of Armageddon. Simon & Schuster.

Pg. 189. "In 1949, a group of six Institute professors, including Bernard
Brodie and Kaufmann, was hired by the social science division of the RAND
Corporation in Santa Monica to do part-time work analyzing psychological

Kaplan, Fred.(1960?). Scientists at War The Birth of The Rand Corporation.
American Heritage.

Pg. "By the Fall of 1947 the RAND staff had grown to one hundred and fifty.
For anyone interested in some vague combination of mathematics, science,
international affairs, and national security, RAND offered an ideal setting.
There was an intense intellectual climate but no teaching obligations or
boring faculty meetings. There was access to military secrets but no
military officers from whom to take direct orders."

Szulc, Tad.(1975, Dec.). The Mind Readers and Other Tales of Science Fiction
Research by the Pentagon's Think Tank. Washington Monthly. Editor's note.
This article found in a very important congressional hearing, a must read.
Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary US
Senate.(1976)Surveillance Technology Policy and Implications: An Analysis
and Compendium of Materials. Pg.1036.

"...As matters now stand, scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology to the University of California and a dozen other famous schools
are involved in ARPA research. Some of these scientists belong to a highly
exclusive, informal group known as the "Golden Fleece," men and women picked
in the late 1950s by the Pentagon-funded Institute for Defense Analysis for
some of the most esoteric and complex defense research. ARPA, upon its birth
in 1958, immediately received the benefit of the talents of these "Jasons,"
as they are still called. ARPA officials says that some 20 "Jasons"-an
elite, informal, almost secret group-are still at its disposal. Over the
years, the "Jasons" have been holding quiet brainstorming sessions at
hideaways around the country to feed ARPA ideas."

Science Against the People. Berkeley Sespa. The Story of Jason-The Elite
Group of Academic Scientists who, as Technical Consultants to the Pentagon,
have Developed the Latest Weapon Against Peoples' Liberation Struggles:
"Automated Warfare."(1972) Pg. 3. "At the end of World War II many of the
country's leading scientists, who had been involved in such war research as
the atomic bomb and radar, left full-time government work and returned to
the college campuses . The military, of course, did not want to lose all
this valuable talent. In addition to it's own "in-house" laboratories, the
Defense Department sought to establish ongoing consulting liaison with
first-rate scientists. At first this service was obtained through the RAND
corporation and some scientific advisory committees attached directly to the
Pentagon; some scientist also consulted for industrial corporations working
on defense contracts.

The industrial consulting jobs did extremely well, but the scientists
involved felt that they were not close enough to the center of power to
influence policy decisions. On the other hand, scientists in Washington
often felt restricted by the particular government agency they consulted for
and also found the government consulting fee scales to be very low.
Therefore, the idea of a new, independent research and consulting
organization arose: This was the Institute for Defense Analyses, IDA. Set up
nominally as a private, non-profit corporation, IDA worked on the basis of
contracts with the Pentagon for particular research problems of interest to
the military. IDA could determine its own salary scales and it hoped to
attract high calibre scientists with the promise of considerable "freedom"
of their choice of problem to be worked on. A group of the very brightest
young scientists was recruited into a sub-group of IDA called Jason. The
whole success of this enterprise depended upon establishing it as a mark of
highest prestige to be invited into this elite group. IDA's Cold-War
Ideology. The original political-philosophical outlook of IDA and Jason was
boldly stated in terms of cold-war ideology. Their literature of ten years
ago told of the creation of IDA as arising from "the inescapable realization
that International Communism is imperialistic in nature and that its goal is
no less than world domination." ..."Jason and the "McNamara Fence"

The most detailed public account of Jason's contribution to the Vietnam War
is contained in the Pentagon Papers: the 1966 Jason summer study which gave
birth to a new form of technological warfare, now known as the automated, or
electronic battlefield. ...Early in 1966, a clique of Harvard-MIT scientists
with high level connections in Washington persuaded Defense Secretary Robert
McNamara to sponsor a special study on "technical possibilities in relation
to our military operations in Vietnam." With this prompting, McNamara
formally requested the scientist to look into the feasibility of "a fence
...warning systems, defoliation techniques and area denial weapons." This
special scientific study group was assembled under the auspices of the Jason
Division of IDA, the group of 47 scientists represented "the cream of the
scholarly community in technical fields"..."a group of America's most
distinguished scientists, men who had helped the government produce many of
its most advanced technical weapons systems since the end of the Second
World War, men who were not identified with the vocal academic criticism of
the Administration's Vietnam policy." This Jason study group met during the
summer of 1966, starting off with a series of briefings by high officials
from the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency, the State Department and
the White House. They were given access to secret materials. ...thus we are
drawn to conclude that the clique of top-level scientific advisors were
instrumental not only in initiating the electronic battlefield ideas(1966),
not only in helping the implementation of the system in Vietnam(1968), but
also in extending this new warfare system to a world-wide capability(1970).

 ...The technological wing of the military-industrial complex does not
necessarily win wars. We have seen that it certainly can help prolong them.
...Since most Jason work is highly classified, and it is customary to keep
secret the titles and even the very existence of most highly classified
reports, we can conclude that this information represents only the tip of
the iceberg. ...One of the distant branches of the sensor development has
been described by Joseph A. Meyer, a computer specialist working for the
National Security Agency and funded by the Department of Defense ("Crime
Deterrence Transponder Systems", IEEE Transactions AES-7 no. 1, January
1971): "A transponder surveillance system is based on three ideas. First,
parolees, bailees, or recidivists will each carry a small radio transponder,
which cannot be removed, as a condition of their release. This transponder
will emit a radio signal which gives a positive and unique identification.
Second, a network of surveillance transceivers will interrogate transponders
in a neighborhood.

Third, a realtime computer will receive the transponder reports, update
location and tracking inventories for each subscriber, and control the
surveillance process. Every subscriber must be accounted for at all times.
...For urban areas, a mesh of transceivers would scan the streets,
communicating with central computers to provide a public surveillance
network." Meyer goes on to discuss special problems: Harlem--"a high crime
area"; group actions and large-scale confrontations; juveniles;etc. [Here is
a list of Jason members, that were also mentioned elsewhere in this paper.]
Princeton University and Institute for Advanced Studies Freeman Dyson
...Kenneth Watson (Professor of Physics, UC, Berkeley) Watson was one of the
group that founded Jason in 1959. At first they were thinking of forming
their own private consulting company, but they finally decided to let IDA be
their business manager; This avoided the problem of profits (taxes). There
is usually a 6-week summer study session and then a couple of long weekend
meetings during the school year. Government people come and outline problems
they would like Jason to solve. Most of the work is for the Defense
Department. The purpose of Jason is to supply purely technical information
for the government; it is non-political. Jason has never taken a position on
any subject, as an organization. We are just a group of individuals... ...As
to his personal attitude about the military, he said that since it is an $80
billion budget he couldn't make a blanket statement.

Heims, Steve J.(1980). John von Neumann and Norbert Wiener. MIT.

Pg. 180. "While the high technology with which each was concerned led
directly to weapons development, it suggested incidentally to both men
similarities in principle between machines and organisms, particularly
parallels between high technology and the human nervous system."

Pg. 275. "In May 1953 von Neumann assumed the chairmanship of the nuclear
weapons panel of the Scientific Advisory Board of the US Air Force...In May
1954, von Neumann had occasion to make a list of all the organizations to
which he was a consultant, twenty-one in all, mostly government
organizations but also some private companies. The latter included the
Standard Oil Company, IBM Ramo-Wooldrigdge, the Rand Corporation.

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