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Archimedes Plutonium Archimedes Plutonium
Pragmatic links: Hotmail login Yahoo login
Pragmatic Links : One Business Summary . Two individual quotes.  Three stock
group quotes.
Science news I browse: Science News and Scientific American and New Scientist
and Scienceand Dejanews
History of this website: Mr. David Jonsson's Elektromagnum index (a science
The location of *   my autobiography and stock market history
This website contains all of the new physics, science and engineering work of
Archimedes Plutonium. The layout of this website is the Beginning section
with the hard core sciences listed as physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy,
and mathematics. That is a ranking based on two criteria, one of subset and
another of ability to verify truth of claims within the science. Then comes
the Middle section which is applied hard core science or engineering. And
finally is the End section of soft sciences listed as to closest-relationship
to one another. Note that the start of this website is the Atom Totality
theory and the end of this website is sci.religion which is apt, for think of
the website rankings not as linear but as a circle coming back around. So we
start with the hard core most general of all sciences and the most easily
verified of all sciences-- physics and like a circle we come around to the
worship of physics in sci.religion. Below in chemistry I have a circular
periodic table, so think of the rankings on this website as sci.physics at
the top and coming full circle back around is sci.religion which is basically
the worship of physics since God is 231Pu and the best bible is the best most
up-to-date physics textbook.
Beginning section arranged in following order (1) physics (2) chemistry (3)
biology (4) astronomy with geology and geography as subsets (5) logic and

PHYSICS: Theory of Everything  _My_ photograph from Halliday & Resnick
textbook PHYSICS, Part 2, Extended Version , 1986, of page 572. That is a
picture of one electron. Those many white dots is called an electron cloud.
Although the dots are too dense, way way too dense to visualize them as
individual galaxies of the night sky, it was this picture that facilitated my
discovery of the Atom Totality theory. Go look at the night sky on a clear
night and see those white dots that are galaxies and stars. I replaced those
dots of the electron cloud with stars and galaxies. I have never seen a
picture of what the night sky looks like when only white dots represent
galaxies and not stars from our own Milky Way Galaxy. In my picture of the
5f6 of 231Pu I tried to show the night sky as a mix of constellations and
stars such as Sirius and Betelgeuse, but I wonder what a picture of the night
sky northern hemisphere where each white dot represents only one galaxy, what
such a picture would look like?

*   001 A picture introduction to the ONE ATOM PLUTONIUM EVERYTHING UNIVERSE,
*   002 PLUTONIUM ATOM TOTALITY Universe theory: physics characteristics
*   003 Purpose of Life; Superdeterminism; Darwin evolution replaced with
*   004 ATOM TOTALITY UNIVERSE: Historical hints to the Atom Totality theory
*   005 Proving the Actinide Atom Totality theory is true
Lowest entities of a science and foundations of that science

*   006 Lowest things of physics; foundation of physics
*   007 Quantum Mechanics is based on tri-ality, not duality
*   008 Lowest things of biology; foundation of biology
*   009 Lowest things of mathematics; foundation of math
*   010 Lowest things of sociology; foundation
*   011 Lowest things of psychology; foundation
Nuclear Physics and the strong-nuclear force
Strong Nuclear Force = Hydrogen Atom Systems HYASYS theory

*   012 Strong Nuclear Force = Hydrogen Atom Systems
*   013 Experimental Proof of HYASYS: Proton-Antiproton deflections (quark
Particle Physics Zoo = Excited Atom Systems = ZOOEASY theory

*   014 ZOOEASY theory is Excited State Atom; history of
*   015 ZOOEASY theory explains the particles of the particle physics zoo
Fusion Barrier Law

*   016 -my history- of discovery of Fusion Barrier Law
*   017 Fusion Electricity Barrier Law
*   018 Fusion Electricity Barrier Law; deciding experiment of
Antimatter-Matter Reactor
*   019 Fusion Barrier Law connected to Bose-Einstein Condensate BEC and
superconductivity highest temperature
*   020 history of supporting experimental evidence in favor of the Fusion
Barrier Law from 1999 onwards
*   021 Observable Universe has a lowest temperature limit, but also has a
highest temperature limit; an upper boundary of temperature
*   021b Farming/Agriculture based on petroleum spends more than it produces;
analogous to fusion
Electromagnetism and the electromagnetic force
revising Maxwell Equations; electromagnetism revised

*   022 Neutrinolizing the Maxwell Equations, 1 photon=2neutrinos; neutrino
Rest Mass
*   023 Levels of organization from Maxwell Equations Astro-body = Electric
Motor theory
*   024 Knot theory as the math helper for the internal structure of physics
particles such as photons, electrons etc
force of Gravity unified with Quantum Mechanics

*   025 Geometry-Breaking or Spontaneous-Geometry-Breaking; unification of
gravity to Quantum Mechanics
*   026 relationship of odd numbers summation = squares; Gravity;
Geometry-Breaking; organization of mathematics itself
*   027 The conic sections of Riemannian geometry and Lobachevskian geometry
*   028 the Adic Numbers (p or n) form cones of Conic-Section-Systems
*   029 General Relativity (GR) is a fake theory, an algorithm at best:
superfluid helium disproves GR
force of gravity is neutrino flipping; unification of gravity with EM; Aether
is neutrinos; Space is neutrinos

*   030 gravity is neutrino flipping; unification of gravity to EM; Aether is
neutrinos; Space is an ocean of neutrinos ; the very fabric of space is
Electromagnetism and Superconductivity

*   031 Highest temperature superconductor related to 2/3 breakeven Fusion
Barrier Law
*   032 Superconductivity connected to fusion; maximum temperature limit is
178 degrees Kelvin
Spring theory = the wave nature of matter

*   033 PHYSICS: Mass is just a spring. Spring Theory and SuperSpring Theory
*   034 PHYSICS: Spring Theory and SuperSpring Theory
*   035 Lowest physics is atoms; lowest Wave nature is spring; lowest Math
numbers are Reals, Adics, and Doubly Infinites; lowest biology is nucleic
acids+amino acids
*   036 PHYSICS: p-adics essential to physics
Michelson Aether Experiment is equivalent to the EPR-Bell-Aspect Experiment

*   036b PHYSICS: Michelson Aether Experiment is equal to the EPR-Bell-Aspect
Experiment(multiply a factor)
new revised laws of thermodynamics; 2nd law of thermodynamics is missing a
term; longitudinal waves = sound = heat = gravity

*   037 incomplete 2nd law of thermodynamics
*   038 longitudinal waves = sound = heat = gravity
*   039 nuclear 2nd law thermodynamics and the Fusion Barrier law
*   040 knot theory is the lowest simple machine in thermodynamics
 My photograph of a picture from the book VAN NOSTRAND's SCIENTIFIC
ENCYCLOPEDIA, 1995, page 2376. The caption below the picture reads: --- Fig.2
Polar representation of periodic relationship of the elements. (Source:
Omnibix, USA) At upper right is shown the conventional representation. --- It
is my guess that the periodic elements can only be wrongly represented in
Euclidean flat space but that a circular, a Riemannian space is needed to
accurately and truthfully represent the periodic table of elements. That some
factor such as cosmic abundance for each element, or isotope when considered
in a periodic chart would not make sense if the chart were Euclidean flat
space. Euclidean flat space is the usual way of portraying the Chemical
Elements. But it is my guess based on the Motaatom harmonics that a
logarithmic spiral with a neutron in the center spiraling out through
hydrogen then helium, encompassing all the isotopes, that with this added
number factor of cosmic abundance that each isotope and thus element has a
area of that logarithmic spiral that is exact, with no gaps and no holes and
exact and even depicting the lining-up of chemical homologs. My guess is that
space itself is fitted exactly with an exact proportion of isotopes and that
if the universe say had one atom of silver too much in proportion to the
other elements , then the universe could not exist. We are a long way off in
writing a accurate Chart of the Chemical Elements and my guess is that when
we get closer to the truth, that Chart will be in the form of a logarithmic
spiral, perhaps 3-dimensional and it will be connected to some numbers
particular to the isotope 231PU. (Lastly, the two pictures on this webpage
are spherical.)

*   041 Characteristics (superlatives) of the Chemical Elements and a
Definitive Naming of all of the Chemical Elements and Isotopes

*   042 Motaatom Harmonic Oscillators; prediction of cosmic abundance of
*   043 Motaatom Harmonic Oscillators; LINEAR based as all laws of physics are

*   044 Superconductor formula: Highest temperature superconductor atomic
bonds = geometry
Quantum Mechanics Superdeterminism destroys Darwin Evolution

*   045 the fakery that is Darwin Evolution theory
*   046 Theory of Biological Evolution from Darwin onwards is an algorithm at
best; Quantum Mechanics disproves evolution theory
*   047 Further experiments that prove Darwin Evolution to be a fake
*   048 Theory of Biological Evolution Strange Matter like teleology comes in
only two flavors-- all or none
*   049 Colors of Green Plants proves Atom Totality is plutonium
*   050 New theory: Number of species ever increases with time
*   051 New Methodology for biology experiments and research;
invent-duplicate the disease in question
*   052 Volume-of-Space linked to structure on species genome

*   053 Biogenesis, first life from high energy particle physics; either
Sonoluminescence experiment or CERN type accelerator or the Fly's Eye Cosmic
Particle Detector or some other will evince that life is in physics high
energy particles
*   054 Accelerators such as CERN in the future will be used to create life,
biophysics, and to analyze the DNA/RNA of a photon = 2 neutrinos thereby
revising the Maxwell Equations where 1 photon = 2 neutrinos.
*   055 DNA/RNA are less perfect photons
*   056 Unification of biology with physics; life on Mars
*   057 linking physics concept of time with biology theory-of-errors for
*   058 Theory that no individual will live forever, no eternal youth
*   059 Theory that every species must go extinct, or not??
*   060 Theory that viruses and humanity are the only two Extinctors
*   061 unification of amino acids with nucleic acid (E field + B field of
*   062 Biology is predominantly the wave-nature of physics over the
particle-nature of physics
*   063 Light waves are the bridge between biology and physics in that Light
Wave = perfect DNA
more advanced alien lifeforms in the universe; possibilities of

*   064 Pulsars are the intergalactic and interstellar communication means by
advanced aliens
*   065 First Exoplanet reported as a pulsar; hence advanced alien life
superior design -> mass extinctions theory
*   066 Superdeterminism implies Life Progression which implies ever
increasing Superior Design
*   067 Concept of atom being "alive"
*   068 Conservation of Biomass relates to new species introduction
anthropology; anthropological research

*   069 Anthropology with respect to Atom Totality
physiology & anatomy cell communication and metabolism

*   070 PHYS: theory-of-errors = aging
theory of the mind
*   071 How the brain and mind work
*   072 tests for the brain locus theory

*   073 Growing Earth theory; Dirac's 'new radioactivity'
growing solar system theory

*   074 Growing Solar System theory, RSNM and EM explain Asteroid belt
*   075 Growing Solar System theory, CellWell1 & CellWell2
*   076 Growing Solar System theory; Jupiter conjoinment with gas giants
*   077 Growing Solar System theory; Sun2, Mercury2,Venus2,Earth2,Mars2,
Asteroid belt2
*   078 Growing Solar System theory; supporting new data
*   079 fact that twin + compound stars comprise roughly 90% of
*   080 Titius-Bode formula is a primitive Balmer spectral-line formula
*   081 Tifft galaxy spacing to Titius-Bode spacing to the spectral line
spacing of 231PU
*   082 ExoPlanets 'Hot Jupiters' support Growing Solar System theory
*   083 Mars rock with life ; first proof that inner planets are 20.2 billion
years old
growing galaxies theory

*   084 Growing Galaxies into Galactic structures of EM organization
*   085 Astro body = Electric Motor theory
chimeras & antiscience in astronomy

*   086 No neutron stars exist; what pulsars really are
*   087 Neutron stars violate Uncertainty principle
*   088 What quasars really are
*   089 Black holes do not exist
*   090 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation is blackbody and uniform
because space is electron space
*   091 What the Great Attractor really is ?
*   092 Pressure to falsify the age of the Universe
*   093 Mounting evidence against the Dust Cloud Nebula theory of solar
system origin
*   094 New Explanation for Jupiter's Red Spot
geology's most famous scientific experiment

*   095 geology experiment to determine Equation-of-State of the
crust-mantle-core forces
*   096 geology experiment for other planet's Equation-of-State
*   097 Mediterranean Sea deepness anamoly implies Growing Earth theory
geography, or the science of Earth's surface

*   098 Designer Geography; optimize Hydro Electric plus life
*   099 Designer Geography; optimize temperate climate
Math Logic

*   100 the finest Syllogisms ever discovered
*   101 Physics corrects mathematics
*   102 Physics corrects and overhauls the axioms of mathematics

*   103 Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem FLT; Naturals Numbers = Adic Integers
= Infinite Integers
*   104 Plutonium Integers; Natural Numbers = Infinite Integers
*   105 the generalized FLT
*   106 Euclid's Infinitude of Primes proof; corrected
*   107 The Axiom of Choice
*   108 Space = Numbers; Riem geom = Doubly Infinites; Loba geom = All-adics;
Eucl geo = Reals/Complex
*   109 Analytical Riemannian Geometry; Analytical Loba Geom
*   110 Direct proof method versus Indirect
*   111 The Imprecision that is the 4 Four Color Mapping Problem. The
Precision that is the 4 operators in 2d-Eucl-Plane and 8 operators in
*   112 Proof of the Kepler Packing Problem
*   113 Two Proofs of Goldbach Conjecture in Whole Reals
*   114 Proof of Infinitude of Perfect Whole Real Numbers
*   115 Proof that 1 is the only Odd Perfect Positive Whole Real
*   116 Proof of the Erdos problems where Naturals = Adics Integers =
Infinite Integers, provided the problem is a genuine problem and makes sense;
otherwise, Erdos problem in Whole Reals-- subset of Reals
*   117 Proof of the Infinitude of Twin Primes in Whole Reals
*   118 Sham that is Cantor hierarchy of infinities; Reals cardinality = the
cardinality of the Naturals; Continuum Hypothesis Joke
*   119 Fakery that is the Goedel Incompleteness theorem
*   120 Proof that there exists 3 and only 3 Geometries; 3 and only 3
*   121 Number of types of Operators relates to Geometry
*   122 Linking 3 different things into one: math operators, logical
quantifers, and symmetry rotations
*   123 NP Conjecture
*   124 Fusion Barrier Law; Dirac Equation, is it Quaternions or Clifford
*   125 two proofs of the Riemann Hypothesis
*   126 Proof of the Poincare Conjecture
*   127 conquering chess
*   128 chess; optimal strategy OS
*   129 New Mini-Max theorems

Middle section is engineering and applied sciences

*   130 ENG: 1st patent; RSNM, Radioactive Spontaneous Neutron
Materialization Devices
*   131 ENG: 2nd patent; Superconductivity
*   132 Clonor Corporation
*   133 ENG: 3rd patent; Cloning Humans
*   134 ENG: 4th patent; Cancer Alzheimer Parkinson Prion Disease Treatments
*   135 ENG: 5th patent; Sonoluminescence engineering to make a natural
*   136 Limits of Engineering Theory (LET)
*   137 Harvest Project to make new Earths and to extend humanity's home to
the entire Solar System itself
*   138 PHYSICS of soft-landing astro bodies
*   139 ENG: 6th patent; Velcro Electrical Connector
*   140 ENG: 7th patent; Carbon-fiber-human-skeleton
*   141 IHTER: optimal maximum Hydro-electricity+life
*   142 IHTER: redesigning Earth's geography
*   143 Tugboat Spacecraft, not nukes, as the foundation for the moving of
astro bodies
*   144 Experimental Miniature Matter-Antimatter Reactor
*   145 combining electricity line with telephone line into one
*   146 world's best current mouse trap identified
*   147 -my historical- engineering schedule

*   148 giving a science precise definition of the concepts of "disease" and
"poison/toxic" and "mutation" and "hereditary" and "infection"
*   149 virtually all diseases are caused by DNA/RNA particle missile
*   150 metal ions play a major role in Prion disease
*   151 -my history- of prion disease theory
*   152 unification of Prion diseases and Alzheimers disease
*   153 prion is the sickle cell disease of proteins
*   154 prion is an autoimmune disease of proteins
*   155 prion protein function beginning to be known
*   156 medical subject of virus/fungus/bacteria remains/parts as the disease
causing agent
*   157 new methodology for disease research
*   158 the concept of disease well-defined
*   159 news on human cloning

End section is the soft-sciences, the sciences oriented on humans, and the
ordering is from more general to less general. The last science, sci.religion
links up with the first and largest science- physics. Everything relates and
is a result of the fact that the universe is one atom of 231Pu.
science structure of sociology

*   160 Thermodynamics framework derives all the laws/theories of Sociology
*   161 Sociology theory: Sociological Mathematical Induction Analogy plus
Kant's Categorical Imperative = History of the future
*   162 The Mechanism of Desire stems from the paleontological rootstook of
the desire for "good food + sex"
*   162b Practical application of theory that history-is-physics and repeats
in large-parts-in-blocks
HISTORY because of Superdeterminism, history is physics

*   163 Course of human history is a unfolding science physics notebook
*   164 applying math to history of superpower nations
*   165 the analogy repeat of the set WW1+WW2
*   166 guess-predict the first US female president
Archaeology the most famous archaeological scientific research

*   167 Archaeology: waterwheels and the Roman superpowerdom; Power
Engineering parallels superpowerdom
*   168 historical progression of every important invention; archeology's
biggest research project
Political Science

*   169 Corporations rule Earth
*   170 UN of Corporations
*   171 Rules of Political Power Systems
*   172 overpopulation
*   172b overpopulation: the root cause of nearly all wars
*   172c overpopulation: humanities biggest problem of the 21st century
*   173 Landmass Variable in Superpowerdom theory
*   174 Proximity variable, energy factor in politics
*   175 Uranium tied with superpower
*   176 statehood vying is the 21st century geopolitics
*   177 two-party-system the best politics of 20th century
*   178 defining superpowerdom
*   179 Superpowerdoms and the importance of Seas/Navies and in the future--
outer space
*   180 Temperate-climate variable in Superpowerdom theory
*   181 Euro-dollar; European Union as a challenge to US superpowerdom and
what to do
*   182 Ally-formation
*   183 future trend of regional block voting

*   184 Rules of War, Manual of War
*   185 missiles the ultimate for 20th century
*   186 US policy on terrorism
*   187 War Attractors; Sarajevo of WW1+WW2

*   188 currency and politics
*   189 Linkage-taxes for Stock Market
*   190 averting or ameliorating Great Depression II
*   191 when a Co-op structure is superior to a Corporation structure
*   192 the prescence of monopolies such as Microsoft; what to do about them
*   193 Optimal Strategy (OS) for Playing the Stock Market
*   194 Optimal Strategy (OS) for playing poker
*   195 Optimal Strategy (OS) for Real Estate
*   196 Commoditilization of Real Estate

*   197 ever higher goal building theory plus corollary
*   198 Life's fallacies; fallacies of education/understanding
*   199 rating educational institutions

*   200 communications

*   201 language

*   202 poetry

*   203 music

*   204 defining art and the theory of art
*   205 comparing the death-throes of rectangular painting art with the
death-throes of the subject of philosophy

*   206 designing the world's most beautiful building

*   207 science of entertainment: acting/ drama/dance/humour and many more

*   208 legal system as it relates to Atom Totality

*   209 science of work/job/occupation
science of management; business; leadership styles

*   210 science of management

*   211 science of manners/etiquette

*   212 science of love-hate

*   213 Philosophy systems that have strands of truth in them are science
*   214 Pragmatism is the only surviving field of philosophy
*   215 Optimal Strategy (OS) of Life/Living
Science of Religion

*   216 Religion is first exploratory physics: description of God: God is
*   217 church spires invented soon after the pressed-hand-prayer
*   218 lesser gods that are the Neutron Gods, Proton Gods, and Electron Gods
*   219 Heaven is the Nucleus of 231Pu
*   220 symmetry of the 5f6, the observable universe, a six-fold symmetry
*   221 bible of any given time instant is the best available physics textbook

*   222 List of 10 Virtues
*   223 Prayer
*   224 Reincarnation a reality in Atom Totality; what the soul is
*   225 Greek Gods System of religion more complex or simplier than
*   226 First scientific proof for the existence of a superentity (God)
*   227 more supporting evidence for the existence of a superentity (God)
*   228 Windows/Portals to the Lord Almighty is Nucleosynthesis
Note: Archimedes Plutonium takes 100% responsibility and liability for all
material appearing on this website. One example, the quoting of copyright
material of science magazines or books with regard to the blurred distinction
of fair law usage. Internet blurrs the distinction of fair law usage of
quoting. It was never really clear to me in the first place.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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