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Click Here: <A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:615469">Bob Marley & the
Doctor from Auschwitz</A>
Subject: Bob Marley & the Doctor from Auschwitz
From: Alexi Dubois <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>
Date: Fri, May 12, 2000 4:23 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: The Covert War Against Rock,
by Alex Constantine,
Published by Feral House, 2000
(Soon available at Amazon and better bookstores everywhere.)

     Marley consulted physicians in Miami, briefly returned to
Sloan-Kettering, then Jamaica, where he met with Dr. Carl "Pee Wee"
Fraser, recommended to him by fellow Rastafarians. Dr. Fraser advised
that Marley talk to Dr. Josef Issels, a "holistic comprehensive
immunotherapist" then practicing at the Ringberg Clinic in
Rottach-Egern, a small Bavarian village located at the southern end of
Tegernsee Lake. Marley traveled to Bavaria and checked into the clinic.
     Dr. Issels met him, looked him over and allowed, without naming
sources, 3I hear that you1re one of the most dangerous black men in the
     The portrait offered by publicity releases from the Issels
Foundation is imposing enough: Dr. Issels, born in 907, founded the
first hospital (financed by the estate of Karl Gischler, a Dutch
shipping magnate2) in Europe for comprehensive immunotherapy of cancer
in 1951. "He was the Medical Director and Director of Research."
     All well and good, perhaps ... until it is considered that by this
time Dr. Issels was 44 years old. There is a gap in his bona-fidés. His
medical career did not begin in 1951. During WW II, Dr. Issels could be
found plying his "research" skills in Poland, at the Auschwitz
concentration camp, working with Dr. Joseph Mengele, no less, according
to several of the Wailers who have investigated the German 3alternative2
practitioner1s past. Bob Marley, the racial enemy of right-wing
extremists everywhere, placed his life in the hands of a Nazi doctor,
Mengele1s protegé, an accomplice of the "Angel of Death" in horrific
medical atrocities committed against racial "subhuman" minorities.
     Lew-Lee recalls that Marley rejected conventional cancer
treatments, "wanted to do anything but turn to Western medicine. This
may have been a mistake, maybe not. Dr. Issels said that he could cure
Bob. And they cut Bob1s dreadlocks off. And he was getting all of this
crazy, crazy medical treatment in Bavaria. I know this because Ray Von
Evans, who played in Marley1s group, we were very close friends. Bob was
receiving these medical treatments, and Ray would come by every two or
three months ‹  1979-80 ‹ and told me: 3Yeah, mon,they1re killing Bob.
They are KILLING Bob.2 I said, 3What do you mean Œthey are killing
Bob?12 3No, no, mon,2 he said. 3Dis Dr. Issels, he1s a Nazi!2  We found
out later that Dr. Issels was a Nazi doctor. And he had worked with Dr.
     Dr. Issels would then be one of scores of Nazi practitioners to
escape the attention of the Nuremberg Tribunal. Michael Kater, a
professor of history at York University in Canada, found that physicians
of the Hitler period were steeped in Nazi racial doctrines at medical
school, and that many of them continued to practice undisturbed by war
crime tribunals: "it was in a conventional medical culture infiltrated
from one side by a science alienated from humanity and from another by
charlantry that young physicians in the Third Reich were raised to learn
and prepare for practice, with many predestined to practice after 1945."4
     Dr. Issels first offered his alternative cancer therapies in this
atmosphere of ruthlessness and quackery. In the 1930s, chronic cancer
patients consulted Dr. Issels and received his experimental "combination
therapy," a regimen of diet, homeopathic remedies, vitamins, exercise
and detoxification, among other holistic approaches to healing. (Today
his clinic offers training in cancer immunization vaccines, UV blood
irradiation, oxygen and ozone therapy, 3biological dentistry2 (pulling
teeth), immune  elicitation by mixed bacterial vaccine, blood heating,
The medical establishment, particularly in the UK, has long objected to
some of his therapies. Gordon Thomas, a former BBC producer, discovered
that Issels was arrested in September, 1960. The warrant stated, 3the
accused claims to treat ... cancer.... In fact [he] has neither reliable
diagnostic methods nor a method to treat cancer successfully. It is
contended [that] he is aware of the complete ineffectiveness of the
so-called ... tumor treatment.2 The arrest warrant noted that Issels was
a flight risk, that 3he had prepared for all contingencies by depositing
huge amounts in foreign banks.25
     Marley was placed on a regimen of exercise, vaccines (some
illegal), ozone injections, vitamin and trace minerals, and other
alternative treatments. In this period, Dr. Issels also introduced
torture. Long needles were plunged through Marley1s stomach through to
the spine. The patient-victim was told that this was part of the
3treatment.2 The torture continued until Marley foundered on the brink
of death.
     Cedella Booker, his mother, visited him three times in the course
of the 3treatments.2 She found Dr. Issels to be an 3arrogant wretch2
with the 3gruff manners of a bully2 who subjected her dying son to his
bloodless brand of 3hocus-pocus2 medicine. Mrs. Booker: 3I myself
witnessed Issels1 rough treatment of Nesta [Marley]. One time I went
with Nesta to the clinic, and we settled down in a treatment room.
Issels came in and announced to Nesta, ŒI1m going to give you a
needle.12 Standing over Marley on the examination table, Issels 3plunged
the needle straight into Nesta1s navel right down to the syringe.
[Marley] grunted and winced. He could only lie there helplessly,
writhing on the table, trying his best to hide his pain. ŒJesus Christ,1
I heard myself mumbling.2 Issels yanked out the needle and strolled
casually out of the room. Marley was left groaning with pain. 3I went
and stood at his side and held his hand.26
     3With every visit,2 she recalls, 3I found him smaller, frailer,
thinner. As the months of dying dragged past, the suffering was etched
all over his face. He would fall into fits of shaking, when he would
lose all control and shiver from head to toe like a coconut leaf in a
breeze. His eyes would turn in his head, rolling in their sockets until
even the white jelly was quivering.27
     Marley1s torment was aggravated by starvation. 3For a whole week
sometimes,2 Booker laments, Marley 3would be allowed no nourishment
other than what he got intrtavenously. Constantly hungry, even starving
he wasted away to a skeleton. To watch my first-born shrivel up to skin
and bone ripped at my mother1s heart.2  Marley weighed 82 pounds on the
day of his death.8 The starvation diet must have devastated his immune
system and rushed his demise. It also caused him intense pain. 3It would
drag on so, for one long painful month after the other, and every day
would be a knife that death stabbed and twisted anew in an already open,
bleeding wound.2 The agony 3wrapped him up like a crushing snake.238
Starvation left Marley with a knotted intestine, and Dr. Issels was
forced to operate the clear the obstruction.
     The cancer finally claimed Marley on May 11, 1980. In Jamaica, the
20th was declared a national day of mourning, and Marley1s wake at the
National Arena was attended by some 30,000 people.

     1) Cedella Booker and Anthony Winkler, Bob Marley: An Intimate
Portrait by his Mother, New York: Viking, 1996, p. 191.
     2) "Josef M. Issels, MD," Issels Foundation release, Future
Medicine Publishing, Inc., November 7, 1997.
     3) Lew-Lee interview, October 30, 1997.
     4) Michael H. Kater, "Doctors Under Hitler,2 Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 1989, p. 235.
     5) Gary Null and Leonard Steinman, "Suppression of Alternative
Cancer Therapies: Dr. Joseph Issels," Penthouse, August, 1980, p. 186.
The article canonizes the late Dr. Issels with lavish praise founded
largely on the hostility of the medical establishment toward him. The
authors glance inexplicably over the German doctor1s activities during
the war years. Gary Null continues to consider Issels to be alternative
medicine1s answer to lee Salk. Null has endorsed the clinic in a
November, 1999 fundraising appearance on KCET, the PBS affiliate in Los
Angeles, and elsewhere.
     6) Ibid, p. 179.
     7) Ibid., pp. 189-91.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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