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FBI Files

The process of obtaining these files has been long and arduous. It began in
1995, and it is still far from over. I am convinced that nothing would have
happened yet without the help of Arkansas Congressman Vic Snyder and his
staff. Even with their help, the files I have received so far are incomplete,
and many of the pages that were sent have been heavily redacted. I have
appealed, seeking the complete release of all information that is presently
being denied for reasons pertaining to either the National Security Act of
1947 or the CIA Act of 1949.
    Barry Seal
Selected Files
All Documents

Kevin Ives
Don Henry
Selected Files
All Documents

The Mena Files
My Freedom of Information requests to the FBI pertain to two criminal
investigations. The first I filed was for records relating to investigations
of drug smuggling, gun running, or money laundering at Mena, Arkansas. That
was in 1995. A year later I was notified that the FBI had been able to locate
"no records pertaining to my request." I knew that was not true, in part
because five years earlier the FBI had already notified the Arkansas attorney
general, who had submitted a similar request, that it had 60 documents
containing 208 pages on Mena. The FBI had refused to release the files
because, it told the state’s attorney general, the case was still under
investigation. I wrote a column (which is posted on this site) pointing out
that either the FBI had destroyed some files between its responses to the
attorney general and me, or its response to one of us had not been the truth.

I continued to press my demand, and I began to copy my correspondence to the
Justice Department to the office of Congressman Snyder. Eventually, I
received a letter explaining that my request for information pertaining to
"gun running, drug smuggling and/or money laundering at Mena, Arkansas" could
not be properly processed because the FBI files its records under the names
of individuals or corporations who figure in their investigations. If
requiring subject names is, indeed, the DOJ’s policy, that policy is not
mentioned in the department’s published instructions for filing FOI requests.

They state that a request need only be "as specific as possible with regard
to names, dates, places, events, subjects, etc."

I amended my request, specifying that I wanted files on Rich Mountain
Aviation and Adler Berriman Seal. In 1997, I received approximately 34 pages
of files pertaining to Rich Mountain Aviation. Those pages were interesting
on several counts. First, chunks of them were blacked out. Second, they
revealed that RMA, in rural Arkansas, was the subject of a fraud
investigation by the Department of Defense relating to aircraft maintenance
contracts on islands in the South Pacific. Third, the records revealed that
Seal’s activities at Mena were the subject of "extensive Bureau
investigation," beginning in October, 1983. In one memo, the immunity he
received for his narcotics trafficking after his appearance before a Senate
House Subcommittee was referred to as "Seal’s ‘judicial blessing.’"

By now three years had passed since my Mena request was filed. As I
approached my publisher’s deadline for completing THE BOYS ON THE TRACKS,
Snyder’s office and I continued to press the FBI to release its files on
Seal. Just as the book was going into publication, I received a box
containing 488 pages of what the FBI said was a 721-page file on Seal. Over
the next several weeks, other pages trickled in. In all of them, most names
were blacked out, making the related information worthless. The explanation
given was that the deletions were to protect the privacy of those involved.

Of greater concern to me were deletions--sometimes of several pages--for
reasons attributed to the needs of national security or of the CIA. As I
mentioned, I am appealing for release of all information withheld for these
two reasons.

My rationale is simple. It is summed up most succinctly in a memo sent from
the FBI’s New Orleans office in August 1983, on the eve of his move to
Arkansas. The special agent in charge wrote: "Seal controls an international
smuggling organization which is extremely well organized and extensive." A
memo dated the following October described Seal as "a documented major
narcotics trafficker...." In light of the remarkable "judicial blessing" this
international narcotics trafficker received, it is not unreasonable for the
American public to seek the release of all records relating to him. What is
unreasonable is for the Department of Justice to try to withhold those
records, based on claims that such information might be harmful to national
security or to the CIA.

The Henry-and-Ives Files
In 1997, I submitted another FOI request to the FBI; this one pertaining to
its investigation into the deaths of Don Henry and Kevin Ives, the subjects
of THE BOYS ON THE TRACKS. I made the request on the tenth anniversary of the
boys’ murders after a peculiar interview with I.C. Smith, who was at the time
the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Little Rock office. Smith told me
that the FBI "probably" did not have jurisdiction to investigate the case;
that he was keeping control of it and keeping the file closed, nonetheless;
and that if I wanted to challenge that decision, I should do so in an FOI
request to FBI headquarters in Washington.

Not long after that, I received a form from the FBI stating that it had
located "no files" relating to either Don Henry or Kevin Ives. (You’ll find
these records posted.) No answers were offered to my questions about the
FBI’s jurisdiction in the case, considering that no federal crime had been
alleged. After publication of THE BOYS ON THE TRACKS, however, another reporte
r contacted Linda Ives, the mother of one of the victims, notifying her that
he too had submitted an FOI request to the FBI in the case, and--much to my
surprise--he had been provided with several documents.

I immediately wrote to both the FBI in Washington and the bureau’s office in
Little Rock, protesting my earlier notification that the FBI had found "no
records." Washington responded with another form, stating that my FOI request
had been received and assigning it a new number, ignoring the fact that I
already had a request on file.

I contacted Snyder, who again brought my complaints to FBI officials. In
response, I was finally notified in May 2000 that the FBI had located records
totaling almost 17,000 pages relating to Henry and Ives. Release of all of
them has now been requested.

Meanwhile, for anyone interested in the Seal documents, there are hundreds of
pages here for review. I post them in the hope that persons who know more
about some of these events than I will find information in them that may have
eluded me, or that, as other pieces of this puzzle come to light, some of the
pieces presented here may be seen in a different light. Mostly, though, I
post them because they are public records, they are important, and they were
so damn hard to get.

        Updated 5/21/00
please check back often

Train Deaths
Arkansas Times

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Selected FBI Files


Date Posted

Concerns of possible media coverage 5/21/00

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Cover letter, July 26, 1999     5/19/00

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National Security and the CIA cited for withholding documents

Cover Letter, August, 1998  5/19/00

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National Security and the CIA cited for withholding documents

Barry Seal's smuggling operation described  5/19/00

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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